001B6C68 THE »VEST VAN NEVVS February 26, 1927.4 "Your lordship," said Pat to the judge, "it's a divorce I'l be afther gittin'rom me vvife, iVorah. She talks an night'and she talks aH day." "Why, what docs she talk a- bout?" "Ah, that's &chat's the matter. She don't say." Birthday Party 31rs. A. F.. Cole. 29th and blar- ine Drive, entertained at a birth- day party in honor of her daugh- ter, Marguerite Jean on Satur- day afternoon. The tea table ivas attractively centered ivith the birthday cake, tlowers, favors and decorations, carrie&i out in the valentine colors, red and white. Streamers of balloons hung from corners of the roon& to the chandelier. An enjoyable afternoon wns spent in music, games, rlances and recitations. The invited guests ivere: bliss Louisa Gilnlour, ibiiss 1VendeH Hayes. Miss Roberts Daivson, Miss Betta Watson, ibiiss Audry Davis, Miss iVorma Honiday; Masters Rob Robson, Tom Rob- son, John Robson, Gordon Cun- ningham, John Davis, Kenneth Cole, Edward Cole. bliss G. Walker, xirs. IVatker. isiics J. Martin, Nir. nnil Xira Cole„sr., Mies E. Hillier and bir. un,l slrs. F. Parkin. Veterans Hold Meeting PERSONA.LS The West Vancouver branchnf the Cunuilian Legion held their regular monthly meeting on Friilay at 3 p. m. in their iooms in the ferry building. The secretary was instructed to ivire Gen. A. I). AIERne, the meml&er for the Nor'th Shore, that the brnnch wns opposed to certnin mensures thnt hnve been intr&uluco&l into the 1)ominion I'arliament in so far as they af- fect the returned sol&liers'rey- g ercnci! nml the merit system in ~ ('ivil Service nppointments. ('omrs&les Duckworth nnil Cns- treo &vere added to the Mnsquer- ado committee. It wns ileciilcd that this committee would meet In the Legion'6 rooms in the ferry building nt 8 p. m. on Thurs&lay. 21th February, to dis- cuss mnttcrs relntive to the mns- quc ratio, A copy of thc resolutions nnrl proceedings of the 1)ominion ('onvention recently hei&i in Win- nipeg was tat&le&i for the inspec- tion of the members present. A special business meeting wio be hei&i on Friday. 3rrl biarch, ut 8 p. m. in the Legion's rooms in the ferry buihling. Every mem- ber of the branch is requested to atteml. an&!, if possible, bring at least one new member. Quite a number of ex-serv1ce mcn resi- dent in West Vancouver have al- ready joinerl, but there are still a large number who have not done so. It is hoped that they will delay no longer in becoming members of this organisation, which now extends all over the British Empire. W. Harvey Smith, who recent- ly purchased the building which houses his grocery business, is having it painted both inside and out. ~ ~ The stores formerly occupied by the West Vancouver Supply will not be ready for occupancy for a few days yet. The alter- ations are taking longer to com- plete than was anticipated. Councillor J. T. Watt attend- ed the IGth Battalion's re-utiinn &in&i buli&IU&.'t '&vlilch iv&&6 recently hei&i in the city. ~ 1 ~ Mr. E. W. Hemmings of Van- couver, has bought Mr. Peter Griier's house at 11th un&i l)urh- css, nn&l ivin move in nt once. ~ ~ ~ Mrs. Hoiv&lle, 19th nn&l Water- front. had the misfortune this &reek to lose her purse contnin- ing 340 at the corner of Granviue und Dunsmuir Streets. So fur she has not recovered it. A neivsboy on the corner stnterl, it is caiil, that he ha&i seen a man pick up a purse. Mr. J. A. Smith is huihiing a IH&usc at 2 1th and sinthcrs.. ~ ~ i»ftss I'hynis lien aml Miss Dorothy Church of the local B. C. Telephone staff, hnve l&een trans- ferred to tho Seymour St., ('ity. exchnnge. ~ ~ ~ bfr. Ilnslnm of Prince George, has pulichnsc&l &air Vernon's house nt J:ird anil Hayivoml. ~ ~ ~ sir. nnrl Mrs. IlfcCuuough of West Bay, have movcrl to the Bourdivcn house at Caulfcil&l. ~ ~ ~ Mr. Morley Johnston has sohl his home nt 2Gth an&i Lnwson to Mrs. E. Sykes of Vancouver, ivho will take possession on Muy 1st. Mr. Johnston will buihl n new home on 26th Street. ~ ~ Mr. Frank Walker who was n member ol'he Alberta Legisla- ture for many years, an&I who has extensive interests in grain farms nrouml Edmonton, intends moving his wife to )Vest Van- couver within a few months and to make this their permanent home. ~ 1 ~ bns. E. A. Ruthue with her baby daughter returned to her home at 13th and Clyde on Thursday. 1 Mrs. H. C. Rodgers of VVhyte- cliff, who has been visiting in Portland, is expected home this week. BEST $2.50 Glasses p ou Earth EVERYTHING FOR THE EYE AND EAR Wc du uur ouc& grinding. Lenses Duplicated. Repairs by mall pvumpUy attended to. Pitman Optical House NEXT TO FA&tous. &O cc Wccluaua' & 615 Hiitluui SE W. Seymour 1011 Mr. nnd ibIrs, VV. Partridge en- tentained about twenty of their frienrls in their beautiful home. 22ml uml Bellevue, on Saturday last. The first part of the even- ing was spent in court whist, honors going to Mrs. T. Arm- strong aml Mr. Percy Downey, for the high score. The conso- lation prizes were awarderl Mrs. Rov Faulkner aml isIr. Harvey Downey, a sumptuous lunch be- ing served after thc cards. Dur- ing the evening Mr. Partridge gave a number of selections on the piano, which were greatly ap- preciated. 1 ~ 1 Mrs. Oscar Lynn, 19th and Esquimalt, is seriously indis- posed. Mr. H. O. Hutt, a former resi- dent of West Vancouver, but now a resident of Seattle, was a visitor this week. Mr. Hutt who was associated with Mr. Sutton in the real estate business will probably return here in the near future, to remain permanently. Red Cross Society TRUCKING The Annual Membership Cam- paign made by the Red Cross So- ciety will close at the end of Feb- ruary. Canvassers are request- ed to leavethe membership books at the Bank of Montreal, North Vancouver, addressed to sire. A. F. Richardson, not later than 1st hIurch or else to bring them to the North Vancouver City Hall at 2.30 p.m., March 2nd. The regular monthly meeting will be held at the iNorth Van- couver City Hall on Wednesday, 2nd March, at 3 p.m. AH mem- bers of the committee are re- quested to be present. TEAM WORK Eacavatliig (Da& uc Cuiilcact) SAND & GRAVEL P. A. ANDREWS )766 Fuituu. Phone West 6SOR 1 1 ~ Mrs. J. Gaw thorn of the Music Store, 22nd uml Marine, is laid up with rheumatism. ~ 1 ~ Mrs. I. Grant of East Beach, has been kept to her home for some days suffering from a bud cold, but expects to be aroumi again in a day or two. A bicycle repair shop an&1 a picture framing business are to be new additions to our ever in- creasing number of stores. 1 1 ~ Mrs. R. P. Grieve, 21st and Bellevue, has as her guest her aunt, Miss A. Black, who is on a world tour from Scotland. Miss Black is accompanied by her nephew, Mr. David Black, who is staying at the Hotel Vancouver. STEP RIGHT IN! Join the boys at a Came OI DR. NASH LOSES SON BILLIARDS POOL Victor, the two year old son of Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Nash, die&1 on Sunday at the family residence, 15th and Clyde. The cause of death was bronchial pneumonia. Funeral services were held at St. Anthony's Church, West Van- couver, on Tuesday, Rev. Father Macdonald officiating. Inter- ment was macle in West Vancou- ver cemetery, Centre and Hanna having charge of the arrange- ments. A number of beautiful wreaths were received from friends and associates. Ncu Tables Just Installed at No~ open FOR BUSINESS CHET SHIELDS One of the best established data in history is the principle of the growth of myth. VVhenevcr a popular hero appears there grow up about him. usually after he is dead, a number of startling tales. Somehow he attracts a certain class of stories to himself. Many stories are attributed to Lincoln of which he was probably innocent. They sound like him and thetenet'ikes to attribute them to him, although he probably never heard them himself. So about every famous character myths accumulate. Kitchener's bo&ly was supposed to have been found the other day somewhere in Norway, and they will probably be finding his body in Norway an&1 Sweden an&i Engluml and France for many years. Moses was supposed to have been spirited away, and the power of myth is such that many people suppose that he simply got lost and died in the mountains. King Arthur never really died, they say, but just went away, aml about every hundred years the people in a certain section hear faint music which they trace to a cave where King Arthur's spirit is supposed to abide. The same is true of that picturesque character, Marshal Ney, who is supposed to have escaped from France. So the supposed stories of Romulus and Remus being suckl- eH by a wolf, an&1 of 1Viniam Tell shooting an apple off of his son's head, and George Washington chopping down a cherry tree are considered by many historians to be myths. This is based upon the fact that most people woul&l rather be interesting than to tell the truth. In fact, to make what you have to say interesting was the rule of literary people up to the time of Niebhur aml only since then have historians carefully dug around to Hn&l out the truth. Attention has often been called to the fact that whatever things you see in the newspapers are not typically true. It may be specifically true, but it has no versimilitu&le. The reason is that the newspuper aims to print news. Whatever is unusual is news. 1Vhatever is common Is not news. As Dana said: "If a &log bites a man, that is not news; but if a man bites a dog, that's news." Usually u common state of things In a community is justt'e opposite of what you see in the newspapers. A similar truth holds in regard to history, A thing must not be too interesting if it is to be accepted as the truth. Thc trouble is t,hut people's desire to tell an interesting story Is stronger than their desire to adhere strictly to whut is so. One kin&i of work takes only imagination an&1 tho other one takes trouble. I &TH STI&EET right at Railway Ccuaaiua TOSACCO, CONFECTIO.'&ERY aud PERIODICALS Hollyburn Mus&c Shoppe Iceland is assigned to the west- ern, hemisphere. It is a large volcanic and treeless island in the North Atlantic Ocean. Its most northern point is 66 de- grees 33 minutes north latitude. Its estimated area is 40,497 square miles, so that Iceland is somewhat larger than Ireluml. The population numbers 95,000. The capital of Iceland is Reyk- javik, containing a population of about 20,000. HARRO'X BROS. & »V ILL I A M SO&cd Corner 22ud aud lltariuc Eccrythiug in )iusic aud guurral Birrctors North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 liIUSICAL INSTRUMENTS REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS Wc appreciate your business. MANY BUYERS TOOK ADVANTAGE LAST WEEK OF OUR i ulaalser Specia..s HERE ARE SOSIE SIORE COAIE IN AND LOOK THE31 OVER 1x6 Clear Flooring, long lengths ..................................... 317.00 Ix6 Clear Siding, D. C....................................................... 517.00 2x4 Specified Lengths ......................................„...... 312.00 Ix10 Good Shiplap .........................................,.„......,... 313.00 2xS, 10, and 12 Dimension ................................................. 316.00. 4x4 and Sx5 Cedar Squares.......................................... S22.00 and many more Sash, Doors, Frames, Building Papers, Roofing, Gyproc and All Building Materials. I'hone )Vest 19916th dk Marine Ambleside Lumber Co. u 1927 mrvg ' rob IR libtes Nlgsi( t Vail, oriuoity A u opP opal pofo ',tb tbo"'„;U b I Sstuvdo) llss. ,'he P+ I &lour'w coJ iotcrvol mului their I mpooul ten Emberood co iclsd) U iiosioi totto,'I I',Tgo o„d dou m the chest &ou soo T )1st I lodieo 'tttceo oud tb the 6 be lyoesley voto 6 the cbol, roudi !heirwbcs lb ro woI',uThere being b t su the ron&eris mande b soir piro. Ii'iot e BrtcblaX H«I ipiro Addy oud cv, )ir.e, bieooro. Sl d Ad&iyfesux an of the tbrdr" pisu&iwl by 6 lsrg I;ve audience tyre st the pious Durbio at the Pis tbo baton of bir, corned 6 doser sl+ oud tom&I Some time ogo t pctitiouod the oui torio to have tb Iiorioo Drive clol oudory bigbwoi'. wdl lt m ouuouut ed by AU the Vol L A.'6 as well as )LL.A. for the ib Plr. H. Bo&H Louis, one of tb critics on town address at the BI ou 1Vcducsday enthusiastic ove lycot Vancouver area Our muui cd, provided ol wonderful silos contre io be Iot ibc world. Ho ticulorly ibe iml iogos muck of ii lic propeviy for tres. Tbofoct t eral areas in i uivvody vcoevvcd that tbio phoae ment bos been I t' TOWiV PLANNI ENTHUSIAl IVEST CEDAR We bove yonlo oud I ' y reduce pd SPeCial gal WKSI y, Wi dow» n To SIIpport tn Highway CI