West Van. News (West Vancouver), 18 Feb 1927, p. 7

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001B6C5F ed 'Ul ef ef eh ue It h i. .4ba It'i February 18, 1927 Classified Ads. LOST--Light brown Irish terrier. Black co)i.ir with brass studs, tied . Ng~ with black tape. Answers to name of "Laddie." I'hone West 412R. FOR SALE -- Number 19 Backs&c Coiony brooder. Complete with stove and about a half ton of car- bon briqucttcs. Aii for $20. Phone 1vcst 183 R. QFO IIAL~ I" 4, C „ $12.00. Apply &vast Van. Restaur- ant, 14th aad Marine. EXCHANGE--6 room Modern House in Mount Picasant, aiso good clear Iot in Kitsiiaao for Wast Van. home. L. H. Bcamish. Wast 17. IVHITE 1VYANDOTTE I'ULLETS and Hens for Sale, also tvhitc Lcg- horns. Trap nested stock. Aisop, Esquimsit and 10th. 1VANTED--Listir.,s of furnished aad unfurnished houses an4 summer camps. Savory & Duval. Phone West 114; rcs ifcacc Ri'cst 113. GOOD BUILDING LOT in Beautiful situation. Very rcasonabic terms. One block from Marino Drive. Ap- pb tvcst 148. DIIESShIAKING--hire. Robbins, 29th and Mothers. Phone Wast 437R3. IVANTED--I,istings of Modern Hous- es, I.ots and Sun&mac Cottages. L. H. Bcamish. Phone Wart 17. STABLE hiANURE -- I,argo Loads $5.00; Cow manure $ 1.00. Wcston Transfer. Phone West 17; residence West DIIb NEW AhIBLESIDE HALL is avail- able for dances, parties, receptions, ctc. Piano, crockery supplied. For terms apply Mrs. C. Hay. Phone West 21. HIGH-CLASS BUILDING LOTS- Ivc have several really good buys in building lots, also Marine Drive lots from $500 up. Savory & Duval. Phone West 114; residence West 148. Sca these and your search is ended. MONEY TO LOAN on First hiortgagc in amounts of from $500 up. L. H. Bcamish, Ambicsidc. West 17. 7s.XTRA GOOD VAI.UE--Two 50-foot lots on hard surface road. Partiy cleared. The two for 7550, $ 100 cash, baiancc„eighteen months. Water and light. SAVORY & DUVAL Phone West 114; residence West 143. COIIIFORTABLE 4-Room Buasgaiow. Good location. Convenient to ferry. $2400. Small cash payment. WANTED--Small Furnished House, close to waterfront from Iiiay to September; also a 4-room modern house, convenient to ferry. Perm- anent tenant. H. C. OSBORNE Marine Drive at Ambicsidc Phone, West 17; Evenings West G28Y hIONEY TO LOAN on Mortgage, Agreements discounted. No delay. West Van. Investment Co., 18th aad Marine. Phone West 102. COAL--We offer you a special an Tuiamccn coal, lump or cgg nut. There are 20 tons at $ 11.50 a toa delivered. Hoiiyburn Lumber Co., Ltd., 18th and Waterfront. Phone West 64. LAND CLEARING and Teaming done by contract. Phone Shicid's Store, West 116. MORTGAGE LOANS arranged on 'hortest notice and on ail up-to- datc plans. We have had years of experience in large insurance offices and are capable of giving the very best of service in any kind of in- surance. Consult us on a if real estate, insurance or financial mat- ters. BYRNELL & hIAY At the Ferry Landing. Phone &vast 113 R. P. CLARK & CO., LTD. NEIV HOIRESITE LOCATION--The nearest unsubdivided five-acre block well within the developed area is aow being surveyed into fifty-foot lots and will be offered to homesite seekers at very rcasonabic prices, on terms to suit individual pockets. The property is very attractive, having a gontis slope to the south, good drainage, light clearing, and water, light and phone available. An agreeable view of the water can be enjoyed from each iot. The situation is very convenient to the Ferry Ivharf and sii community conveniences. Tho location is at tho Northwest corner of Esquimait Avenue ond Twelfth Street and we invite aii residents aod friends to look it over. Full particuiars aod prices gladly given. It. P. CLAitK & CO., LTD. 823 Hastings St. W. Say. 7488, 7484 Local Representative C. 3. ARCHER, West 651L THE WEST VAN NEWS High School Debate Kevill The Students'ssociation of the IVest Vancouver High School held a very successful debate and concert at the Hollyburn Thea- tre on the evening of February 9th. The resolution under debate was "Resolved that Canada's Im- migration laws shonld exclude all Orientals and place all others, except white British subjects or persons of British parentage, on a strict quota." A two man team from the West Van. H. S. argued for the affirmative and won the decision of the judges, the negative argu- ed by the North Van. H. S. put up a good case for the Oriental and non-British immigrants. Jean Hood opening the clebate urged a homogeneous population aml went on to show the neces- sity of the quota. If our present population was to be united in a common Canadianism. Mavis Holloway for the neg- ative in a well delivered speech made a strong appeal for univer- sal brotherhood in our treatment of the Oriental. J. Earley for the affirmative then stressed the impossibility of assimilating the Oriental. Robert Bennett argu- ed against the quota and closing the door to very desirable farm- ing immigrants. The rebuttals were keen and well presented. The West Vancouver away team, George Gray and Jack Summerfield, arguing for the negative the same evening at Nofqh Vancouver, put up a strong case but failed to win the decision of the judges. Bohh debates were thoroughly enjoy- ed by those present and showed tha our High Schools are prepar- ing their students for the future duties of citizenship. The musical numbers were en- cored and the comedy sketches applauded. The High School athletic fund was agumented by a tidy sum. The following was the pro- gramme: High School Debate- Hollyburn Theatre, 8 p.m., Wednesday, Februai~ 9, 1927. Community Singing, HighSchool students; Uncle Josh and the Dentist, A. Reid, K. Garland; Mrs. Jessie Young died on Tuesday morning at the home of her son, Mr. J. Haydn Young, after an illness of six weeks. The deceased was 7S years old, and had resided for a number of years in West Vancouver. She was a native of Glasgow, Scot- land. She is survived by two sons, Mr. J. Haydn Young, aml Mr. W. Young of North Vancou- ver, her husband having pre-de- ceased her. A service was held at the house for members of the family, followed by service at the United Church, which was large- ly attended, Rev. A. 51. O'Don- nell officiating. Interment was made in the West Vancouver cemetery, Har- ron Bros. and Williamson having charge of the funeral. A very pleasant event took place at IVhyteclff on Saturay night, the 12th, v hen Mrs. C. Read entertained about forty of her friends to cards and dancing in the Horse-shoe Bay Hotel ancl Dancing Room, which was dec- orated with red and white streamers and red hearts. The supper table was centered with a Jack Horner Pie, which cause&1 much amusement. Nr. W. M. McClellan acte:I as N. C. aml prizes were won by ikIrs. F. Copp, Mr. McClellan, Miss Clara Wil- son and Mr. Patterson. The guests included Mr. and 5Irs. R. C. Hodgson, iblr. and iklrs. H. Henderson, IIr. and Mrs. Bump- stead, 5Ir. and 5Irs. Allen 5Ic- Connell, Mr. and Mrs. S. Morri- son, Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. F. Egan, 5B. an&I Mrrs IL Thorpe, Mr. and 5Irs. W. M. McClellan, Mr. and Mrs. Hamlye, Mr. and Mrs. Patter- son, Mr. and Mrs. F. Copp, hlrs. F. Downey, Miss Rodgers, Miss J. Rodgers, Miss Emma Thorpe, Miss Vivian Jackman, Miss Clara Wilson, Miss Kitty Wilson, Mr. H. Rogers, Mr. Wm. ikIorrison, Mr. T. Pretious, Mr. Ira Jones. Furniture Store SELLINQ OUT hiUST CI.EAR EVERYTHING IN A FEIV DAYS. HERE ARE SOhIE OF THE BAR- GAINS. Ivory Enamel Bedstead com- picta with spring and mat- tress ............................ $ 16.50 Iron Bcdstcads complete with spring and mattress from $3.50 Kitchen Cupboard aad Draw- ers .................................,.. 58.00 Painted Buff'ct ...,......,.. $10.00 Round Leaf Tab)a ............ $ 4.50 New Oilcloth Gxs ............ $3.0&i Chest of Drawers ............ $ 10.00 Osk Dresser .................,. $ 14.UU White Dresser ................ $ 10.00 Oak Commode .................... $ 4.0D Oak Serving Table .......... $3.5U Pair of Easy Chairs (oak, upholstered) each ........ $7.00 Columbia Gramophone.... $ 10.00 3 Tube Dc Forest Crossicy Radio with tubes ........ $ 12.50 Kitchen Tables, from ........ $3.00 Kitchen Chairs, from .... 60c up Square Oak Ex. Dining Table $6.50 Airtight Heaters (ncw) Large ................................ $4.50 Medium ........................ $&60 Small .............................. $3.35 Regal Heater( open front $ 10.00 Good Ranges.... $20.00 to $65.00 Excellent Dog Kennel ........ $2.50 Florence Oil Cooker,l light $3.00 Perfection Oii Cooker, 2 light ............................ $4 00 Singer Sewing Machine $ 10.00 Buggies.......... $3LUU and $6.00 Plain White Cups and Sauc- ers, pcr dozen ................ $ 1.0D Each .................................... Iec Dinner ware (oddmcnts); Glass- ware, Toiictwarc A'II kinds of good books from ........................ 15c to 25c SECTIONAL-BUILT GAR- AGE, 18 ft x 10 ft........$40.00 STORE FOR RENT--Here is a good opportunity for any- one to carry on this well es- tablished business. Mr. R. Seeds, the Ambleside grocer, has had the interior of his store re-modelled. The of- fice has been moved, giving more window space for display, as well as more room in the interior of the store. s Mr. R. L. Taylor, who conducts the agency of the Window Bak- eries, has purchased the English Tea Lounge at Horseshoe Bay, where he will put in an agency of the Window Bakeries. Little Jack Taylor, the 4-year- old son of Mr. Ben Taylor, 14th Street, is in the North Vancou- ver General Hospital, where he will undergo an operation nec- essitated by a recent attack of pneumonia. s s Mrs. Ed. Black and family left today for Sechelt, where they will spend the spring and sum- mer. We Promised You that we would have more Gemmill's Im- proved Cough Syrup. We have it now. Large sued bot tie 50 Cents Mrs. W. C. Witherly, Fulton and 18th, who was operated on in North Vancouver Hospital yesterday, is progressing favor-- ably. Our Phones are WEST 37 aad WEST 606 THE WEST VAN PHARNACV THE DUNDARAVE PHARNACT Wife: Where did all those empty bottles come from John? Husband: Seach me, I never bought an empty bottle in my life. Violin solo, Irene GraceyKevill Debate--"Resolved that Can- ada's immigration Laws should exclude all Orientals and placeFurniture Store BUILDERS'UPPLIESall others, except white Britishsubjects or persons of BritishNext to Tits's Boot Repair Store Ambicside Phone Wast 36 parentage, on a strict quota." Affirmative--West Van High School. I, Jean Hood, 2, J. Earl- ey. Negative--Not&h Van. High School; I, Mavis Holloway; 2, Robert Bennett. Judges--Mrs. Ritchie, Mr. Ew- ing, Mr. Carmichael. Piano solo, Albert Kendrick. "Mother Goose, 1927", Harold Thompson. An Alphabetical Romance, in 8 acts, "The Bold Bad Bandits, or Love will Win. Cast--Heroine, Robert Blox- ham; Hero, Jean McKenzie; Vil- ain, Sybil Chapman; Mother, Murray Watson. Bandits: Mes- srs. Bayne, Trafford, B. Hamil- ton, McVean. oo CANADA" (Weir Version) 0 Canada! our home, our native land, True patriot love in all thy sons command IVith glowing hearts we see thee rise, The true north strong and free; And stand on guard, 0 Canada, IVe stand on guard for thee. Chorus 0 Canada! Glorious and free! We stand on guarcl, we stand on guard for thee, 0 Canada we stand on guard for thee. SAND -- GRAVEL -- LIIIIE CEMENT, ETC. THE WEST VAN SUPPLY CO. (E. H. MINIONS) 145S Marine Drive, Ambleside Phone IVest 105 ALL KINDS OF FUEL TABLE TALK Barley Sugar Crush a pound and a half of white loaf sugar, and boil in a pint of water, skimming it care- fully until it is clear. When a little of it becomes very brittle when put in cold water, you may add the juice of one lemon and a drop or two of essence of lem- on. Boil up this mixture again, and set it aside to cool for a little. Then pour itinto a buttered tin fairly thickly. When it is cool enough to be handled cut it into strips and twist them once or twice. A little sugar may be sifted over the pieces when they are colcl. ..;";."'., J. H. DAWSON BUILDING CONTRACTOR ALTERATIONS ETO Creamed Ham Take a half-sized slice of sug- ar-cured ham a half an inch thick aml place it ina dish, cov- ering it well with milk. Let stand overnight inthe ice box. In the morning, drain and wipe the ham dry, then fry it a delicate brown in &leep fat. Make a cream sauce from the milk, unless the ham is very salty, in which case fresh milk should be used. Serve broiled potatoes with the ham, A I.i(tie nt n Time According to a morning paper women are now buying their dresses on the installment plan. We seem to have'een some of them wearing the first instnll- ment. Authorized Ford Service See the New Model Ford on display here. .."..arine ....otors 22nd and Marine Drive PHONL'EST 177 Diner: For the flrst time this year this milk really tastes like milk. IVaiter I Can't help it, sir. The water's ofi'. Automotive Experts Battery and Ignition Specialists Towing Car nt Your Call GASOLINE nnd OILS Death of Mrs. Young ALENTINE DA~cEAT WHYTECLIFF