001B6C47 Burns'ight at the Literary Society The fifth of the annual Burns'ieetingsof the Literary Society was held last Monday night. and ivas of a rather unusual char- acter. The editor, ivho has been in quest of Burns'llustrations for a considerable time, found himself at last in a position to show more than 90 lantern slides I'ompletely covering fourteen of the best-known poems and songs of Burns. Very successful read- ings were given by hire. Sel- wood, Nrs. Lawson. hlrs. Hind- marsh and Rev. A. hL O'Donnell. The last two items on the pro- gramme &vere sung, "Scots Wha Hae" by hire. Bnldivin. ihlr. G. Baldvcin and Rev. A. hi. O'Don- nell, and "Auld Lang Syne" by the Scottish members. The meeting was the largest which the society has had for some years: and there ives a gratifying heartiness of appreci- ation. The opening address of the president, graceful and gen- ial, set the tone of the meeting, vrhich ivas maintained through- out by readers and hearers. Re- freshments were served by a committee of ladies at the close. W. B. A. The regular meeting of West Vancouver Women's Benefit As- sociation, took place in the New Ambleside Hali, on )Vednesday evening. January 26th. AIrs. E. J. Kidd, District Dep- uty, presided in the ansence of Commander AIrs. L. Edwards, who was unable to be present through sickness. ihliss Legalis. Health Superin- tendent of the )V. B. A. Health Centre, was a welcome idsitor, who spoke a few words to the members regarding matters of health, and fitness generally, em- phssising the fact that all mem- bers should make a point of vis- iting the Health Centre periodi- cally, where matters of weight, bodily fitness, examinations, etc. might be gone into with benefit to themselves both in the present and future. Mrs. Condon. Lieut. Com- mander, resigned her office, and was elected to be the Finance- Keeper for this year. hIrs. Sara Romans was unani- mously elected Lieut. Command- er. Plans were discussed regard- ing the participation of the Re- view in the public installation which ssdII be held in the Hotel Vancouver on February 2nd. Re- herssls are being held prior to the event, and the officers. are asked to keep in mind Sunday, January 30th. for special meet- ing at 1.30 in the I. O. O. F. Hall, Main Street and 6th Avenue, Vancouver. After the usual business of the Order was completed, an address by Dr. Knipfel of West Vancou- ver, was greatly enjoyed. Dr. Knipfel dealt with many interesting subjects; diet, teeth, uses of foods, food values, and matters of health and hygiene, generally. He displayed a num- ber of charts, giving statistics regarding health percentage in different schools and districts; bringing before his audiencevery clearly that the standard of health and fitness is not really up to the highest mark, but, by care and personal application of hygiene, proper food usages, as well as sunlight and cleanliness it is in ones power to improve, and keep their health and vigor to a prolonged stage in life. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded Dr. Knipfel for his very interesting address, and hopes expressed that he might give an- other in the near future. Dainty refreshments were served at the close, hire. Strong, Nrs. Johnson, Nrs. Romans and Mrs. Hay, assisting. THE WEST VAN. NEWS Visitor from Shanghai in West Van. Mr. Buttemvorth, civil engin- eer of Shanghai, was In West Vaiicollv&i'il Tuesdliv, vlsdtlilg his brother, hlr. G. II. Butter- worth nf 14th and Clyde, having arrived from that port on the Empress of Asin the previous evening. He reports the situa- tion in Shanghai as fsr more ser- ious than is generally believe&I. He stated thnt &chen be left there a force of 15,000 Chinese under Russian Bolshevik leaders Ives outside Shanghai, aml the number of Bolshevik Chinese in the city itself was unknnivn. A great many Chinese Ivere armed Ivith Nauser automatics, an&i those entering the foreign con- cessions were being thoroughly searched for concealed Ivcapons. The refugees from llankow had nrrived, he said, with nothing but the clothes in which they stood up, but excellent arrange- ments had been ma&le for their coinfort, all having been accom- modated in the homes of the British residents in Shanghai. He gave unstinted praise to the British Marines at Hankow, who, though pelted with mu&l an&1 stones by the infuriated Chinese mob and in many cases seriously injure&1, forbore to use their rifies and bayonets in order that the women and chiklren they were protecting might get away to the ships and safety. One act of violence on their part and nothing could have saved their charges from serious injury and probably death. Mr. Butter- worth leaves tomorrow for Eng- land. SCHOOL NOTES HIGH SCHOOL DEBATE The follovcing have been chos- en as teams for the debates with North Vancouver High School on February 9: AFFIRSIATIVE (nt home tenm) 1. Jean liood 2 J. Earley 3. John Allen (Spare) iVEGATI VE (aivay tenm) 1. George Gray 2. Jack Summerfield 3. John Dauphinee (Spare) Subject: "Resolved ihnt Can- ada's immigration la&vs shoukl exclude all Orientals and place all others, except white British subjects or persons of British parentage on a strict quota." The West Vancouver debate will be held in the Hollyburn Theatre. Music and vaudeville ivill precede and follow the &le- bate. The debaters are busy an&i the stunt artists are rehearsing. A good evening is assured. HIGH SCHOOL WIN F I RST SOCCER G A hi E On Tuesday, of this week, the West Vancouver High School Junior Soccer team played their first game of the season against the Technical High School of Vancouver and emerged victori- ous by a score of 7-1. As the score indicates, the West Van. boys were much sup- erior and showed results of their training in the combination play. It would be difiicult to pick out an outstanding player, as all played well. Cullin at centre for- ward, however, showed clever manipulation of the ball and scor- ed 4 goals, Ferguson scoring 2 and Davie 1. The latter at cen- tre half played a very effective game, being prominent in every play. Three years ago the High School boys first entered a team in the High School League, and, as was to be expected, did not show up well, losing every game. Last year they continued to im- prove and succeeded in making an even break on their games. This year the boys have been practising faithfully and have hopes of making a good showing. It must be remembered that West Van., having only 40 boys faces a big handicap in competi- tion with larger schools having from 100 boys up. Next week the )Vest Van. team will travel te Mahon Park to en- gage the strong North Van. elev- en. West Van. Line-Up. Goal--Tralford Backs--Neviile and Colpitts Half Backs--Gray, Davie and Kendrick Forwards--Homma, Ferguson Cullin, Normand, Burns. Mr. Ken Robinson of the West Van. Auto Service, reports hav- ing recently received a letter dated three weeks ago from a cousin in England who is in the Irish Fusiliers, in which the lat- ter stated he was leaving next day with his regiment for China. THE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER PUBLIC NOTICE HIGH SCHOOL BASKET BALL The girls of the West Van- couver High School basket ball team have played two of their inter-league games. The games were played in the King Edward gymnasium. The results are as follows: Bridgeport vs. West Van., Saturday, 15th January, won by Bridgeport, 21-15. Juni- or High vs. )Vest Van., Saturday 22nd January, won by West Van 35-6. The next game is scheduled for Saturday, January 29th. The team is--Cecil Vickery, Jumping Centre; Marian Mac- hfillan, Running Centre; Isabel Wilson, Forward; Ruth Jackson, Forward; Ruth Last, Guard; El- inor Bine, Guard; Jean Watson, Spare; Audrey Lester, Spare. A Harvey Smith of Smith's Grocery, 24th and Marine, has purchased the bulding in which his store is located. Improve- ments to the building are being made and it is the intention of hir. Smith to make his store thoroughly modern and up-to- date. Is hereby given to the Electors of the Municipality of the Dis- trict of West Vancouver, that I require the presence of the said Electors at the Municipal Hall, corner 17th Street snd Esqui- malt, West Vancouver, in the said ihfunicipality, on MONDAY, THE 7th DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1927, at 12 o'lock Noon for the purpose of electing one person to represent them as School Trustee for the unexpired portion of the year 1927. The mo:le of nomination of candidates shall be as follows: The candidates shall be nominat- ed in writing, the writing shall be subscribed by two electors of the Municipality as proposer and seconder, and shall be delivered to the Return- ing Oflicer at any time between the date of this notice and two o'lock p. m., of the &lsy of nomi- nation. The said writing may be . in the form numbered 3 in the schedule of the "Municipalities Elections Act" and shall state the names, residence anil occupation or description of each person proposed in such manner as to suificiently identify such candi- date; and in the event of a poll being necessary, such poll shall be opened on SATURDAY, THE 12th DAY OF FEBRUARY, liJ27, between the hours of Eight o'lock a.m.. and 8 o'lock p.m. of the said day at the Ambleside Hall, 14th Street, in the said Municipality, of which every per- son is hereby required to take notice and govern himself or her- self accordmgly. Given under my hand at West Vancouver, this 26th day of Jan- uary, 1927. JAS. OLLASOiV, Returning Officer. January, 1927. Jsmiarv 28 in 7 The Hollyburn Lumber Co., LIAIITEI) I.L&M HER RHINCI ES--SASH--DOORS--FININII DKA L KIIS I N Tuiameeu for Furnace Fool of Eighteenth and IVnierfront Office I'hone: )'VEST 64 Residence: WEST 92R2 M WILLIAMS CUSTOihl TAILOR SpeclaSaiug In bios's Suiis anil Over&usia io hieasucs. Largo Assortment of Pa&&eras io choose from. OIIDER YOUR NFXT SUIT FltOM US Dry Clenning CITY Dyeing, Repairs aml Pit ICKS and Pressing A It& ratums I'E CAI.L ANO i)fii,ivfin 1'I&ONE &VEST 20 SAVORY c%. DUVAL IIEiAL ESTATE ANiD INSURANCE 1429 hlarine Drive Phone IVest I ld Phone West 84 For Sand, Gravel Truck Work Etc. H P. Tearoe I 640 Haywood Ave. West Vancouver Br. 3l. E. KIIipfrl Physician and Surgeon ELECTRICAL and ULTRA-VIOLET RAY TREATMENTS Ambleside Block, Cor. 14th and Marine Oflice Phone West 166 D. MORGAN, J.P. IeoTAR Y PUBLIC REAL ESTATE afid INSORANCE Twenty-fifth aud kfsrius Dr. Phone West 4 TAXI Paanee& WEST 110 Resu WEST &801, FRAMAR Montessori School 18th aad Esuuimsit Sensory iesiuiugi peepursiiou for reading aud writing; de- voiopmeut of iauguago; begin- ning of uumbor work; ear train- ing sud harmony; rhythmic aud folk dancing included. Mrs. IV. D. Fraser Phone '&Yes& 92 L Terms Reasouabio F. Newman II D. Robbins BUILDERS Houso 1'ala&sea, 1'aperhaugees aud Kaisomiaiug Roasouubio Teems Send for our sample book of IVallpapers. 1'iwp o'sy House 1'houo Ma&hers A 29&h West 4371k& Vernon Feed Store A. C. SEAI&i E 1'hoss West 9 FEED, FUEL, CEMENT Etc. For Heater, Range or Furnace EAST WEl LINGTON I.UIIIP GALT EG(i for Heater oc Furnace foe the Hangs biOST HEAT FOR 1OUR MONEY Tbs East Wellington aud Gaii Coal is recognised as the bast «oai on iho market. THE WEST VAN SUPPLY (E. II. Minions) 14th and Marine--I'hone West 105 North 4(tL West Vancouver Stages Oflice aud Waiting Room: 6 Lousdaio Avenue WEEK DAY SCHEDULE Leave North Vancouver foc SHERMAN aud CYPRESS PARK on the hour from aud including 7 s.m. io 0.40 p.m.; also 20 minutes past the hour from aud iueiudiug 0.20 a.m. &o 9.20 a.m. and 1.20 p.m. to 11.20 p.m. RETURNING from SHERMAN 80 minutes after above times. SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS Leaves North Vaucouvcr on the hour from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; a&co at 1.40, 2.40, 7.40, 8.60, 9.20 aud 10.20 p.m., returning from Cypress Park 80 minutes after above times. NOTICE The stage will leave North Vancouver at 6.40 p.m. instead of 7 p.m. gg Jsuusff Ncrl 9mukcs ,1 ." h ul. lu 8 one kuo'he uuesP 'I er. The who d+'lu & ilsyi active m'he is heraus behind it lghs suywsf I ifha lls h self gfop what hs ' oui opinions, 00 stead) IVe I sut Yorl nearest t uur csrti 'lVe & In t& younger, ity is ue& The story wh destiny, i of years. In tl sml? ii msy he f& We &I youug to tobe On. n(KLEIOE'5 L P C ~ Travel The fl No cfih the anti by v Sey 46 h I