001B6C86 'S?? iF y tllps lllps tllph fly 'al iifis, &9 8 aint rife cle IN term ning 'isso 's. Or Ind ing Ilier March 18, 1927. amnamnlnnnm P ERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Norman McLeod expect to be occupying their new house at Twenty-third and Mathers on 1st April. Mrs. Partington Sixteenth and Duchess, has purchased a lot on Twenty-third and Mathers. \ ~ n e Mr. and Mrs. H. Bradley and family, of Heywood and Twenty- fourth, are moving on 1st April to Mrs. Bellham's house on Twenty-fourth and Mathers. Mr. Hawkes has purchased a lot on the old Kinney property on King's between Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Streets, where he will build a house. Mrs. Jupp, Twentieth and In- glewood, gave a children's party at her home on Sathrday eve- ning. Mrs. G. Gemmill has purchased Mr. George Shepherd's house at Fifteenth and Esquimalt. Mr. and Mrs. Gemmill and family will be moving in next week. I Mr. J. N. Stratton, of Strat- ton's Bakery, has purchased a Ford truck chassis from the Marine Motors. The body will be built and painted by the Marine Motors. Mrs. Dorothy Gerrie is having a house built on the north side of Marine Drive at Nineteenth Street. a This winter in Southern Cali- fornia has apparently been far from pleasant, according to re- ports received from people who have winter&41 Ahere. In Los Angeles the deluge of rain tied up the street cars for four days and boats were used to get about the streets. West Vancouver Board of Trade The Regular Meeting will be held in the New Ambleside Hall On MONDAY Next March 21st, at 8 p.m. A full attendance is requested Mrs. Shieman and little son, of Smokey Lake, Alberta, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Berry, Twenty-first and Marina 1 West Vancouver L. O. L. No. 2990 had a very pleasant eve- ning on Tuesday, when they were entertained by the King Edward Lodge of Vancouver. A large number of members took part in this fraternal visit. It is the intention of the West Van- ~ couver lodge to hold an open meeting in the near future. 1 Mr. W. Ollason has rented his house, «Seaways," on the Water- front between Twenty-eighth and Twenty-ninth streets. o e ~ Mrs. Taylor, of Nicola Street, Vancouver, has taken a house at Twenty-third and Marine. ~ e Miss M. Cante, with her niece and nephew, has taken up resi- dence in West Vancouver. They are staying with Mrs. Gilham at Twentieth and Fulton. Miss Cante is dietitian for Vancouver city schools. Councillor Leyland is sporting a new Essex automobile. Miss Mary Cameron, of Caul- feild, entertained at a tea on Sunday afternoon in honor of Miss Muriel Evans, of Van- couver, who is shortly to be mar- 1'Ied. Mrs. G. E. Greenway and chil- dren are visitors to West Van- couver and are staying with Mrs. Greenway's mother, Mrs. Gleam, Twenty-sixth and Waterfront. It is expected they will remain for the summer. Mrs. McIntyre, sister of Mrs. J. D. Tait of West'Bay, is re- ceiving the sympathy and con- dolence of her friends in the loss of her son, who has just passed away in his third year. Mr. C. Waddingham, Fulton and Marine, has organized a new dance orchestra, which he is calling the West Van Dance Band. This band is open for en- gagement for private or public parties. Further informatioii can be obtained by phoning West 121-L. Mrs. C. S. Dewis, of Canmore, Alberta, and Dr. and Mrs. Dud- ley W. Pineo of Hood River, Oregon, are visiting at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs.'eo. E. Pineo, having been called home owing to the serious illness of their father. Cec ars .um)er 't'arcs Limited I'honest West 313 North 212 - 207 In addition to the regular lines we have several lots of Flooring, Siding, V Joint, Shiplap, 2x4" and Shingles we wish to move at greatly reduced prices, come and look them over. WEST VAN YARD 2446 MARINE DRIVE Phone West 313 Windotvs, Doors, Paper Roofing, Cement, Plaster Gravel, Veneers, Beaver and Plaster Board. LUMBER We have over a million feet of high grade lumber in our yards, and to reduce this immense stock we are going to great- ly reduce prices for the next month on a number of items. THE WEST VAN NEWS Spring Flower Show Hard Question Willis--"Psa tcschcc says we are here to help others." Ps--nYcs, tbst's so.n Willis--"Well what are the others here forT" ReliabilityThe Fortnightly meeting ofthe Spring Flower and Tulip Show was held Tuesday night in the Board room of the Daily Province. The principal decision reach- ed at the meeting was to send two delegates to attend the Bell- ingham Tulip Show to stage a display of Spring Flowers, and to let our friends down there see what Greater Vancouver can do in the way of raising Tulips, etc. The display will be non-com- petitive. This was also thought to be an excellent way to advertise the Tulip Show here. The Bellingham Show is stag- ed for the 6th and 7th of May and Greater Vancouver Flower Show will take place the follow- ing week. Messrs. W. F. Nemmo and A. G. Dickson were chosen as the delegates to Bellingham. is the keynote of Drug Store Service. Two registered pharma- ceutists at your service-- night or day. FOOD FOR YOUR HEALTHNigh1 Phone West 19R Day Phone West 37 Cheap foodstuffs are dear st any priss. Quality should be the first consideration. You csu slwsys rely upon the quality of our goods--sud- ouc prices are low sud rcssou- sble but--we never cut quality for price. Buy here sud gct the most real value for your money. WE DELIVER The West Van Pharmacy POSTAGE STAMPS CIREEN w 0 0 D'S GROCERY For Sale Here. FRAMAR Montessori School West 16 Phone your orders. We deliver FOR SMALL CHILDREN 13th 3 Ellsluall h«. W. D. fraaaa Phens Wool Ssh Terms Reaeonshle GREATER VANCOUVER SUNDAY SCHOOL ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION 1 This Association which com- prises in its membership over five thousand boys and girls in Greater Vancouver held its An- nual meeting last Tuesday even- ing in the Y. M. C. A. rooms, Cambie Street. Among the of- ficers appointed was the Rev. A. M. O'Donnell as one of the Hon- orary Vice-Presidents. Last year this organisation entered almost every field of athletic endeavor including base- ball, football, basket ball, tennis, track and aquatics. During the baseball season 74 teams were engaged and 95 in basket ball. The football season which is now closing has seen 37 football teams playing. The local Sun- day Schools of St. Stephens and the United Church have taken an honorable part in these activ- ities. St. Stephen's won two cups, one for Track Athletics and the other for Aquatics. The United Sunday School won the Juvenile Boys'aseball Championship for Greater Vancouver. The United team ran into the finals of the Junior Baseball Champion- ships but were knocked out in the play-offs. In football the United Junior B team came sec- ond in their division, while the other teams from Vancouver did well. The aim of this organisa- tion is to develop among boys and girls of our Sunday Schools a spirit of fair-play and Christ- ian character. The pastors of the respective congregations would welcome any assistance in the pursuit of this worthy en- deavor. M. WILLIAMS CUSTOM TAILOR SPRING AND SUltlilIER SUITINGS Now complete. Large selection--for Sport or Business. Before Ordering Your Easter Suit Come and see our patterns. CITY Dyeing, Repairs PRICES and Alterations PHONE WEST 20 Dry Cleaning and Pressing SAVORYc%. DUVAL REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 1429 Marine Drive Phone West 114 North 4 West Vancouver Stages NOTICE The stage will leave Nullah Vancouver at 6.40 p.m. instead of 7 p.m. Phone West 84 For Sand, Gravel Truck Work Etc. H P. Tearoe 1640 Haywood Ave. FUEL Inside Flp Slab COAL Nsusimo, Wchiugtou sud Arrow Hard (Sootlcss) SAND GRAVEL WKSTON TRANSFER TROUBLE-SAVING IDEAS Gelatine may be used in cake- making when eggs are expensive and scarce. Dissolve one table- spoonful of gelatine in a little cold water, add enough boiling water to make a small cupful, beat well, and add to the cake. This is equal to three eggs. After cleaning celery, make several cuts from the green tops downwards and place the celery in water to which a pinch of bi- carbonate of soda has been add- ed. This will cause the celery to keep white and crisp. Empty matchboxes should be saved for lighting the fire. Fill them with such odds and ends as spent matches, scraps of bacon rind, stumps of candles, and so on, and they will cause a fire to burn up qiuckly. (Bob Black, Prop.) 14TH sud DIARIan4E Phones: West 17; Residence 91 RWest Vancouver PHONE 468 L J. H. RE$D Sand, Gravel and General Teamwork D. MORGAN, J.P. NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE sfid INSURANCE Twsuty-fifth sud Marine Dr. Phone West 4 TAXI Phon ~ 1 WEST 116 Rss.: WEST 180L F. Newman 8 D. Robbins CARl'ENTERS Pearce's Drygoods llai «l list&at Sal« Ih-aa Wast ill Super/inc COTTON CREPES Full range of colors 20 cents a yard She: Do you knoiv, you' make a wonderful fireman'! He: How's that? She: You never take your ey s off the hose, Babs: I heard that someone had recently given 500 kisses. What would you do if some boy friend asked you to help him out- do this record'! Bubs: I'd tell him to beat it! House I sisters, I sporbnugors Kslsouaiuiug, lte-Shiugnug, clc. 'cssousbloTerms Send for our sample book of Wallpapers. Latest in Designs Peep o'sy House I'bouc Ms&hers at 29th 'Ircst 431hs Office sud Waiting Room: 5 Lousdslo Avcuuo WEEK DAY SCHEDULE Leave North Vancouver for SHERMAN sud CYPRESS PARK on the hour from sud including 7 s.m. to 6.40 p.m.; also 20 minutes past tho hour from sud including 6.20 s.m. to 9.20 s.m. sud 1.20 p.m. to 11.20 p.m. RETURNING from SHERDIAN 30 minutes after above times. SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS Leaves North Vancouver on the hour from 8 s.m. to 8 p.m.; also at 1.40, 2.40, 7.40, 8.50, 9.20 sud 10.20 p.m., returning from Cypress Park 30 minutes after above times.