001B6C4D I I927 IS. Ve es. Is I5 pot los I ter old our fhe !E8 celt'i i . 'i IS Y ediu I the ee I 97R oiss A lB ! rop i&or IIUe g!I Ib erege , ibis r ViCe,, I ee ieisg tan ER , Pro. !Aine l SPSSo Northern Light Gasoline is a Home Product. It is made on the North Shore by North Shore Labor. "More Mileage and Quicker Pick-up" is no empty claim. Several firms and individuals have sent us unsolicited letters, saying that they are getting these results, Don't take their word! Don't take ours. TRY IT IN YOUR OWN CAR FOR SALE THROUGHOUT GREATER VANCOUVER. LO( AL AGENT ED. BLACK, DUNDARAVE Vancouver Oil Coy. I td. Foot o! Bewiclf Avenue pL, North 1S)2 r . North Vancouver 5 IIOMS Dundaraoe Hairdressing Parlor Marine Drive, Opposite Duudarave Hall MARCEL WAVING -- HAIRCUTTING FACIALS and VIOLET RAY Phone West 179 for appointment GROCERIES AND HARDWARE PAINTS and OILS Our stock is complete, our prices are reasonable, and we appreciate your custom. COME IN AND LET'S GET ACQUAINTED Hollyburn General Store 17th and Marine (Hooper and Son) WE DELIVER Phone West 46 BOOTH A LEYLAND We handle Insurance only, and specialize in all branches. As Agents for large British and Canadian Companies, we are eb!o to give the best of service aud prompt settlements. FIRE -- - AUTOMOBILE --- LIFE 805 Yorkshire Bldg. Phone Seymour 3778 I Any woman who does anything which ' little electric motor can do is workingfor )C an hour / Why not dmp in and Ier our salespeople show you ways in which you ean uee more electricity ro advanragef BREEIsa CoI,mmaWKEECTIIICRamearCo. HEAD OFFICS ~ VANCOUVER,B.C. e-er February 4, 1927. HAVE YOUR TANK FILLED WITH NORTHERN LIGHT GASOLINE QUICKER PICK-UP - GREATER POWER MORE MILEAGE. THE WEST VAN NEWS Mr. and ikIrs. Edmonds and family are staying at the Clachan until their house at West Bay, now in course of con- struction, is finished. ' t Mrs. Jack Neill, Twenty-first and Marine, is moving tomorrow to a house at Fifteenth aml Waterfront. t t 1 lIIr. Bradley, who formerly lived at West Bay, but has lately resided in the city, has taken over the business of Neill's Gro- cery at Twenty-first and Marine Drive. t Miss Violet Blachett of West Point Grey spent the week-emi with her aunt, Mrs. P. H. John- son. Mr. Gawthorne arrived from Prince Rupert on Tuesday and has taken possession of the property at Twenty-second and Marine Drive which he pur- chased from Mr. E. A. Mc- Kenzie. Mr. and Mrs. O. Lynn and Mr. J. Lynn have moved into a house at Nineteenth and Esquimalt. Mr. O. Lynn is making a good recovery from his recent illness. Mrs. Catherine Cole of Dun- darave has gone to Edmonton on a visit. 1 1 ~ Miss McBain of the Little Shop is taking one of Mr. )Vil- son's new stores on the Marine Drive at Dundarave. I t t The accident to Mr. Jack Bur- ton in last week's issue was through a typographical error described as happening to Mr. B. Burton. 1 t t A small motor tug got on fire Monday afternoon off )Vest Bay. The fire brigade turned out, but before their arrival the crew of the tug had succeeded in putting out the fire. Mrs. E. G. Cunningham of Winnipeg is taking over the Dundarave Hairdressing Parlor on 15th February. Mrs. Faulkner, Twenty-sixth and Bellevue, gave a bridge party at her home on Thursday, 27th January. Mrs. Hart won the ladies'rize, that for the gentlemen going to Mr. Thomas. Mr. B. Babcock, "Channel View," Keith Road, who has been a patient at the North Van- couver Hospital since last No- vember, returned home on Wednesday and is showing some improvement. Mrs. Babcock greatly appreciates the many enquiries made by their friends. 1| Mr. Roy Faulkner returned to Gull Lake, CSask., last Monday night, after having spent two months visiting his family here. The United Church is ar- ranging a special mission from March 6th to 11th, inclusive, to be conducted by the Rev. J. Richmond Craig of the First United Church, Vancouver. There will be special singing by an augmented choir. 1 The staff of the B. C. Tele- phone Company are holding a dance in the Hollyburn Pavilion on March 4th. Dancing 9 till 1. Refreshments will be served. Tickletoe's orchestra. t Miss Evelyn Johnson enter- tained at progressive whist to a number of her friends Satur- day evening. Miss Hilda Wool- stone won the ladies'rize. That for the gentlemen went to Mr. P. Stevenson. Those present were: Misses Mabel Redding, Hilda Woolstone, Violet Blanch- ett, Margaret Redding, Nrs. T. W. Carlile, Mr. J. Peacey, Mr. L. Speck, Mr. J. Craig, Nrs. P. Stevenson, Nr. A. Mc)Villiams. Following cards the evening &vas spent in dancing and singing. Councillor J. Watt is rapidly getting back to normal health. Though not yet fully recovered from his illness, he is able to at- tend to business. t t Mr. Clark, assistant postal in- spector at Vancouver, was no- ticed on the streets of )Vest Van- couver on hyednesday. The as- sumption is that Mr. Clark is on official business relative to the strong representations made by different associations for the improvement of our mail service. West Vancouver was well rep- resenteil at Victoria this week. Reeve Vinson, Councillor'ay, Mr. Gordon Robson and Engi- neer G. Hanes being there on official business of the munici- pality. A Valentine bazaar, in aid of St. Anthony's Church, will be held in the New Ambleside Hall on February 15th, 16th and 17th. Doors will open at 3 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Faulkner en- tertained a party of twenty-four friends at their home on Thurs- day of last week. Cards, music and dancing were indulged in. The prizes for court whist were won by the following: Mrs. At- kins and Mr. Carley, Mrs. Duck- worth and Mr. Dewar.t Mr. Davies of South Van- couver has purchased the Mc- Intyre chicken ranch at Twelfth and Mathers. He is planning to build a bungalow and move in at an early date. Mr. J. S. Yates, Sixteenth an&1 Marine, is getting ready to erect a building on Marine Drive im- mediately west of his plumber's shop. Mr. Wright, Scott Street, Van- couver, has rented Mr. L. Bur- ley's house at Twenty-eighth and Bellevue. Mrs. Howdle, who has recent- ly arrived from Victoria, has taken one of the Lamb cottages at Nineteenth and Bellevue. 1 Mr. and Mrs. E. A. McKenzie, having sold their property at Twenty-second and Marine, have moved into a cottage at 1926 Bellevue Avenue.t The second annual teachers'ance, which is to be held in the Hollyburn Pavilion on Friday, 11th February, promises to be a most successful affair. Tickle- toe's band will be in attendance and the sale of tickets is pro- ceeding rapidly. The proceeds will be used for playground equipment and spbrts. Mr. Ifen. Robinson of the West Van. Auto Service, Dun- darave, has been appointed agent for Pontiac cars. Dr. F. L. Guggins has left for Edmonton, but will return to West Vancouver shortly.t The regular meeting of the West Vancouver branch of the Canadian Legion will be held to- night at 8 o'lock in the G. W. V. A. rooms, Ambleside. Mrs. D. Hood, of the munici- pal hall staff, is a patient at a private hospital in the city Mr. A. J. Gleam, Twenty- fourth and )Vaterfront, has moved to Twenty-sixth aml hyaterfront. Miss Crewson of the School Board staff, was absent this week from her duties through sickness P E RIS 0 N A L S AN OUNCE of prevention is better than a pound of cure. Let us supply that ounce. See that your medicine chest is well equipped. We suggest COTTON BANDAGES LINT IODIis(E ASPIRIN, Etc. Our Phoues are WEST 37 oud WEST 606 THE WEST VAN PHARMACY THE DUNDARAVE PHARMACY Nrs. J. R. Foster, who was a frequent visitor to )Vest Van- couver, died in San Francisco, Cal., last Saturday, January 29th, the funeral taking place in that city on Monday'. Mrs. Forster was the widow of James Forster, engineer on the C.P.R., who was killed by accident six- teen years ago. Since his demise Mrs. Forster was actively in- terested in many public and philanthropic endeavours. She was a major in the TVomen's Volunteer Reserve, work(ng from Vancouver, an organiza- tion which did so much helpful work during the dark days of the Great )Var. Mrs. Forster was also a Palmer graduate in chiropractic. 5Ir. H. R. Mac- donald, Fifteenth and Fulton, is a brother of the deceased lady, and Dr. (Nrs.) Vase of West Bay is a sister. Fred Fox, who has been "batching" in a shack in the dis- trict for the last two years, has been committed to the insane asylum. At the regular meeting of the British Israel Association next Thursday Mr. Percy King &vill give a lecture on the subject "Our Bible," by &vhich is meant the authorized or St. James ver- sion ordinarily in use. There are other versions, such as the Vul- gate and Douay Bibles, also the Koran of the Nahommedans and the Talmud of the Jews.t t Lester Jolley and William Prince, both of Vancouver, were sent up for trial in the police court last Friday on a charge of breaking into and entering houses at Caulfeild. W. B. A. On Tuesday afternoon the residence of Nrs. Harry Thomp- son. Twenty-first and Marine, was the meeting place of officers and members of West Van- couver Women's Benefit Asso- ciation, to present a beautiful silver spoon to the baby daugh- ter of Nrs. D. McTavish. Mrs. 5IcTavrsh, accompanied by her baby, ivas agreeably sur- prised. This &vas the first occa- sion of its kind to be held since the order was inaugurated in )Vest Vancouver, and as Nm. NcTavish was an active member and greatly missed at its recent meetings, she was the rssipient of manv good wishero The Commander, ihirs. Laura Ed&cards, in a graceful speech, macle the presentation on the be- half of West Vancouver W. B. A. (Review iiNo. 24), aml Nixu 5IC- Tavish gratefully replied. The spacious and beautifully situated residence of, Nrs. Thompson ivas dn ideal setting for this event. Tea was served, tables being decorated with daf- fodils. 5hs. Thompson made an excellent hostess a&Hi was as- siste&l by hirs. Strong and 51rs. Green. AIrs. L. Fihvards pre- si&le&i at the tea table «ncl a most enjoyable afternoon &vas spent.