4 New cl s es now belo!,t Conn d J. M. M rgan WET V N OUVER Teacher of \'oic'e Pro- duction and in ing Phon s W e.-t 1 <3 csmour 80513o TRUCKING nnJ TEAM WORK C"avalina (Da~ or ont ract) SAND & GRAVEL P. A. ANDREWS li66 Fulton. !'hone We l 650R TEP RIGHT IN! J oin the to) s at a Gam~ of BILLIARDS or POOL New Tables Ju~ t lnstall('d at CHET SHIELDS 14TH TREBT r ight al Railway Crossing TOB.\ CO. CO. FECTIONEll\' and PEJUODICALS FERRY BARBERSHOP (J. )liles) In connCf:tion with Shield's Billia rd and onfectione:ry. bampooing and FaC"e Massos=-- iog in all branehes Only F irst (1a_s Work GIVE OS A TRIAL --------------------- , HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON ifuneral i irectors North Vaneoover Parlors 122 West Sixth Street P hone North 134 · Vaneouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 BEST $2.50 Glasses on Earth EVERYTHING fOR THE EYE ANO EAR We do our own grinding. Len$eS Dut'Hcatcd. Repairs by mail promptly alte.nd~ to. Pitman Optical House NGXT TO f"AIIIOUS , ( O .. r w .. lwnlh'• l 615 Hastings St. W. Stymour 1071 Hollyburn Theatre Friday and Saturday l\tnreh 11th a nd 12th 'MIKE' F aturing the nl'w wond r girl ALLY 0' EILL REG LAR ADM ISSJO : .E\'ening Matinee Adults ·-··-········· 2Sc 20e hildrcn _ ··-······ 15c lOe THE Dundarave Pharmacy MARINE DRIVE Opposite Dund:trave Hall Offers )'O U thoroughly qualified experience in the important matter of dispensing your doc- tor's prescriptions. J. VANCE Pharm ueutical Chemis t !'BONE WEST 606 Cheerful Service a t all times. Now Open FOR BUSINESS Holly burn Music Shoppe Corne r 22nd and Mar ine £,•erything in Music and MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS REf'AIRS OF ALL KINDS We appreciate your bus iness. THE WEST VAN NEWS ll i !"Ported lhnt n lnrg> num- ber nf hor, es i ~ beh g obtained by n loc:a l company for usc on llollyburn Ridge. The nnimnls will bu ol tnincd within n few w cks" time. when the thnwi n1: of s11ow will mnke the t rnils pn AAblc. lhiiTY ll odgson of the West \ nn. cws, has been npp i11tcd advtlrlising ngeol rot· th muni- cipnl ferry and bus advertis ing. • • • 1 h L.O.B.A. held their regu- hll" meeting in Dundam e Hall 011 Thursday, Mnrch 3rd. Thcr wa a good attendance of mem- bers and two new members were initiated in the ornnge degree. Refreshments were then served. • Growth or the municipality is indicated by the fact thnt two yenrs ngo there were 66 stre t lights in the district and today there are 161, and more will po•- s ibly be ins talled before the end or t he year. Miss Frances Guinan wil l t·e- sume her ch ildren's duncing classes at the New Ambleside Hall on Saturday, March 19th. An advertisement relative to these classes appears in this is- sue. Miss Guinan has recently returned from New York, where she has been a member of the Greenwich Follies Company. Mrs. L. E. Eggins who has been spending the past fe v months with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Rhodes, 13th and Esquimalt, left on Monday even- ing fm· Montreal, where she will join her h usband. A number of f riends gathered at the C. N. R. station to bid het· good-bye, and to wish her a safe and a pleasant journey. Mrs. Bourne has arrived in West Vancouver and will re-open her tea shop in a few days. Sh~ is expecting her sister to al"l"ive shot-tly from Montreal. The regu lar meeting of the West Vancouver Liberal Asso- ciation will be held next Tues- day in the New Ambles ide Hall. Appleton Court, the new build- ing at the comer of 17th and Esquimalt. will be the object Jf a special article in the next issue of Utility Topics, the B. C. E lec- tric house organ. GENUINE LUMBER BARGAINS No. 1 5-8 x 3 V Joint 4' to 7' .............................................. $20.00 No. 1 1 x 3 and 4 V Joint 3 to 7 ············- ............... ........ $20.00 _ o. 1 and 2 l x3 and 4 Flooring 4 - 7 ............................ $20.00 1 x 6 Clear double check Rustic, long .. ····-············-· .... $18.00 ~ ~ ~0s~~~ect ~!~~fh~0· 2. :::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: s ! ~:~~ 1 x 4 Flooring and V J oint long -··-·······-····- ··· ............ $15.00 2x6, 8 and 10 pecified lengths ..... .......... • 16.00 No. 2 Perfection Shingles . . ... ............ $2.20 And many others. GET OUR PRI ES We do Save Yon l\'loney Antbleside Luntber Co. 16th & Marine P hone West 199 Th seventh nnnunl Mnoquer- adc dane • ur the llnadinn Legi- on in the ll ollybum Po,•illon on 17th Mot· h promises to be n mo~l suer ••rul nffuil". There will be rour prizes. two ror Indies nnd two [or gcnll~mcn . There hns alrcnd v be n a largo Mlc or tickets. · Three n w Ford trucks hnw b en sold br the Morine Motors within the lns t ten dn)•s. . . ,. M•·s . . Fmnk \ yv~·nn or Ens t Bench. is ret uming ne. t week from the pl"llirics, whet·c she hn~ been touring with th Allnn Plnyct·s. Mr. H. D. outhnm, viec prin- cipal or Hollyburn School, hn~ been away Ric k with tons ilills. . . . ll"lt·. J. A. Vernon is building a house nt Haywood and 23nl, on purt of the old elson prop rty . The British-ls l"8 I Associntion will not hold th ir t·egular meet- ing on Tuesday 22nd Mar ·h, ow- ing to their being 11 com,cntion at that dnte. The Not·th Vancouver Provin- cial Libeml Association are hold- ing a whis t drive and dance to- mm·row night in the K. P. Holl, North Vnncouver . W. B. A. The regular meeting of West Vancouver Woman's Benefit As- sociation, Review No. 24, was held on Wednesday even ing, March 9th, in the New Amble- side Hall, Commander Mrs. Laura Edwards in the chair. There was a splendid attendance of officers a nd members. Two new members wet·e initia- ted and Mrs. Kidd, District Dep- uty, was a welcome visitor . Us-. ua l order of business, reports, etc., were dealt with, and p lans for several events to take place in t he near f ut ure, were discuss- ed. Officers and members are hop- ing to participate in t he dance to be held on April 19th at Lester Court. Th is event promises to be a very popu lar union dance, as many other Revi.ews will at- tend. T he W. B. A. Convention which will take place on May 17th , in Va ncouver, is of inter- est to a ll members of West Van. Review. T hey will have charge of the Patt·iotic ceremony on this occasion. A birthday anni\•ersary party will a lso be held on 11th May next in t he t·egular meeting place (New Ambleside Ha ll ). Mrs. Denniston and Mrs. Pear- son, assisted by a strong Com- mittee, will see to this import- ant event being an enjoyable one, members will bring a friend or two, and the party wi ll follow the regu lar meeting on WcdneM- day, May 11th. Pt·eparations are being made of a playgrounds donation, which to hold an entertainment in aid members or Review No. 24 are anxious to give towards this very worthy object in our com- munity. After an earnest and enth usias tic disc ussion . it w!l"s decided to leave the matte r meantime, but to take it up a- gain at the next regular meet- ing with a view to success ful ful- filment. Some women won't believe a word their husbands say-unless they t.ulk in their s leep. !\larch II. l92i. SPRING IS Tt1F; B~: ' T TIME 'I' REO!•: ORATE Urig ht. C' lenn. c•v WALLPAPER in wn rm\ rirh tnn ·~. wil l nill mnlcrin l 1 In making your home took pl·a~nnt nnd cheerful. We have mnny new pllll rns in bl ndings thnt m· • hnrmoniou ~ and nrlistlc for l'Vtll"r room In th~ hou ~c rrum kitl·hcn o atttc. I. J<:T liS, ' 110\\" 'I' HE I '1'0 YO TOI> VI V •ry •·cas nniJiy priced . II pnpcrs bought her~ trimmed f•·~(· of chnrgu on our new mnchinr. A churgc or 3 cnts 11 roll for trim- ming othot· wnllpnpcr . The PAINT STORE l':ugcnc 1'1 tc North ide of Mnl"inc betwee n 14th und 15th Phone Wes t :122 J. GAWTHORN 111 connec tion with the Paint Shop. north s ide of Mnl"inc at 14th !'hone Wes t :122 Agent for S INGER SEWING MACHINES and C. C. M. BICYCI.-ES Cash or terms Gra mnphone and Bicycle Repairs BABY BUGGIES Re-TYRED FRANCES G UINAN 'Viii resume her CIII LDIIEN'S DANCING I~ASSES on Suturd uy. 1\tl\rc:h 19th D to 11.30 a. m. NEW M IDI.ESIIJE HALL 14th nnd Morine, Spccinl rule for 3-month term to pupils commencing opening day. Will exchange lessons for Piano Ser\·icc. Hcsidcncc, Phone West. 981l2. 100 Acres (approximately) at Eagle Harbour 'rhis is an excellent Proposition for Subdividing Will sell whole or part. Also two waterfront prop- erties on EAGLE I LAND with ummer Cottages. For furthet· particula rs apply to exclusive agents : MacGregor , Crtlery & Farmer Ltd . 416 Sey mout· St., Vancouver TeltJphone Sey. 140 o•· 173. Watch, Clock and Jewelery Repairing T he West Van Watchmaker & Jeweller Mnri nc Dri ve a ~we n 14 th an d l uth. Vernon Feed Store A. C. SEAllLE Phone Weet 9 1 FEED, FUEL, CEMENT Etc. ~ final Arran, Fod - •rhc \Vest v~~ th~ Ca~ndlan mel lu i bUSii~e~~be fe ,oom! . ht l"ridBY niJJ . I h hnd occ br~n~m to Gej te 0~ their 01 !latmg · Cahill. egum. po..<als in so fa~l the return~! soivil "t system Ill c ~~n~- A l~tte ralwrllten m 'j ~m was read, cd that he had hand and the Br on his support. time he double would come of l Final arranger in connection 1) annual Masque~ is to be held II Pavilion on S· '<lith March. 11 };,pplicd by c~ and the judges Mns. Frank D1 artists, of V1 prizes are to lx best fancy and c among the ladi men. Those in d rangements arl rade Childs; rei fet, Comrade 0 Comrades Gray, ers; advertising grove; prizes, C M. C., Comrad1 Comrade Carley Three new m J. Burkhart, F. J. T. Joule w1 membership in there are a nun service men wh1 branch at the no ness meeting, th An Ear A doctor Ia tel whom he had 1 world twenty y love at first sigh -Ceda i'hones: Wes l IVe have Yards, and to 1 ly reduce Pric, In addilic Flooring, Sidir to move at &re WESt VA Window• D ,.,, 0