001B6C47 jsnus THE WEST VAN NEWS January 28, 19 Classified Ads. WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society Dundarave Hall, hlarine Dr. Dandaeavo Saaday Socvieo at 11.30 ~.m. Subject January 30th "I OVE" Saaday School ae 16.ee a. m. Ton&usosy Meo&iag ovary Wed- nesday at 115 p. m. 1V ANTED--Womaa &o assisi w iih housework foe &wo oc three wc&ke. from nine in morning &o 6 at night, cracy day except Sunday. Apply West Vaa. News. Phono ac&& 19L VPANTED--Poor roomed (oeaiahcd hosea on Water(coat fcoin 21th hiay. Phone West 62SY. WANTED -- Capable, ccdacd boone. keeper. good cook. Boy 4&x years. Phone West 147R3. WANTED -- Roose aad Board «iih uec of a&coping porch, by young mas ~ Appiy, "Board." c'o '&Vent Vaa. News. DRESS3(AKING --htce. Robbiae, 29&h aed Ma&hera. Phone West 437 R$. St. Stephen's Church Epiphany 4 (Jan. 30th.i 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 a. m.~quod&sy School. 11.15 a. m.--klorning Prayer. 7.15 p. m.--Evensong. The preacher on Sunday even- ing &vill be the Rev. M. II. Jack- son, rector of St. George' Church, Vancouver. The programme nt the A.Y.P. A. next Tuesilay evening will consist of an illustrated lecture on Astronomy by Nr. R. Petrie. Mr. Petrie is at present ntten&l- ing the University of B. C. but has ha&i already two years on the sta(P of the Astro-Physical Observatory at Victorin where he has done valuable work under Dr. Plaskett. Weather permitting. the jun- ior football tcnm will meet the Knox Kesvisdale juniors at Hol- lyburn School at 1.30 Saturday afternoon. The senior pupils of isIrs. F. X. Hodgson will give a recital in the Dundarave klall, Friday eve- ning, February 25th, in aid of the Church Building Fund. i Father and Son" week will bs observed in St. Stephen's Church this year by two events, a "Fath- er and Son" banquet in the Par- ish Hall, Friday. Feb. 11th, and a "Father and Son" service on the following Sunday evening. The junior camp of Trail Rangers are sorry to hear of the accident that has befallen their sub-chief, Net Chapman, an&i wish him a speedy recovery. A REAL SNAP3 Blacks from Forcy Landing. 6 roomed modern house on 66 n. io&. Fail basement. Re- duced for a quick sale, $2500. terms. This will boar close inspection. R. P. Blower, Phone 1Voet 626X. $1ONE1'O (A&AN on Pica& hior&sasc in amounts o( (cosa $500 ap. L H. Bcamiah, Ambiesido. West 17. FOR SALE -- Hooachoid Furniture Heater, garden tools, hose, c&c. Phono '&Vent 62Y. LAND CLEARING aad Teaming done by contract. Phone Shieid'o Store, West 116. TWO YEAR Oi.n FRUIT TREES-- Apples Soc, Plums and Pears $ 1.'ZM Peaches $ 1.00, Rcd, '&Vhi&c and Black Careen&a; Gooseberry, Grapes, RasP- berries, Logaaa, Strawberries, Rhu- barb aad Asparagus roots; Roses- Ciimbcca soc, Standards $2.00; Rho- dadeadeono $'N: Axe&can, Ever- geccan. Dwar( Piceas for rockcrp; Ornamental trees and sowcriag Shrubs. G. Lloyd, Ha&ecood Avc., between 25th and 26&1 S&a., Wed- nesday and Saturday afternoons or after 5 p.m. any day. POINT GREY -- Bean&i&a( 6-room Cali(ocnia Bungalow, recently re- decorated. basement, new furnace, Overlooking Gulf. $4500, on most reasonable terms or will trade for bugaiow with 3 bedrooms in &Vest Vancouver. SAVORY aad DUVAL Phone West 114: Evenings, West 143 R P. CLARK &2 CO„LTD. ATTRACTIVEaadCom(or&ah.c Bung- alow. Fuiip modern. Very coavcai- cntiy situated in Hoiiyburn. Handy &o Marine Drive asd Beach. Nice view of water from Stanley Park &o Point Grcp and 'Wo &. The lot is over 60 feet wide, fully nina&cd aad improved. with open lane in rear asd the property fronts on a paved road. Price $3750; terms arranged with purchaser. WE SPEC(AL(SE in Wca& Vancouver. Send in pour listings of Homes, Water(ron&age, Acreage, e&c. Wc can place Fire insurance in the most reliable companies. Have you over- looked pro&ecCng your furniture aod personal a&facts, which are often worth more than the dwciiing7 If so, phono ea imioedia&cip. R. P. CLARK e Co., LTD. 82$ Hastings S&. W. Sey. 748$, 7484 Local Representative C. J. ARCHER. Wmt 651L Baptist Church Rev. David Long, Pastor. New Maid: "I found this purse upon your desk, sir." Junior: "I must reward you for your honesty. I left it there purposelv as a test." New Maid: "That's what I thought, sir." '%'hat are you doing, young man?" "None of your business." He was right, so they fired him. One girl tells us that she is going to get married next sum- mer if she has to go swimming every day to do it. THE West Van Nees Pabiiohed Every Friday H. HODGSON aad F. F. LOVEGROVE Pabiilhors Baniaeoo aad Editorial Office: 1361 i(arian Drive Phone Woae 191, hlaii Addrcaai P.O. Box 101, Houybom, B. C. $ 1.00 a year by mail or carrier. News- stands dc per copy. ADVERT(SING RATES ON APPLICATION DEATH OF MR. THO31AS GRAY Mr. Thomas Gray, an old tVest Vancouver resident, died on slon- day at the home of a nephew, Mr. R. H. Richardson, of Van- couver. The deceased, who was 74 years old, conducted a tail- or'6 business in Ambleside for some years, and owned property at 23rd and Nelson, which he recently sol&l. The late Mr. Gray had a picturesque career. He followed the C. P. R. during its construction westward, and his tailor shop was always to be found at railhead wherever that happened to be. Getting the gold fever, he was 0 miner in the Yu- kon gold rush and he twice tried his luck in the Cariboo. Before he came to West Vancouver he had conducted a tailoring busi- ness for many years in Vancou- ver, to which city he returned after leaving here to carry on the same business. Sunday School, 10 a. m. Church Service, 11 a. m. tVeekly prayer service each IVednesday at 7.30 p.m. The annual business meeting was held in the Church Wed- nesday, January 19th, and the new officers elected for the en- suing year. Encouraging reports from all branches of the work, larger collections and increased membership has found 1926 the most successful year since be- ginning the Baptist work in West Vancouver. On Saturday, January 22n&1, a successful children's party was held in the Church. After an afternoon of games a bountiful repast was served by the teach- ers and each little one went home happy with a book cnd bag of candy. United Church A large congregation at trnd- ed the Community Service in the United Church last Snuday eve- ning. Officials of the isluniri- palitv an&I other public bodies ocrupie&l reserved s&qsts. A special anthem icns sung.hy the choir an&I Mr. Louden sang n solo. The minister of the church preached an approprinte sermon on "Open IVin&lowsio An interesting meeting of the Literary Society was helcl last sionday evening in the Lessecr Hall of the church. Nr. James Porter, the friendly and genial editor of the Society showeil over 70 slides &lcpicting rcencs in the life of Burns nnd poems. Out- stnmling features of the pro- gramme weri! n trio by kfr. an&i Nrs. Baldivin aml the minister, and n solo by Nrs. Lnwson. &VIrs. Selwood gnie some interesting readings. At the close of the proceedings rcfrcshmrnts &cere served by Nrs. Sehvo&xl an&i Nrrw Iiimlmnrsh. It is noticeaide since the meeting thnt quite a number who &vere present have 0 decidedly Scottish accent. An enthusiastic gathering of men &vas hei&I in the United Church hall Inst IVcdnesday eve- ning nt six- thirty. Over 50 mon sat &lown to an nppetising meal of Pork and Beans and cold meat. &hlr. IV. R. Ilamilton who presided introduced the guests of the evening who had come to explain the aims and objects of the A. O. T. S. (As One That Servethh itlajor I". Kaye Col- lins, Dr. Thompson, H. C. Wade and Fred Cleland spoke briefly and after an interesting discus- sion it was decided to organize "The West Vancouver A. O. T. S. Club" at once. A nominating committee was appointed and asked to retire immediately and bring in a slate of officers. The following were nominated and elected: President--H. G. Hoskins Vice-Pres.--C. L. Hilborne Secretary--E. 1. Lane Treasurer--F. E. Brine. A committee consisting of Messrs. W. R. Hamilton, Brydon- Jack, J. Tate, George Hay, Coun- cillor Ray and J. kiay&ln Young was appointed to draw up a Con- stitution. 39 signified their in- lention of joining the Society. The C. G. I. T. banquet of the United Church will be held on Friday evening, February 4th, in the Church Hall. The Nother and Daughter Church Service will be held in the United Church on Sunday evening, February 6th, at 7.15. SILVER WEDDING MR. AND AIRS. STEVENSON The home of Nr. and AIrs. C. W. Stevenson,'9th an&1 Belle- vue, was the scene of a &.'elight- ful surprise party last Monday afternoon. A large number of friends and members of the Bap- tist Church met to offer their congratulations, the occasion being Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson's 25th wedding anniversary. Mrs. Stevgnson was presented with a silver casserole and table- spoons. Nrs. Armstrong spoke in glowing terms of the high esteem in which Nrs. Stevenson was helil aml of her love aml devotion in the church work. Mrs. Scott made the presenta- tion. Tca was served and a hap- py time was epent Nrs Craig poured tea, Nrs. IVitherly, Mrs. Iiowell, Nrs. Iiil&herd and Mrs. Scott serving. Those present were: Nrs. Armstrong. Nrs. Andrews, Nrs. Colpitts, Nrs. Clifford, Nrs. Brown, hire. IVintte, Nrs. Hop- kins, ilfrs. For&i, Mrm Howell, slrs. Draper, Mrs. Tabor, Nrs. Feather, Nrs. IA&cey, Nrs. IVebb, Nrs. Reynolds, Mrs. Hibbenl, Nrs. Iiil&herd, Jr., Nrs. Vernon. Jr., Nrs. Craig, Nrs. Scott, Nrs. Witherly. The OLD RELIABLE STORE where quality nml loiv prices greet you with every purchase. Our Service will satisfy you. Our I'rives will please you nml the Quality of OUR Goods you cnn rely upon. (Sr(hct:ricsy I lani&varh:, I «intsy ()ils S14i l4~ D'8 (XICOCl~4'14 V (iROCERIK'S, HARDVVARE, I'AINTS dh Oll 8 We close at 1 p. m. every Thursday. Phone West 28Marine Drive, Ambleslda. FAgg DELIVEAY FOR WATERFRONTAGE anil other property ll(1USI(S TO ICKNT, I" llilil INSUI(ANCK, K'I'C a&i JOHN LAWSON 17th Street Phone hVest 55 W. r. E. DURRANT, O.c., r.A.C. 1'aimcr Schooi &(radon&a CH IROI'RACTOR 61&-di,i Dominion ilidg. 207 Hao&ingc S&. Wee& 1'hoon nc& moor isnin NORMAND'S GROCERY 14th ned IIARINK .. Phone West 66 A Complete Supplyof... G ROC Ii; R I ES an&1 CON FKOTION Kit Y &VE DEL(VER E READ '1'hat Satifics and i'leases Ail our Dread and Cakes are made on the premises. Bup here and gct ca&in(nc- tion ST RATTON'S BAKERY AMBLESIDE 1'HONE WEST 27 Aod our Delivery man will call West Van. RESTAURANT 1421 Marine Drive at 14th 4 . CLONGUINIE RABBITRY 15TH AND QUEEiVS Phone tvcn& 183R RABB(T MANURE Two Grades (or (iardcno or 1'o&o Established oVer 6 Years C. J. OVERINreTON 14th and Marine BARBER For the convenience of the &adios of the Distr(«1 I have bad the toiophoao inniaiiod PHONE WEST 136 and make an appoia&mont. HAI.I. TO RENT The New A51BLESIDE HALL Corner 14&h aod .'&incise with a door apace of 2,000 square feet, is avaiiabio for Recep&ions, Daocea, Prica&e or 1'abiic Parties, Eic. This is the most modern and up-to-da&c Hall in the District and is fully furnished for such occasions, having Piano, Crock- ery, e&c. For terms appiy-- $1RS. C. HAY Telephone &Vco& 21 ST. I'ATRICIA KINDERGARTEN AND GIRI.S'CHOOI. A fcw vncancics Miss J. Du&bin Phone 20th and Haywooii Went 97R Ambleside Tea Rooms Ferry Wharf WEST VANCOUVER Camp aad Picnic Supplies, Tobaccos ote Troughton & Barrow Soy a LDT ior a Home; ~ Homo means a LOT. Real Esiate dh Insurance i&elis sl.'ios lelti Doadacavo Phone West 83 Hoilyburn Barber Shop G. RADLAND, Proprietor MARINE DRIVE aad (de(a First Class '&York LAD(ES, &&ENTI.EMEN ond &.'HH.BREN Autemobde Club Members Yoo have an Oil&cia& Garage and Towing Fore&co In &hi ~ Distr&ca West Van Auto Service DUNDARAVH Phoae Wont lll Free Tow&as &o Members. A QUIET LADY A qu&ct thoughtful, k&mlly d&e- posed la&ly said today, she ili&ln't see any reason why pcopleshoul&l son&I Laumlry work across the Inlet when we have such 0 wond- erful up-to-&late Laumlry on the North Shore. "I'cople" she said, "should help to keep North Shore girls in constant employment." We believe she is right. The BIIIYard Laundry Limited Pcc Pcoplr heio Acc Pcc&icc&cc 76120 172227 me 57. 947&95 North Vnncouver Phone Il. I I. Ballsrd, North 1310 Mgr. New rineaea now being formed J M. Morgan WEST VANCOUVER Teacher of Voice Pro- duction and Singing I'bones tVest 173 Scyioour 3058o C ip' hs &I& pe ed ,) 3