001B6C4D 1.1 FK IS LIKE A VOYAGE& E Bv Gladys Tolley, West Vancouver. Public School Class Leaders Life reminds me of a voyage On a changeful sea: Sometimes it is calm and peace- ful, And from cares our hearts are free; All is ivell--no hidden pitfalls Cause our barque to I&has and roll- Fnr the waves sre gently beat- ing: Peace and hope now fill our souls. The first term of the school year terminated nn January 31st The names below are those of the pupiL4 leading their respective grades and terme. Dundarave School Grade I--First term: Edward Cole. Leslie Rcrrie„Charlie Lloyd. Second tenn: Brenda Wicking, Joan bfathews, Gordon biilis. Grade 2--First term: Evelyn McGowan, John Davey. Second term: Wendell Hayes, Stanley Patterson. Ronald Clifford. Grade 3--First term: bfar- guerite Cole, Kathleen Rerrie. Daisy Stokes. Second term: biary Currie, Paul bIathews, Donald Hnll. Grade 4--Fitist term: Bobbie Robson, Dickie Looter, Bobbie IVard. Second term: Donald biills, Grace bicbiillan, Mndeline Eccleston. HOILvburn School Grade I--First term: Jean Simpson, biuriel McCulloch, Muriel Reynolds. Second term: Jessie Ritz, Elaine Kissick, Phyllis Brown. Grade 9=First term: Con- stance Jennie. Alan Fraser, Betty Taylor. Second term: Jenn Hill, Agnes Gray. Verne Taylor. Grade 3--First term: Nora Jarvis, Kathleen Thomson, Ber- nice Babcock. Second term: Norma Malpass, biary Burns, Bernice Paton. Grade 4--First terri. John Harper. Gilbert Perry, Jean Kin- loch. Second term: Helen Ritz, Olive Childs, Ida Boshier. Grade 6--First term: Dorothy Boshier, bfarjorie Eiill, Lawrence Coles. Second term: Bert Har- rison, IValter Tearoe, Florrie Corbett. Grade 6--First term: George Watt, Hazel Brealey, Theodore Foort. Second term: Geoffrey Cornish, Clayton Stewart, Alan Vaughan. Pauline Johnson School Grade 1--First term: Shirley Ware, Moira Jones, Ronald Hawkes. Second term: Howard Meraw, Marion Sparrow, Joan Eccleston. Grade 2--First 'erm: Joan Sheffield, Geraldine Docker, Walter Parker. Second term: Eunice Turvey, Jack McLeod, Audrey Todd. Grade 3--First term: Mar- jorie Rivers, Jimmy Bloxham, John Bradley. Second term: John Moe, Mary bfurray, Peggy Barker. Grade 4--First term: Douglas Pollard, Alton Grafton, Edward Sheffield. Second term: Joan Jefferies, Enid Clement, Alex Denniston. Grade 5--First term: John Kendrick, John Sheffield, Mar- garet Saunders. Second term: Douglas Forrester, Jack Ivat- son, Isabelle Black. Grade 6--First term: Chas. Baldwin, Dick Bradley, Josie Leyland. Second term: Tom Davis, Lulu Ray, Toshio Ho- nhino. Division 2--Harold Johnson, Albert Cripps, Roy Campbell. Division 1--bfadeline Burk- hart, Ione MacDonald, Drucilla Dawson. But, alasl it is not always Calm and peaceful, quiet and still; Oftimes billows toss around us, Wildly beating at their vrill: Storms arise and boldly threaten, We can scarcely reach the land, But we leave ourselves entirelv In our heavenly Father's hand. Just so, life seems to remind me Of a voyage on the sea: Sometimes all seems to be peace- ful, Life for us is quite carefree; But at times great cares assail us Sorrows overivhelm us too, Disappointments come upon us. In my life I'e proved it true. But if God becomes our Pilot, If we let Him guide us all, IVB will have a joyous voyage, For He knows each hidden pit- fall; He will gently lead us onivard, Watching o'r us evermore. Till our barque is safely har- boured Over on the other shore. Musical Society Give Masquerade The committee of the Ivest Vancouver bIusical Society held their usual meeting on Tues- day night in the Ferry building, at which it was decided to hold the first annual masquerade dance of the society on Thurs- day, 24th February, in the Holly- burn Pavilion. Further an- nouncements in connection with the dance will be given later. Fire Brigade Hold Annual Meeting The fire brigade held their an- nual meeting on Tuesday night in the Ferry building. The work of the past year was reviewed and matters relating to the work of the brigade this year were discussed. One point on which particular stress was laid was the possibility of haidng a pefqnanent man on duty at the firehall. The brigade is wait- ing to hear from the municipal authorities as to what they will do regarding this proposed per- manent attendant. Sydney Hodge in Bad Accident Mr. Sydney Hodge, Thirteenth and Duchess, was the victim of of a bad auto accident last Satur- day night about 740. Eie re- ceived serious injury and the car he was driving was very badly damaged. bfr. Hodge, who was alone in the car, was evidently proceeding west along bfarine Drive and when just inside the westerly limits of North Van- couver City his car swerved and landed in the ditch at the oppo- site side of the road, coming into collision with a telephone pole. Mr. Hodge, who was ren- dered unconscious, was pinned in the car. bir. Jimmy biclntyre, of the Burrard bfotor Company, rendered aid and obtained the services of a doctor and ultim- ately drove Mr. Hodge to West Vancouver for treatment. Library Society Elect Officers The annual meeting of the Hollyburn Public Library Asso- ciation was held in the biunici- pal Hall on bfonday evening, January 31st. The following members were elected to serve on the board for the ensuing year: Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. Sen- tance, Messrs. Bouts and Hilton and the Rev. J. Harding Priest. The annual reports showed a steady improvement in all de- partments, also that more than twice as many new hooks were added to the stock as in the pre- vious year. THE hVEST VAN NEWS High School Activities February 4, 1927. The Hollyburn Lumber Co.,Fool haB On Tuesday of this iveek the liigh School Junior soccer team played their second scheduled game with &Vnrth Vancouver Iiigh School and maintained their ivinning streak. the final score being 6 to 0. Iztst ive.k they defeated Vnncouver Tech- nical School 7 tn 1. This noiv puts thc local boys at the head of their section oi'he league. Trafford in goal nas not catt&qt upon vetny often. Neville and Colpitts played ivell at full-bark. while Kendrick. Gray and Davics proved themselves effective half-bncks. Davies in particular had hard luck in not scoring with some of his excellent shots. Cullin, at center fonvard, se- cond three goaL4 and Ferguson 'ivo. The forsvards played a fine combination game. The other fonvnrds ivere Burns. Normnnd and Allen. Debating Club The debaters are putting the finishing touches to their speeches in preparation for the contests of Wednesday next, February 9th. The negative North Vancouver Eiigh School tenm which is to meet the Ivest Vancouver affirmative team at the Hollyburn Theatre consists of Mavis Holloway nnd Robert Bennet t. LIAHTED I UbtBK~HINGI E~ASEI--DOOILq FINISH DKALKIIS IN Tuiameen for Furnace Sl'KCIAI~R&0 tons of TUI,AbIKKN COAL. Ily the Ion. Bl I.lin. delivered. I.ump or I'lgg Nut Foot of Eighteenth nnd Waterfront Olfice I'hone: WEST 64 Itesidence: WEST 92R2 ,„,„„„,, „„„,„, M. WILLIAMS,„S„„,„, CUSTOM TAILOR Speclntising in hten'e Suits snd Overcoats to Measure. Lnvge Assortment of Patterns to chooso from. ORDER YOUR NEXT SUIT FROM US Dry Cleaning CITY Dyeing, Repairs and I'RICES and I'ressing Alterations WE CALL AND DELIVFR I'HONE WEST 20 SAVORY & DUVAL REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 14"9 Marine Drive Phone West 114 North 4 West Vancouver StagesThe regular meeting of 'WestVancouver Lodge, L. O.'., No. 2990, was held in the Dundarave Hall on Tuesday evening. It was decided to hold a dance in the near future. Tivo members ivere appointed to attend the meeting of the Grand Lodge in New Ivestminster on 16th and 17th February. In response to an invitation the lodge will at- ten&l in a body the banquet of the North Vancouver lodge, which takes place in that city on Monday, February 14th. Office snd Waiting Room& 6 Lonsdsie Avenue WEEK DAY SCHEDULE Leave North Vancouver for SHERhIAN snd CYPRESS PARK on the hour from nnd including 7 s.m. to 8.40 p.m.; ciao 20 minutes past tha hour from snd including 8.20 s.m. to 9.20 s.m. snd 1.20 p.m. to 11.20 p.sp. RETURNING from SHERhIAN 80 minutes after shove times. SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS Leaves North Vancouver on the hour from 8 s.m. to 8 p.md also at 1.40, 2.40, 7.40, 8.60, 9.20 snd 10.20 p.&n., returning from Cypress Park 30 minutes after shove qimes. NOTICE The stage will leave North Vancouver at 6.40 p.m. instead of 7 p.m. THE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER Phone West 64 For Sand, Gravel Truck Work Etc. H P. Tearoe 1640 Heywood Ave. Sr. 3l. K. KHIIIfrlPublic Notice Physician and Surgeon ELECTRICAL and ULTRA-VIOLET RAY TREATMENTS Ambleside Block, Cor. 14th and Marina Office Phone West 1BB Is hereby given to the Electors of the bIunicipality of the Dis- trict of Ivest Vancouver, that I require the presence of the said Electors at the Municipal Hall, corner 17th Street and Esqui- malt, IVest Vancouver, in the said Municipality, on bIONDAY, THE 7th DAY OF FEBRUARY, ]927; at 12 o'lock Noon for the purpose of electing one person to represent them as School Trustee for the unexpired portion of the year 1927. The mode of nomination of candidates shall be as follows: The candidates shall be nominat- ed in writing, the writing shall be subscribed by two electors of the Municipality as proposer and seconder, and shall be delivered to the Return- ing Officer at any time between the date of this notice and two o'lock p. m., of the day of nomi- nation. The said writing may be in the form numbered 3 in the schedule of the "Municipalities Elections Act" and shall state the names, residence and occupation or description of each person proposecl in such manner as to suFficiently identify such candi- date; and in the event of a poll being necessary, such poll shall be opened on SATURDAY, THE 12th DAY OF FEBRUAitY, 1927, between the hours of Eight o'lock a.m., and It o'lock p.m. of the said day at the Ambleside Hall, 14th Street,,in the said Municipality, of which every per- son is hereby required to take notice and govern himself or her- self accordmg)y. Given under my hand at West Vancouver, this 26th day of Jan- uary, 1927. JAS. OI.LASON, Returning Officer. January, 1927. West Vancouver WEST VAN.D. MORGAN NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE znd INSURANCE Twenty-nfth snd Marine Dr. Phone West 4 TAXI Phon ~ & WEST lla Ress WEST 180L F&aAMAR Montessori School 18th and Esqmmsit Sensory training; preparation for reading snd writing; de- velopment of language; begin- s&ng of number work; esr trsm- ing snd harmony; rhythmic snd folk dancing included. bIrs. W. D. Fraaer I'hone West 93 L Terms Ressonnble F. Newman 8 D. Robbins BUILDERS House Painters, Papechangers end Kalsominlng Reasonable Terms Send for our sample book of IVallpapers. Peep o'sy House Phone Mathers Jt 29th West 4371&3 Vernon Feed Store A. C. SEARLE Phone West 9 FEED, FUEL, CEMENT Etc. R. G. COOKEDUNDARAVE CANDY SHOP Phone Went 303 Practical Sign I'sinter 1202 Duchess StreetMarine Drive Just We«t of 23th HOME-bIADE CANDIFS Always I'ccnh TEA, un&c lb. COFFEE. 75c lb. SpeclaRy It&ended for the In&cel Water House Numbers, Name I'&ates Signs an Glass House Painting, Etc. Eetlmstea Free All Kinds of Signs 4, 19 Fcbcus ~ ~„t Van'cf third"st pcr hchl 29tl S I "'"' ut succc 'cc'.ond mern From Sent. noun&'a sun PIP ilsggis'he ng "&kold, 8 IllhtEh & not P Jsmcs 'gr mm'ic. the I sll, s"4 ntl ad&le an h& 9 io nt & woes stionezprc IIO dcciut th& bsch '"", lsd guess h htoug Iic Po Pouring 0 timsn»™ h lefty h&9& t thst chsrnc ctc whether it N wiel&ling thc i snd wish o Rving dew t, nu&ucly that: ngcnsc nnd earth nShnll bcsr I qt I comin','rhst msn to nShnll broth( In h&u clo& Dunlop dclig sod later hit Cottsr'3 Snt nothing to t A true czi + song, Iir. J& '"fhe Star of litting fcrvo& tpondcd to 3& birt, H. Lc, bors nnd wn& ss wss cvidcn encores. A feature I wss the singi hers by the by the entire Reeve V the Empire's s rousing Ipc to by Ilr. A mons fon tooh cure of lightel his I Rcv, A bi tostt to Co„ manner nnd vein dclightc iionunn "Donne native ton cttitcn ccpl fashion. John nBOnnie SCOI allY one nlw ' Pttriot ion sp al forcfsacn, !ho co loyal lhc I rcPljcd to O the feeling'" sth, cmbcnng I 4M'. J II&&'"" in & S Plying t Seiwwd I[cc Pce E Ol wit tnd eyed by nil "hc &nuti'cn lcd to b at'ush Ntt &h gave ""l So,kt. Scot&to '"2 s I&q""" inti uahtr b greet ts ~ther ~ny N count&;""or R, c "ocit Center f C Vehn k clue, he fill»'bl~ th&