West Van. News (West Vancouver), 18 Feb 1927, p. 4

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001B6C5F rcr w ~ S Pf," 1 gb P [ rs& i iici ! Iegdlf' Plesim" burns February 18. 1927THE WFNT VAN. NEWS RAIN AND SNOW AT HOLI.Y- BURN FOR JANUARY Rain Snow Jan. 1 .82 inches 2 .GG 3 .17 5 .03 Due ~ 7 .03 12 .G4 13 1.42 14 I.OG 15 .G3 1G .12 17 .67 " 1.6 inches o .n5 25 .07 26 1.09i 27 .32 28 .18 29 .40 30 .44 31 .34 Total 10.23 inches 10.G inches Lowest temperature on 18th, 18 degrees F. 19th, 16 degrees F. 20th, 14 degrees F. PERSO C NA.IiS James Turner of 27th nn&l bfathera, hail the misfortune to fall out af a tree and break his leg. ~ ~ ~ The Tcnchers'econd Annual Dnnce in the llollyburn Pavilion on Friclay, was a grent success. The large crowd present thor- oughly enjoyeil the excellent musie provide&i by the Tlekle- toe's orchestra, s ~ ~ Mr. John Vance of the Dun- dnrnve Drug Store. who is nt present living in the citv. has rented n cottnge nt Wing'6 Point, nml wiil tnke possession on March 1st. ~ o s Councillor an&I birs. K. A. Ray celebrated their crystal weihling Inst Friday. ~ ~ ~ kIugh Masteisnnn, 3 yea& ol&l son of Nr. and Nrs. Percy ihlast- erman, took a fancy for high jumping on Wednesday, an&i tried to negotiate six or seven feet from the verandah steps. The doctor is now attending a badly &lamaged foot. o ~ ~ The vocal pupils of Mrs F X Hodgson will be assisted in their concert recital in Dundarave Hall next Friday evening by Miss May Viney, violinist, and Miss Annie Lamont, d a n 6 e u s e. The pupils an&i others taking part are Ivy Cauan, Dorothy Viney, Frank Hodgson, Laurie Lefeaux, Mary O'Donneu, Win- nie Dorchester, Connie Hicks, Eleanor Chilton, Helen Hughes, Nrs. S. Gardiner, May Viney, Mrs. H. Eager, Mr. H. I&elias, Miss E. Morden, Kitty Laughlin, Joan Durbin, Nrs. A. Laughlin, Peggy McNeill, and Mrs. Agnes Laughlin. o o o Mr. Walter Grundy, of Gr'and- view, has rented the Bulkley cottage at Wing's Point. ~ o ~ Mr. and Mrs. J. Hunt, 18th and Waterfront, had an addition to their family on Wednesday, 9th February, a daughter being born to them at the North Van- couver General Hospital. Bath mother aml daughter are doing well. s Mr. and Mrs. Buderbent, 16th and Fulton, have moved to the city. oncert in Aid of&i ' &e st U. Idtbi r~ebrusn'eddi"g I their dsoissl sha" d iei ib tully 6 II silver fsv mung 1I&s 8&oi'ssle, I 'eats e Iiis,tbovus'I& Gisby, Olseu " 'us, cgif'il's. Sdiiugbsm Adllls, 6 IU. S,A, " Tbs l t drive ii tsvy" HsH next SrbiS bicslds 8.15. fpsswiug I tbs bs made to tbs &su&sf Smds's suilgs b Ssudeu ituus by tiilidefuess Tbs s&csmlmm . w~s Unit I pisuist or the N mtic Society, b sccumpsuisd I a fS3l s. Auusudsle, v , Height Hudge , STANLSY Hosl LIBERAL MEETING Playground FuIId Another treat for the West Vancnuver Musie I.oving Pubue hss lieen arranged for by Nr. J. &bl. Is&rale on behalf of the blem- orial Park Children's I'laygroun&l Committee of ivhich Counciuor Ray is the energetic chairman, The proceeds af this excellently nrrnnged concert will go tawnrcls the playgrauml nn&l npnrt from the very high cia~a af talent (which have alfere&l their servic- es, It is expected thnt the pubuc will support this very worthy object and nvnil itself of the op- portunity to nttend. The progrnmme which has been nrranged is ns follows: bir. (Ieargc liollnml will per- form on the I'iana-Accordian. This is n $ 1000.00 instrument nn&l Mr. Iiollan&l ls successful in getting delightful music from it. Mrs. If. A. E&le. n brluiant soprano, will give two numbers. Nrs. E&le is n highly accomplish- c&l pinnist ns well ns n lovely singer nml this number is sure to be npprcciated. Mr. Louis I'alnzzinl, a tenor soloist, trained for Itnlian Opern in his native Italy, will be heard hero for the first time in West Vancouver. "Elncevan le Stel- la" by Toscn, nnd "I"ar AH Eter- nity" l&y Mascheronl, nre the numbers he has selected nn&l both are popular and of that tone which demands the artist's very best. A very pleasing number in the person of 31iss Cecilia Prest, a 16-year-old alto-baritone, will be given. This young la&ly who is her own accompanist will give "Lonesome" and "Only You" and is certain to be a treat Mr. Thos. Irving-liawkes, th violinist, will play as one of his numbers "Mighty Lak' Rose." Mr. Hawkes is a finished artist on the violin aml this should be one of the most appreciated items. Tosti's "Good-bye" an&I "For You Alone," have been chosen by Mr. John Flett the baritone, and those who have heard this artist claim that he has a rich- ness and charm particularly suited to the songs selected. No concert is complete with- out our own premier contralto, Mrs. F. X. Hodgson, who is go- ing to delight her audience with "Give Me Thy Heart, by Rossi, and "Yonder" composed by Ol- iver. It is unnecessary to add comment to the accomplishments of Mrs. Hodgson except to say that she ranks easily first in British Colunibia aml never dis- appoints an audience. Miss Molly Lee has kindly con- sented to appear in person an&i charm the hearts of those who appreciate the delicate aml art- istic steps of one who has real- ly learned to trip the light fan- tastic. Not many dancers can lay claim to compete in the school of which Miss Molly Lee has reached the top and the committee are fortunate indeed to obtain the services of this talented artist. Easily the prem- ier danseuse of the Pacilic Coast; the audience is certain to be cap- tured by this star turn. Mr A E Kid&1 a magical en- tertainer, is sure to charm the hearts of au. particularly the young, whom he makes a specif I effort to please. His tricks are nearly an new an&I this turn will be sure to please. Nrs. Gertrude Bailey and Mrs. J. E. Durbin will accompany the &liffcrcnt singers. This programme will be given at HoHyburn Theatre, We&lnes- day evening, February 23rd nt 7.45. Help the Kiddies aml enjoy yourself; and come. Next Tuesday nt 8.00 p.m. February 22nd New Ambleside Hall A special address &vill be given by Mr. Frank Walker formerly member of the Alberta Legislature and Chief Whip All members and pr&xspec- tive members are invited. The Musical Society wiH give their second concert in Wesley Church, Vancouver. at 3 p. m. next Sunday. 20th February. ~ o ~ The regular practice of the Bays'hair unde& Professor Jns. Morgan «GH be hckl on Saturday morning next. 19th February, in the HoHyburn School nt 10 o'- clock. A full nttendance is re- quests&I. Boys please note. o ~ ~ The I'Vest Vancouver Invest- ment Ca. have been nppointed agents for the Cnpilano Timber Co. ~ ~ ~ Mr. F. Pascual. 14th and Es- quimalt, left on Nondny morn- ing for Kamloops, where he will undergo medical treatment und- er a specialist for Empayema. It is hoped that hIr. Pascual will return in two or three weeks completely restored to health. ~ o o iblrs. Urquhart, 16th nnd Ful- ton.. left on Tuesday for Cali- fornia. o 1 ~ Mrs. F. X. Ho&lgson is holding her annual concert recital in the Dundarave Hall, next Friday, ivhen her vocal pupils will take part. Proceeds are in ai&l of St. Stephen's Church Buil&ling Fund. urs. eooov less& iiiv ossa ivvv& aw DR. ARTIIUR C. NASII M.RGS., LSLCJ'. Residence, Office, 16&h suit CI)rte Duudarave TRUCKING aud Mr. Lloyd George, in address- ing recently a meeting of the Women's Advertising Club, stat- ed that. until he had become a newspaper proprietor. he had not fully renlised the value of adver- tising. Ile was now convinced the advertising columns were "the most attractive'and certain- ly the most reliable part of a newspaper." TEAM WORK Excavating (Day or Contract) SAND & GRAVEL P. A. ANDREWS 1166 Fui&oa. I'hour 1vsst 660R The North Shore bfotors Ltd of North Vancouver, has con- structed an addition to their building. This is to be used for the special purpose of housing and displaying used cars. The new portion is directly under the machine shop and is on the street level. Ultimately this will be finished with stucco to conform with the remainder of the build- ing. No matter how hungry a horse is she can't eat a bit. The rssulm l i nouuced of the+ essay csmpstltlu Isepteml r by tl Honourable Ord'oose sud the 'usursucsAgeuc Tbs province w, nine districts su sted for the bes'y 6 public i&boo'istrict. The mi Ns. 5, comprisiu the North Shore by Stanley Bss Jeiferssu. He is i lated ou thus wii which we uudei pressutel later, other contests North Shore. West Vancouver Board of Trade OH BOY/ This is the place for TOBACCO, CANDIES MAGAZINES, ETC. The Regular Meeting will be held in theCHET SHIELDS ~ s s The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trade will be held next Monday at 8 p. m. ~ o ~ Mrs. Skeat presented her hus- band, Captain Skeat of the ferry service, with a son and heir last Friday. Mrs. Skeat is at the Vancouver Hospital, and is mak- ing splendid progress. So is the SOII. New Ambleside Hall On MONDAY Next Feb. Sist, at 8 p.m. 11th S&„right at the Railway Crossing HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON A full attendance is requested.funeral 6Irrrtars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 Land Cleared COHOE CAUGHT IN THE CAPILANO Dunfj Major J. Edelston, 30th and Mathers, while fishing in the Capilano last Wednesday, 9th February&, caught a cohoe weigh- ing about 12 lbs., in one of the pools above the canyon. He was using a prawn for bait. The salmon was somewhat soft and of a dull silver color, but other- wise in good condition. It is re- markable that a cohoe should be alive and taking the bait in Feb- ruary, as usually they are never found in the Capilano after De- cember. The annual meeting of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D. E., was held on Tuesday after- noon at St. Stephen's Parish Hall, when reports for the year were given. The treasurer, Mrs. A. H. Prentice, reported receipts for the year 3711.15, with dis- bursements of 3691.70. The secretary, Mrs. P. C. Chapman, gave a very interesting report of the general work of the Chap- ter. The Educational Secretary, Nrs. Waiter Gourlay, reported much work done during the year. Nrs. A. E. Young, report- ed on Hospital work, wheremany visits were made an&i treats tak- en to the men. Other reports were Echoes, Mrs. Jupp, Navy League, Nrs. Sentence, Graves, Mrs. Pearson. There were 5 new members accepted. Of ficers for 1927: Hon. Regent, Mrs. John Lawson; Hon. Vice-Regent, Mrs. Almas; Regent, Nrs. Small; 1st Vice-Regent, Nrs. D. Morgan; 2n&l Vice-Regent, Mrs. P. Wait; Secretary, Nrs. I'. C. Chapman; Asst. Secretary, Mrs. R. Mc- Vean; Treasurer, Miss Nutch- moore; Educational Secretary, Mrs. W. Gourlay; Echoes Secre- tary,,Mrs. Vaughan; Stamlard Bearer, Mrs. I. Pearson; Coun- ciuors, Nrs. Almas, Mrs. Law- son, Nrs. Crawford; Hospital Convener, Mrs. A. E. Young, Navy League, Mrs. R.A. Ogilvie; Graves, Nrs. J. Pcarson. Phone West Ion resonable terms. GARDENS SPADED House Painting and Kalsomining. Will supply own material if required. WRITE "CLEARING" Care West Van News or Phone Shield's Store West 116 Vacancy for a limited number of pupils on GROGTENOR BANJO Our steelR. BARRY Phone West 452 R C031 Holi)'i urea her SPecia..s 2x4 Hemlock, 6 real buy in Specified lengths at..$ 12.00 per i 2x8, 10 and 12 dim., specified lengths.............$ 16.00 per N 1x6 K. D. V. Joint. 3 ft. to 7 ft. clear....................$ 18.00 per N 1 6 K. D. B ded Ceiling, Long Lengths..........$18.00 per N 1x4 K. D. V Joint, 8 ft. to 18 ft., a bargain ......318.00 pe x .. ea r N 1x4 K. D. Flooring, real good grade....................$18.00 per M Hot Bed Sask 3-Ox4-Gxls/1.....................................$3.75 each "'"'" Sash Doors FramesMONEY On S 1 Inside Doors from 33.00 up. I, 3, and 5 Panel Glass Doors from 35.00 up. Stock Sash at Special Discounts. BUILDLNG PAI'ERS, ROOFINiG 1VAI.LBOARDS AND VEiVEERS. 17ib uud Ji+ D E L I V E R Y CED I M M E D I A T E „AI bours; W ~ We have yards, sud 1 e uric liiclil i„ WESP y The regular meeting of West Vancouver L 0 L No 2990 was held in Dundarave Hall on Tues- day, when one member wss a* vanced to the Itoyal Blue DegreePhone West 19916th 3& Manne Ambleside Lumber Co.