001B6C47 Smith's Grocer y (A. HAR'VEY SMITH, Prop.) GROCERIES, HARDWARE, DRY GOODS dh SUNDRIES Phone your wan&a aad we will gite you quirk delicacy 24TH AND hIARINE, Opp. Duudaraee Hail I'hose )VEST &69 Roberts'etter Meats West 106 16th and Marine WE DEI.IVER 9.30--East 25th Sireet 11.30 to AH Parts 3.30--East 25th Street All Meats Government Inspected Saturday Specials New Zealand Butter, per lb. 50c. 3 Ibs $ 1.65 Beef Dripping, 2 lbs.. 25c Peameal Back Bacon, by the piece....... 39c'icnic Ham, per lb.. 23c Swift's Jewel Shortening... 2 lbs. 35c Cambridge Sausage per lb 15c.....2 lbs 25c Prime Steer Beef-- Boiling Beef ....... Ioc Pot Roast from . 12",xc Corn Fed Pork Legs (fores)... 20c Pork Butts ......... 25c Fresh and Cured Fish ROASTING AND BOILING CHICKEN Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Apples, per box . $ 1.50 Rhubarb ......... 2 lbs. 35c Lettuce, each ......... Ioc Lemons, per dozen . 35c Shaughnessy Lots to be Smaller Properties of the Royal Trust Company in Shaughnessy Heights, part of C. P. R. subdi- vision, will be divided into small- er lots to permit of ready sale, according to an amendment to the Shaughnessy Heights build- ing restrictions act, which has been considered by the private bills committee of the legislature and will no doubt be approved. It has been provided that these properties could not be cut up into smaller parcels until 1935, but the approval of the munici- pal council of Point Grey and the ratepayers'ssociation has been given the proposed amendment. Complaints were lodged on be- half of t&vo present owners of adjacent property, but assurance was given the committee that houses on these lots would not have the view shut ofi'. Special Meeting re Capilano Bridge A special meeting of the coun- cil was held last night to discuss the matter of the Capilano bridge. Reeve Vinson and Coun- ciuor Ray, chairman of the Pub- lic IVorks committee, were auth- orised to take up the matter with the Provincial Government to see what could be done regard- ing it. They will make a special trip to Victoria to interview the government. COMPANY APPLICATIONS RE LIONS'ATE BRIDGE The bills of the two companies who wish to undertake the con- struction of the Lions'ate bridge were to come up before the private bills committee of the Legislature this week. Reeve Vinson went to Victoria to watch over WesgVancouver's in- terests during their passage. The committee, however, decid- ed to postpone consideration of the bills until next Monday or Tuesday. WEST VAN. MAN LEFT DOLLAR TO DAUGHTER RED-STAINED STOVE LIDS On the application of Mr. Jus- tice Aulay Morrison, executor with Charles G. Osterman, build- ing contractor, probate was granted in Supreme Court by Mr. Justice D. A. hfcDonalcl of the will of August Oscar Lund of West Vancouver, who died Oc- tober 29, leaving a net estate of $ 1989. He bequeathed a dollar to his daughter, Florence F. Welsh of Seattle, and the residue to his son, Frederick H. Lund of New IVestminster, when he at- tains his 35th birthday. The winter time is the time we have trouble with red stove lids, but here is how I keep mine black. First, I rub them over with my blacking cloth wrung out of soapsuds; then I take the cloth very wet and dab the black- ening on (don't rub as it wont take, but dab it ao over the red places(, then shine it with your dry cloth. You have to work fast so that your cloth won't get hot. Keep your cloth wet and you will have no trouble. The Third Annual Purns'up- per, which takes place tomorrow night in "the Clachan" promises to be a most successful a(fair. AH available seats have been taken. Before putting raisins through food chopper squeeze a few drops of lemon juice in the chopper. The fruit will not stick to the chopper. Keep an alarm-clock in the kit- chen and set the alarm at the time bread or cake is to be fin- ished, or when it's time to start meals. From the School Can one of you tell me what is the hardest thing to learn about farming? Bobby--Yes, Sir, getting up at 5 a.m. 15c Grocery Specials Choose Any Becca for One Dollar Peas, Beans, Coca 4 ibsu Apples Tomatoes, Sardines Rs doaen Oranges Giileii'a Lye, Bon Ami hs doaeu Lemons Po)iehem. Molasses. &e ib. Tea 2 Bm Sugar so Ib. Co&fee The finest New Zealand Butter ..2 lbs 95c: 3 lbs. $ 1.60 THE )VEST VAiN NFWS Oliver Promises Action on P. G. E. Proposal of the ihiunicipal Council to send a delegation tn Victorin urging completion of the I'aeific Great Eastern Rail- &vay, has been abandoned ful- lo&ving receipt of 6 communica- tion on this subject from Prem- ier John Oliver. isir. Oliver in his letter declar- es that he will make every ei?ort to have the mntter dealt with by the Legislature at nn early date. School Board to Start New School Action has been taken by the Board of School Trustees to&var&i the immediate clearing of the ground for the new school. Con- struction of the building itself will be started as soon as pos- sible. It is expected that the new school will be ready for the scholars by the beginning of September. May Send Council Before Committee The Municipal Council is con- sidering a proposal to be repre- sented by counsel at Victoria when the private bill for incorp- oration of the Lions'ate Bridge Company is heard. If appoint- ed, this representative will con- fer with the Legislature on the rates for commutation tickets a- cross the bridge, and also on a time-limit in construction of the span. New Campaign for Home Economics The campaign for the proposed chair of home economics in the University of British Columbia is once again in full swing after the holiclay season. More than $2,000.00 has been forwarded to headquarters since the close of the campaign in November, and the full returns to date amount to $5,361. In addition to this collections in Nanaimo, New Westminster, and other places are being retained in local banks until later in the campaign. Vic- toria is to begin a drive next month under the auspices of the Local Council of Women of that city. This is the first endowment for the B. C. University and it is to establish a course in the interest of womanhood ancl home-mak- ing. The teacher was trying to demonstrate a simple experi- ment in the generation of steam. "What have I in my hand?" he asked. "A tin can," came the answer. "Very true. Is the can an ani- mate or inanimate object?" "Inanimate." "Exactly. Now can anyone tell me how, with this can, it is possible to generate 6 surpris- ing amount of speed and power almost beyond control?" One student raised his hami. "Well, Johnny?" "Tie it to a dog's tail." The future is shaped out of the past. Whatever one can do to live contentedly, without im. patience and without fretting, will help one to live some future day in peace and joy. Be gentle and learn how to sui?er. When one sul?ers patiently, one suf- fers less. A Good Turn How sweet to waken in the morn When daylight first begins to creep Across the world, and then to turn Right back again -- and go to sleep. Januarv 28. 1927 Quality Meats VRLSH - rVNIiVI& - VURE Je(?eries'eats are consistently goal. You cnn nlwnys rely upon getting the very best qunlity. BUY AiND SAVE ehT West Vancouver Lumber t',o. L I M I TID 16th nnd Marine I'hone West 115 RFSIDENCE I'HONE: WEST 13X Lumber, Lath, Shingles Inside Finish etc. Quality Guaranteed. SERVICE LOVE'S OLD SWEET SONG Son to Mother--I want my Shoes memled. This ls the time to watch the Shoes. IVet feet mean doctor bios. FREI) TI7 E is the man to put them in shape. THE FAMILY SHOE REPAIRER NEATSFOOT OIL AND BURIN IN STD&'K Next to Kevill's Furniture Store, Ambleside THE ELECTRIC SHOE REI'AIR SHOI'. WATCH REPAIRING WE ARE SPECIAI.ISTS IN THIS WORK. »..."v.„Jewellery Store iw. sAGA Ix) 1464 MARINE DRIVE, nm. West Ves Ceesce Res Phosle West 655V AMBLESIDE Photos That Please Special F'rices This Month. Everybody knows THE KING STUDIO 311 Hastings Street West, Vancouver ESTABLISHED 1962 V. V. VINSON, Prop Phone Sey. IOI6 for appoiuimeui " SERVICE THAT SATISFIES A business built on Personal Service. The kind you want By British Columbia'6 Pioneer Automobile Engineer--1906-1927. Wvsr &Am. G.&war.&: Ambleaide I'hnne )Vest 130 NORTH SHORE MOTORS LIM I TED CHEVROLET 135 First Street West, North Vancouver Phone North 1186 Pbaas North 1360 3EFFERIES MEAT MARKET Neai &u Iioilyhuru Thea&ca I'HONE '&VEST 3 WF. DRI.I'I'fiit ALL iiiiiATS KEI'T IN IIEFIIICERATOR Fresh aud Cured hieate. Butter, figge, Bacon aud Lani. I):I[ e ol, I pips fo'~ Bridge o& Be plans for lh the re fi pfnP&6 hfidge we Council at thel on m )Ir. ?hnrsdsf I & (fern hl I genrile fnf the City „o vef. Jlf.,I CI~i engineer pnfi ns wel bridge. A fesnlntinn the plans P Hsnes be snhi by the Reeve s with 3 view tn assistance I+'overnment ii the same. Ths Reeve Rsy snd t?nt West Vsncnnv tn attend the me& jg RRAI. Rc'N HOL It is repnrh on Hnllyhnrii I purchased hl the owners, Ih 'fhe nn posing the sy yet been mnd& knnecn what tl the property i it, although t rumor that th it. A.I To clear 3& sinn in regard of the A. 0, T the executive/ that thin club nnllelennmlnM any mnn whn service to Ihe The mntin n vice through aims are hrieg movement (nr the cnmmnnitl the men nni among th People i with whn)ecm tn helP the I others, "es oasnnetl +«rgnnia "'earn nlwith it nome I am dnltheir rexP&xt'iv 6 club nhnni other mIe comm lhe organ hope tn tohdn ght ni hri goth g the cc hnalnem 6 er, h»d A club nfently n~n tk vernid. I th tintne 'wfil 9 gnnlratl mne the nn W next hni „" nclny Y week next w Pince Ynu nr I lie(i