West Van. News (West Vancouver), 21 Jan 1927, p. 5

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001B6C41 927 January 21, 1927. THE WEST VAN NEWS 'S on the .nl, ho oh Oh os ok lne 6 05 SATISFACTION By Dr. Frank Crane COURT OF REVI;ION The Court of Revision, which consists of the Reeve and Coun- cil, will be held on Tuesday, 8th February, at 10 a. m., in the Council Chamber. Soft brooms last longer if dip- ped occasionally in hot w'ter and salt. TO VOTE AT BRIDGE MEETINI The new Council have appoint ed Reeve Vinson, oh as altern tive Councillor Leyland, to apt tend and vote at the sharehold. ers'eeting of the Burrard In- let Tunnel and Bridge Company,'hich will be held on Friday, 28 January, in the ticket office of the North Vancouver City Ferry. To the Electors of West Vancoufjer I &dish to express my sincere appreciation of your expression of confidence in re-eiect- init me as one of your representatiaes. J. T. WATT Board of School Trustees J. M. EDINGTON Wish'es to take this opportunity of expressing his thanks to the electors of West Vancouver for again returning him to the School Board and also for the passing of the School By-law. WEST VANCOUVER MUNICIPAL ELECTION I sincerely thank my Friemls, who by their vote aml inter- est, supported me at the recent election. Wm. McQUAKER To the Electorate:-- I wish to express my thanks to the voters and workers who supported my camli&lature at the recent election. J. J. DUTTON There is no normal man that is entirely satisfied. If we are going to wait until all our desires are gratified in order to be thankful, the time will never arrive. Happiness is a relative term. You are happy because you are better oif than some people and unhappy because you are not so well off as others. It is to our credit that so many people live happy and cheerful lives, although those about them have more of this world's goods than they. The poor man gets along very well in his little cottage notivithstanding the fact that the million- aire across the road lives in a palace. The right sort of man is not made comfortable especially by seeing other people uncomfortable. Happiness is largely the product of our imagination If we spend our time imagining how much better off we might be we shall be miserable. It is easy to turn the imagination the other way and think how much worse it might b e for us. This produces in us a feeling of well being. A healthy man ought to be glad simply to be alive. All things should be of interest to him. Robert Louis Stevenson said that he was never bored in his life. Everybody he met taught him something. Everyone was his superior in some respects and he could learn from him. He was the same who wrote that "this world is so full of a number of things I am sure we should all be as happy as kings." One thing that should be remembered is that cur capacity for happiness is directly in proportion to our capacity for suf- fering. When we cannot suit'er acutely we can hardly be happy acutely. The happiness that comes from indifference or cold- ness or from lack of imagination is hardly to be desired. We may look over the sty sometimes and envy the pigs who have nothing to think of but to stuff themselves with swill, but the human soul is so capacious that it cannot be happy with mere material comfort. The problem of culture is to remove man's satisfactions over fram his material enjoyment to his spiritual. The more a man lives among the spiritualities and gets his enjoyment from them the more of a man he becomes. The Bi'itish',Israel meetings are ahvays interesting but the one to be held next Thursday night in the new Ambleside Hall will be a specially interesting one. Prof. Odium is at all times a forceful speaker but the matter he will talk about at this meet- ing should attract a large crowd. Last May at a convention in Al- bert Hall, London, Judge Ruther- ford caused to be passed several resolutions which Prof. Odium's teachings and the principles of the British Israel Association are absolutely opposed to. The Judge stated that "Britain &vas the Beast." Professor Odium answered this at a meeting in Vancouverrecently and his talk created remarkable interest. Next Thursday hc will give the lecture again for your benefit. I. O. D. E. The IVhist Drive held on Wed- nesday evening, January 5th, at the New Ambleside Hall under the auspices of the Duncan Law- son Chapter, I.O.D.E„was most enjoyable. The order of the play was as in Military Whist only each table instead of represent- ing a country represented a City of Canada. The set is unique and was made entirely by Mrs. A. E. Young who is to be con- gratulated. Mrs. Vaughan, Miss Lawson, Mr. A. Searle and Mr. A. E. Young at Table No. 13, Brantford, Ontario, won the prizes, while the Consolation prizes went to Mrs. Culbard,Mrs. Curry, Mrs. Graham and Mr. Edwards at Table No. 12, Strat- ford, Ontario. The joint conven- ers for the affair were Mrs. P. C. Chapman and Mrs. W. B. Thomas. At the regular meeting of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D. E., held on Monday afternoon, Januat~ 10th, at St. Stephen's Parish Hall, a nominating com- mittee was appointed and nom- inations received for the annual election of officers. A donation of $25.00 was made to the Na- tional War Memorial also one for $7.50 to th Local Association of Girl Guides. The sum of $112.48 was realized for the sale of "Poppies" in West Vancouver and a cheque for this amount was authorized to be sent to the local branch of the Canadian Legion for Benevolent purposes. Tea was served the hostesses be- ing Mrs. P. C. Chapman and Mrs. Wells Crawford. The Uses of Honey Honey sweetens life m many ways. This is apparent when we see the various uses to which it is put. Formerly it was used mainly as a spread on bread, but today there are a great number of other ways of using it to vary one's menu. Though the best way to serve honey is in its natural or raw form in desserts, as a sweetener, it is used to a large extent in cookery both in the baking of cakes and making of bread to which it imparts the property of keeping fresh for a long time--this is a point which all good housekeepers should note. Besides this it is used in the making of candies, both as a cen- ter which is chocolate coated and as an ingredient in the many kind of sweets, for which reci- pies are to be found in all good cook books. A very appetizing new spread is now manufactured by incor- porating honey with peanut but- ter to make what is called "Hon- ey-nut Butter." Apart from entering directly into table use, it is used to make most excellent vinegar, said by many to be equal to the best pro- duced. The motorist too may sweet- en his temper by the use of it as an anti-freeze. It has been found that equal parts of honey, water and alcohol make a mLT- ture that,has proved very satis- factory to some who have taken tjte proper precautions to see that all gaskets and connections are tight, so that no leakage can occur, for places where &eater cannot pass through honey mix- tui'e will. IVe canrealize the value of honey as a natural food when we see some of the large break- fast food manufacturers now ad- vocating on all packages of cer- eels put out by them the use of it as a sweetener. A. H. IV. BIRCH, Central Experimental Farm, Ottatva. Make This Your Food Shop! This is your Grocery. It is built on Service and Satisfaction to customers. Here's a complete line of Staple and Fancy Groceries guaranteed to be of the highest grade. The best food at lowest prices. tI RE ENW OO O'S GROCERY 1Vest 16 Phone your orders. IVe deliver Hollyburn Theatre Friday and Saturday Dec. 21st and 22nd JACK PICKFORD and MARY BRIAN in Brown of Harvard Pearce's Drygoods lee est geese grise verse Vest Iee WINDOW BLH&&DB Mode to Order. esllvss les Fr e. LOTS HOUSES ACREAGE COAL SAND GRAVEL NOTARY PUBLIC West Van. Investment Company 18th nad hlnnae Dnve Phone West lass Dny or Night TOBACCO, CONFECTIONERY MAGAZINES SHEET MUSIC CHET SHIELDS 14th St., right at the Railway Crossing FUEL DryBark, Coal & Wood of all kinds, Marine Woodyard (G. E. Currie, Prop) 26th and Marine Phone West 112 Satisfaction Guaranteed HARRON BROS. & hVILLIAMSOiX funeral Birrrtnrs North Vancouver Parlors 122 IVest Sixth Stree( Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 184 Dundaraue Hairdressing Parlor iusrioe Drive. Opposite 1)ondsrave Hall 9IARCEL hVAVING -- HAIRCUTTING I'ACIALS and VIOLET RAY ~ Phone IVest 179 for appointment