IS )\'I r ..... March 11, 1927. DON'T PUT IT OFF---PUT IT ON and when you put i t on . put on 'Ayres' P AI NTS and VARNISHES "S ATIS FACT ION THA'l' L ASTS" We carry complete stock for every need. Drop in and let's talk it over- Our prices ar e RIGHT. SEED"'S GROCERY GROCERIES, HARDWARE, PAINTS AND VA RNISHES, FREE DELIVERY Marine Drive, Ambleside Phone West 28. SEVENT H ANNUAL ~asquerade Dance Under the auspices of Canadian Legion West Vancouve r Branch HOLLYBU RN DANCIN G PAVILION THURSDAY, March 17th, 1927, at 8 p.m. 4·piece Orchestra Tickets 50c. Save szz.oo during March on a ROYAL STANDARD CLEANER ONLY $3 :!! . DOWN Balance Monthly REDUCED $10.00 in price and with a free set of attachments valued at $12.00 during March only, the Roya1Standard model electric cleaner saves you $22.00. Now, everyone can have a cleaner that cleans dust and dirt from anywhere. Phone our nearest s tore and have one in your hom e to- morrow to do the cleaning thoroughly with- out any labor on your part. Tlala --1 oller 1.... oal)' - IDODtll•••:lQt q aiCitJ)'. BaYe a lree tlemoaatratloa, w l tlloat obllptioa.. PHONES: SeymourSOOO NewWeat mln ater 1197 Cbllllwa c11264 N orth V am:ouv cr 66 W nt Va ncouver 101 Abbot s fo rd 20 ---===- -- __ jQ # #!§@#J#i~liib@l# !litgl#i§i§liiiiji#i#lijl#lg«<)lM}fii!j#fn@i§l#!#i#lijiijl#llfl»#@#i§ '#f#i# i#i#i " l § jij THE WEST VAN NEWS . NEW CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CORNER STONE LAID On Monday last the corner s tone of the new Chr istian Sci- ence Church was laid. This church is being buil t at 20th and Esquimalt . The ceremony was held at an early hour in the morning and in accordance with the usual practice only a few of t he officers of the Christian Science Society, t he architect and builder were present. The ser- vice was of a simple character. P. T. A. ACTIVITIES There was a large attendance at t he regular · monthly meeting of the Parent Teachers' Asso- ciation, which took place a t the Pauli ne J ohnson School last Tuesday. F rench Canada was the sub- ject of the lecture given by Mr. F . J. Patterson, Principa l of the High School, who has fi rst hand knowledge of t he places and people he so well desc1·ibed. The lecture was illustrated by a very interesting series of pictures shown by Mr. Porter, a former school t rustee, depict ing F rench life in Eastern Canada. Repor ts presented by different convenors showed satisfactory progress for the beginning of the year. I t was decided that no more lunches be provided at the schools, as this branch of the work was not sufficient ly pat- ronised by t he scholars. A programme of musical num- of solos by Mrs. J . T. Watt, and bers was contributed, made up Mrs. G. Herr in, saxaphone solo by Mr. Waddingham and piano duet by the Misses Freda and Joyce Herrin. The soloists were accompanied by the president, Mrs. Waddingham. At the conclusion of t he ad- dress, a vote of thanks to Mr. Patterson and those who had en- tertained with musical numbers was moved in a brief speech by Mr. Leyland, seconded by Mr. Hamilton. " What's the matter, J ohn? " 11Why, ma'am, here's a note from the master in which he tells me that he's off on a little holiday, and he wants me to send his drawing mater- ials along." "Well, and isn't that plain enough ?" 11 Hardly, ma'am. I don't know whether to send his pa int br ushes or a cork-screw." 3 P E R S O NALS The West Vancouver Pharm- acy has now received a license for the sale of postage stamps. Th is wilJ be a decided conveni- ence for t he residents of Amble- side. • • • M1·. Robert Ogilvie. 31st and Marine Dri ve, has let a contract for the building of his new house in Altamont . • • Mrs. Oscar Lynn, 19th and Esquimalt, is recovering slowly from her attack of flu. Mr. Lynn's sister, Mrs. J . S. Davie, of Calgary, is staying with her. • • • Mr. W. G. Draper has pur- chased the store and premises from Mrs. Magnus Ross on Mal'- ine Drive, next to t he Dundar- ave Ha ll, and as soon as necess- ary a't terat ions are completed, Mrs. Dra per and Son intend to open up as a Home Cooking, Delicatessen and Lunch and Tea Room. • • Mr. Nilson, 20th and Fulton, has moved to 22nd and Fulton. . . . Rev. A. Harding Priest, was away in Chilliwack, on Wednes- day. • • The body of the Ford truck recent ly sold by the Marine Mot- ors to Mr. P. Andrews is being built in the garage of the Mar- ine Motors by Mr. W. A. David- son, whe'te batteries, made by Mr. Innes-Ker on t he premises • will shortly be obtainable. • Mr . Wools tone with his son and daughter have moved from Duchess and 11th to "the Bung- alow," 13th and Marine Drive. • Mr. J . G. Rimmer will shor tly have built for him a house at West Bay. . . . Mr. W. Dickinson of 14th and Esquimalt, manager of the Royal Bank, North Vancouver, is hav- ing a house built at 14th and Gordon. Miss Baird, daughter of Cap- ta in Baird, is having a house built at 30th and Marine Drive. Miss Hopkins, 26th and Belie- vue, has left for Victoria. • • Mrs. James, 22nd and Argyle, is bu ilding a house at 17th and Esqu imalt. • • • West Vancouver L.O.L. No. 2990, will pay a fraterna l visit to King Edward Lodge L.O.L. in Vancouver next Tuesday. All members will meet a t t he Dun- darave Ha JI on that date at 7.30 p. m. . . In our last week's is ue refer- ence was drawn to the fact that Mrs. W. Carley, 2152 Marioe Drive, had found a number of bills on the s treet . They ha\' e since been claimed by the own- er, Mrs. Ross, of 15 th and Ot- tawa. • • • Mr. G. W. Webster, 2119 Mar - ine Drive, is building a house at 13th and F ulton. • • Mr. WilJiam Black, 28th and Water fron t, has moved to his new residence on 27th and Nel- son. • • E ugene Ti te has had instaJled in his store on Marine Drive at Ambleside a new machine for t rim ming waJI paper. • • • Mr. Coli n Turner, 13th and ~aywood , is building a house for Mr . A. Tur ner at 20th and Math- ers. HARD TIMES DANCE A SUCCESS The Hard Times dance given by L.O.L. No. 2990 in Dundar- ave Hall on Monday night was a very successful affair .• The first prize fo r ladies was won by Mrs. Black, 22nd and Marine, Mrs. McTavish w;nning the se~ ond prize. Mr . J . Duckwor th won the gentlemen's firs t pr ize. the second going to Mr. W. Rog- ers of 24th Street. The music supplied by the Child's orchestra was exceJlent and it was 1 a.m. before " the home waltz" was played. Refreshments were sen-- ed during the evening. THE CAPILANO TIMBER .co., LTD. Main Office NORTH 305 West Vancouver Office WEST 102 Cor. 18th and Marine Residence WEST 92R2 Builders and Contractors ATTENTION! We carry a large stock of Fir, Hemlock & Cedar Lumber of all dimensions. Lengths from 6 to 40 feet. Rough and Finished Lumber, Sash & Doors, Lath & Shingles Grade, Quality and Ser vice G uaranteed. Only White Help Employed GET OUR PRICES