West Van. News (West Vancouver), 18 Feb 1927, p. 2

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001B6C5F b British Israel Association of West Vancouver Will hieet &Vest Thurmiay (Feb. 2 lib) at 6 Ir.bi. in the New Ambleside Hall Corner il&b aad Bariae I&rive Speaker: PROF. E. ODI.Uil. DI.A„ Ikse„F.R.G.S. Concluding hie address an "Answering the Speech glade bv Judge I&a&berford In Albert Ball, last a]ay in I&'bivb I& Craw I'laieaed &be& Bvnaia Cree Cbe Bea«L Baptist Church Rev. David Long, Pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m. Church Service, 11 a. m. Weekly prayer service each iVednesday at 7.SO p.m. Miss Grieve Married West Van. Baptist Church was the scene of a very prettv &red- ding, Saturday evening at 7.SO when bliss Amy Frline Grieve. daughter of hlr. and hire. S. iV. Grieve, Ambleside, became the bride of hlr. Alexander Harold Swanm&n, son of hire. iil. Swan- son, Vancouver. The bride given in marriage by her father, was beautifullv gowned in shell pink georgette with dolman sleeves of ecru, spider web lace embroideredwith lovers knots in silk and pearls with hat the same shade as dress, trimmed with ecru lace. She carried a shower bouquet of Ophelia roses, Freesia and maid- en hair fern. Her sister, Mrs. Albert Dun- bar, as matron of honor was at- tired in powder blue georgette and satin ensuite and carried pink carnations, freesia and maiden hair fern. ih. Victor Foley attended the groom as best man. The ushers were Mr. Lloyd Clement and P.eginald Hudson. Rev. David Long officiated and Professor J. iiL iiiorgan pre- sided at the organ. Following the ceremony a re- ception was held at the Amble- side Hall and later Mr. and hIrs. Swenson left for California; the bride traveling in claret color needlepoint coat with fox collar and cuffs and hat ensuite. WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society Dundarave Hall, Marine Dr. Duadavave Saaday So&lvioe e& IISD ~.m Subject Februairy 20th "it IN IF'aaday Sebooi aa ID.DD a. m. Teeiimouy aloe&rag ovary Wed- nesday at ikts p.m. United Church Mr. J. Crease. B.A., of First Church. Vancouver, »?ill p&each at the morning service. The Rcv. Hillis irright of St. hlatthe&v's Church will preach at thc even- ing service. The Boml Selling Campaign in connection with the C. S. E. T. in British Columbia. The pur- pose of this Campaign i«to raise funds to carryon the work a- mong boys in B. C. Boys &vill canvass the district an&I it is hoped that there will be a liberal response on the part of parents to this worthy object. The Rev. A. 61. O'Donnell &vill occupy the pulpit of First Church next Sunday morning. Arrangements nre being com- pleted for the special services to be held in the United Church during the first creek in March. The Rev. J. Richmond Craig will be the special missioner and it is expected thats number of well known Christian workers from the city will assist. A Father and Son Seiwice will be held in the United Church on Sunday evening, February 27, when Rogers Foote, the Premier of the Boy's Parliament will be the special speaker. A choir of men will lead the singing, a male quartette will sing aml a father and son will sing a duet. All fathers and sons are asked to keep this service in mind. The Annual Entertainment of the C. G. I. T. will be held in the Church Hall on Friday evening, March IS, at 7.30. Details will appear later. Good Gravy Gravy is just right when it is of the consistency of thick cream. Ahvays pour off the rich fat from the roast, leaving the roasting tin practically empty; then pour over hot water and scraps all the delicious little bits of fat and meat which cling to the sides. This is done while the tin is being held over the fire. Useless Superiority By Dr. Frank Crane iVhen I was a boy I knew a man who wasn't rica or hand- some or smart, but who was immensely proud of himself by virtue of a single accomplishment. He was the long-distance spitting champion of the countryside. For distance, accuracy and aplomb he was a world beater. But beyond this single unprofitable excellence he was pretty much a total loss. He was one of that numerous assemblage qualifying for the Royal Order of the Useless Superior. They are the ones who excel in the unimportant, who preen themselves upon over-topping others in things that do not matter. The whittlers who used to hook themselves over the fences near village stores, who were dextrous with jack-knives, but generally incompetent with all else, were honored members of the order. The whittlers and the spitters of the past have largely passed, but the uselessly superior are as insistent as ever. Newspapers which feature the unusual are continually adding to the examples of those who pride themselves be- cause they excel others in things that do not matter. One man lays claim t ofame because he has drank fifteen cups of coffee a day for fifteen years; another because he hss carried the same umbrella for half a century; another because he has worn the same collar button most of his life without losing it; another because he has one side of his blacksmith shop piled to the roof with tin tobacco cans which hp has used. Useless superiority gives the man a sense of achieving a distinction when he has done nothing worthy of &listinction. It isa sort of mild innoculation which leaves him immune to strugglng for the real thing. THE iVEST VAN. NEWS HOLLYBVRN HALL Cov. Ii&b aud I&urbvee Sunday, at 7.30 Special Address by ihlR. IIENRY D. RAE rooo siNrlio Everybody ivelrome One hour 7.30 - 8.30 St. Stephen's Church Sexagesima Sunday (Febru- ary 20th.) 8 a. m.--Sumlay School. 11.16 a. m.--iilorning I'rarer. 7.16 p. m.--Evensong. The lirst Confirmation class for women and girls will be hehl Sunday afternoon at 3 p. m. aml for boys Monday night at 7.JO. The junior football team clov- e&I their schedule with a decisive victory over First Church Unit- ed, Vaughan scoring two goals an&I Edwards one. Over fortv boys attended the first annual Father and Son ban- quet last Friday night and the fathers were present nearly ono hun]rlred per cent. strong, the senior group of Trai) Rnngers &Tinning the pennant by a small margin. Following a bountiful meal served by mothers, Reeve Vinson extemled the greetings of the civic fathers to the gath- ering an&i "father aml son" ver- sions of well-known songs were sung lustily. The toast to the Church was proposed by Teddy Beard and responded to by hlr. Barton, Robert Bloxham and hIr. Kendrick spoke to the toast to "Our Mothers" aml Edgar Grout aml Mr. Bloxham to that to "Our Fathers," while Albert Kendrick, Rex Rhodes, Robert Lemon and Tom Turner contrib- uted musical numbers aml songs. The Rev. E. R. McLean, secre- tary of the Boys ivork Board for British Columbia under the title of "The Six C's" gave a compre- hensive survey of Trail Rangers and Tuxis Boys'rogramme with many side lights, both serious and comic on the relationship be- tween fathers and sons. At Sun- day night's service boys read the lessons and acted as sides- men, while the choir boys sang "All Things Bright and Beauti- ful" and the Rector preached an appropriate sermon on the text "iVhat Hast Thou in Thy Hands?" A Valentine social was hekl Tuesday night by the A. Y. P. A. The members with regret said good-bye to Miss hfay Garland, their president, who is going to Winnipeg on a visit and elected Miss Phyllis Smith to fill the of- fice for the balance of the sea- BOll. February ]8, 1927 FOR WATERFRONTAGE and other property HOUSES TCJ RFiVT, Flit]i: INSUIIANCFr, KTO. JOHN LAWSON 17th Street Phone ivest 55 NORMAND'S GROCERY liu aad NARI]IE .. Phoae West 66 A Cou&piete Supplyof... GIIOCERIKS and COiV FECTION KitY WE DEL&vi]n West Van. RESTAURANT 1421 hfarine Drive at 14th BOT LViVCB g: I)INNER Sunday-- ]2 io 6 p.m. ise Rice Tomato Soup Roast Stuffed Pork Roast Beef Pork Sausage Sard]«ca on Toast'reen Pens Creamed Potatoes Pie or Fruit Pudding Tea Coffee Milk HUNGRY? Nothing touches the spot hke a big slice of Straiten s Bread, heupe&l with butter or jam. For young or old with every meal, eat our rich home-made bread. The good old-fashions&l kin&i ROLLS--COOKIES--PIFS STRATTON'S BAKERY AMBLESIDE PHONE &VEST 27 Aud our Delivery mau will cail. 'i Established over 6 Years C. J. OVERINC&&TON 14th and Marine BARBER For the couveuieuce of tbo ]adios of Ibe Diaiviea I bavo bad the te]opboao isa&a]iud PHONE WEST 136 aud make an appoiutmoua. Troughtou & Barrow Suy a LOT&or a Home; ~ Home meaue ~ LOT. Real Estate 6& Insurance nese sivre &a&e Duudavave Phone iveet 63 F UEL Ambleeide Tea R&&erne Ferry Wbavf WEST VANCOUVER Camp aud Picnic Supp]fee, Tobaccos, eie. Hollyburn Barber Shop G. RADLANI&, Proprietor DIARINB DRIVE aud Istk Fire& Class Work LADIES, GENTLESIEN aud CHILI)]&EN DryBark, Coal & Wood of all kinds, Marine Woodyard P.T.A. ELECT OFFICERS The annual meeting of the iVest Vancouver Parent Teach- ers Association was held in the Pauline Johnson school. The Rev. A. hL O'Donnell presided. Officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows: Hon. President--F. J. Pater- son, B.A. Hon. President--Geo. Brealey. President--Mrs. C. Wadding- ham. 1st Vice-President -- iifrs. J. D. Watson. 2nd Vice-Pre«ident -- Mrs. iV. G. Caslor. Treasurer -- Mrs. J. L. Cripps. Secretary -- Miss H. A. Ru&l- dick, B.A. Convenors r&f Standing Com- mittees are: Programme Com- mittee, Mrs. iV. R. Ilamilton: Membership Committee, Mr«. M. O. Jones; Social Committee, Mrs. A. E. Gracey; I'ublicity Commit- tee, hfrs. A. E. Young. The retiring president, Mrs. J. B. Leyland, thanked the mem- bers for the hearty co-operation given her during the past year. I'iano solos were remlererl by Mrs. Durbin and hliss Ililda iVil- son. (G. E. Currie, Prop) 26th and Marine Phone West 112 Satisfaction Guaranteed Try Them If you'e never tried the Bur- rard Laumlry just «en&i them a trial parcel of work aml take particular notice how carefully everything is got up. You'l be pleased too when you see how mr«lest a charge they make. This is exactly what makes so many people prefer the Burrard to any other IA&un&iry. The Burrard Laundry Li mired Fer Propre Irae Are Per&lee&er lgiaD Slaggl eei Sl. Dal&DS North Vancouver Phone Il. II. Ra]lard, North 1310 Mgr. Automobile Club Members You have au Olneiai Garage aud Towing Service In tbi ~ Die&vie&. West Vau Auto Service DUNDARAVB Pboao Woea iii Free Towiag aa Dfombeva. New c]a««e«now being forms&i J M. Morgan EST VANCOUVER Teacher of Voice pro- duction and Sinilinf]l I'hone«West ]73 Seymour 3068o Father: "See that you leave. the party at n reasonable hour. i No coming hr&me with the milk- man, nr&w." Daughter: "OP course not, De&lily. I le won't be there." QUALITY GROCERIES] TIIE Win YOU C,iV REI.Y DION Quality, as in nothing else, is go necessary in the focxl you eat.ire Insist on the l&est bramls for your protection, anil for our roniinuecl Duce'ess, aml with such high quality you get real values as you'll readily note if you &leal here. II:trdiv:trt, P:tlirt», Oils iVINDOiV (,'I ASS IV STOCK S I~41~4 D'8 G-l&(.&C1~4'l4 V GROCERI L'8, IIARDWARF., I'AINTS 6& OII,S We close at I p. m. every Thursday. Marine Drive, Ambleslds. Phone West 28 FREE DEI IVERY ~r F bfus ~ ago j) gp gf IS couiiuu H with &born ~ea the &ou b Ikuowuma He Rouiioaerc ibe moment bei caruuiiibeiuna for the day du&&or is a pk"& many of them I a&ore or more] B. C Electric 6 Bzrr5H6 ve«&ou N