001B6C86 IB17 21& 23& 36& 26& 73& 05 «l. en QQ is '6 I lies the B .B March 18, 1927. DON'T PUT IT OFF PUT IT ON and when you put it on, put on AYRE'S PAINTS and VARNISHES 'SATI S FACTION THAT LA STS" IVe carry complete stock for every need. Drop in an&1 let' talk it over--Our prices are RIGHT. SEED'S GROCER Y GROCERIES, HARDWARE, PAINTS AND VARNISHES, FREE DELIVERY Marine Drive, Ambleside Phone West 28 422 Richards Street, Vancouver, B. C. Sen gny LTHOUGHyoumayA seldom see him, the lineman is most importan in your electric service Whenever you see a Hick er in the lights, whenever they go out for a minute or two, some lineman has sprung to attention and may be hurrying to make repairs and thus reassure you of continuous service as quickly as possible. BQ&stsg for ngsts BtzcnscgsuwsrCo. Phone Seymour 5713. I CORBIN'S JANITOR SERVICE EI.ECTRIC FLOOR SANDING Shellacing, Waxing and Polishing Old Floors made New. New Floors made Perfect THE WEST VAN NEWS SPRING FASHIONS Small Hats for Spring At the National Fashion Show held recently at the Hotel Astor, New York, the small hat was given preference among Spring millinery styles. Models includ- ed those with tiny brims turned up in front or back, and those that rippled softly about the face also snugly fitting brimless af- fairs that depended upon colorful appliques for trimming. Large brims were featured in daytime and afternoon hats. Twenty new millinery colors were announced and were intro- duced in the models displayed, the most conspicuous being cam- eo pink, Castillian red, Frencii beige, hydrangea blue, pop-corn, meadow pink and tiger lily. Black and white combinations and navy blue were also shown in many new versions. Straw is Popular Straw superseded any other material used, although fancy woven bodies came next, with hair following. Ribbon crowns and straw brims proved a suc-'essfulcombination in hats for general an&1 more formal wear. Milan straw in navy and black combined with red in the trim- ming wa sa feature of the tailor- ed hat in both large and small shapes. A few felts in sports shapes with a quill treatment fol lowed the mode for the snugly- fitting &sloche. Hats with all- over stitching and narrow stole scarf to match struck a decided- ly formal note. For wear with an afternoon costume in beige tones was a small hat with grosgrain ribbon brim, crown of various shades of ribbon in yellow, orange and brown, and a tiny rhinestone buckle in front. An afternoon or garden hat of special attract- iveness was of maize colored horsehair, with a deep flange of black hair. Trimming consisted of black velvet ribbon tied in a soft bow. A man was seen in front of the insane asylum dangling a piece of string with a stick at- tached to it. He was dangling it over a flower bed when a vis- itor approached. The visitor, wishing to be affable, asked: "How many have you caught".'You'e the ninth one," re- plied the crazy man. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Saker spent last week-end in Victoria. Mr. Saker carried off first prize with his "Pekinese" at the spe- cial show last week. B ~ Mrs. Williams, Twentieth and Inglewood, wife of M. Williams, the West Vancouver tailor, is confined to bed with a bad at- tack of asthma. I G UI Mrs. David Morgan, who has been suffering from the effects of a severe cold, is somewhat better, but is still kept to her bed. It will be some days before Mrs. Morgan will be able to be about. Mrs. McCullough, of West Bay has moved to her new home in Caulfeikl. Mr. William Millard, Twenty- fourth and Mathers, is confined to his home by sickness. I S G Mr. and Mrs. J. Kindersley have rented Mr. D. C. Ritchie's house on the Waterfront be- tween Twenty-eight and Twenty- ninth. ~ \ G Miss Stevenson, of "the Clachan," has returned from Los Ange!es after spending some time there and at other points in California. Miss Marshall, of Calgary, is staying at the Fortune Cup Inn. Dr. J .E. Knipfel has returned here after spending several days in Ladner. G'rs.Falconer, Wing's Pomt, entertained at bridge on Thurs- day, 10th March. The ladies'rize was won by Mrs. Chapman, that for the gentlemen going to Mr. Tanner. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Innes-Ker gave a patty last night at their home. The evening was spent in music, dancing and cards. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Downey, Mr. and Mrs. J. Banks, Mr. Frank Hall and Miss Moir. Mr. 1h ebster is buildmg a house at Thirteenth and Fulton. G ~ Mr. B. R. Harrison, King' Avenue, has returned from an extended business trip in the south. Little Jack Taylor, son of Mr. Ben Taylor, Eleventh and Es- quimalt, who has been very ill for some time,is suffinently im- proved to be out. Reynolds Brothers hate start- ed the erection of a house on Es- quimalt between Eighteenth and Nineteenth. G B J The interior decorating of St. Stephen's Church is proceeding rapidly. The panelling and most of the plastering in the body of the church have been completed. G The Capilano Timber Com- pany started their logging opera- tions again on Wednesday. G After an absence of five months Blrs. Herbert Wood and small son, Philip, have returned to their home m Caulfeild. They visited Mrs. Wood's parents, Bir. and AIrs. Knight, in Kingston, and also in Ottawa, Cobalt, Toronto and New York. Mr. J. Gawthorn, who operates the music store at Tsventy- second and Marine, as well as the bicycle and sewing machine business in connection with Tite's paint store at Fourteenth and Marine, is having one of the latest models of the Singer machines brought over for dis- play purposes. BIr. R. IV. Haslam, formerly of Vanderhoof, B. C., has pur- chased the Vernon House at Twenty-third and Heywood and with AIrs. Haslam and family is taking up residence there. GLEAM ISU PARKHOUSE 26th and Waterfront Phone West 133R1 CARPENTERS zh BUILDERS Alterations, Repairs, Ete. Estimates Free PERSOXAI.S IQIQIOIQBPGPIGIBPIPIIIUIUGIIUIIIBIIIIGIjlg~lIG~IIKPMIKIB B BIBIBIIUBIBIIUBIBGIMQISMQQQRQQAQNQK~jxjxgfl&™ BIIUBPIPIPKBQOQ! SIQIQISIIBIGPQB&GKQQBL PKQQBIGUUGIGPUUPIPURPIPQIIMKQUKPQGPIIKBj.jj jt IBIBIBIIUBIBIBIBIBIBIGIGIBIBIBIIGQMQGQIQQIQ&QQQMGMntsgg&Q«KQ«Kali Pn ll~ijnlNKQQQQQgglgg&Q«gg&QQ IL. ce the Main Office NORTH 305 West Vancouver Office WEST 102 Cor. 18th and Marine Residence WEST 92R2 IRS D ice II)S lROVR «lut I Qs We carry a large stock of Fir, Hemlock R Cedar Lumber of all dimensions. Lengths from 6 to 40 feet. Rough and Finished Lumber, Sash & Doors, Lath & Shingles Grade, Quality arfd Service Guaranteed. Only White Help Fmployed GET OUR PRIC'ES Oll IUGPUIUGUQGUUGUIBUGPUBIMUIMQQGG I ICX ~iBiBiBiBiBIBiBiBUUjQKQQKQQ1«gQQKQ&QQMIQUUnfljoUGiMBIU1j&QQIQKQQKQQKIKQQIQPUflUIBUBBlKQPK GP QQKQIQ&QQMIQIQQKQIQQKIKQPIPIQK