001B6C5F SATIN-GLO gin) Qgia(aag,isiEQ The modern wunhobic Ra(nb for (VuUn, Furniture or (Voodwork. Sof( ncmi-gionn colors for Bedrooms, Bathroom or Kitchen uud brighter ar( colors for decorating. No uud- crcoo(ing. easily applied. Quarts $ 1.50. The Rucu( shingle nuinh ou the conn( (oday. Brilliant, uon-fodiug coioru that hold for yourn, giving ubaolu(c protection (o roof ond side- walls through on wco(hero. In 4'u Sa. IO The "Bapcofy Guarantee in your ~bnolu'ic'iuuroucc of finest quality und Iougcoa ncrs(cc. BAI'CO I'( RE PAINT B.(I'('&& The very highest FIX)OR 'VARNISII grade outside paint iu A ho( water &cairn( many beau(iful co(ore. varnish for Floors,Fur- covers well, will uo( ui(urc, E(c. Dries with blister or fade. Quarts a rich glassy Rninh-- $ (.50. hard wearing und cyan- (ic. Quar(a ...., $ 1.73 BAPCO I&FI.LIKE PORCH I'AINT )VAI,I. TINT A hard wearing nio(o A high grade cohl or grey color for porch ico(cr paint for uuc on Rooru ond a(cps. Quarts plaster or wnnboord. $ 1.56. Pcr Pockngc .... 65c Come and Get Our Prices SJJJith's Grocer y GROCERIES, HARDIVARE. DRY GOODS dh SUNDRIES I'bouc your wants uud wc will give you quick delivery 34&k AND 31ARINE, Opp. Duudaroec Ball I'hour )VEST 469 THE WEST VAN NEWS DONATIONS TO I'I.A VgiROUND At the Piaygroun&l committee meeting helil on Tuesday Coun- cillor Ray reported that a don- ation of $50 ha&i been made by the Hudson's Bay Co. towards the playground fund. The (Vest Vancouver hrnnch of the Royal Bank donated $ 10 nml Mr. Ru- dolph of Altnmont $2. This makes the total amount coll&mt- ed or promised npproximatcly $800. The sum of $2,000 )vill be required to complete the ivork proposed. The clearing of the lan&i is now about complet- ed. When it is tinlshcd, imme&l- inte steps will be taken for the laying out of the grounds. nnd in this connection the Vancouver Parks Board landscape artist has ofi'ered his assistance in drniving the necessary pinna. The co-operation of the resi- dents of )Vest Vancouver is re- quested for the completion of this admirable project, nnd nny who ivish to contribute financia assistance mny leave donations at the Roynl Bank, West Vnn- couver branch. Neighbor Broivn: Do you knoiv that Jones hns eleven chil&lren? Neighbor Smith: He's gone stork mnd, hasn't he? Roberts'etter Meats ldth and hfarine West 190 Where Service nnd Quality Count )VE DELIVER MOR&xiliVG 9)30--East 25th Only 11:30--To All Parts AFTERNOON 3(30-- East 25th Only A SPECIAL FOR EVERY DAY Keep this advertisement for reference Delivered only with other good6 SATURDAY NEW ZEALAND BUT- TER, 3 lbs....... $ 1.35 Pure Beef Dripping 3 lbs ................. 25c Cambridge Sausage, 2 lbs ............... 25c Side Bacon Sliced, lb. 40c Peameal Back Bacon by the piece, per lb.... 38c Pot Roast, prime steer beef, per lb...... 12)/sc Pork Legs (fore) per lb 20c EXTRA--Pullet Eggs 2 dozen ........ 68c Ripe Tomatoes, per lb. 30c Rhubarb, per lb.......... 16c 3IONDAY Boneless Stewing Beef 2 Ibs ...... .. . .... . 25c Bologna, per lb............. 20c TUESDA Y Cookett, 2 Ibs ........... 38c Weiners, per lb ...... 22c WEDNESDAY Cambridge Sausage, 3 Ibs for .............. 25c Stewing Steak, 2 lbs.... 2ic THURSDAY Arcadia Salt Cod, 2 lb. Box ..................... 39c Fxtra Special Sweet Oranges, 3 dozen...... 95c FRIDAY Loggie'6 Haddie, per lb 16c New Season's Smoked Kippers, 2 lbs.......... 2ic Fresh nnd Cured Fish Roasting and Boiling Chicken Fresh Fruit I; Vegetables YOU 31AY USE A NO31 DE PLUME, BUT- Several letters have been received by us signed only by a nom de plume. We wish to again draw the attention of correspondents to the unviolnble rule that all letters ihfUST be signed by the person sending them. The use of a nom deplume is. of course, permitted if the letter is pub- lished, but the personal signature and address of nll cor- respondents is absolutely necessary. IVe are sorry to have had to discard several letters of really good constructive criticism through the writers giving a nom &le plume only In this connection might we point out that the pub- lishers of the WEST VAN. NEIVS welcome at nll times fair criticism of matters dealing with the public welfare, but that criticism of personal matters and personalities are barred from our columns. Our mail bag leads us to believe that some people have the impression that a news- paper is 6 medium through which to put forward personal animosities. LIONS'ATE BRIDGE AI.MOST ASSURED (Continued from Page I) that 6,000,000 vehicles would cross it in the first year. Tolls are charged to cross the bridge. In the first six months more than FOUR MILLION cars crossed the bridge, and it is now estimated that EIGHT million instead of the estimated SIX million will use the bridge in the first year. The bridge, in that half of a year, yielded n revenue. of $ 1,100,000. It was estimated that the revenues received from tolls would free the bridge of such charges in nineteen years, but "the tide of traffic across the structure is running so high that this time will undoubtedly be materially shortened." The maintenance cost is less than was anticipated and there are no FREE PASSES across the bridge. Everybody pays. And as the retiring governor said, "The bridge will have cost the Commonwealth nothing. This is a great public improvement which pays for itself." Baked Rice and CheeseIndignant Servant: "An&I the mistress says to me, "Just you polish that table till you can see your face in it." Cook (well-meaning but tact- less): "Eartless cruelty, I calls it ii Two cups boiled rice, one cup medium thick white sauce, half cup grated cheese, one-eighth teaspoon mustard, b u t tered crumbs. Melt the cheese in the white sauce, ndd mustard and arrange alternate layers of rice nnd cheese in an oiled baking dish. Sprinkle the rice an&I cheese with buttered crumbs an&I bake about twenty-five minutes in a moderate oven. Carbonate of soda is a good mouth wash correcting acidity: while if taken internally, so&la is 6 cure for indigestion. Remove dirty marks on paint by rub)&ing first with 6 slice of lemon nnd then with whitening. Afterwards wash with soap aml water. To clean 6 bottle, half fill it with cold water, snd add a table- spoonful of dry mustnr&l. Shake vigorously, and then let staml for half an hour. Rinse thor- oughly with clean water. Don't use 6 vacuum cleaner on &lown-f)lied cushions, as it has a tendency to pull the feathers through the covering. A care- ful brushing will suffice. "It runs in the best of fam- ilies." "What'sthat,n silk stocking?" "No, the water in the kitchen sink." THE West Van Netos PubUnhod Erory Friday H. HODGSON uud F. F. LOVEGROVB PubUuhors Bun)aeon nsul Editorial Off(co) 1361 Muriuo Dr(re Phone Vfou( ISL Mail Address& P.O. Box 101, Houyburu, B. C. $ 1.00 s year by mail or carrier. News- ~candu 6c pcr copy. ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION FOR SPRING PAINTING an 'ii c have o comp)ceo new stack of the fomoun "R,'(PCO" I'nina nd Varnishes, recur dcpcudub!c producio with o oplcodid rcpu(uaiou. o h li oud specially prepared for Ioug ccrc)co on shc ConnL Axk foe (oior Cur&Le. February 18. IVBT. I West Vancouver Lumber Co. LIMIT H D 15th and llinrine I'hone West 115 RESIDEiqCE I'HONE& WEST 133 ! High Quality Lumber is Cheapest in the end. Lumber, Lath, Shingles Inside Finish etc. Quality Guaranteed. SERVICE Shoe Repairing Can not be done correctly except by experienced workmen or you know, only too well what vou will get. See FRED TITE for any kind of Shoe Repairs If we cannot f)x them throw them nwnv. ELECTRIC'HOE REPAIR Next (o KcrUI'u Furui(uro Store Sine)ac Drive, Ambicuidc i r' Q I We also Repair ,~i'~ ~ Jewellery and Clocks IS YOUR CI.OCK KEEI'ING GOOD TIME? We will collect it -- Condition It -- an&i Set it up again. Our charges are ve)T reasonable. All work given PERSONAL attention. SAGARS'ATCH REPAIRING 51ARINE DRIVE, next &o S&su((oun. A Photo '" '-"""" always appreciated The King Studio I'hotos Always I'lease Everybody knows THE KING STUDIO 311 Hastings Street West, Vancouver ESTABI.ISHED lsoa V. V. VINSON, Prop Phone Scy. 1046 for uppoiu&mcu( WEST VAN GARAGE "THE PIONEER" Established 1923 AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING SINCE 1906 At Ambleside I'hone )Vest 130 NORTH SHORE MOTORS LIMITS 0 CHEVROLET 135 First Street West, North Vancouver Phoae Nerth 1186 Phone North 1$6$ Tasty Meats Not too much waste in fat aml bone--hut just enough to give the ment n tenderness that compnses only with its liavor. They nre priced right. IIIAKE OUI( 3IARK&ET VOUI( 3IARKFT JEFFERIES MEAT MARKET i 'ex( io HoUyburu Theo(rc I'IIOiNE WEST 3 W F. DELJ VER ALL hIEATS KFPT IN REFRIGERATOR Fresh aud Cured Meats, Bu((cr, Fggu, Baron oud Imrd. a ' Cii Vol. I Thc I'igh Tbc Vsncou of Bfiti ers 'nto of Inuu'0 i( minisicf sn d& ( public wor i(ing IVs Ustice sscspcd evidently con'f(stud Thc shippi were unan™ news in Ottau lion~hing? m hsvc coats first Narrow river port m what in our don, LivcrPooi zooid be cxtcn on a map of th across their m fact that each hss not stood bcgcye that C Icw years, sni he would be 3 rival in size ai years. And th generous marg Another rci (egad to have i m)us)on fcgsfdi if camcd out, I Tais we franhl suggestion was "That the c mit toafuiiwii the projections ity Point be r& the accompany will materially and largely eii pi'ojccting poii necessity for 3 Would it bi change course that a ship is or her navigati we had been ui cotuidcrablc ti course more of The deveioi ping «oppose actuai and hca facilities 6'hi(i connection wit English Bay do c»stcnt in B„ have built doch and build agaii 'ew English Bay I elis us in vie inlet, and the through thc )Vund ri hing, tl , ay un English Ba n«t facing yI a , 4stly the&snlcring ti, '!,hid g beer) A tunnel iiu»cipai Ibri ', oiridge'ould 6th of hto creidt od . Ieb evc 6 0 I) ~day fact 'm)nio Th '" Gone) pointed b a of 6 fact meri«, y Gita Gate I, nd de.m, found th" 6 shii fact ci at a bri th, 'rance al 0 gr,«„„,a obi that m IncludI they ~no riunitI umpire6 and u I I yi-