West Van. News (West Vancouver), 11 Feb 1927, p. 4

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001B6C54 Classfiied Ads. FOR SALE -- Number )9 Rockoyc Colony brooder. Complete with stove and about o half Ion of car- bon briqoe&ico. Aii Ior $20. Phone West )63 R. hioDERV HOUSES WANTED for rent or sale. We have clioo&a wait- iog. Savory S Ducal. Phone Wcai I)4; residence 'Wcat )43. WANTED--I.ia&inga of foegiahcd ood unforniahed houses ond summer campo. Savory A Duval. Phono West 1)4; residence West )43. FOR SALE--Baby Carriage, Crib, Vroioepowoe washer and ringer. hieo. clough, )296 Hobaon Rood, (Marino Drive. Cop))ago). rVEW Bt&NGALO)V -- 8 eooma ood sleeping porch. Beautifully situ- ated. Large Ioi. Snap oi $4,4MI. Phone West )48. DRESS)I AKING --hiex. Robbins, 29th and Ma&hera. Phone Wee& 437R$. LA'ND CI.EARING ogd Teaming done by contract. Phono Shield'a Store. % cat 116. WANTED--Liaiinga of hioderg Hoxe- ca, Lots and Summer Cottages. I H. Beam)ah. Phono West )7. STABLE hIAN I'RE -- Ioegc Iorrarhe $5.00; Cow monum $4.00. Wee&on Transfer. Phone Wcat )7; rcaidencc 'West 9IR FOR RENT--Furnished house, 29&h ond Marino, with fuel, electric light, hot water ond garage. Just vocotc&L Rent $35. Six months or longer. Phone Fairmont 655 X or write H. Penna)i, co Royal Book. Vancouver. NEW ASIBLESIDE HALL is avail- able for dances, parties, receptions, ctc. Piano. crockery supplied. For &erma apply Mra. C. Hay. Phone Wmt 2L HIGH-CLASS BUILD).iG LOTS- We have several really good buys in building lots, also Marina Drive lots from $500 up. Savory rk DuvxL Phone Wcat 114; roe)dance West )43. Sce these xod your search is ended. COAL--We offer yog x special on Tgiamecg coal, lump or cgg nut. There are 20 tons at $ 11.60 a ton delivered. Hoiiyburn Lumber Co., LRL, 18th ond Waterfront. Phone %eat 64. )ION EY To LOAN on First Mortgage in amounts of from $500 gp. L H. Bcxmiah, Ambicaido. West 17. FORSALE--Well bx)R Cottage. Full basement. Close in. Large iot in garden. hixgnificcni views. Chick- en ond summer house. Price only $ )o600; $800 cash, balance arranged. TROUGHTON R BARROW Agents, Dgndoecvc. (No phone in- formation.) MONEY To LOAN on bio&&gage, Ageccroco&a discounted. No delay. Wcat Von. Investment Co., )8th aod Marine. Phone West IOJ. 5IORTGAGE LOANS arranged on shortest notice ond on oii up-to- date plena We have hxd years of experience in large insurance oificca ond are capable ot giving the very best of service in any kind of in- surance. Consult as on ail real estate, insurance or Snxncio) mat- &cab BYR.iELL db MAY At the Ferry Landing. Phono Wcai 113 R P. CLARK db Co.. LTD. EW HO)IESITE LOCATION--The nearest aoaobdividod five-acre block well within the developed area is now being surveyed into fifty-foot lots ond will be offered &o homesite seekers at very reasonable prices, on terms to suit indivi4oxl pooka&a. The property is very attractive, having o gentle slope io the south, good drainage, light clearing, ond water, light ond phone available. An agreeable view of the water coo be enjoyed from each IoL The a)tao&ion is very convenient to the Ferry )ghrerf xnd oil community coovcoicncca The location is at the Nor&hwcat corner of Eaqmmolt Avcgoc and Twelfth Street ood we invite ali ecaidcoia ond friends &o loot it over. Full particulars ond prices gladly given. IL P CLARK S Co., LTD. 82$ Boa&)ago Si. W. Sey. 748$, 7464 loecoi Rap&coca&cure C. J. ARCHER. Wcot 65)L West Van Nees Pobuahad Eroey Friday H. HODGSON ogd P. P. LOVEGROVE Psbiiahoeo Bxaigcoa ogd Ediiocioi Oificer 136) Ma&iso Dries Phone West ISL Mail Add&ago& P. O. Box ISI, HoUyboeg, B. C WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society Dundarave Hall, hlarine Dr. Doodorovo Sondoy Soar&co oi 11.$9 ~.m. Subject Februnry 13th "SOL) I Soodoy School at 19.66 am. Too&gooey Moousg ovary Wed- nesday at 8,)6 p.m, United Church The Women's Association of the Ijnited Church entertained the Sunday school teachers nt 0 social evening last Monday eve~ ning, February 7th. Mrs. Ritchie, president af the asso- ciation. )velcomed the guests. The evening was spent pleasant- ly in music and competition. The minister spoke in .appreciation of the work of the teachers. to which Mr. Hay replied. Mr. Bald)vin proposed a vote of thanks to the refreshment com- mittee. The hall was nicely decorated, being carried out on a Valentine scheme by Mrs. Engar and her committee. con- sisting of afcsdamcs Montcrieff, Gardiner, Hoskins an&I IVatson. The refreshments were served at the close by the committee composed as follows: iaiesdames Blair, Patterson, IVntson, Allan, IVait and Gardiner (convener). The Junior "B" team of the Sunday school played Knox Ker- risdale last Saturday at Bayvlew School. The game ended in a draw--no scoring. The aiission Circle of the United Church will hold their regular meeting in the Church Hall next Tuesday afternoon at 2.16. Mrs. Pentlnnd of the Com- munity House, Vancouver, will give an address. The minister will preach at both services next Sunday in the United Church. The Rev. J. Richmond Craig of First Church will conduct a special mission in the United Church during the week, begin- ning March 6th. Mr. Craig is do- ing a remarkable work at First Church and has been the means of much blessing to many. He will be assisted by friemls of the city and preparations are in pro- gress to make this mission a help and inspiration to all. Baptist Church Rev. David Long, Pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m. Church Service, 11 a. m. IVeekly prayer service each )Vednesdsy at 7.30 p.m. iafr. and iafrs. Fred Barbour of "Rocklands,o Waterfront, Dun- darave, are being congratulated on the arrival of a son last Tues- day, the 8th inst. Both mother and babe are doing well. Scottish Society The regular meeting of the Scottish Society will be held at the Clachan next Friday eve- ning, the 18th inst. Mrs. D. C. Ritchie will lecture on "Sir Wal- ter Scott's Poems." This inter- eating lecture will be open to friends of the members of the society and all those interested in Scottish authors are assured of a treat. A large attendance is expected. Intending mem- bers should phone )Vest 08R3. The many ways of doing things A casual glance discloses; Some folks turn up their sleeves at work, And some turn up their noses! THE IVKST VAN. NEtVS St. Stepllell'6 Church Septuagesimn Sunday (Feb. 13th.) 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 n. m.~%in&lay School. 11.16i n. m.--Morning Prayer. 4 p. m.--Holy Baptism. 7.16 p. m.--L'vensong. At the church commit te& meeting Tuesday night a sub- committee ivns appointed to se- cure estimates an the finishing af the church and arrange means of financing the snme. Mr. Irernanl lhLvcs was electeil ves- t&y clerk. Archbishop de Pencirr will hold Conflrmntion at St. Steph- en's on Low Sundny. April 21th, and the confirmation class will be called together next )reek by the rector. The junior football team plny- e&l nnother drnivn game last Sat- urday, neither Chalmers or themselves being able to get n goal. Tomorrow the boys will take the I o'lock ferry for the city to play the Inst game of the season ngninst First Church United. All fathers in the parish ivith their sons are invited to attend the "Father nn&l Sons" service Sunday night. Father and Son Be more than his dad. Be a chum to the lsd; Be 6 part of his life Every hour of thc day; Find time to talk with him, Find time to walk with him, Share in his studies Aml share in his play; Take him to places, To ball games nnd races, Teach him the things That you want him to know Don't live apart from him, Be his best comrade, Ije'8 needing you so. Fehrnnry 11, )027 TAKING AN ENCORE! SEED'S GROCI4~1&Y (rROCERIKS, HAIIDWAHE, I'AINTS Jh OH@ We close at I p. m. every Thursday. Marine Drive, Ambleslde. Phone West 28 FREE DELIVERY FOR WATERFRONTAGE an&1 oilier property klOUSKS TO IIKNT, FIIIK INSUiCANCI see JOHN LAWSON KTC. 17th Street Phone hVest 55 W. r. E. DURRANY, D.C., r.A.C. I'a&mac School Geadoa&c CHIROPRACTOR 6) I-6)5 Dominion Hidg. 207 Iina&inga SL Wee& I'hone Seymour I 966 NORMAND'S GROCERY 14th 444 IIARINK .. Fheae Weel 66 A Complete Supplyof... G I)OC K R I Lr'S and CON FKCTION KRY )VE DELIVER HUttGRY? Nothing touches the spot like n big slice of Stratton's Bras&I, heaped with butter or jam. For young or ol&l with every meal, eat our rich home-mmle bread. The good old-fashioned kind. ROLLS--COOKIES --PIES STRATTON'S BAKERY AMBLESIDE I'IIONE WEST 27 And ooe Delivery mag will call. You can inspire him IVith courage and fire him Hot with ambition For deeds that are good; He'l not betray you Nor illy iepay you, If you have taught him The things that you shoul&l. Father and son Must in all things be one- Partners in trouble And comrades in joy. More than a dad,, Was the best pal you had; Be such a chum As you knew, to your boy. West Van. RESTAURANT 1421 Marine Drive at 14th CLONGUINIE RABBITRY )5TH AND QUEENS Phone )Vcat 183M RABBIT hIANURE Two Grades for Go&dona or Pots Troughton 8 Barrow Suy o I.OT Ior a Home; o Homo mecca o LOT. Real Estate & Insurance III&xs six&is Ialo Dondaeavc I'bono West 83 ST. STEI'HEN'S W. A A well attended monthly meet- ing of the W. A. waa held in the Parish Hall an Tuesday after- noon, when we had the pleasure of welcoming 4 new members. Our Rector, Mr. Priest, gave an interesting address on the aims and objects of the Wom- en's Auxiliary also on the Mis- sionary problems of the day, particularly as afl'ecting thc Moslem world. and with that idea in mind will give a series of readings, commencing with our Lenten service meetings. Judging by the elaborate pre- parations which our Entertain- ment Committee hss got umler wsy the "Valentine Tea" which is being held in the Parish Hall on February 14th, promises to be 6 big success. There will be Novelty Contests for young anil old and prizes will be awar&le,! to the lucky winners. The Re- freshment Conveners as usual, can be relied upon for their share of the success an&i we look for- ward to seeing as many memb- ers snd friemls as possible. FUEL DryBark, Coal 8 Wood of all kinds, Marine Woodyard (G. E. Curne, Prop) 26th and Marine Phone West 112 Satisfaction Guaranteed People Wouldn't Do lt People wouldn't keep sending &hair parcels of work &o the Bur.ord Lxun- iiry week niter week un)cab they were thoroughly aotiadcd, It's the cure we iota of every or&)cia co&reiter &o ua &ho& keeps ua in good iovoe with everybody. Aod many people oro tell- ing their fr&endo choo& ua. CARI) OF THANKS Mr. snd airs. F. J. Sfaore wish to thank the Canadian Legion and kind friends for their expressions of sym- pathy snd floral tributes during their recent ber- eavement. The Burrard Laundry Llmi&ed Por People Irbo Aee Porrlaobe 78&39 376237 ead ST. 347&33 North Vancouver Phone H. Il. Ra)lard, North 1310 Established over 6 Yenrs C. J. OVERINraTON 14th and Marine BARBER For iho convenience of the iodiaa of tho Diatrict I have had tho ioiophoxo isa&xi)cd PHONE WEST 136 and moira an oppoioimoot. ST. I'ATRICIA KINDERGARTEN AND GIRLS'CHOOL A fow vacancies hi)ax J. Durbin Phono 20th nnri Haywoori Wee& 97R Ambleside Tea Rooms Ferry Wharf WEST VANCOUVER Camp ond Picnic Supplies, Tobaccos, oic. Hollyburn Barber Shop G. RADLAND, Propria&or MARINE DRIVE ogd )dug Flea& Class Work LADIES, &IENTI.EMEN and CHII,I)REN Automobile Club Members Yoo baca an Oiiiciai Garogo aor) Towiog Sara&co In ihi ~ Diairicb. West Van Auto Service DUNDARAVE Phoae Woai 444 Free Towixg Io Mombaea. New alar&sea now being fon&ied J. M. Morgan WEST VANCOUVER Teacher of Voice Pro- duction and Singing Phones West 17J Say)cour SNBo That is the thing we like most in regnril to our business. An encore is a "Repeat Or&lcr" anil repeat orders mean sniis- fie&l customers. If you &lenl here. you will come ngnin. We pride ourselves on the quality af our goads anil the furr prices. (grf)t.LarieSy 1l;hrdiV;are, t «int», ()ilS rs Ij n PlGliO()l0(E &I COEIINI t)tee r ~CTgC o5P.6 Daisass Dao.aa 8 W',... TM Sre afy a «greed The&4 slgmieetrt Wa sly )ow &ergo eew 'rbot beaailfaay Ol wdad&ad wader;6 &goree ib«P ~'edaad &«ipe aeriag«bed& de~red b Io gooey leg e " eioI)ea by llgttisu6ae. Will i loggll will c Bei