West Van. News (West Vancouver), 21 Jan 1927, p. 6

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001B6C41 THE )VEST VAN. NEWS January 21. 1927. StOp Tllal CO16 I Jar Hone! and 6 Lemons OUR SEASO.iAIILE SI'ECIAI S Florida Grape Fruit...................... 3 for 25c California Prunes .................................. 3 lbs. 25c Pineapple, 2's ............................. 2 fnr 2.&c Quaker Stra&cherry Jam, 4 lb. tin.......... 69c Eggs--Fresh Firsts ...,........,........., 2 dozen itic No. I Butter ........... 3 lbs. $ 1.48 SJJllfb .) GI occj Ji GROCERIIL&&. HARDWARE. DRY (",DODS Jk SU&VDRIES i'hone &nor wenie nnd we wiii give yon quick deil&cry Z(T)i AN)i tiAR)NE. Opp. Oondernve i)nit )'hone )VEST 469 Roberts'etter Noats West 106 14th and hlarine All Meats Government Inspected Saturday Specials SATURDAY Sl ECIALS New Zealand Butter. per lb. 50c. 3 Ibs $ 1.13& Pure Lard in I lb. pkts. 2 lbs. 45c Swift's Jetvel Shortening .................. 2 lbs. .')5c Cookett ........ 2 lbs. 39c Pure Beef Dripping 2 lbs. 250 Boiled Ham, per lb ..... 50c Picnic Ham, per lb...... 23c Peameal Back Bacon, by the piece ........... 390 Pullet Eggs, 2 dozen.... 770 Old Country Black I'udding 15c ring Prime Steer Beef- Pot Roast from .... 12!'zc Rolled Pot Roast...... 15c Boiling Beef ........ 10c I.ocal Spring Lamb-- Shoulder ............. 28c Legs ...... .. ... .. 40c Milk Fed I'ork Legs (fores) .. 20c Pork Butts .......... 250 Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Jap Oranges, box......... 80c Good Apples, box .. $ 1.15 Dry Belt Potatoes, good cookers, sack ...$2.00 Large Lemons, per doz. 35c Florida Grape Fruit Large Juicy Oranges Fresh Rhubarb, per bdl. 20c ROASTLNG CHICKEV BOILING FO)VL Fresh and Cured Fish Local 'Scottish Society The regular meeting of the So- ciety is being held this evening (Friday) January 21st, in the "Clachan" at 8.15. After the business hiiss Frame will be in charge of the programme, as thc lecture by Mr. J. Hadyn Young has been postponed airing to the illness of his mother. A full at- tendance of members is request- e&l in order to complete plans for the Burns'upper on January 29th. The Third Annual Burns'up- per will be held on Satur&day. January 29th, in the "Clachnn" Hotel at 7.30 p. m. As the num- ber of seats is limited all mem- bers tvho inteml to use the one invitation other than their o&vn, are asked to hand in the names to the Secretary not later than the regular meeting on Friday. 21st January, in order that the list may be complete. The Burns Supper is being looked forward to by members and friends alike, and the programme is a splendid one. Same of the contributing artists are: hIrs. IV. H. Leggatt, soprano; hlr. J. Lowden, bari- tone; hIr. IV. R. Dunlop, F.R.G. S., elocutionist. All eligible aml intending members please communicate with the Membership Commit- tee, )Vest 98R3, or President, )Vest 136L, or Secretary, )Vest 101. The library for members of the society has now been install- e&l ancl hiiss N. Stevenson is the librarian. &31embers wishing to use the books please note. Florida Farmer: "Say, Jake, what is that new building you'e putting up?" Neighbor: oIVal, if I can rent it, it's a bungalow. If I can', it's a barn." "Patrick, you told me you needed the alcohol to clean the mirrors with, aml here I fiinl you drinking it." "Faith, mum, it's a-&Irinking it I am and breathing on the glass Oi'm a-doing." Woodman, cut that tree, Spare not a single bough. I carved my name upon it, But I love another now. GYMNASIUM NEEDED (Continued from Page I) The new school building according to the plan provides for a large and thoroughly up-to-date gymnasium, which is just what is required, but to what extent this wiu be available for those who are no longer scholars, is a point that can hardly be decided at present, and in any case, the school building will not be ready until next September. hieanwhile, it would certainly be a boon to our youth aml young men if some suitable building was availal&le for them, where they could indulge in basketball, boxing, and kindrc&l sports. So far as instruction is concerned, there is no question that there are in )Vest Vancouver those fully qualifie&l in the various branches of sport who would be only too glad to give the necessary instruction. It should be remembered that one of the best kinds of medicine for body and mind alike is good clean sport. The youth who has learnt to "play the game" in the various branch- es of athletic effort will play the game when he gets into life, and, if there was ever a time when the necessity of square dealing bet&~en man aad man was required to be taught, that time is now. ~a&~he spirit timey are given aml I ask for your hearty co- operation in trying to carry them out, so that when the term for which we have been elected shall have expired we may receive this plaudit from the ratepayern, "IVell done thou good and faith- ful servants," The following first named Councillors will be chairman of the several committees: Finance Committee-- Councillor Jackman and Ley- Ian&l. Board of Works and Light-- Councillor Ray aml Whole Cauncil. Water, Fire and Parks-- Councillor IVatt aml Whole Council. Transportation and Health-- Councillor IAyland an&i IVhole Council. Publicity- The Whole Council. Jefferies'eats 3EFFERIES MEAT MARKET Neat io iioiiyhnrn Theatre i'iiON E wgq'r 3 )VE i)Ei.ivgit ALi hiFATS KFi'T IN REFii(GF)&ATOR Freeh nnd Cured Monte, notte&, Fgge, I)econ nnd imrd. L(MiTED 1&th nnd Mnrine Phone West 115 i&ESii&ENCE 1'i)ONE: 'tvEyrr ysx Lumber, Lath, Shingles Inside Finish etc. Quality Guaranteed. SERVICE est Vancouver Lumber C FOR THE MAN WHO CARES For THE WOMAN WHO CARES tvntch the fn&niiy Shoes nnd avoid wct feet which bring on eickneee while snow ond min ore around nn&i gunrd ngninet n eorry ciny. See FRED TITE, For Shoe Repairing NEATSFO(rr OlL AN)) i&pii)N IN STOCK Next to Kevill's Furniture Store, Ambleside WATCH REPAIRING &; )VE ARE Sl'ECIAI.ISTS IN THIS WOR14 vve f v JeWellery Stnre (tv. SAGA E) Rea. Phone Weaf 6SSV1464 MARINE DRIVE, see. Wni Vaa sant& AM BL Est DE Photos That Please Special Prices This Month. Everybody knows THE KING STUDIO 311 Iiastings Street West, Vancouver ESTAnf.)S))ED )903 V. V. ) iNSON, Prop. Phone Sey. )0&6 for appointment Anti-Freeze! A Frozen Radintor or hiotor Block Costs hioney. WHY TAKE CHANCESI We have a supply of nlcuhol on hand, $2.00 per Rnllan (put in) Wl:SV 5 .~X. (~.) T"~r. t: A m hi en i de I'hone )Vest I:)0 NORTH SHORE MOTORS L(MiTED CHEVROLET 135 First Street West, North Vancouver Phone North 118$ Phone North 1350 I'lean(ng to the eye as weH ns to the palate. Don't tnke chnnces 9 nn inferior qualities. It'0 poor economy tn begin with ment we nell Ls pure and wholesome, tlmrnughly lnnp&'cle'I You'l be natinAed with such fond, as well as the service gal. 1 New I A 00&V Pscigc Gn b,(on H'dsietef 0 ~ &osei&lefs i I iefeft w Vi 3003 0( V tke Pfebie Vot lesi I'00(envei s(00 wbos (psttefs 'itoidti&0 knew him lssd is tl late Hos.i ef 0( 0" province i Temisksw wsy, sl t'em to tbi hlr. H& request & bss been situation with the i st Victor ulstios 0 underste& riders'tio, A wind night sf& plate gin! ed, have Tl tastes 'i iis gaf and 0& insnit! sirsbk vards, void 0 good i hl ditP03 where, (nines oi cnli ll Csn 3& to jn! ments, being tse ri areas, tough stance them I compk im pre& ! lawns SS 003 buildei adding grOU 0& Un(ort Such, j4 tbsl m IM defi eettleir, the dai pliny 0 tbe &Ri, We Cah f 'een; sible I glzdee We &0 gr0004 tntttlv, l&uay ii er,&' 0( 0~