D. red Ver ict ere lng lrt. res ce. LE lU- k wive! s en- lS to t the dssed 'the- r you •ed to · used >refer I a girl ndred rs five l plus !ready keep- r mug. = "' March 11, 1927. Dundarave Hairdressing Parlor &Iarine Drl .. , Oppoolte Dunclarne Hall MARCEL AND TRIM 96'? FACIALS and VlOLET RAY Phone West 179 for a ointment. Authorized Ford Service SERVICE SERVICE See the New Model Ford and Truck on display here. 1 Marine Motors [).. 22nd and Marine Drive PHONE WEST 177 Night Phones: West 195L and West U2R Automotive Experts Battery and Ignition Specialists GASOLINE Towing Car at Your Call and FOR WATERFRONT AGE and other property HOUSES TO REN'l', FIRE INSURANCE, ETC. see JOHN LAWSON OILS 17th Street Phone West 55 all this way for VANCOUVER CITY No Changes! ' If you buy a book of tickets for De Luxe Co~ch tr~nsportation direct to the City of Vancouver you accompbsh thmgs: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Save Money on superior service. You travel direct, no changes. You can catch the coach where you like and leave it where you like. You can use our new terminus in the heart of Vancouver City as your headquarters. Ybu make the trip across in the most comfortable way and along the beautiful scenic highway. TRAVEL BY DE LUXE COACH Sey. 4000 IY.4 a.C.~TQR Sey. 4000 lii!'iSPOROOl.Ql" SEYMOUR AT DUNSMUIR You Can Save One Dollar If yo~ pay your telephone bill by the 18th of the month B. C. TELEPHONE COMPANY THE WEST VAN NEWS 3 Whimsical Review I oq Th~···Point of View . Early Training I By Dr. Frank Crane I Cohen placed a ladder against the side of the house, then called ~·~•#illl••lll••illl••illi•XIlillll•lli••I!E*illl'illlilllilllillllllll:llllll:llllll:li!!Bilii!IXI!IIXI!ililllilllilllillllllll:llllll:l•lll• lllll:illl"'lll"lllllliXI!IIXIlil-#1 his son Abie, aged seven, and Discussion has been going on recently in the press abou t made him climb to the top of it. George Bernard Shaw's remarks that a woman ought to be "Now jump," commanded Co- a mother in order to be a good teacher. hen. This remark was made opposing the tendencies in many "I'm afraid," wailed Abie. places to have only unmarried teachers. Cohen held out his arms. Many educators have expressed themselves upon one sic!~ "Do as papa tell you-jump-- or the other of this question. papa is here." After all it is merely a point of view. Finally Abie did jump. Cohen One side looks at the question as to whether a woman can stepped aside and Abie fell with do a good job of teaching or not. a bump. The other side looks at the question as to whether the • "Now let that teach you a les- woman ought to have the place or not with the salary attached. son never to trust anybody," In many places of business a job is looked upon as a ori: said Cohen. of special privilege and certain classes are favored in giving jobs out, such as world war veterans, old people, unmarried people, and so on. Innocent Bystander Judge-Your only complaint against this woman is that she threw a teapot at her husband. Complainan~well, yes. "Then what business is it of yours? She didn't throw it at you." "I know, your honor, but if she had she might have hit her hus- band and I wouldn't have this big lump on my head." When a man is generous to a fault it very often is his own fault that he is generous to. "Are you going away?" "Yes, to America." "By what ship?" "By airship." "But there is no airship ser- vice." "There will be by the time my wife is ready." When a man and a woman are made one by a clergyman, the question is, which is the one. Sometimes there is a long strug- gle between them before this matter is finally settled. A prosy, tedious congressman said to Henry Clay: "You speak, sir, for the present generation, but I speak for posterity." "Yes,' replied Clay, "and it seems you are resolved to speak until your audience arrives." It takes a lot of vanity to fear the Kid won't turn out as well as you did. "Why do you write 'Personal' on that envelope?" "Because I want his wife to open it !"-Dorfbarier, Berlin. The famous criminal lawyer had won a shockingly bad case by eloquence and trickery, and a rival lawyer said to him, bit- terly: "Is there any case so low, so foul, so vilely crooked and shame- ful that you'd refuse it?" "Well, I don't know," the other answered with a smile. "What have you been doing now?" "Is it punishable to catch fish in this pool?" "Not punishable - imposs- ible!" Poetical Paradox 'Twas midnight on the ocean; not a street car \vas in sight. The sun was shining brightly, and it rained all day that night 'Twas a winter's day in summer, the sky was raining glass. And a barefoot boy with shoes on stood sitting on the grass. 'Twas evening and the rising sun was setting in the west; The little fishes in the trees were huddled in their nests. The rain was pouring down in drops, the moon was shining bright, And everything that could be seen was hidden out of sight. While the organ peeled potatoes, lard was rendered by the choir, While the sexton rang the dish- cloth, someone set the church on fire. "Holy smoke!" the preacher shouted, and in the rush he lost his hair. Now his head resembles heaven, for there is no parting there. If a man can do the business, or a woman either, what dif- ference does it make whether he or she is married or not or young or old? What most people want in business is results. Who attains them or how they are attained is a n1atter of indifference ao long as iit is done honestly. I remember once that a presiding elder in the Methodist church gave as his reason for sending a man to a certain place the following: "If I send that man it will kill the place and if I don't semi him it will kill him, so between the two f will send him and sa\•e the man." This is a good example of care for the individual ranking above the care for his work. Every man must be judged by the kind of work he does and not by whether he is deserving of the job or not. CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR SAL~ Bole Fawcett Ronge, water plate and connections in first class condition. ~hone West U4. LAURELS-Well grown. __ Price ac- cording to size, also Black Currants. H. C. Osborne, Phone West 628Y. ENGLISH PRA~I FOR SALE, $tO- Good condition. Phone West 189. ROOM AND BOARD WANTED - On Waterfront, between 14th and 26th, by gentleman travelling on 6.46 a.m. ferry. Terms to Box 222, Dundarave P. 0 . DAILY HOUSEWORK or Sewing wanted. Phone West 674L. GLADIOLA BULBS and Primilinus hybrids, Laurel Shrubs. Best qual- ity. Clearance prices. 2226 Bellevue Phone West 634R. FOR SALE-A charming house, well built and fully modern with culti- vated lot on a paved street. $3000 on terms. Phone West 148. DUCK EGGS FOR SETTING-White Pekin, $1.50 per dozen. Phone, Carley, West 71Y. EXCBANGE-6 room Modern House in Mount Pleasant, also good c::le3r lot in Kitsi1ano for West Van. home. L. H. Beamish. West 17. DRESSMAKING-Mrs. Robbinll, 29th and Mathers. Phone West 437R3. IV ANTED-Listings of ~lodern Hous- es Lots and Summer Cottages. L. H.' Beamish. Phone West 17. NEW AMBLESIDE HALL is avail- able for dances, parties, r~ceptions, etc.· Piano, crockery supphed. For terms apply Mrs. C. Hay. Phone West 21. MONEY TO LOAN on Mortgage, Agreements discounted. No delay. ·west Van. Investment Co., 18th and Marine. Phone West 102. MORTGAGE LOANS arranged on shortest notice and on all up-to- dote plans.. \Ve haye had year~ of experience m large m~~rance offtces and ore capable of giVlnl;' the V":_rY bes t of service in any kmd of m- surance. Consult us on _all r eal estate, insurance or financial mat- ters. BYRNELL & MAY At the Ferry Landing. Phone West 11 3 OWNEU will sell block of nearly 10 ac res just off paved roud, adjoining Cnpilano Park Drive, $1750 cash. No terms can be given on this prop- erty. Phone West 53L I. TllAD&-1 hnvo a fullr modem 5· Room Bungnlow with unfinished nt- tic. value $5200. situa ted at 2 1~ 46th A\•enue \Vest, Kerrasdale. will trade my equi ty of $1 200 for good building lot or a bungalow close to Dundarave. Write . to Adv- ertiser 2163 ..t6th Avenue West. FOUND-A leather bag. Owner can have it by identifying same and paying ad. cost. Phone West 642R. ROUSES FOR SALE - Small and large. \Ve have a few really go:Kl buys which we can recommend. LOTS-Some o( the most dts irable large sized view lots in West Van- couver, at very attractive priCfl!'::l and on good terms. GEO. HAY. 14th and &Iarine. Phone West 21 or Seymour 1260. WHITAKER & WHITAKER $3650 - Choice 4 ~ Acre Block. Mathers Ave., near 22nd. Remark- able value. $5500--Nearly 9 acres. ~Iarine Drive and Keith Road. Good chance to make a big profit. $2300--Water(rontage at Dundara¥e. large choice lot, 60 by 230. Easily bes t waterfront buy Wes t Vancou- ver. $500 cash, balance easy. COTTAGE on Marine Drive, 3 rooms. large lot, near fer ry. Price only $1000. Terms. Also ~ -room cottage on choice double corner, 14th St., close to ferry; fine view. A splen- did buy at $1400 on terms. HERE Are the Three Best Buys in vacant lots in West Vancouver, 6-J by 135, on south side Marine Drive, between Ambleside and Dundarave. level with street. Price $875. Alsl.l two very large lots on Marine Drive at Horseshoe Bay; stone's throw from waterfront. $500. Terms. Dis- count for cash. All three priced very low for quick sale. WHITAKER & WHITAKER 810 Hastings Street, W., Vancouver Phone. Seymour 79-19. FOR RENT - Unfurnished. in ,.-ood residential area. brand new Five- room Bungalow. AU modern con- veniences, ineluding hot air furnace. Good views from every window. SAVORY and DUVAL Phone \\'est t 14 R. P. CLARK a CO., LTD. BUILDING SITES-We ha,·o some beautiful building loca tions avail- a ble, extending through_ the M~ni cipality from the Capilano R1ver to Whytecliff. From 38 ft. lots to 40 acres, at lowest mo_rket prices~ including Waterfront, Marine Orh·e. Settled and newer districts ,~ Rill- side, etc. Full information gladly given. I'ROPERTY W A TED - We have several inquiries for mOficrn homeS: in attracth1e locations, containing from two to four bedrooms. Phone in, and we wiH call for particulars and inspection. INS UANCE- Low .. l rnt•s quotod on dwellings, furn iture, stores, autos, etl'. U. e. CLARK & 0 .. LTD. US Baotl ... a St. W. Bey. 7483. 7484 Local ReprauntaUYe C. J . ARCHBR. 11'81 S51L