West Van. News (West Vancouver), 11 Feb 1927, p. 10

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001B6C54 THE WEST VAN NEWS Smith's Weekly Grocery Specials CORRESPONDENCE VVILL SAVE YOU l(10&VE& Editor. West Vancouver News: There is a diversity of opinion regal&ling the fares that should be charged by the West Van- couver hiunicipal Ferries. As an old resident and booster of West Vancouver I beg space in your valuable paper to say a few words to express mv humble opinion on this subject. Our present council has taken the very laudable stand to boost for West Vancouver and our worthy is.eve at a meeting after his election hss asked for the co- operation of all residents to help in this propagan&la, but unfor- tunatelv ive find a number of re- sidents. apparently through a selfish motive, wish to live with- in themselve~. Our ferries must be lookerl upon as a &cater high- &ray and constitute one of the greatest attractions for visitors to our municipality, but it is now apparent that a movement is on foot to debar these visitors or transient public from enjoy- ing nny reduce&i fares, un&ler the argument that our ferries are not large enough to han&lle the crowds that would materialize if such a privilege is alloive&l aml that the residents are entitled to a much smaller fare than the transient public. I have no par- ticular argument against the Inst statement, but wish to point out that if we are getting what vve consider satisfaction as to rates, why debar others from en- joying the like privileges? The matter of facilities for handling the crow&is that are likely to ma- terialize is a problem we have to face, re&luced fares or not. This coul&i only be &lone by build- ing larger boats. The cry imme- diately goes forth--"taxes"-- an&l the opposers of this nee&l use a very strong argument that the western portion of the mun- icipality to the west of Caulfeilds have been paying taxes to this scheme without receiving the benefit enjoyed by the eastern portion. This is quite true to a certain extent, but let me point out that if it had not been for the increased population of the eastern portion, which was largely due to the ferry se&wice, the extension of the Whytecliff roa&l would yet be in the future. This surely is some measure of returns to them which should be taken into consideration, and a further increase in the popula- tion of West Vancouver, &lue to efficient ferry service, would undoubtedly put the municipal- ity in a position to pay back still more of the debt we owe them. Furthermore, in consid- ering the ferry service versus hard-surfaced roads, the ferries are a realizable asset, which the roads are not. The only expen- ditures for the maintenance of the ferries outside the munici- pality are those of gas, oil and certain repairs. All wages and a number of repairs are paid to residents of the municipality. This surely should show to any right-thinking man that the money going out of the munici- pality is very small in compari- son to the money spent on a hard-surfaced road. In almost all cases the contract for a hard- surfaced road is let to an outside company and very little of this money is spent in the municipal- ity, for the majority of the labor is brought in trom outside. I am not in any way finding fault with hard-surfaced roads; on the contrary the more I see of them thu more pleased I will be, but wish to point out the incon- sistency of cheerfully passing all bylaws fur har&l-surfaceri roads an&i immediately crying "ruin" at the least intimation of any expenditure for the ferries. Yours trly, F. E. ARhISTRONG&. Suhi ch's GiOf;ei y (A. HAIK VRV S)IITII. Prop.) GROCERIES, HARI))VARK. DRY COODS Jb SUNDRIES Phone your wears aad «e will give you quirk delivery 2lib AND )IARINR. Opp. Iiuadsvave Hail I'bose WEST 409 Horticultural Assn. Makes Good Progress Roberts'etter Meats The directors of the West Vancouver Horticultural Asso- ciation have just received from the Department of Agriculture the judges'eport on the fairs held throughout the province during 192G, numbering 59. Total marks obtained by the association are as follmvs: Fruit and vegetables, 9; max. 10. Domestic science, 8; max. 10. Support by local exhibitors, 4; max. 6. Grounds an&i equip- ment, 9; max. 10. Interest of public in judging and exhibits. 13; max. 16. Management of fair, 20; max. 20. Total points, G3; max. 70. Total number of points are 100, but as the association had no entries t'or grains an&i field crops, live stock, poultry, dairy products and honey, the extra 30 points have to be eliminated, so that out of a possible 70 points the association obtained 63. In connection with the points allowed for management, wherein the association scored a possible, it is to the credit of the directors that out of the 59 fairs held under the auspices of the department only one other association attained that mark, which &vas that of the Vancou- ver Exhibition management. As a comparison the number of points obtained by the Provin- cial Exhibition at New West- minster was 93, Victoria 83.5, and Vancouver 84. These three had exhibits in all clascses. It now rests with the local exhib- itors and residents to support the association and thereby help the association to make a still better showing for the present year. 14th and lllarine To take care of our EVER increasing telephone trade and to give oui Customers hpeedier service ive have installed 2 Phones, the NEW i&UMBER IS West 190 A SPECIAL FOR EVERY DAY Keep this advertisement for reference Delivered only with other goods SATURDAY NE(V ZEALAND BUT- TER, 3 lbs.......g1.35 Peameal Back Bacon, by the piece, lb.......38c Ontario Che se, per lb. 30c Pot Roast, prime steer beef, per lb...., ...... 12&bc Sirloin Roast, prime steer beef, per lb...... 25c Pork Legs (fora) per lb 20c Grape Fruit, Florida, 3 for ............ 25c Johnathan Apples, per box ................... $ 1.60 Sweet Potatoes, 3 lbs.... 25c 3(ON DAY Cookett, per lb ............ 20c Pullett Eggs, 2 doz.... 66c TUESDAY Stewing Steak, 2 Ibs 25c Rhubarb, 2 lbs .......... 35c iVEDNKSDAY Cooking Apples, 5 lbs 25c Cambridge Sausage, 3 lbs for ........... 25c THURSDAY Burns'hamrock Lard in I lb. pkg., per lb 20c Picnic Hams, per lb ...... 20c FRIDAY Kippers, 2 Ibs ........ 2.&c Acadia Salt Cod, 2 lb. box.....................'19c Fresh Soles, 2 lbs .. 2ic Musical Society The West Vancouver Musical Society invite their friends and well-wishers to meet them at their first annual dance in the New Ambleside Hall, Marine Drive, Saturday, February 26th, at 8.15 p.m. This social event &vill be in the manner of an inter- lude marking the near finish of an interesting term of study and the approaching competi- tive work for the Festival. The artistic temperament will be in evidence with features bright aml entertaining, the ladies'horus tango, the male voice fox trot, violin solos, and other num- bers. A good orchestra will be in attendance and Mrs. P. Mas- terman, convener, assisted by a committee of ladies, will wel- come all friends and attend to the buffet service. A request was ma&le to THE NEWS last week by an official of the Musical Society to an- nounce a masquerade bali on Thursday, 24th February. This we were pleased to do, but it ap- pears now that a change I.as been made in their plans. It will not be a masquerade ball and it will not be held on the date given to us to announce. Details of the new arrangements will be found above. "Henry," said 51rs. Glipping, in tearful tones. "Well, my dear?" replie&l Henry, looking up from the pap- er. What is it?" "If I were to die tonight, would you marry again?" "Not tonight." "Vow, Charles," said the teacher, "if your father can do a piece of work in one hour and your mother can do it in one hour, how long would it take them to do it together?" "Three hours," a n s w e red Charles, "counting the time they vcould waste in arguing." "And are you satisfierl with married life?"'Satisfied in a way-- I don' want any more of it." Finger-nails that are inclined to be brittle should be soaked oc- casionally in olive oil. MALKIN'S BEST JELLIES . 4 fov 21c ROBIN HOOD FLOUR. 7 lb. Sack......, .......... „....„...„...., 29c MALKIN'S BBEST htARMALADE, 4 ib. &ia. --. --. hac FIVE STRING BROOhIS ..............-.------ Izc WAGNER APPLES (ouiy a few left) pev box.. ---.---- 91 lo SOCKEVE SAL)ION, Iix tins......., . „.. &ac February 11. 1927. Tender ROasts Be carry only the highest grarle of fresh meats and aU orders are fille&i with accuracy and promptness Choice meats --tender and appetizing. Whether a chop or a roast, we give you good service an&i fair treatment. BU1 Ah&I) S(q E AT JEFFERIES MEAT MARKET Next lo Hoilybura Thea&re I'HONE '&VFST 2 iv R Ii RI,I V E I I ALL hIEATS KEPT 1&V REFRIGERATOR Fresh and Cure&I hfeais, Iioitvv, Eggs, Bacon aud Lac&i. West Vancouver Lumber Co. LIMITS D 15th and lliarine I'hone West 115 1&RSII)RN&'R I'HONE: iVRST 122 Lumber, Lath, Shingles Inside Finish etc. Quality Guaranteed. SERVICE WEST VAN JEWELERY STORE Notice to Watch O(oners! DESIRE io draw your a&ten&ion io the repairing of your we&eh. AsI a rule a person leaves u watch as long as it w&ii go. This is uoi a good practice as ibc longest period a watch will hold oii is &if&eon months; after which the oii drys up au&i ihe watch wears, though ii may continuo iu run. DONT WAI I'NTIL TOUR iv ATCH STOPS We can give you service aud sa&isfaciioa equal io anywhere In Canada. IVE SPECIAI.ISE IN '&VATCH I&HI'AIRING SACxARS'ATCH REPAIRING )IARINE Iii&IVE, next io Stra&russ. A I'h ~ '"'-"""and is alt()ayS appreefated The King Studio Photos Always I'lease Everybody knoivs THE KING STUDIO 311 Hastings Street )Vest, Vancouver ESTABLISHED 1902 V. V. VINSON, Prop Phone Sey. 1010 for appoiuia&eu& WEST VAN GARAGE "THE I'IONEEIP'stablished 192:I AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING SINCE 1906 At Amlileside I'hone West 130 NORTH SHORE MOTORS CHEVROLET 135 First Street West, North Vancouver Phone North 11gg Phone North 1350 Y THE I"I.K('Title SHOE RKI'AIRIS ON THI" SIDE STltEET. Nevi io Keviil'» Furniture Siorc, )levine I)rive, Ambieside IT I'AYS TO llltlN(1 YOGI( SHOE REPAIRS TO FRED TITE For over 20 years a high visas boot makor. Sole paivniee &Nor&hump&on Eng.i for iho Cushion Boots. Best materi~ Is, workmanship aud service. NOTE OUR ADDRESS No high rent &o pay Vou gci the beucul .'r'o ~ c O&c lrouil iol si,t il Ili&f auio 0&cali od 1 reside" sectioa+0 v & Hay", Ibe intern" little to the t'e l~abty I (of&ed to paBicola alone the li every bo" Iould be m'uy Y The aeo louver bal postal 90th tiouably, bl in this resp when we sb day. Perh& to the publ be aa adds fereot siof& The lal ,~ bette&post office'is m Vancouver be uecelsar to $ 12,0001 Some po i&rust aiapa& tbls ggufl. $&1.60 oi po 6,000, wbic muuicipalit boulebold; There are, on an aven tlire of $1 . ditioual $2 $6.70. ?b the mefcbi will materi It is, bowl 6&260 to g ld, will gr be long b $ 12,000, p I%ally aad I re Work goiug apa, ance of 9 bas been I of this pr& veiopmeal « the cbi] the ol&ler I ulost of children a «Tbia eroute 9 i municipal «mmitll&,r iato ne playgrouu basted b) aud they Iwe beaM b O '&laa of (& I 1 tol cbild" 0 l42 Acoa& w 6 uaqu cbildfeu'a '&Jul'& Itiaa, tlcu!ar co public 4 4 ~