001B6C68 USE YOUR PHONE West 4G9 Gets Us MALKIN'S REST SPICES ................................ 2 for 19c ROBIN HOOD ROLLED OATS ...................... 6 lb. Sack 37c MALKIN'S BFwT TEA, per lb ................--.--. SEEDLESS RAISINS...,................... 2 Iko. for 25c EXTRA SI ECIAL 2 Cartons Sunlight Soap .................. Al.l. 2 Packets Lux...................... for Wear Ever Bake Pan ............................. $ 1.49 10 lbs. GRANULATFD SUGAR ........................................,. 75c We Deliver. I'hone West 4(i9 JEFFERIES MEAT MARKET 511lldl S G/0f"Ci )I (A. HARVEY S)IITH, Prop.) DRY GOODS a SUNDRIESGROCERIES. HARDWARE I'hooo voae wants aad we will give you quick doliveey 2&eh ANI& )IARINE. Hpp. Ilandaraoe Hall I'hoae XVEST &69 Liberals Hold Special Meeting Roberts'etter Meats ~ The regular meeting of the West Vancouver Liberal Asso- ciation was held in the New Am- bleside Hall last Tuesday with a goo&i attendance of members. Messrs.CII(ford, Daivson, Jack- man and Ray were added to the executive of the association and delegates were appointed to the Provincial Liberal Convention to be held in Vancouver City. 6lr. Frank IValker who held a seat in the Alberta Legislature for many years, and who was chief party whip, gave a very interesting and illuminating ad- dress on "methods of handling and shipping grain." He showed the great disadvantage the Can- adian Grain Grower is under in getting a good rating of his pro- duct, when shipping through American ports, and gave speci- fic instances of high grade Can- adian grain having been mixed with inferior grades, to the fin- ancial loss of the grower. Mr. Walker urged the development of shipping facilities at the Port of Vancouver so that the whole of the Canadian crop could be distributed to the markets of the world through British ports, and so dispense with the necessity of unloading the grain under con- ditions where it is possible to lower the grade by "mixing." During the evening Mr. Walk- er made the announcement that he and Mrs. )Valker anticipated making their home in West Van- couver in the near future. 14th and 3larine West 190 Where Service and Quality Count WE DEI.IVER hlORiNING 9I30--East 25th Only I I i30--To All Parts AFTERNOOiN 3&30-- East 25th Onlv A SPECIAL FOR EVERY DAY Keep this advertisement for reference Delivered only with other goods always appreciated The King Studio Photos Always I'lease Everybody knows SATIJRDAY NE(V ZEALAND BUTTER, 3 lbs .......$ 1.35 Picnic Ham, per lb . 20c Pure Beef Dripping 3 Ibs .................. 25c A)Tshire Bacon Sliced per lb . .......... . 35c Pot Roast, prime steer beef, per lb............ 12&/ec Boiling Beef, per lb.... 10c Cambridge Sausage, 2 Ibs .................... 25c Legs Pork (fore), lb. 19 &/I c Sweet Potatoes, 4 lbs. 25c Ripe Tomatoes, per lb. 30c Potatoes, highland, per sack (delivered when convenient) .......$1.60 51ONDAY Pork Steak, per lb........ 22c Pure Lard, I lb. pkg. 20c TUESDAY Fresh Liver,.... 2 lbs. 15c Cooked Ham........... 49c 1VEDN ESDA Y CambridRe Sausage, 3 lbs. for ............ 25c Sliced Side Bacon, lb. 40c THURSDAY Cookett, per lb. 20c Boneless Stewing Beef 2 Ibs ......... 25c BOOTH 4(aI LEYLANI) AMENDED BRIDGE PLANS FILED Amended plans of the propos- ed Lions'ate bridge have been filed by the Dwight P. Robinson Company, according to Mr. J. A. Campbell of Congdon, Campbell de Meredith, who is acting for the company. "The plans have been forward- ed to the department of public works at Ottawa, and have been amended to meet the dimensions recommended in the report of the bridge commission," he said. "The desires of the inter-muni- cipal committee, as expressed in a resolution dated October 20, have also been met. These called for provision of a twenty-four- foot roadway and two five-foot sidewalks," he added. Slight increase in the grades of the North Shore approach may be necessary because of the added height of the span, it is stated. The grade shown in the origin- al plans was 5 per cent., and it is probable that 6 per cent. will be necessary. It is possible,how- ever, that the increase may be avoided by extending the ap- proach. Phone Seymour 3778 WEST VAN GARAGE "THE I'IONEER" Eqtabliqhed 192 I AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING SINCE 1906 $ 1,000 TO NORTH VANCOUVER HOSI'ITAI A grant of $ 1,000 has been ma&le by the council to the North I'hone West 130At Ambleside Vancouver General Hospital.This is the same amount granted them last year. FRIDAY Loggie's Haddie, per lb 16c Sliced Halibut, per lb.... 23c Roasting and Roiling Chicken Fresh and Cured Fish Fresh Fruit dh Vegetables NORTH SHORE MOTORSSchool Site Being Cleared LIMITED "George Washington surely was some wonderful breeder." "How so'r'Doesn't history tell us that he crossed the Delaware with a small boat." The Kerr Construction Co. of Vancouver were awarded the contract for clearing the school site for the buil&ling authorised recently by the passing of the bylaw. The clearing is to be com- pleted within sixty days. The company have men now at work and it is expected that the force will be augmented in the near future. The board of school trustees propose completing the construction of the building as quickly as possible. CHEVROLET The regular practice of the Boys'hoir under Professor Jas. Morgan will be held on Saturday morning next, 26th February, in the Hollyburn School at 10 o'- clock. A full attendance is re- quested. Boys please note. Shoe Salesman: oIVhat size do you take, madam?" Customer: "Well, lives are my size, but five and a half are so comfortable that I wear sixes. Phone North 1186 Phone North 1360 135 First Street West, North Vancouver THE )VEST VAN. NEIVS Feliruarv 26 1927 BOARD OF TRADE 61EETING (Continued from Page 7) Tasty Meats construction of a storage system of a capacity of 100,00(),000 gals. Not too much waste in iat aml bone--but Just enough tn give«60»ays supply. This is in the meat a tenderness thnt compares only with Its fiavoi'. itself a very costly undertaking. They nre priced right, Conclusions &IIAKE OUR )IARKI'T YOUII 61 'hltKFT (A) In view of the above iiml- ings, ive are of the opinion that the "Greater Vancouver Wnter Board" should be approached and arrangements mails to se- cure a 14 inch connection; and Neat io Hoiiyhaea Thea&sothis main (of steel) to be cnrried . I HONK )VEST S '&VK I&KI,IVER full size to a point near 18th Street, an approximate distance ALL hifATS KEPT IN REFRIGERATOR of J,600 yamis or 2 miles. Fresh aod Cured hioaio, Butter, Eggs, Iiaeon and liard. (B) Thercnfter this main to be extended and graded in reduced sizes as necessity nnd finances permit. West Vancouver Lumber Co.is given at 191 lbs. or approxi- mately 380 ft. this shoukr ef- L I M IT E D ficieiltlv uu'pply everything up to 16th nnd Marine I hone West 116 the 360 ft. level. RESII)ENCE I'RON R: %EST pox (C) Then to supply the highera'. L. e.i'-. o. eee IL $ Iiith Ilueiiiy Lumber is Cheapest iu the eud. and the G50 ft. IeveLsh mechani- cal means could then be employ- e&l an&i a separate distributioei Iduumberp Lath, ShingleB Ids, beu b h nside Finish etc. Quality Guaranteed. er than any other method an&I SERVICE much more efficient. (D) All works in future to be of steel construction -- with a working life of 40 years--and to Expert )Vorkmanship )Veetch, Clock and be financed with bond issues of 27 Years Experience Jewellery Repairing not over 20 years. The wysf v» Watchmaker and JeWellerto be made for fire-fighting pur- poses. The saving elfected in OV. SAGAR) the insurance premiums alone, Residence Phone Ivest 655Y would repay the municipality as a whol, many tima w o e, many times over any A Goo&i Selection of )Vatches, Clocks and Jewellery on hand money spent in this direction. at attractive prices Resolution 14th and Marine, Oyp»i«geii g 9 Gwefe ANBLESIDE Whereas the present water sup- ply of the District is quite in- adequate to meet the needs of jl M 7 ~ IS a LaStlr)g Giftthe District during the summer months, w E NOEO And Whereas the population of the District is rapidly growing, necessitating a consequent in- creased supply of water, And Whereas we have been ad- vised by a competent committee TH P K l N~ ST U D l Oof this Board that an adequate supply of water is available, 311 Hastings Street West, Vancouver And Whereas an efficient water EKTABLIKHEI& I'ooz V. v. viiNsoN, I'eop. service is a necessity in the com- munity; Therefore Resolved that this Board of Trade respectfully pe- titions the Council of the Dis- We handle Insurance only, and specialize in nil branches.trict of )Vest Vancouver and begs the Council to take im- As Agents for large British and Canadian Compaaleu, we are able to mediate steps to install a sys- give tho best of service aad prompt settlements. tern that will give an adequate supply of pure water to the Dis- trict the whole year round. FIRE --- AUTOMOBII.E --- LIFE Further Resolved that a delega- tion from this Board wait upon the Council, present a copy of 805 Yorkshire Bldg. this resolution together with a copy of the report of the special committee of which Mr. Mc- Quaker was chairman, and urge that early consideration be given to this important matter. u 'ol. I popolatll 8 I r&Isles niy &hopi(i" ',(fielol'ip's&meri „here o ihe ho"'" 'ereveoIed, ose ow owoe& ihe omhiiioIs ms couoell t,co & Fwoibl The ouc ~ ,g,g lorna ,emdesliol howo by Oge populsiioo w oP&ev IOOO uo&e hoo is&i SOO in Ihe oui New Upp HaH Hour SECONB NAI IIR100E 1 e Au overage doy ovei Oe ew . yeoi beulg + fl'oil euo ge during; ed I o(IO'tde overt ruo„y "9 br Iugu I'o ove i&el(du "eeugo yu w~ Iu (ague Were e mtroe worded &u cond ugui The deliver for uoe on th been held up ouce ot New it is expected dsy or two i issue we deuce oud hood bus, ably 6 little while Ihe buu 6 byaud sew o under the coti "second hood, an absolutely machine I&ao L ouutmtjou pur never been ui or passenger aecouuts aud us it looks as boo made 6 re, price paid is & csr of this ca The trauspi estimate that ero will bo car this year. L people used th uiderohle iucri 6 very couuen Starting G& 16th, 6 hoif-h bo operated su ule for the fir, tory of West service will thmughout th iv .(1 I