001B6C86 THE WEST VAN NEWS &&o&auama&ac&&pass&a&ac&o&o&oa&oa»&a&a&ax ihiarch 18, 1927. )inh IS TIIEiVew classes now being formed ,J. WI. Morgan WEST VANCOUVER Teacher of Voice Pro- duction and SineinII PERSONALSBEST MAPLE LEAF PAINT STORE $Z.SO The infant son of Mr. and Slrs. Ilarry liodgaon passed aivay in the carly hours of this morning. ~ ~ ~ ihiiss O. B. Bryan, agent of the B. C. Telephone Company here, is aivay from her duties owing to sickness. ~ ~ ~ The Ambleside Lumber Com- pany, Sixteenth and Marine Drive. are having n gnrden made in front of their office. ~ ~ ~ Sir. P. E. Doivney, Fulton nnd Twenty-first, mnde a business trip this week to Potlatch Creek, Howe Sound. ~ ~ Miss R. B. Naywood, of Van- couver, is ncting as agent of the B. C. Telephone Company hero during the absence of Miss O. B. Bryan. o Sire. Alex. Nclnnes and son. of Capilano. have left for Senttle, ivhere they will spent a short vacation, proceeding later to their future home at St. Helens, Oregon. Mr. NcInnes. who has preceded them, will meet them there. ~ o The public schools will hold a bee on the 30th is(arch to select a West Vancouver candidate for the Canadian History aml Geo- graphy bee. This is the fourth annual "bee" for the grade schools of Greater Vancouver an&1 New IVestminster, aml it will be held in the Orpheum Theatre on 11th April. The bee is based on 900 questions and ansivers an&i 100 more "un- knowns" taken from school text books. The four children who obtain the highest marks will be escorted on a long trip by boat, train and stage through Cariboo and the North Country. Similar competitions were held in 1924, 1925 an&I 1926. The regular practice of the Boys'hoir will be held in the Hollyburn School at 10 a.m. to- morrow (Saturday). A full at- tendance is requested. Parents and friends please remember the concert of the Musical Society on March 22nd, when the Boys'hoirwill be heard in two num- bers. A treat is in store for you. o o v The Archery Club is a new or- ganization for tVest Vancouver. The initial meeting is being hekl tomorrow, at 2.80, at the south- east corner of Twenty-ninth and Marine. o Mr. Vance of the Dundarave Pharmacy is confined to his home with an attack of trench fever, from which he suffered while overseas. Nrs. Gemmill is looking after his store. ihir. nml hirs. J. ihicGowan and family, of Twenty-sixth aml IVaterfront. have returned homo from a motor trip to California. ~ ~ ~ A number of school com- pnnlons of hlrs. Hunt, nee Lilnc Ilastings, who spent her echo~i days in IVest Vancouver, pre- sented to her newly arrived bnby daughter, Gwendoline. a lovely little gift, and wishing both mother and bnbe much happi- ness. the gift being carried by hfrs. Hunt'9 mother. Mrs. J. R, Hastings, of Dun&larave. ~ ~ ~ Mr. and Nrs. J. Nicholls. of Seattle. are visiting Nrs. Avery IVhite Thirteenth and Fsquim- alt. liir. and Nrs. Nicholls were former residents of West Bay, and are coming back here to liv&. They are at present making nr- rangements for the building of n house. ~ ~ ~ Messrs. George Hay nnd John Lawson were delegates to thc Liberal convention held in Van- couver last week. ~ ~ ~ The next regular meeting of the West Vancouver Board of Trade will be hei&1 on Monday night at 8 p m. in the iVew Amblesi&le Hall. ~ o ~ Ed Black, of Dumlarave, left today for Sechelt. He will re- turn in a day or so. o ~ o The First Narrows lighthouse is being repainted. This is an- other indication that spring has come, even if the weatherman does occasionally cast longing eyes back at winter an&i act ac- cordingly. o Mr. and Nrs. O. G. Bibbs have moved for the summer from Twenty-ninth and Ottawa to the Fortune Cup Inn. ~ o v Mrs. Dickinson, of the First Narrows Lighthouse, is visiting Nrs. Ridel, of Vancouver. o ~ Mrs. Dauphinee and two daughters, of Vancouver, have moved over to their cottage at Twenty-ninth and Bellevue. o o o Mrs. Austen, of Vancouver, is occupying Nrs. Gradv's cottage at Twenty-fifth and IVaterfront. ~'rs.Holdsworth of Vancou- ver has bought a lot on Palmer- ston near Twenty-sixth. i ~ Mr. J. H. Dawson has opened in one of Moore & Wilson'3 new stores on the Drive at Dun- darave, where he has a full stock of hardware, builders'upplies and electrical fixtures. Mr. and Mrs. Alee. McLeo&l, Twenty-fourth and Mathers, are leaving West Vancouver shortly, having purchased a home in East Burnaby. Glasses Eugene 'fite North Si&le Marine between 14th nml 15th I'HOiNE WENT:122 on EarthPhones West 173 Seymour 3&k&8o EVERYTHING FOR THE Eva AHD EAR We do ouv own grinding. Lenses Duplicated. Ropai&a by mail promptly a&tended io. Pitman Optical House HXXV VO ranpua. loca& Wo&lwv&la' i 615 Ha&&lap&51. W. Seymour 1071 'I'Vnllpapers, Vnrnlshes. Ilrushcs nnd nil paint supplies I'A I iNTS:-- C&ilors . $ 1.115 per gallon IVhite.... $ 5&.00 per gnllon TITE'S "Sl'ECIA Iio All colors $:I.HS per gallon All sikes in stock from ta pints. BOI LE I) Oil. in 4 gal. lots, $ 1.41 per gnl TUB I'EN TIN E $2.&0 per gallon. SIIINGI,E STAINS Creosote aml Oil Stains. TRUCKING TEAM WORK Excava&iag (Day ov Contract) Hollyburn Theatre SAND & GRAVEL P. A. ANDREWS 1766 Fuitoa. I'hoax ivcai 6501& Friday nnd Saturday Slarch 18th and 19th "UP IN MABEL'S ROOM" also a beautiful techni-color novelty "THE BLUE BOY" I&EGULAR AD)IISSIOiV& Evening Matinee Adults ..... 25c 20c Children ... Ihc lpc Get our prices nn&l mnke n real saving Fstlmates given on Paint- ing IVork STEP RIGHT IN! Join the boys at a Game o& BILLIARDS POOL J. GAWTHORN in connection with the Paint Shop, north side of Mnrine at 14th Phone West 322 Agent for SINGER SEIVING SIACHINES and C. C. M. BICYCI.ES Cash or terms Gramaphone nnd Bicycle Repairs BABY BUGGIES Re-TYRED New Tables Just IastaRcd THE Dundarave PharmacyCHET SHIELDS 1&TII STREET right at Railway Crossing TOBACCO, CON FECI'ION El& V aad PERIODICALS )IARliNE DRIVE Opposite Dondaravo Hall Offers yoo thoroughly qua&i&)cd experience in the important matter of dispensing your doc- tor'a prescriptions. FERRY BARBER SHOP 7. vANCE I'havmacca&ical Chemist PHONE )VEST 606 Cheerful Service at a11 times.(J. hiiica) In connection with Shicid'a Billiard aod Confectionery. Shampooing aod Face hlaaaag- iag in all branches Only First Class Work GIVE US A TRIAL FRANCES GUINAN W&H resume hov CIIILI)REN'3 DANCING CI.ASSES on Saturday, ala&eh 19&h 9 io 11.30 a. m. NB&V A)I IILESIDE IIAI.I. lath aod Marino. Spoclai raio for 3-mouth term io pupils commencing opening day. &ViH exchaogo lessons for Piano Service. I&evidence, Phone Wca& 9SR2. Now Open FOR BUSINESS Hollyburn Music Shoppe HARROiN BROS. & kVILLIAMSOiN funeral 6Irectars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street, Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlors 66 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 Corner 22nd aod a(arise Everything in Jtoaic aod Land Cleared MUSICAL INSTRUSIENTS REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS ivc appreciate yoov baaiacaa. At reasonable Iigures. Nothing too large or too sinali. GARDENS Sl'ABED nnd Logs Sawn Write "CI.F&ARING" Care )Vest Van. News or Phone Shield'0 Store West 116 BIRTHDAY PARTY Mrs. Gibbons gave a birthday party for Nr. Chas. Peck in hon- or of his 27th birthday. The evening was spent in &lancing, singing aml cards, later a buifet supper was served. Miss L. Tay- lor won the ladies prize for cards and Mr. E. Edwards won the gentleman's prize. The guests were Nr. and Mrs. E. Edwards; Mr. and Mrs. J. Sentance; Mr. and &Afro. Taylor; Mr. II. Roads; Miss L. Taylor; Miss M. Sentance; Miss M. Ed- wards; Mrs. Iwngshire and Mrs. S. Metcalf. GENUINE LUMBER BARGAINS Watch, Clock an(I Jewelery Repairing The kVest Van Watchmaker L Jeweller Glass Doors from Inside Doors from . Special prices on Sash for a short time only. 1 x 6 Clear double check Rustic, long ......................... I x 10 Cedar Shiplap No. 2 2 x 4 Specified lengths ............................. I x 4 Flooring and V Joint long ................................... 2x6, 8 and 10 Specified lengths ..... No. 2 Perfection Shingles I x 10 Cedar Shiplap. good And many others. GET OUR $5.00 $3.00 .. $ 18.00 , $ 18.00 $ 12.00 .. $ 15.00 :: $ 16&.00 $2.20 . $ 13.00 PRICES Marine Drive Between 14th and Ifiih. Vernon Feed Store A. C. SEARLE Phone West 9 FEED, FUEI CESIENT Etc.16th & Marine I'hone West 199 WVe do Save YoII 1lloIIey A.mbleside Lumber Co. )lv 9""h; g~& houa I 09 I )lather pavtiuS iII&6 haa P Du&has 'hkd I Travesty " ail h&III I )IT 9 fnayi Isa&i y'p rao fourth, "BelS Ta eat). 00 " Tqestf'ings aud he wis I whcva P ~ Iir Jup'I „lewpwi, Save M hcr hola 'ing )I&a G, Gciu hI& George rifieeuth an aud )I&a. Geu ~ ' ha &upvlug )ir,J N tou'I Bakery, ypvd truck Marine hiotov built au&I Mariuc hio«I'iva. Doroth 9 house built pf Madue Dri Street. This winter fpvuia haa aP from pleaaaul Porta I&xeivod have wiutera: Augelea the d up the street & aud boats werc the at&acta. IVeat Board The Reguk he hi New Ai On MO1 March 2 A full I ve e(, I'hoses; IV Ive h„ Jar&is, aud I Iy reduce p, Iu ad&i& po"ug, Si tompve Ia WKP ) IVluadown l