001B6C54 TIIE WEST VA&N. NEIVS ~, 'vbfua 'ebruaryI I, 1927. XHOIIII (Ehnptn KH. 2IIy r Fanhnt SIIIr ANNUAL DANGE HOLLYBURN li pl DQQ, Eglgg+H 25th. EOHA HAYWOOO'S ORCHSSTRA One Pint of Floor Glazed Enamel nag and a Brush to apply it for....... eIIL JVV PAINTS - OILS - VARNISHES E PS&i ~ Next tu Shoe iiepnir Shop OH BOYl This is the place for TOBACCO, CANDIES SIAGAZINES, ETC. CHET SHIELDS 14th St right at the Railway Crossing HARRON BROS. ac WILLIAMSON QIIneral IIreftIIrs North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 66 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 DR. ARTHUR C. NASH ilLR.C.S., L.R.C.P. Residence, Office, 15th nnd Clyde Dundernye TRUCKING nnd TEAM WORK Excavating (f&ey er Contract) SAND iKR AVEL P. A. ANDREWS 1766 Fui(on. Phone )Vest 65OR Announcement The Ambleside Lumber t',o. (H. JONES, Local Manager) Corner of 16th and Marine Drive Wish to announce that they are now open to Gll all orders for BUILDERS'UPPLKS, LATH, SHINGLES ROUGH AND FINISHED LUMBER SASH AND DOORS Roofing, Building Papers and Wall Board. A Full Stock of all lines is being carried at these yards. GET OUR PRICES BEFORE BUYING Our Opening Special Hot Bed Sash, 3 x4.6 x1.3-4 at $3.75 The Ambleside Lumber CDy. Yards at 16th and Marine Phone West 199 ~)(a paper Specia s for DINING ROOSL BEDROO61 or KITCHEN 6 and 8 Roll Lots for $ 1.00 suiticient for one room. Borders Gc a yard, regular 10c and 12c. VARNISH TILE PAPERS for KITCHEN or BATHROO31 to clear at 30 cents a single rolL The second annual teachrrs'ance,lvhich is to be held in the Hollyburn I'avilion t o n i g h t promises to he a most successful affair. Tickietoe's band &vill be in nt tendnnce. The proceeds will be need for playground equipment snd sports. ~ ~ ~ Mr. Roy Barry hns organised the Music Mnkers Orchestra" snd is open for dance an&I pnrty engagements. The orchestrn provided the music for the i)lss- onic Dance Inst week. ~ ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. L)avey, Georgin Street. Vnncouver. have taken the Bellam cottage on Matheirs and 24th. ~ ~ ~ The Christian Science Society of West Vancouver has started &york on the construction of their new church at thc corner of 20th an&I Esquimalt. The Victorian Order of Nurs- es wrote tho council n felv days ago, asking that n grnnt be marte towards their work in West Van- coll v& r. ~ ~ J The reeve and coucil were, last night, given a demonstration of the new lights at the corner of 14th and Marine by representa- tives of the manufacturers. ~ ~ I An Old Times Dance is to be given by the L.O.L. No. 2990 on Friday night, March 4th, in Dun- darave Hall. ~ J ~ Only two births were record- ed for West Vancouver last month. 1Ve got the boy, Mrs. Little of Dundarave, being given the girl. J Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Pollard an&I family are leaving West Vancouver on Momlay for Eng- lan&l, where they will in future reside. Mrs. Pollard is a sikter of 61rs. James Jeiferies. J J ~ Mrs. Hood, of the Municipal Hall stair, is still away from the oflice through sickness. It is not known when she will be able to return. The Beatty Washing Machine Co. are going to have an agency in West Vancouver. Mr. H. J. Dawson will it is thought, be the agent. I I' ~ Messrs. Hooper & Son, succes- sors to Lynn Bros., have re-mod- elled and re-painted the interior of the store and have added a full line of paints, oils snd hard- ware. The next general meeting of the Board of Trade will be held on Momlay 21st instant, at 8 p. m., in the New Amblesi&le Hall. Eastern Star to hold Military Whist Drive A militat3 whist drive will be given under the auspices of Na- omi Chapter, Order of the East- ern Star, at 8 p.m. on Friday, 18th February, in the Masonic Hall. There will be prizes and refreshments. The annual dance of the Chap- ter will take place on Friday, March 26th, in the Hollyburn Pavilion. The music will be sup- plied by Edna Heywood'6 orches- tra. I'UBI.IC SCHOOI. CI.ASS LEADERS The following are the names of the leading pupils in Divisions 3 and 4, Pauline Johnson School, which were omitted from the tabulated list last week: Division 3.--Betty Edwards, Grace Creelman, Jack Watt. Division 4.--Fred Jarvis, Bar- t&ars Iiadwin, Peggy Eioyle. resow ~I- The new stores constructed for byilson an&I Moore at Dundsrave will be ready. it is expo&tert. for occupancy next week. ~ ~ ~ Today and tomorrow nre bar- gain da)'s st tho I lollylnirn Thea- tre. Cut out the ndvcrtisement which sppcnrs in another pnrt of this pnper and it with 26 cents lvill give admission to two per- sons at nny performnnce. ~ ~ ~ 61any Inquiries hnve been mails for big parcels of acreage on the upper levels by people in- terested in orgnnising mountain resorts. ~ ~ ~ The Sonrisn is &lue for her nn- nunl inspection this month, hcr certilicate expiring shortly. ~ ~ ~ The B. C. Telephone staff dance to be hekl in the Holly- burn I'avillon on Marcii 4th promises to be a most populnr event. Ambleside Park Work Before Council &sir. IY. R. Ilsmilton appenre&l before the Council last Mon&lay night on behnlf oi'he Itstepay- ers Association, urgiiig the ne. cerueity of developing the Amt&le- sirle Pnrk nrea as outlined in the report of his speech In our issue Inst week. The council gave the mnttcr n very nttentive an&a sympnthctic hcnring nn&l structed the engineer to investi. gnte an&I report on the prnhsbk! cost and the genernl fensibility of the plnn ns outlined by the Ratepnyers'ommittee. P. G. E. Exempt From Taxation Controversy With North Shore Municipalities Is Ended by I,egislai ion. Municipalities of the North Shore will be unnble to tax nny pnrt of the Pncitlc Great En&&tern Rnihvsy sysiem un&lcr legisln- tion intro&luce&I in the Legislat- ure Momlay by Hon. W. If. Suth- erlnn&l, minister of railwnys. Following the efforts of North Shore municipnlities to levy on the railway, the government, through the new legislation, is &leiinitely exempting the line from sll municipal imposts. The former exemption granterl to thc railway from such taxes ex- pire&I in July, 1926, but is now being extended to continue as long ss the line is owned by the crown. The government's pro- ~ ~ Mr. Dickmson. It&ng s aml 2lth, returned on Tuesday from the hospital where he un&lerwcnt a tonsil operntion. ~ J ~ The Marine Garage. 22nd nml Marine Drive, will be officially opened for business next Mon- day. ~ J ~ Mr. F.. H. Minions of the IVest Van. Supply. has built a house on Clyde, between 14th aml 16th. His family have now taken pos- session. ~ J ~ The many friends of Mrs. G. M. Gemmill will be gla&1 to know that she is making a fast recov- ery from her recent sickness and ST. ANTHONY'S CIIUitCH, WEST VANCOUVEI'alen tine Bazaar To be held in the NEW Ahil&LESIDE IIALL NEXT TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY February 14th, 15th and 16th. Doors Open at 3 p.m. Reeve Vinson will ONcinlty open,the Iisxnnr on Tuesday. OUR POPULAR DIRECT COACH SERVICE TO VANCOUVER City offers a transportation medium between the North Shore an&1 Vancouver of heretofore unk:&own quality. We opernte the finest equipment known. With the book of tickets you can save money by travelling the motor way. We announce Our New Schedule Between Vancouver and Seattle Coach leaves Vancouver four times a &lay--8:30 a. m.; 11:30 a. m.;I:46 p. m.; 6:16 p. m. Arrives in Seattle 3 p. m.;7 p. m.; 9 p.m.; il:46 p.m. This is the most rapid and comfortable service l&e. tween these two points. Sey. 4000 ~ c ~~~~ Sey. 4000 ~ANSlgORTATIgg'as able to be out on Monday posal will end a long controversy for the first time. over the matter. I&if tbc en saunce An'Isughtgc r 8'll Aiassn, take , 'rill &ling n&„st Iggp jtCBaptis ~ D'.A'office bis 0 inif " dsrsvcRDI&n" I West c a Scg &bn tb 4 f evennon n ani r nfs 8.A 'rtdsfaufgyic, gala on Xnr daughter , „ of the ,"' 7bc chi gain vcff A largo nu 'tg lioilfbui gbt at the isai &&asainn li lIar 8ANIi wast& (neb iitg pbaacs: Wr Du Phone We GRO Our 1 HOl 17th aad Cei 1~4 E Norlh and vrii Lumber Dur "I4gk ancoui '4' 've