001B6C5F ST. STEPHEN'8 W. A. A most successful "Valentine Tea" was held at the Parish Hall on February 14th under the aus- pices of the Women's Auxiliary to St. Stephen's Church. The games were keenly con- tested and much amusement ivas provided by the "AIystery table." The Convener. iblrs. Pearce had us all lined up in n row and ive were alloived to go round the table 3 times in suc- cession, the table cloth was lift- ed and ive had a peek at the mis- cellaneous articles underneath-- there ivere no less than 45 ob- jects and one had to remember as many as possible in order to win a prize. AIrs. Bloxham was the lucky one, her score being 3tk The matching of hearts ivas another game nnd proved rather trying to some. Hoivever, per- seierance won in the end nnd Mrs. Hodgson ives the recipient of another prize. Throiving darts ivas another competition and was by no menus ss easy as it looked. A straight aim and stout heart provide&I AIrs. Foyxl ivith a prize. The Refreshment Committee did their share to make the nft- ernoon a success and there ives cake and goodies to ones heart' content and no need to admonish the "Servers" with F. H. B. (family hol&ls back). The Parish Hall ives very art- istically decorated and thanks are due to the diiferent conven- ers for their unspairing efforts. Save old pieces of velveteen. They make excellent polishers for mahogany, plated goods, and so on. Tough meat will be tender when cooked if it is f~rst rubbe I over with a cloth dipped in lem- on juice. When boiling old potatoes, add 8 little sugar to the water. AIice dislike the smell of turp- entine, and if rags soaked in it are placed at the entrance to their holes it &vill often rid a place of them. )Vhen ivashing flannels, never let them lie long in the ivater. They should be washed and hung out to dry as quickly as pos- sible. Add a tablespoonful of paint- er's size to the ivater ivhen ivash- ing linoleum, and the surface will present a glossy appearance. To keep 8 boivl from sliding and turning ivhen mixing with one hand and adding ingredients with the other, put a folded tow- el under it. If a folded paper or cloth is placed over a vessel in which mustard is cooling, it will pre- vent a skin forming on top. Never leave sugar, raisin~, currants, or peel in paper bags. They all go moist and sticky very quickly. To keep carpets clean and fresh-looking go over them oc- casionally ivith a broom dipped in hot prater to which a little turpentine has been added. To boil a cracked egg, put it into a paper bag and twist the top of the bag tightly. Enamelled pans will last much longer if before used they are filled with cold water. brought slowly to a boil and alloived to cool again. A pinch of salt on the tongue followed ten minutes later by a drink of cold water, will often cure a headache. Fruit stains can usually be re- moved from fast-colored silks by sponging them with cold soapy water. To keep potatoes a good color add a few drops of lemon juice to the water in which they stand after being peeled. GIVES CREDIT TO NEWSPAPERS Advertising Increased Business Sixteen Million Dollars In announcing a 516,000,000 increase in their business of the last ten years, YV. A. Wiebo)dt department store of Chicago, gives full credit to newspaper advertising. "Ten yearsago, in 1916, our annual volume approximated 54,000,000, IV. A. Wiebo)dt, vice-president of the company, said. "Today at the end of 1926, our volume has reached the 520,- 000,000. "We attribute this rapid ad- vance in a large measure to our constant and intelligent use nf the newspapers." HELP THE KIDDIES BY ATTENDING THE GRAND CONCERT In aid of Children's Playgronnds HOLLYBURH THEATRE Wednesday, Feb. 28rd, 1M7 Doors Open at TAO Concert at 7.45 Admission, Adults 50c. Children 25c. PROGRAMME 1. MR. GEORGE HOLLAND--Piano-Accord)an. "Versus" . „,... „„„„............„,.... Pic&co 2. MRS. H. A. EDE--Soprano (a) "At Night" ................Landon Ronald (b) "Bird in the Wilderness"............................... Horseman At the Piano, .Mrs. Gertrude Bc)icy S. MR. LOUIS PALAZZINI--Tenor (a) "Eiucovag io Sic)is".................Tosca (b) "Fcc AII Eternity".................... blaucboroni At the Piano birs. Gertrude Bailey 4. MISS CECILIA PREST--Alto-Baritone (a) "Lonesome" . „„.......Bradley-Roberts (b) "Only You" ........... Holcmacc At the Piano............ Self 6. MR. THOS. IRVING-HAWKES--Violin "blighty Iah' Rose".................. Novin 8. MR. JOHN FLETT--Baritone (a) "Good bys" .... „..... „........ Toot) (b) "For Yow Alone" ........................ O'ROIHy-Giehi At ibo Piano „Mrs. Gccirudo Bgiloy T. AIRS. F. X. HODGSON--Central&a (a) "Give Mo Tby Heart" ...... „.......... Ross( (b) Yonder" .......................... Oliver At the Piano.......Mcs. J. E. Dcsrbbc IL MISS MOLLY LEE--Premier Danseuse "Love Greeting" At the Piano.......Mrs. Annandaio At the Violin.... „. bios. Knight Hodgo 8. MIL A. E. KIDD--Magicsi Entertainer. "0 CANADA" THE )VEST VAN NEWS Gardening Notes By Ciril Harding Shrubs for Shiuly I'laces Aiuch cffort is wasted and money thrown awny by the planting of unsuitnble subjects in spots ivhcre tho sun rarely penetrate 8. This is particularly to be noticecl in new gare)ens. The fault is not ahvays thnt nf the occupier new to gardening. Happily there nre many trees and shrubs from which to make a choice. Many of our renders have country or semi-country abodes ivhere forest (ress throiv 8 pcyT&et unl shade over the ground. A few blackberries will provide fruit as well ns beauty. The common variety does bet- ter under cultivation than it clues in a ivild state, aml plants con be bought very cheaply. It is quite an easy thing to grow. There are some goo:l American sorts, too, which do equally well. The Parsley Leaved type is pret- ty an&I fruits well, ancl another fine variety is "Wilson Junior." Loganberries succeed in the shade. They do splendidly in the heart of London, aml what will grow there will &lo almost any- where. The Pro)&lem of isianure The mnjority of amateur gar- &leners in and around towns, aml even in villages. bemoan the fact that stable or farmyard mnnure is impossible to obtain. It is, yet there is no reason to limit one's gardening efforts because of this. In nearly every house- hold enough material is wasted to provide manure for the home garden. Most people hold very hazy ideas of manures and their uses. They think manure is worked into the grouml alone to provide the soil with material to hold warmth an&1 moisture, air and food. Each of these constit- uents is necessary for success- ful plant production. And these necessities may be obtained from sources other than stable, or animal manure of any &lescrip- tion. In the food line plants re- quire potash, nitrogen, ammonia phosphates, carbon and other elements, and these may all be derived from the refuse of the kitchen and the garden itself. Store up all organic material such as tree and vegetableleaves, woollen rags, remains of fish, vegetable peelings (except those of potatoes) and other kitchen waste. Visions of sanitary in- spectors and irate neighbors neighbors cometo mimi, but if a compost heap is made, as ex- plained below, all will be well and the manure problem solved. The Compost Heap Choose a spot as much out of . sight as possible. Dig out a hole, Four feet square will be large enough for an ordinary size workers'arden, with a depth of one foot. The size of the heap will depend entirely upon the a- mount of refuse for disposal. Place the soil removed from the hole around the sides. Into the bottom of the hole throw in 8 layer of refuse. When the ac- cumulation, trodden down, is four inches thick, sprinkle a thin layer of soil over it and &lust 8 little powdered lime on the sur- face. Then another layer of re- fuse, soil and lime again. And 80 continue. As the heap mounts above the surface of the sur-. rounding soil, bank up the sides and dust these also with lime. The refuse will soon rot. There will be no smell from it, aml in six months a plentiful supply of organic manure will be available. Cabbage stumps aml potato peelings and tops shoul&l'not be placed in the compost heap, ow- ing to the danger of spreading plant diseases in the soil when the refuse is dug in. Burn this type of refuse an&I all other woody material. The ashes will do splendidly for potatoes and other root crops. Coal ashes however, must not be use&i on the garden unless worked into the very stiff clay subsoil in mcxl- erate quantities. The majority of village gardens in this coun- try have been ruined by the con- tinuous working in of coal ashes mix&st with the night soil. An important hint -- Keep wood nshes anil lime away from mint. For some reason, at pres- ent unexplnined. these are hnrm- ful to the roots of mint. This herb should have 8 apnea to it- self ivlicn the new herb beil is made. A. O. T. S. BA&VQUET The A. O. T. S. banquet hei&i in St. Stephen's Church Hnll Inst night was most successful, n- bout 50 men sitting down to the men). biiore than 30 registra- tion cnrds were signed nn&l the &hi&is pa&&i. A&lily'&cases wci'8 giv en by AIr. Miller, vice-president of the District Council of the A. O. T.'s and Air. Clelnn&l, presi- &lent of the Ryerson Orgnnisa- tion. as well as by Reeve Vin- son. Professor J. M. Morgan lml in community singing aml (',oun- cillor Watt presicleil at the pinn&L YV. IL A. Un&lei the auspiies of the YVest Vamouver Women'8 Bene- fit Associntion, Review No. 24, a military whist clrive will bc hekl in the New Ambleside Hall (14th aml Marine Drive) on IVednes&lay, 23r&l February. nt 8.30. Iiandsome prizes, dainty refreshments. The regular meet- ing of this order meets same ev- ening at 7.15 at same place. Wil) members please note time. A good attemlance is anticipated. Business, initiation, etc., &late, IVednesday, February 23rd. "Let's think bar&i now." "Naw, let's &lo something that you can do too." Feiiruary 18, 1927 SAVE'n Your Groceries ~ Living necessities c o s t enough without pnying ex- trna. Our prices are almost invnrlably lower which saves you hunting for sav- ings. Just become 8 regu- lar customer and nvail your- self of our regulnr low prices. Over a perlo&l of time the snving will be con- si&lernble, tiRKENWOO 8 s) GI(OCEI(Y West I si Phone your or&lors. We deliver Hollybnrn Theatre I r&day nnd bnturday Fcbru&cry IR(h nnd 19th "His Secretary" with Normn Shearer and I.ew Cody REGULA(( AiiibIISSIOiV: Evoning Mac(goo Adults ................ Zpc Zpc Children .............. Ipc Ioc Board of School Trustees H. T. | URTIS Wishes to take this opportunity of expressing his thanks to the Electors of West Vancouver for their congdence in electing him as 8 School Trustee. W. B. A.--The Women's Benefit Association will hold a MILITARY WHIST DRIVE IN THE NEIV AAIBLESIDE HAI.I. On Wednesday, February 23rd Good I'rizes at 8.30 p. m. Admission 50c Refreshments WEST VANCOUVEIt BRANCII (A. Chilton, Mgr.) Marine Drive nt 17th I'hone West I SAFE BEHIND STEEL But always convenient The daily increasing number of burglaries and thefts an&i the ever mounting number of fires are two of the most forceful arguments for the AIODFRN SAFF. DFI'OSIT BOX Papers, Jewelery an&1 valuables kept in a Safe Deposit Box are SAFE. They are protected against every possible agency of loss and destruction. A SAFE DEPOSIT BOX gives you secrecy too. Very much to be desired in such cases as wills, insurance papers, income tax &lata, etc. SAFE and CONVENIENT for little cost. SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES from 53.00 up. BANK iAIONEY ORDEIIS ISSUED I'AY ABLE IN AI.I. PARTS OF THFo )VORI.I) THE ROYAL BANK IP„ Lig Ii L&IST YOS IP ui a 8 OIOWJ uci&ca pos pii S. '&cy Scil I'I fcig M i&PP yen nu pif iih oud R,is&'51 0006(i 'ai P 00 0 in "'iuiiago ul 6 Scsi holllo' - Vp( ii'I(ITS uc (o&y eeoc a,oi ha&as It 0&d ii glop bSTSI~BH hoal I i ua(0&u Moo&I cowl (.8 lcl Ivw&"'iiii i C;Opp 8 Yc&y oicuui o I (&oui I Dao hlw IMWcoc oad gsn p I,iatiul 11'csmlob T&SLS )lbSLW Tiaas « p'co& PIR-- „ew b)(ches(1 ',hio (or dm"X pisao, cm &0&80 PPP" w \ii. ioii.iiiii Wc pavo sever ig huiidiag lou j~zn (iom pppp phago West Hili, ii ii siiiii Iu Swam&0 0( Ii;ii ii Iois on hs&d 0'leared. The halsacg Waicc sad ligi SAVORY coyipoRThste pood Iocsuoll. pp(pp. Smail 0 WASTeD-Snai close io water Scpicmhc&; aii bouse coaccaii anent icaaoL e. C.i bio&isa Drii Phone, West 17; )IORSY TO 1 Agreements di Wcsi Yaa. Igv Hs&iac. Phoo Tulancca cca Tho&0 a&0 Ip delivered. 8, Lht, Igih an, l4 ii iiiii iiiliii hp cooccsci. W, oiiiiiii Shoc&OOC go&i, date piagg, capo&(caco in &lid s&0 capo Mai o( scnri sutaacg 00&0&&0 I&gem ters, BYRRi ~pi i 0 i. Cii Rew IIO)iep gag&ca( u&wui oil wiihio oow Miog Ion a~ ~ll'haca ai 0$ ao Iccn )coparty 1 having sa goi I; ~ pcalllg I aior, llghi "" agicoghi, ~aioyop ~Iioaiioa b Poccy Win& coacmbac the Hsnhwa Vollgo ~ ~ os(ISM S