001B6C54 ~lggi &or), .oURcii ap : hiondh it}}t I the n ,', Ambi,. II} thont jm tal'e Ih Ut tive e I}}vtth Probable &nihility by th XRtiPR lh Short led by 'orth mx any Eostotn legitla. 'Dsiot. H Snth. }nys. of North levy on ornmeni, ation, n the lint Its. 'Iht . nted ;axes ex- t is now tinne xg &l by the t}l 3 pro. Itroverhy( IR idoy. February 11, 1927 THE WEST VAN NEWS Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Grieve, an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Amy Erlino, to Mr. Alexander Swanson. The we;I- ding will take place tomorrow at 7.20 p.m., at thc IVest Vancou- ver Baptist Church. Dr. A. C. Ivash is now occupy- ing his office on Marine Drive at Dundarave. s n s The West Vancouver Liberal Association is giving a dance in the New Ambleside Hall next Monday evening the 14th inst- ant. s lNrs. S. A. G. Currie, 21st and Argyle, gave a birthday party on Friday afternoon for her little daughter Margaret, on the occa- sion of the latter's sixth birth- day. The children spent the af- ternoon very happily in games. ~ n s A large number of hikers vis- ited Hollyburn Ridge over the week end. 45 spent Saturday night at the cabin on the ridge. FUEL Inside Fir Slab COAL Neuelmo, Wellington nud Arrow Hnfd (Sootlees) SAND GRAVEL WESTON TRANSFER (Bob Black, Prop.) 14TH eud hlARINE Phones: West 17; Residence 91 R Mr. LeSage, who operates a drug store at the corner of 4th and Cedar Street, Vancouver, has a notice in the window of the store formerly occupied by Dr. Rowan, notifying the public that a drug store will be opened there on February 15th. ~ ~ ~ Miss O. E. Bryan, recently of Innisfail, Alberta, is taking over the position of agent of the B.C. Telephone Co., vacated by Mrs. T. IV. Carlile (nee Johnson) who leaves about 20th instant. ~ ~ A movement is being sponsor- ed by Ed. Black of Dundarave, for some development of the beach at the foot of 25th Street. tve understand that people at that point are being asked to contribute $10 apiece, to be used in making a sandy beach and to clear away some of the logs. Dundarave expects a big increase in the number of visitors visiting that point this year. A poolroom license will be granted to Chet Shields subject to regulations to be drawn up by the Chief of Police. The building on Marine Drive, between 14th and 15th, recently purchased by Mr. Jack Paterson of the West Van. Electric Cou and which was entirely remodel- led and re-decorated, is about finished. There are tlvo modern suites upstairs and of the two stores below one is to be occu- pied by West Van. Electrical Co. and the other by the West Van. Decorators. Dundaraoe Hairdressing Parlor hlerlue Drive, Opposite Duuderave Hell t MARCEL WAVING -- HAIRCUTTING FACIALS and VIOLET RAY Phone West 179 for appointment I GROCERIES'ND HARDWARE PAINTS and OILS Our stock is complete, our prices are reasonable, and we appreciate your custom. COME IN AND LET'S GET ACQUAINTED Hollyburn General Store 17th and Marine (Hooper and Son) WE DELIVER Phone West 46 Mr. W. S. McIntyre is building a house at 20th and Gordon. ~ s s Miss Sutherland of Vancouver, is staying at "the Clachanu for a few days. The population of IVest Van-. couver increased almost one- third last year. s n ~ Mr. and Mrs. Martin Plumb and family of Elkhorn, Mani- toba, are staying at the Fortune Cup Inn, for two weeks. e Mr. H. Jones. formerly con- nected with the Eburne Sash and Door Coy., and other lumber con- cerns, is the manager of the Ambleside Lumber Coy., who opened for business this week at the corner of 16th and Marine. Mr. E. S. Gamage and Mr. H. T. Curtis are the two candidates for the Board of School Trus- tees at the election tomorrow. s Eugene Tite is moving his stock of wallpaper and paints on 15th February to the newly re- modelled store, on Marine Drive, near 14th, formerly occupied by the West Van. Supply. Mr. Tite is putting on a special sale of wallpapers for the next few days, an advertisement of which appears in this issue. The local Liberal Association will not hold their meeting next Tuesday, as it is found that the hall is not available that night. Instead the meeting is being called for the following Tuesday, i.e., February 22nd. a Mrs. Gra'y, 24th Street, gave a whist drive at her home on Thursday evening, Srd Febru- ary. Mrs. P. C. Chapman won the ladies'rize, Mr. L. G. Few- ings capturing the prize for the gentlemen. Thirty-six new safety deposit boxes were installed in the vault of the local branch of the Royal Bank last Tuesday, making over eighty altogeffher. Practically all these have been rented. The West Vancouver Musical Society have asked the council for financial assistance in prep- aration for the Musical Festi- val, at which they will compete this summer. Last year they re- ceived $25. This year it is ex- pected the grant will be increas- ed. PII RSONALS The Hollyburu Lumber Co., LIMITED DEALERS IN Telsmseu for Furnace SPECIAL--20 tons of TULAhIEEN COAI.. By the Ion, 011.50, delivered. Lump or Egg iNut Foot of Eighteenth and tvaterfront Office Phone West 64 SAVORY&%. DUVAL REAL ESTATE AND IilSURANCE 1429 Marine Drive Phone West 114 North A West Vancouver Stages Office uud Waiting Room: 5 Louedele Avenue hVEEK DAY SCHEDULE Leave North Vencouver for SHERhIAN Qud CYPRESS PARK on the hour from uud including 7 Q.m. to 6.40 p.md also 20 minutes past the hour from eud including 6.20 e.m. to 9.20 Q.m. Qud 1.20 fnm. to 11.20 p.m. RETURNING from SHERMAN 30 minutes after above times. SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS Leaves North Veucouver on the hour from 8 e.m. to 8 rnmd eloo at 1.40, 2.40, 7.40, 8.50, 9.20 eud 10.20 p.m., returning from Cypress Park 36 minutes after above times. NOTICE The stage will leave North Vancouver at 6.40 p.m. instead of 7 p.m. Phone West 04 For Sand, Gravel Truck Work Etc. H P. Tearoe l 6}IU Heywood Ave. West Vancouver @r. SJ. K. Knipfel Physician and Surgeon ELECTRICAL and ULTRA-VIOLET RAY TREATMENTS Ambleside Block, Cor. 14th and Marinh Office Phone West 166 „„.„,„,„„,„, M.WILLIAMS „„,„„„, CUSTOM TAILOR Sl}ecinlislng in bleu'e Suits eud Overcoats to hleaoure. Lurge Assortment of Patterns to choose from. ORDER YOUR NEXT SUIT FROM US Dry Cleaning CITY Dyeing, Repairs and PRICES and Pressing Alterations WE CALI. AiND DELIVER PHONE WEST 29 Shore ,perato on can 4000 }lÃNQIQIBBQQIQQIÃutettn}n}nn}O&ntnnnuem g}tete}outmuummue}om}Q}IQQQ}ntttotonnlte}ttntntn}nm}QIB '";:Ce(arS .um 1er 't'art 154 Esplanade W. Phone North 212 North Vancouver 207 THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED LUMBER DEALERS ON THE NORTH SHORE We Have Opened an Office in West Vancouver at 2446 Marine Drive. Right opposite Dumlarave Hall and will be in better postion than ever to attend to your Lumber needs. Our North Vancouver Yards carry over 1,000,000 feet of High Grade Lumber constantly in stock, and our West Vancouver stock will be augmented with this. BRICK - CEMENT - LIME - PLASTER SASH AND DOORS Everything to construct and complete a building. FRANK MOORE DEAD Frank Harris James, aged 14, the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Ii'. J. Moore, of 22nd Street, died in North Vancouver Hospital last Saturday. The deceased boy had an attack of appendicit- is, which later turned to periton- itis. He was only ill ten days. The funeral was held at 2 p. m. Monday from the chapel of EIarron Bros. & Williamson, to West Vancouver cemetery, the Rev. A. M. O'Donnell officiating, assisted by Rev. A. HarJing Priest. The sympathy of the community will go out to Mr. and Mrs. Moore in their bereave- ment. VITAL STATISTICS FOR MONTH ON NORTH SHORE Births outnumbered deaths by almost two to one on the North Shore during January, according to the report of R. F. Archibald, registrar of vital statistics. Dur- ing the month there were ttven- ty-one births, twelve deaths and. five marriages, in the three North Shore municipalities. North Vancouver City led the list with ten births, nine deaths and three marriages, the district ha&i nine births, tlvo deaths and one marriage. In West Vancou- ver there were two births, one death aml one marriage. D. MORGAN, J.P. NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Twenty-Bfth eud hleriue Dr. Phone West 4 TAXI Phenest WEST IIB Ree.: WEST IBOL FRAMAR Montessori School 18th eud Eequlmnlt Mrs. hV. D. Fraser Phone West eel Terms Reasonable Pearce's Drygoods Iltl aal sar}ac er}ae pleas rui ill WINDOW BLINDS blade to Order. Kstlttlatos Pres. F. Newman 8 D. Robbins BUILDERS House Pa}utero Peperheugere eud Kelsomluiug Reasonable Terms Send for our sample book of Wallpapers. Peep o'ny House Phone hlethere dt 29th West 437R3 DUNDARAVE CANDY SHOP hlnrlue Drive Just West of 'Z.tth Our Special for one week TEA and COFFEE 60c per lb. Specially Blended for the Locnl Water R. G. COOKE Phone West 303 Practical Sign Painter 1202 Duchess Street All Kinds of Signs House Numbers, Name I'lntee Signa on Glass House Pointing Etc Estimates Free Vernon Feed Store A. C. SEARLE Phone West 9 FEED, FUEL, CEMENT Etc.