001B6C4D TIIF lUEST T AN NEWS Februnrv 4 1027 ~hi&sfy AVI Classfiied Ads. TVANTED--Reliable girl or woman &o help with &wo small children aad do very iigb& house work. Please do oo& apply uaiexc food of chil- dren. Phone West i83 X. FOR RENT Three-roomed base- ment poise wi&b sleeping porch at 21st aod Bellevue. Apply Mca Pea&ca. Phone West 1031 FOR RENT--Furnished house, 29&k aad Marine. with fuel, electric light, bo& water and garage. Just vaca&e&L Rent $35. 5&x months or longer. Phone Fairmont 555 X or write H. Penneii. cio Royal Bank. Vas&couver. ALTERATIONS--Coo&a made over. Reaaonabie. Phone West 53R3. DRESSTIAKING--!Mca Robbins. 29&k and hie&bere. Phone lVect 437R3. VERT REASONABLE for quick sale. Hooaeboid furniture, besser, gar- den Sooia, e&c. phone lVeal 62 T. NE)V AMBLESII&E HAI.L ia avail- able for dances, parties, receptions, e&c. Piano, crockery supplied. For terms appiy Msa C Hay. Phone West 21. COAL--We o(fec yoo a special an Tuiameca coal, iomp or egg nus. There are 20 tons at $ 11.50 a too delivered. Hoiipburn Lumber Co.. L&d„ 18&k and )Valor?cont. Phone West GL AMBLESIDE or near vicinity. Have you a spare room you would like &o ie&, with boa&4, &o young man. Must be able &o a!cop on porch. Per- manent resident. Apply 'Board," casa of lVeat Van isiewa A REAL SNAP-4 Blocks from Ferry Landing. 6 roomed modern house on 66 f&. Io&. Full basement. Re- duced for a quick sale, $2500, terms. This will hear close inspection. R. P. Blower, Phone West G26X. MONEY To LOAN on First lior&gage in amounts of from $500 op. L. H. Beamiab, Ambiaaide. West 17. 11VO '1 EAR OLD FRUIT TREES-- Apples 80c, Plums aod Pears $L25, Peaches $ 1.00, Red, lvbite and Black Currents; Gooseberry, Grapes, Rasp- berries, Logaoa, Strawberries, Rhu- barb and Asparagus roots; Roses- Ciimbeca soc, Standards $2.00; Rbo- dadcodroos $&L00; Axeieao, Ever- greens. Dwarf Piceac for rockery; Ornamental trees and (lowering Shrubs. G. Liopd, Heywood Are., be&ween 25&k aod 26&k S&a., lVed- neaday and Saturday afternoons or after 5 p. m. any day. THIS WEEIi'S BARGAINS Fawcett Range, like new $50.00 Monarch Range .....$18.00 (Caxb or on terms) Painted Buffet .......$10.00 Oak Ex. Dining Table .....$15.00 Draweso . $6.00 and $ 10.00 Dressers ..$9.00 and $10.00 New Congoieom Squares,. 6 ft. x 9 I&.... $1.00 2-Tobe Radio ..$8.00 Fawcett Box Heaters ..$3.00 Singer Sewing Machine........$10.00 Ail kinds of diabea aod crockery. IiEVILL FURNITURE STORB Amblexide. Phone 36 Next to Tits'a Boot Repair Store MORTGAGE LOANS arranged on abocsast notice aad on aii up-&o- date plans. 'lve have bad years of experience in large insurance ofMcea and are capable of giving the very best of service in any kind of in- surance. Consult uo on ail real estate, insurance or financial ma&- Sera BYRNELL P MAY At the Ferry Landing. Phone West 113 PofNT GREY -- Beautiful 6-room California Bungalow, recently re- decorated, basement, new furnace. Overlooking Goif, $1500, on most reasonable terms or will trade for bogaiow with 3 bedrooms in West Vancouver. SAVORY aad DUVAL Pboae West 11 ~: Evenings, Wee& 1(3 R P. CLARK 8& CO„LTD. ATTRACT'IVEaadComfoc&abie Bung- aiow. Fuiiy modern. Very coovcai- ca&iy situated ia Hoiiybora. Handy to Marine Drive aod Beach. Nice view of water from Stanley Park so Point Grey and West. The Iot is over Gn feet wide, foiiy cleared aod improved. wi&b open lane in rear aod the property fcoo&o on a paved road. Price $3750; terms arranged wi&b poscbaccr. WE SPECIALISM in West Vaacoorer. Send ia your listings of Homes, Wa&crfron&age, Acreage, ete. We can piece Pire Insurance &o the mast reliable companies. Have yoo over- looked protecting pour furniture aod personal c(foe&a, wbicb are often worth more S)mo the dwciiing? If eo, pbooa aa immediasciy. R. P. CLARK &8 Co., LTD. 82$ Hacsiago St. W. Sey. Ti8$. Tisi local Repseoea&a&ivo C J. ARCHER, Hest 651L WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society Dundarave Hall, Marine Dr. Duodarave Saaiay Socrice at 11.30 a.m Subject February 6th "SI'IRIT" Soaday Scbool at Is.ss a. m. Testimony htoo&iag ovary Wed- nesday at 8.16 p.sa. United Church HOLLYBURN HALL Cor. 1(&h aad Do&hoop Sunday, at 7.30 Special Addrcpa by Mr. A. Peterkin of Soosb America Mr. Peterkin bao been for many years a mippionary io Sensa Domingo, i?ay&i. aod ip now in Canada coaau &ing physi- cianc ao to bic eyes. hic. Peter- kin Is a no&orally gif&cd speaker ~nd hia iong experience with the Spanuh.speaking people of South America bap made him also a very in&crcpiiog ppcakcr. Come ao&i hear bim. A large and enthusiastic num- ber of people attend»d the Annu- al Congr»gntional nrccting of the United Church in the Church Hall last Wednesday evening. The Pastor conducted public wor- ship after which thc Chairman of the Board of hlanagers. Mr. John Lalvson. presided at the business meeting. &Tiinuten were read of the previous Annual meeting and Reports of the vari- ous Societies read and discussed. These sho&ved 0 very healthy condition in the Congregation. The matter of adding to the members of Session was delayed to a future meeting. The follow- ing were elected to the Board of hianagers: &Tlessrs. John Law- son, Haydn Young, R. ihfcV»an, ET»art Jaifray, TV. Turnbull, P. TUaite. G. C. Byrnell, J. Duncan. T. A. Spencer, H. G. Hoskins, G. C. Goudie. Votes of thanks were given to the officers of the Con- gregation for the past year and greetings were sent to absent and sick members. During the proceedings a social hour was spent. the wives of the members of Session providing the refresh- ments. On Sunday evening the Annu- al hfother aml Daughter Service will be held in the United Church. A special choir of C. G. I. T. girls will lead the service of praise and a number of others will share in other parts of the service. Mrs. C. M. Staines of Vancouver will give a special ad- dress to mothers and daughters. The minister will conduct the service. Tonight (Friday) the Annual C. G. I. T. banquet in connection with "the Alerts" Group of the United Church will be he!d in the Church Hall when the mothers of the Girls of the Group will be the guests of the evening. An interesting and unusual pro- gramme wi)l be presented. The Junior B team of the Un- ited Sunday School played Ker- risdale Baptist last Saturday at the Henry Hudson school and 0- merged victorious by the score of 2-1. All the local boys played fine and well deserve their vic- tory. On Saturday the Junio. B team plays Knox Kendsdale at Bayview School. The team will take the One Ferry. Baptist Church Rev. David Long, Pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m. Church Service, 11 a. m. IVeekly prayer service each Wednesday at 7.30 p.m. THE West Van News Pobliobad Every Friday H. HODGSON aad F. F. LOVBGROVB Pobiiaboce Baaiacoa aad Editorial Oflice: 1361 hiariaa Drire Phoae Wmt IDL Hail Add&am& P.O. Box 101, HoBybassa, IL C. $ 1.00 a year by mail or cartier. News- psahda 6c pcc copy. ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION TAKING AN ENCORE'. That Lq the thing lve like most in r»ger&I to our l&usin»ss. An encore is n «It»pent Drd»r" an&i ripest or&i»rs mcnn saiia- fied customers. If yon d»nl here, you &vill come ngnin. )U» pride ourselves on the quality of our goods nml the fair psiees. (~n)L(:ric», tlanlivnrh., 1';hi»ti, ()ils S 1~( le& D'S &F la()C 1(&1& Y (rROCEltlES, H AIIDWAltE, I'AINTS Ji OII 9 We close at I p. m. every Thursday. I Marina Drive, Ambleside. Phone West 28 Pnog 0ELIVERY l 6niishlsrsel Assscis&isn of West Vancouver Will iMec& Next Thursday (Feb. loth) at 8 P.hl. in the New Ambleside Hall ('orner 1(&b aod hiaciae Drive FOR WATERFRONTAGE an&i oth«r properly IIOUSI'".S TD RIENT, I"liilq l&NS()ltr&&N('E, VTO s»e JOHN LAWSON 17th Street Phone hvest 55Speaker: hlR. PERCY KING& Sob)ac&: "Oor Bil&ic. To Whom It lvap 'lVn«cn, by lvbom, and Wby" Ail denominations cordially invited. No admixsioo. HUNGRY?W. r. E. DURRAf(T, D.C., r.A.CI'elmer School Grcdoa&e CHIROI'RACTOR r&11-615 Dominion Midg. 297 Iiaa&ioso S&. )Vect I'hoop nipmoor 19Cin Nothing touches the spot like a big slice of Stratton'0 Brcml, hcnpcd with t&utter or jam. I"or young or old with every meal, eat our rich home-ma&le breml. The good old-fashioned ksml. ROLLS--COOKIES--PIES STRATTON'S BAKERY AMBLESIDE I'HONE WFST 27 Aod oor Delivery man will cali~ St. Stephen'8 Church ST. STEI'HEN'S CHURCH NORMAND'S GROCERY ldtb acd )IARINE .. Phone West 66 Epiphany 5 (Feb. Sth). 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 a. m.--Sunday School. 11.15 a. m.--Holy Communion 7.15 p. m.--Evensong. A Complete Supplyof... GIIDC ERIES and CO&V F ECTION E ItY l» E DELI V EI& Illustrated with some (ifty lantern slides and cleverly &le- vised "moving pictures," the lec- ture on Astronomy given by Mr. R. Petrie Tuesday nigth was one of the best evenings yet enjoy- ed by the A. Y. P. A. The lec- turer dealt first with the devel- opment of the telescope and the spectroscope and then described in detail the solar system, with special reference to our satellite, the moon, and its craters, c!osing with a view of some of the great stellar nebulae. Mr. Porter pro- vided and handled the lantern in his usual efficient manner. The Church committee will hold its first meeting of the year next Tuesday night in the Parish Hall. The W. A. meets next Tues- day afternoon in the Parish Hall when arrangements will be per- fected for the Valentine Tea. An excellent programme of toasts, songs and musical num- bers is being arranged for the Father & Son supper on Feb- 11, and a pennant will be awarded to jhe group or class having the largest percentage of fathers and sons present. The secretary of the R. E. C. of British Columbia Rev. E. L. McLean, will give the address of the evening on "The Six C'8.«Ten boys from the senior group wrote on Dr. Knip- fel'8 First Ai&l examination last Friday night. To-night in the series of vocational guidance talks &TIr. Innen-Kcr is to speak to the boys on motor mechanics as a life work. Friday, Feb. 26th, is the date set for Mrn. Hodgnon'8 pupils'e- cital. The junior football team will take the I p. m. ferry for the city on Saturday to play Chalmers Unite&I at Simon Eraser school. Established over 6 YearsWest Van. RESTAURANT 1421 hfarine Drive at 14th C. J. OVERINCTON 14th and Marine BARBER For tbe convenience of the ladies of the District I bavo bad tbo taiopboao installed PHONE WEST 136 and make an appoin&mont. CLONGUINIE RABBITRY 15TH AND QUEENS Phoae Ives& 183M RABBIT hIANURE Two Grades for Gardens or I'o&a ST. PATRICIA KINDER(&ARTEN AND GIRLS'CHOOL A few vacancies hi&ca J. Durbm Phone 20th aod Haywood &vast 97n FUEL Inside Fic Sioi& COAL Naaaimo, We!lion&ox aod Arrow Hard (Soo&iepp) Ambleside Tea Rooms Forcy Wharf WEST VANCOUVER Camp aad Picnic Supplies, Tobaccos, atc. SAND CrRAVEI WESTON TRANSFER (Mob Black, I'sop.) 1&TH aod hIAIIINE Phones: West 17: Rcpidcoce 911& Iiollyburn Barber Shop G. RADLAND, Proprietor MARINE DRIVE aad 15th. First Ciapa Work LADIF9, ('ENTLBTIEi( aod CHII.DREE Troughtou 8 Barrow Sop a LOT foc ~ Mome ~ Mome means ~ LOT. Real Estate & Insurance »»Kx s&vcr. &p&c Deeda&ave I hone Woo& 81 Automobile Club Members Yoo nave an 0&i&cia! Garage aod Towing Sar&i&e In &bic Dip&riel. West Vau Auto Service DUNDARAVB Phoae Woat iii Fcco Towing so Members. More People Coming- IS'o a fact more people arc corn!og every week So deal with the "Mur- rarri" aod they ail tell uc, not only arc our charges very reasonable bu& the way we do oor work ip ac perfect as i& could be. New classes now bi ing formed J. M. Morgan WEST VANCOUVFR Teacher of Voice pro- duction and Sfnglnp Doesn't &ba& sound noe? The Burrard Laundry Limi&ed The Proys'hoir, under Pro- fessor James Morgan, will meet for practice on Saturday, 6th February, at 10 a.m., in the Hollyburn School. All boys are requested to be present. For Prep4 nqo Arr Pcr&4p4r 78&8D $78EET sce ST. DAT&DI North Vancouver Phone It. If. Iiallard. North 1810 Mgr. I'bones West 173 Seymour!,I(y«80 , s. 'r ~s 'e» IP. ND&thes lhe i' lie&» 'everal il 9Mingu El Va f001 Ol Nof! phone )I GRI Onr Ho1 17th and Ipe ha As Afe 865 Ye )~ hf