March 11, 1927. THE WEST VAN NEWS #!@ §ja@ #• '#iffdlffl Land Cleared PERSON A I..JS At re~tson abl e figures. - Nothing too large or too small. GARDENS SPADED and Logs Sawn Write "CLEARING" Care West Van. News or Phone Shield's Store West 116 Final Arrangements For Masquerade The West Vancouver branch of the Canadian Legion held a spec- ial business meeting at their rooms in the ferry building on F'riday night. Recently the branch had occasion to send a telegram to Gen. A. D. McRae, s tat!ng their opposition to the Cahtll , Segum, and Powet pt o- posals in so far as they affected the returned soldier and the mer- it system in civil service appoin t- ments. A letter ft·om the gen- era l written in reply to the tele- gram was read , in which he sta_t- ed that he had the matter m hand and the Branch could count on his support. At the same t ime he doubted if any thing would come of the proposals. Final arrangements were made in connection with t he seventh annua l Masquerade dance, which is to be held in t he Hollyburn Pavilion on St. Patrick's Day, ~7th March. The music will be fsupplied by Chiltls' Orchestra, and the judges will be Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dowie, theatrical artists, of Vancouver . Four prizes are to be given, for t he best fancy and comic dress both among the lad ies and gentle- men. Those in charge of the ar- rangements are: Music, Com- rade Childs; refreshments, buf- fet Comrade Carley ; doormen, Co:O.rades Gray, Moore and Riv- ers; advertising, Comrade Love- grove; pr izes, Comrade Cas tree ; M. C., Comrade Turner; signs, Comrade Carley. Three new members, Messrs. J . Burkhart, F. W. Rivers, and J. T. Joule were admitted to membership in t he branch, and there are a number of other ex- service men who are joining the branch at the next regular busi- ness meeting, this month. An Early Star t A doctor lately married a girl whom he had ushered into t he world twenty years ago. Re:::l Jove a t first sight . Mr. and Mrs. F . O'Halloran, 13th and Duchess, have moved to Altamont. . . . Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Saker, Lawson and 14th, with their son Robin, are leaving at the end of t his month for a six months' vis- it to England. Mr. Rambo de- signing engineer of t he Capil- ano Timber Company Limited, will occupy the house during Mt-. and Mrs. Saker's absence. • • • The grand concert of the West Vancouver Musical Society to be held in the Hollyburn Theatre on March 22nd, will see a gal- axy of local artists, which only a district li ke West Vancouver can produce. It will be a concert worth attending- you will get good value for your money-and it is for a cause well worth your support. At this concert t he West Vancouver Boys Choi r will make their first public appear- ance. West Van Scottish Society The next regular meeting of the above society will be held on Friday, March 18th, in "the Clachan" at 8.15 p. m. After the business of the meeting Rev. Richmond Craig will lecture on "Scottish Characteristics." The lecture is open to all friends of the members. All eligible and intending members please com- municate with t he membership committee : Mrs. Magnus Ross, West 4 ; Mrs. Cripps, West 92R3, or J . F iddes. The first annual dance of the society will be held on F ri- day, April 1st, in the Hollyburn Pavilion. Grand March at 9 p. m. Thos. Killin, Master of Cer- emonies, West 652L. It is expected thatt t his will be a most enjoyable dance. In- terspersed in the programme will be several "old t ime" square dances and others. Many de- lightful features are being ar- ranged by our energetic commit- tee and a splendid orchestra has been engaged from 9 p. m. t ill 1 a. m. Several tables of cards· with good prizes for the winners are being arranged by Mr. James Edington and committee. All in- terested friends who have not received their invitations by 15th instant please communicate wit h Mrs. T. Killin, West 652L, or Mr. R. McVean, West 136L. You've Said It! Four ages of man : Bossed by mother ; Bossed by sister; bossed by wife ; bossed by daughter. -Cedars Lumber Yards Limited Phones: West 313 North 212 - 207 LUMBER We have over a million feet of high grade lumber in our yards, and to reduce this immense stock we are goin~ to great- ly reduce prices for the next month on a number of 1tems. ln addi tion to the regular lines we have several lots of Flooring, Siding, V Joint, Shiplap, 2x4" and Shingles we wish to move at greatly r duced prices, come and look them over. WEST VAN YARD 2446 MARINE DRIVE Phone West 313 Windows, Doors, Paper Roofing, Cement, Plnster Gravel, Veneers, Beaver and Plnster Board. Mr. P. J . Nash of Vancouver, brother of Dr. A. C. Nash, was visiting his brother here for a few days this week. • • • The West Vancouver Conser- vatives are holding a ball on Primrose Day, Ap.-il 19th. • • • Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Marsh, Gor- don and 15th, entertained anum- ber of friends last Monday even- ing. Cards and music being en- joyed by the guests. Those pres- ent being Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Todd, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Hill, Miss Bolton, Mr. and Mrs. Erick- son, Mrs. J . Clarke, Mr. Glover and Mr. H. May. • • • A special meeting of the ex- ecutive of the Board of Trade was held on Wednesday evening when matters dealing with the construction of the Lions' Gate Bridge were discussed. • • • A well attended meeting of the '!/· A. of S~. Stephen's was held m the Pansh Hall on Tuesday, March 8th. Mr. Priest began the first of a series of talks on the "Moslem World" to be followed at our regular monthly meetings. Arrangements were discussed to hold an Easter Tea on April 21st or April 28th, date has not been definitely decided upon in order not to conflict wit h the affair be- ing heldby the Church choir. The first Lenten Serving meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. J . H. Smith, 20th and Fulton, on Tuesday, March 15th. • • • Members of the West Vancou- ver Conservative Association are asked to apply to t he secretary, J ohn Speck, Phone West 437L2, for invitations to the Annual Pr imrose dance to be held at the Hollyburn Pavilion on 19th of April. • • The A. 0 . T. S. are having a banquet in the United Church Hall next Wednesday at 6.15 p. m. • The Duncan Lawson Chapter of the I.O.D.E. will hold a "Book Tea" at t he home of Mrs. R. C. Proctor, Altamont, on Friday aftemoon, March 18th, from 3 to 6 o'clock. • Mrs. David Morgan is suffer- ing from a severe cold necessitat- ing her remaining in bed for a few days. COMING-OF-AGE PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gray, 6th and Keith Road, entertamed a large number of friends at a party in the New Ambleside Hall on the evening of Monday, March 7th, the occasion being the com- ing of age of t heir daughter, Eva. The evening was spent in games, music and dancing. There were about sixty guests present. A toast was proposed to the guest of honor by Mr. Part ing- ton, after which the guests join- ed in singing "for she's a jolly good fellow," followed by tigers. Many of t he guests came from the city and Nor th Vancouver. The evening was a delightful suc- cess and came to an end a ll too quickly. ORNAMENTAL LIGHTS PROPOSED Installation of an ornamental light ing system in the business area of WestVancouver has been proposed to the municipal coun- cil. The councillors expressed satisfaction that the municipal- ity should bear par t of the cost provided merchants in the dis- trict to be benefited showed theii· willingness to support a local im- provement bylaw. The lights would be installed from the fer ry whar f to Marine Drive and westwards to 8th Stt·eet. The business area on Dundarave from 24th to 25t h would also benefit. Your Prescription and Sick Room require- ments are handled in th is store by graduate pharma- cists' of many year s exper i- ence. You have the advan t- age of this experience and pay no more. POSTAGE STAMPS For Sale Here. The West Van Pharmacy PHONE WEST 37 ------~F~R~A7M~A~R=-------~ Montessori School FOR S MALL CH ILDREN 18ti & U.•laalt Rrt. W. D. Frutr P hono w .. t 1 3 L Tormo Ru u noblo Perhaps When a man aays, " I run th ings at my house," be may mean the washing machine nnd the furnace. Ser v ice tha-t All Housewives !Like The re's no delay with the meal you've planned at a certain hour for when we tell you thnt yonr Groceries will be delivered at a na med time we do it . YO CAN S~\FELY ORDER BY PHONE for everything a g r ocer should carry. Phone or call nt GREENW 0 0 D'S GROCERY West 16 Phone your orders. We deli ver 5 ~--------------~ 16th and MARIN E M.WILLIAMS AM BLESI DE CUSTOM TAILOR Specialising in Men's Suits and Overcoats to Measure. Large Assortment of Patterns to choose !rom. ORDER YOUR NEXT SIDT FROM US Dry Cleaning CITY Dyeing, Repairs and PRICES and Pressing Alterations WE CALL AN D DELIVER PHONE WEST 20 SAVORY &. DUVAL REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 142\1 Marine Drive Phone West 114 North & West Vancouver Stages Office and WaiUnc Room : 5 Lou dale Avenue WEEK DAY SCHEDULE Leave North Vancouver for SHERMAN and CYPRESS PARK on the hour from and including 7 a .m. to 6.40 p.m.; also 20 nunute~ past the hour from and including 6.20 a .m. to 9.20 a.m. and 1.20 p.m. to 11.20 p.m. RETURNING f rom SHERMAN SO minutes alter above times. SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS Leaves North Vancouver on the hour from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.j also at 1.40, 2.40, 7.40, 8.50, 9. ~0 and 10.20 p.m., returning from Cypress Park SO minutes after above times. NOTICE The stage will leave North Vancouver at 6.40 p.m. instead of 7 p.m. Phone W est 81 for Sand, Gravel Truck Work Etc. H P. Tearoe 1 6 ~U H aywood Ave. West Vancouver FU-EL Inside Fir Slab COAL Nanaimo, Welling ton ond Arrow Hard (Sootless) SAND GRAVEL WESTON TRANSfER (Bob Black, Prop.) l~TH nnd MARJ NE Phones: \Ves t 17; Residence 91 R PHONE 468L J. H. RE1D 16 th and FULTON Sand , Gravel and General Teamwork D. MORGAN, J.P. NOTARY PU B LI C REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Twenty-filth and Marine Dr. Phone Weat 4 Pearce's Drygoods 1-t t~u•lbrlae Drln " " ' fut IU NEW SEASON'S GINGHAMS 29 cents a yard WEST VAN. TAXI Phen•• : WEST 116 Ru.: WEST 180L F. Newman & D. Robbins CARPE TERS House Pa inters. J>ape_rha ngers Kals omin ing , He-Shing ling, et<". 1 easonable Terms Send for our sample book of Wallpapers. l.a t est in Dt>signs Peep o' Day House Phone Mathers- & 29t h West 437£tS