001B6C47 1927 &E abase. s&&d ils 55 eases nd on &fac- iss iu call ears i'ON e ia ladies had the &d 135 mont. A AND )L a Phone Vest OIR VER plies, Shop ,prie&or od Idua ork FhiEN E~N Club 3 ai Garage is &b&a Service gg ddd &mba&4 „beiog ,rgan IUVSR 31ce Pf siuelue 3053o a January 28, 1927. CLEANED OUT The success of Gemmills'mproved Cough Remedy has been such that we are cleaned out. We are ex- pecting another shipment early next week. This is a splendid "after- flu" tonic. Oor Phones are WEST 37 aod WEST 666 THE WEST VAN PHARNACY THE DUNDARAVE PHARNACY THE WEATHER A fall of one and a half inches of snow took place on Monday and Monday night, 17th inst, and was followed by a sharp frost. The whole country was turned into a fairyland on Tues- day monifng, such as we see only once in about ten years. The temperature dropped on Tuesday night to 18 degrees; on Wednesday night to 16 degrees; and on Thursday night to 14 de- grees. Three-quarters of an inch of snow fell on Friday eve- ning and night, and more than five and a half inches on Satur- day. But the conditions of Tuesday morning were not re- peated on Sunday morning. The soft pearly white of that wond- erful landscape was replaced by a crispness which was less pleas- ing to the eye and less success- ful in beautifying the crude re- sults of human handiwork over the countryside. Phone Igeat 303 Practical Sign Painter f202 Duchess Street All Kinds of Signs House Numbers, Name Pie&co Signs on Glass House Painting, E&c. Estimates Free Having purchased the DUNDARAVE CANDY SHOP I wish to aak for a share of your patronage. I am apccialiaing in HOME hIAI)E CANDIES mode exactly as those you havebought here right along. I also carry a supply of Tobaccos, Groceries, etc. A. J. S. WILLSON hie&inc Drive just west of 26&,h. Announcement Having taken over the business formerly operated by Lynn Bros., we aak for a continuance of your patronage and assure you at aii times of courteous service and fair treatment. Groceries, Hardware, Paints and Oils HOOPER c%, SON HOLLYBURN GENERAL STORE In business in Aiberta for the last 12 years. WEST VANCOUVER Ratepayers'ssociation A meeting of the above Association will be held on TUESDAY, Feb. 1st at 8 p.m. ln the AMBLESIDE HALL All ratepayers, whether membersornot,are cordially invited Sold ac ag oar &mrco Preserve your youth and vigor with this modern, but necessary, convenience and stay young. The oloc&rfc washerdeans more &horoughly, saves your clothes end gives a lifetime of service, costing only 5 cents a week io operate. 33«&ss fob&pm«& 2&sons&Ra&scoffs R. G. COOKE ANNOUNCEMENT THE WEST VAN NEWS Nrs. Reid gave a bridge drive to her friends at her home in Altamont on Thursday, January 20th. Nrs. Odell won the ladies'rize,that for the gentlemen go- ing to Mr. P. C. Chapman. c Jack Watt, son of Councillor Watt, had a bad accident whilst coasting down 15th Street last week. His sleigh came into col- lision with a large rock, one of the boy's fingers being badly crushed between the front of the sleigh and the rock. He was taken to the North Vancouver General Hospital, where his in- jury was attended to. Mr. and Mrs. Gawthorne are leaving Prince Rupert for West Vancouver on 28th instant. Mr. Gawthorne recently purchased the store and building at the corner of 22nd and Marine Drive from Mr. E. A. McKenzie. c Mr. Edward Scott moved on Wednesday into his new home on King's Ave.t Medford Chapman, son of P. C. Chapman, of Altamont, met with a very serious accident while sleighing down the side- walk on 24th Street on Thurs- day, the 20th. He was jarred to one side of his sleigh and the cross boards of the sidewalk in- flicted a gash in one of his legs from just below the front of the hip to a point half way between the knee and ankle. He was re- moved to the North Vancouver Hospital, where thirty-three stitches were necessary to close the wound. Mrs. Ed. Black of Altamont, is a patient at the Vancouver General Hospital. L. 0. L. No. 2990 are holding their regular meeting next Tues- day in Dundarave Hall at 8 p.m. -Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Bowman, 29th and Marine Drive, have i moved to Bellevue near 15th. t The recent sleighing on the part of the youngsters claimed another victim last week, when Harry Moore, 20th Street, when coasting down 22nd Street near the Pauline Johnson School, had his face badly gashed by contact with a stump. Mrs. Bell, 11th and Duchess, has purchased "Restholme" on Marine Drive between 12th and 13th Streets. Mr. McLean has purchased the house of Mr. A. Irish at 13th and Fulton. Mr. B. Burton, 30th and Mar- ine, who is spending the winter in the city, met with a very ser- ious accident recently. IVhilst driving his car, he put out his left arm to give a stop signal to an auto behind him, when his arm was crushed between the side of his car and a telephone post, breaking it in two places and fracturing his ivrist. MR. SEYMOUR'S HOUSE DESTROYED BY FIRE Mr. Seymour's house at 15th and Ottawa was totally destroy- e&l by fire on Saturday night dur- ing the absence of the owner. The contents of the house in- cluding $600 worth of furs were also &lcstroyed. When the fire was discovered by the neighbors who gave the alarm the first floor had been burnt and the roof ha&i already caved in. The a- larm was put through by the B. C. Telephone Co. with the ut- most despatch aml the fire bri- gade were on the scene six min- utes afterwards. While unable to save the house, they were suc- cessful in preventing the flames from reaching a large chicken house. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cliff, 17th and Haywood, left on Tuesday for Englewood, Vancouver Is- land, where they will in future reside. The King David Lodge, A. F. df& A. N., are giving a dance on Thursday, 3rd February, in the Hollyburn Pavilion ~ t c Mr J H Dawson is building a house on Marine Drive at Cy- press Park t t Nr. C. S. Forrest has arrived here from his home in Brandon and will spend the rest of the winter visiting his son, ihIr. W. A. Forrest, of 24th and Mathers.t c t Dudley Roberts, of Roberts'eat Market, is confined to his be&1 with an attack of grippe.t Mr. McLean has sold his house on Duchess between 11th and 12th Streets t The West Vancouver Ratepah- ers'ssociation will hold a r'egu- lar meeting next Tuesday at 8 p. m. in the Ambleside Hall.t Mr. and AIrs. Walter Parting- ton were hosts on IVednesday evening, January 19th, at their home on Gordon Avenue, when they entertained the members of the Senior Choir of St. Steph- en's Church. A most enjoyable time was spent in singing and games. The winners of the "Flower" competition were Mrs. Cliff, Miss Sewell, NIiss Millard, Rev. A. H. Priest and Mr. Smith. Speeches were given wishing Nr. and Nrs. Cliff God speed and good luck in their new home in the north. A "Beading Bee" was given by Mrs. Bulkley at her home, "Dreamy Nook," Dundarave, last Thursday, which resulted in a most unique pair of portier- es being made. Great enjoyment was had by the fact of two gentlemen being invited to help in the beading and which they very earnestly did to the pleas- ing satisfaction of the hostess, a vouch having been given by one of the party that they could not grasp the be&tds long enough to sew them on. The ladies present were Nrs. Blanchfield, Mrs. Gleam, Nrs. and hfiss Maw- sdley and Nrs. Goddard. After- noon tea was served, and music was indulged in and tea cup reading by Mrs. Itlawsdfey, whilst Mrs. Gleam in giving sketches from Lancashire creat- ed much amusement. Mr. Robert Black has opened a coal and transfer business here having taken part of Mr. Beam- ish's office. Mrs. T. Armstrong gave a whist drive at her home on 19th and Bellevue on Saturday even- ing Nrs Downey won the lad- ies'rize, that for the gentle- men going to Mr. Garthorne. The consolation prizes were won by Mrs. Atkins and Mr. Eugene Tite. Following the cards danc- ing was indulged in by the many guests present to excellent music supplied by Mr. F. Tite, 5Irs. Downey and Nr. Garthorne. t t c Mr. N. D. Ross, father of Nrs. Minions, is re-constructing the building occupied by the West Vancouver Supply Co. Two modern suites are being arrang- ed on the upper floor, and the of- fice formerly occupied by Dr. Rowan is being altered.t 'c c'r. J. P. IVharton, owner of the new Ambleside Block, has returned from Mexico, where he spent the winter The adjourned meeting of the Hollyburn Public Library Asso- ciation will be held in the Muni- cipal Hall on Monday next at 8 p. m. Mrs. A. Harvey Smith, 24th and Marine entertained several friends last Monday evening at a small bridge party. c t c Mr. Buchanan of Burnaby, has rented a house on Haywood be- tween 23rd and 24th Streets. Mrs. Elfstrom who, with her son, went to Edmonton two months ago, has now returned and is living on Clyde between 17th and 18th. Mrs. Armstrong and Mrs. Hope of Hanop, B. C., were vis- itors to West Vancouver last week. Mr. Fred Tite is arrang- ing to take the ladies on a tour of the dfstrict when they return during the next few days. R. P. Blower who last week announced his entry into the local real estate field, has become connected with the firm of Sav- ory and Duval and will in future work from their office. The West Vancouver Liberals are holding a dance in the new Ambleside Hall on Monday, Feb- ruary 14th. Dancing 9 to 12. Tickets 35 cents. Dr. F. L. Guggins of Edmon- ton is staying with Mr. and Nm. E. E. McCul!Ough, West Bay. Dr. Guggins was a resident of IVest Vancouver 20 years ago.t Mr. and Mrs. Symonds of Courtenay, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Stratton, Marine Drive. They motored from Curtenay, aml are going on to I&amloops in their car as soon as the condi- tion of the roads permit. The 5.30 p. m. and 6.30 p. m. ferries from the city will until further notice be held five min- utes after the half hour at the Vancouver dock to al!oiv of the busses making connection ivith them on their arrival in Amble- idd&). BAKERY IVAGON UPSET BY BOYS COASTING Little Don Stevens and a Jap- anese schoolboy, whose name we were unable to get, lost control of their sleighs last Saturday at 24th and Afathers, and ran under the wheels of one of Stevenson's Bakery cars. The delivery went over both of them, and finally came to rest in the ditch. For- tunately neither the tivo boys nor the driver ivere badly hurt, aml the car suffered no damage. COUNCIL SENDS WREATH The municipal council unani- mously passed a vote of condol- ence with the family of the late Saniuel Gintzburger at their meeting on hlonday night. The late Nr. Gintzburger was a pion- eer of the district and a member of the council at the time of its incorporation in 191'&. The mem- bers also instructed the municip- al clerk to send a wreath to the funeral. I t ~ isIr. aml Nrs. Grumly of West Bay, are still confined to their honie following their incapacita- tion. Nrs. Grundy had a fall oil Christmas eve aml fractured her leg; a few days later Nr. Grumly had to undergo anopera- tion. They have not yet recov- ered from these misfortunes. PHONE 466 L J H REID Puhyoht Sand, Gravel and General Teanihvork I E R S 0 N A I S =mmes e