001B6C5F mmslpss HALL 5 mmes Homesites WEST VANCOUVER Reeve ssl Iles. Vistas'5 y Wedding Anniversary~t of nd lov In. Ily et fis Isn nt) lie h) Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrop, Nelson and Ottawa, have had an addition to their family. A fine baby boy arrived at St. Paul's Hospital. a a e Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Pollard and family left Monday night on the C. N. R. transcontinental for the east, where they will em- bark on the SS. Ascania for Eng- land. A number of West Van- couver friends and veterans were present at the C.N.R. station and gave them a hearty sendofF. Mr. John Vance took posses- sion on Tuesday of the Dundar- ave Drug Store which he recent- ly purchased from Mr. George Gemmill. Mr. Chet Shields is having the interior of his store at Amble- side, remodelled in preparation for the pool room he is putting in in the rear of his store. The Capilano Timber Co. have a steam shovel at work excavat- ing in preparation for their new yard on the Marine Drive. Mr. Pinder-Moss and family, 15th and Inglewood, have re- covered from the attack of flu from which they have been suf- fering. ~'r.W. Hawkes, 24th and Bellevue, has purchased Mr. Hampson's house on Esquimalt, opposite the Municipal Hall. a A girl from the city, while coasting Sunday on Hollyburn Ridge, had the misfortune to break her leg owing to violent contact with a stump. She was carried down to 22nd Street on a stretcher. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Her- man of Capilano West, have left for Montreal and New York. Owing to the dance of the B. C. Telephone staff having been arranged to take place on Fri- day, 4th March, the West Van- couver L.O.L. No. 2990, have changed the date of their hard times'ance from that date to Monday, 7th March. The West Vancouver branch of the Canadian Legion will hold their regular monthly business meeting tonight in the Legion's rooms in the FenY building. Every member is requested to attend. Mr. L. A. B. White left on Wednesday on a business trip to Montreal. Mr. White expects to be away about a month. The British Israel Association after this next meeting on 24th February, will be holding their meetings on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, instead of on Thursdays. The Musical Society are giv- ing a dance on Saturday evening 2Gth February, in the New Am- bleside Hall. The proceeds will go to the funds of the society. Professor Odium on Thursday evening next will be the speak- er at the British Israel Associa- tion's meeting in the New Am- bleside Hall. In his address he will conclude his reply to Judge Rutherford's speech in the Al- bert Hall, London. e Mrs. J. Sentence entertained at a. Valentine Birthday party for her daughter Mona, last Sat- urday evening. The invited guests were Miss Phyllis John- son, Miss Nellie Young, Miss Maudie Lambert, Miss Ione Mc- Donald, Miss Flora Gamage, Masters Tom Turner, Oscar Jones, Stanley Grant, Donald aeui Clayton Stewart, Tim Tim- brell, Will Smith, Lorne Colpitts. Contractor P. B. Anthony is building a house at the corner of 20th and Fulton. The fine weather on Sunday was productive of considerable travel on the North Shore. The Marine Drive was crowded with autos all the afternoon, and the ferries had a busy timethrough- out the day, The latter carried 2304 passengers, 1099 of whom came from Vancouver, while 1206 used the ferries to return to the city. About 450 were hik- ers bound for Hollyburn Ridge. These figures compare favorably with those for the previous Sun- day, when the ferries carried 20GI persons, 91G from and 1145 to Vancouver. Mrs. Duncan MacGregor of Vancouver, has purchased the bungalow that is being built for Mr. Hugh May at Esquimalt and 21st Street. Mr. W. R. Yates, father of Mr. J. S. Yates, has sold his business in South Vancouver and is going to move over to his house on 16th Street, as soon as he has completed the construction of it. Mrs. M. Kenealy, 21st and Marine, ha&1 an unfortunate fall last week, when she suffered a fractured rib. The late John W. Hutton, of Dundarave, who died on 6th of December, left his net estate of 34,924 to a Mrs. Irene Bulkley of Vancouver, "as the last token of my love and admiration of her many splendid qualities." s Mr. Clark, Marine Drive, has moved into the Sweetnam house at 24th and Marine. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Plumb of Elkhorn, Manitoba, who have been guests at the Fortune Cup Inn, left on Wednesday, 9th of February, for North Vancouver, where Mr. Plumb has bought a house. Miss Nellie Stevenson of "the Clachan" entertained her friends at a whist drive on Thursday, 10th February. Mrs. Fewings won the ladies'rize, that for the gentlemen going to Mr. Thomas. 'Dundaraue Hairdressing Parlor ADJOINING MERIORIAI PARK Notice Location A pleasant surprise party took place at the home of Reeve and Mrs. V. V. Vinson on Monday, February 14th, on the occasion of their wedding anniversary, when a handsome jardinierefilled with tulips and ferns, also a pair'f silver vases, were presented to them by a few friends. A- mong those present were: Mrs. Neale, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Gar- thoITIe, Mrs. Sentence, Mrs. Job- ling, Mrs. Gisby, Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. Davies, Mrs. McMillan, Mrs. Olsen, Mrs. Shepherd, Mrs. Hart, Mrs. Atkins, Mr. and Mrs. Vin- son of Bellingham. The W. B. A. will hold a mili- tary whist drive in the New Am- bleside Hall next Wednesday at 8.15. Vwe esw WF ryd~ 5 5 se ' 5 Psslie ~ s 55'scar 75's 575. Sfr ryse I BUILDING LOANS READY 'B Z ~I Z a zs e's s I w I z 5 1st Gillespie, Hart & Todd Ltd.5 „F.s s ~~o m ra s. 414 West Vender Street Seymour 9380 Evenings, Douglas 1217R ea In, Int ln it. int vs, Ih. .Ily 1st PI A R I es S ncsceaess seems 5 mmsLe „,„„,„,„„,„. M.WILLIAMS „„.„„„, CUSTOM TAILOR 5 e The following additions are to be made to the programme of the concert in aid of the Child- ren's Playground Fund: Mrs. Ede's songs will be "At Night," by Sanden Ronald and "Bird in the Wilderness" by Horseman. The accompanist, Mrs. Gertrude ~ Bailey, is organist for St. And- rew's United Church, and also I pianist for the North Shore Op- eratic Society. Mollie Lee will i be accompanied in her dances by I Mrs. Annandale, piano, and Mrs.'night Hodge, violin. Spsctattstng in bfsn's Suits and Overcoats to Measure. Large Assortment of Patterns to choose from. ORDER YOUR NEXT SUIT FROM US Dry Cleaning CITY Dyeing, Repairs and PRICES and Pressing Alterations WE CALL AND DELIVER PHONE WEST 20 Iov vd Ei el- 'I'e nd 'ne SAVORY c%. DUVAL REAI ESTATE AND INSURANCE 14'29 Marine Drive Phone West 114 be n be IS ve . nd 'TANLEY BOSHIER WINS MEDAL The results have been an-~ I nounced of the Fire prevention 'bessay competition instituted last I September by the Ancient and Honourable Order of the Blue Goose and the Vancouver Fire Insurance Agents'ssociation. The province was divided into nine districts and a medal don- ated for the best essay written by a public school scholar in each district. The medal for district I No. 5, comprising the whole of the North Shore, has been won by Stanley Boshtler, 11th and Jefferson. He is to be congratu- , lated on thus winning the medal, which we understand, is to be presented later, against all the other contestants from the I North Shore. North A West Vancouver Stages Offtca and Waiting Room: 6 Loasdala Avenue WEEK DAY SCHEDULE Leave North Vancouver for SHERMAN and CYPRESS PARK on the hour from and including 7 a.m. to 6.40 p.va.; also 20 minutes past tho hour from and including 6.20 a.BL to 9.20 a.BL and 1.20 p.m. to 11.20 p.va. RETURNING from SHERbIAN 30 minutes after above times. SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS Leaves North Vancouver on the hour from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; also at 1.40, 2.40, 7.40, 8.60, 9.20 and 10.20 p.nh, returning from Cypress Park 30 minutes after above times. IS I be .Bl OI'n ne, hts I'h- rly NOTICE The stage will leave North Vancouver at 6.40 p.m. instead of 7 p.m. Ih- to, Io. ith Bl, 01- Idd nts s)'n lis- on- ad vho nt. Bl- sn csn the tee the eat ,his &Jll. BI I sp. Phone West 84 for Sand, Gravel Truck'-Work I Etc. H: P. Tearoe l 6'IU Haywood Ave. FUEL Inside Fir Slab COAL Naaatavo, Wellington and Arrow Hard (Sootsess)bfavsno Drive, Opposite Dnndavava Hall MARCEL WAVING -- HAIRCUTTING FACIALS and VIOLET RAY Phone West 179 for appointment SAND GRAVEL WESTON TRANSFER s I I (Bob Black, Prop.) ISTH and SIARINE Phones: West 17: Residence 91 RWest Vancouver GROCERIES AND HARDWARE PAINTS and OILS J. H. RE$D FULTONPHONE468 1 Our stock is complete, our prices are reasonable, and we appreciate your custom. COME IN AND LET'S GET ACQUAINTED Sand, Gravel and General Teamwork Holi@burn General Store TAXI Pheseee WEST 116 Rss WEST SSOL U D. MORGAN, J.P. NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE 2nd 5SURANCE Twsnty-Sfth aad bfavtna Dr. Phono West 4 (Hooper and Son) WE DELIVER17th and Marine Phone West 46 en Ihe the FR AMAR CEDARS LUMBER YARDS Ltd. F. Newman II D. RobbinsBUILDERSMontessori School L UM B E R IVe have over a million feet of high grade lumber in our yards, and to reduce this immense stock we are going to great- ly reduce prices for the next month on a number of items. Special for This Week, Shiplap $13, 2x4 $12 WEST VAN YARD 2446 MARINE DRIVE i I'hone West 313 FOR SMALL CHILDREN 16th n fsessmslt lees, W. D. Fesssv Phase West SSL Terms aessesehl~ House Paeatces, I sparhangaes and Kalsovoiniag Reasonable Terms Ihe Pearce's Drygoods Send for our sample book of Wallpapers. Peep o'ay House Phone btathsvs Sk 29th Wast SSIRS ,Ien neo ISI IIII ese Ieeslse helm vesee vml Be WINDOW BLINDS Made to Order. Esslmstes Fess. Ijoy Vernon Feed Store RSI'ene nop„ 'I lt. G SEARLE Phoae Wast 9 FEED, FUEL, CE51ENT Etc. Windows, Doors, Paper Roofing, Cement. Plaster Gravel, Veneers, Beaver and Plaster Board. ly, February 18, 1927. THE WEST VAN NEWS PERSONAL'S