001B6C41 W. B. A. The regular meeting of West Vancnuver Women's B nefit As- sociation took place on Wednes- day, January 12th, in the new Ambleside Hall. Commander, birs. Laura Ed- wards. presided, and many re- ports were dealt with. Mrs. Eva Hilda Roberts, who resigned her former office nf sergeant, was 8 ppointed musici- an for this year. birs. Charlton was appointed sergeant The Commander intimated that an address would be given by Dr. Knipfel (nf West Vancou- ver) at one of the meetings in the near future; his theme to be "Problems that are Important in Striving to Attain the Rest nf Health." This address will in- clude explanations, etc.. ivith charts of demonstration, dealing vvith such an important and int- eresting subject. Mrs. E. J. Kidd, District Dep- uty, was a welcome visitor at the above meeting. This Review has now entered upon its third year and, despite the drawbacks of sickness, gen- erally, among the members. there has been a good attendance at the meetings. Plans are be- ing made to take part in the coming Public Installation of Of- ficers, which will be held in the Hotel Vancouver early in Febru- a17. bIeetings of Review iVo. 24 are held twice monthly--everv Sec- ond and every Fourth Wednes- day. For enquiries, etc.. Phone West 470R. MUSICAL SOCIETY The West Vancouver bfusical Society are now concentrating their efforts on some of the won- derful choruses of St. Paul and some really good work has been done at the last few practises in spite of the number away ow- ing to prevailing sickness. . The members are most enthus- iastic, thoroughly enjoy the work, and the quality of the singing is very good. An open imitation is given to any music lovers to come in and swell our numbers and a hearty welcome will be given them at any of our practises on Monday evenings at Hollyburn School. Several new members have recently joined us. This is a very convenient time to join as vve have not yet com- menced the Festival work but intend doing so in the near fut- ure. SCHOOL NOTES Principal Brealey requests that immediate application be made for all new pupils reaching the age of six years before Feb- ruary 2nd, eo that all classes msy be arranged for new term be- ginning on February 1st, 1927. Owing to lack of combination the West Vancouver Public School football team went down to defeat against the North Van- couver Ridgeway team in the first round for the Lange Cup. It is hoped that when the two schools become fully graded that inter- class matches will regulate this and that the members of the various teams will learn the art of combination in all games. Lynn Bros.'eneral Store Sold Messrs. Hooper and Son, who formerly operated a store at Camrose, Alberta, have bought the business of Lynn Bros. at the corner of 17th and Marine, and are now operating it. Mr. John Lawson acted as agent in the transaction. We understand that it is the inten- tion of Mr. Lynn to continue the Post Oflice, which recently wae transferred to a separate office. BOARD OF TRADE The annual meeting and ban- quet of the Board of Trade. which took place at the New Ambleside Hall on bionday night ivas a most successful aifair, 40 members being present out of 8 tntal membership of 60. After full justice had been done to the dinner the catering fnr ivhich was in the hen&Is of hlr. Lunn nf the West Vancouver restaurant, a number nf interesting epeech- es were given by nfficials an&I members of the board. The President, Cnlonel K. IV. Savory, in a short speech ex- pressed his pleasure at the num- ber of members presnit and the good fellowship existing among- st them, irhich augured ivcll for the future success nf the board. bir. John Lawson, the honor- ary president, thanked the boa)d for the honor they had accorded him in making him the first to hold that oflice, and gave some interesting details of his early experiences in West Vancouver, to ivhich he had first come in 1905. He told his audience some- thing of the checkered career, which his first boat the "Aome" had in the waters around R'est Vancouver. The first ferry ser- vice he said, ivas started by him in 1909, and was taken over by the municipality 3 years later. The first school in West Vancou- ver ivas situated on the ground on which the Hollyburn Theatre is now built. He stated that he had given the name Hollyburn to the present locality of that name from his favorite tree the holly and from the Scotch word burn, meaning stream. ibfr. M. Williams, another old West Vancouver resident who first settled here in 1912, related some of his experiences in going to and fro to Vancouver on the ferry boat then in use, which ran every 2 hours and usually had 7 passengers in the morning rush hour. The present Ambleside station on the P. G. E. at that time had only a number, but the railway authorities wished to give it a name. On his sugges- tion it was called by them Am- bleside, after the place from which he had come in the Old Country. Mr. IV. Dickinson, president last year of the North Vancou- ver Board of Trade, made a thoughtful and convincing speech on the future of the dis- trict. He spoke of its splendid situation and climate, which had been responsible for his taking up residence here, and of the strides that had been made in the ferry and stage services. While much had been done, he was of the opinion that the ferry services should be made still more eflicient, by the starting of a half-hourly service as soon as the surplus was a little bigger. He hoped also to one day see through trains on the P. G. E. The board of trade had certain functions to perform, and one of the most important was to bring suggestions to the council from time to time on matters which affected the well-being of the dis- trict. The council would certain- ly look to them to do this. He instanced the hearty c~pera- tion which now existed between the council of North Vancouver City and the North Vancouver Board of Trade. The board should endeavor to cultivate a friendly spirit towards the coun- cil and the Ratppayers'ssocia- tion, which had their separate functions also, because West Vancouver would benefit greatly by a spirit of friendship and co- operation among the three bodies. He said, that, while he was glad to see the three by-laws brought before the electorate he regretted that there had been no by-law among them for hetter- ment in the waterservice. Roads, sidewalks, schools, were, he stat- ed, all very necessary, and he THE WEST VAN. NFWS ANNUAL MEETING was in favor nf them all. At the same time. if the water system was pnor, their good ef- fect was largely lost. A plenti- ful supply was a vital necessity, and he thought that the neces- sary steps to obtain it should be taken without any further de- lay. Personallv. he would be glad to &lo anything he could in the matter. In conclusion, he said he was 8 booster for West Vancouver and any criticisms he had offered )vere niade, nnt in a contentious spirit. but ivith a view to making the district nn ideal residential area. The board unanimously en- dors&vl 8 resolution of the North Vancouver Board of Trade re- questing the legislature to bring down a lnaning bill to build the P. G. E. through to Prince George, the North Vancouver Board having asked for such en- dorsement by letter. A letter ives res&! from Gen. A. D. bIcRae heartily approving of the board's resolution re the necessity of better postal ser- vices and stating he wouhl do his best in Ottawa to further the matter. An acknoivledgement of a copy of the resolution was also read from the District Postnl In- spector and from the oflice of Mr. McGeer, to whom the board's resolution had been for&carded in Ottawa. liir. W. McQuaker, vice-presi- dent, went into the matter of the water supply very thoroughly, advocating a solution of the dif- ficulties which showed that he had given the matter consider- able attention. He was made chairman of a special committee consisting of Dr. A. C. Nash and Messrs. L. M. Duval and J. FI. Dawson, to enquire into the water question and report back to the board. The Public Improvements Committee reported that they were interviewing the council re the numbering of houses and also the B. C. Telephone Co. with ref- erence to the extension of their line to Horse Shoe Bay. All the various officers of the board elected last fall were con- firmed in their positions for 1927 and in addition Mr. IV. Dickinson was elected treasurer and Mr. S. Harrison auditor. Two new members, Dr. A. C. Nash and Mr. P. E. Downey being admitted at this meeting. Following the transaction of business the meeting was turned over to Mr. Fred Tite, chairman of the entertainment committee, and Childs Orchestra led in com- munity songs which were enter- ed into very heartily by all those present. Great credit is due the mem- bers of the special committee who had charge of arrangements for the evening, i.e., Messrs Tite, Rerrie, Roberts and McQuaker. Teachers to Give Dance The teachers of the West Van- couver Public Schools are giving their annual dance on Friday, February 11th, in the Hollyburn Pavilion. A notice relative to this dance will appear in 8 later issue. The proceeds will be used for the purchase of playground equipment and for school sports. GUAGE TO TEST FLOW FROM EAGLE LAKE The outgoing council received from Mr. E. A. Cleveland 8 copy of 8 report on the Eagle Lake Basin, by the engineer of the Greater Vancouver IVater Board. In it the engineer suggests that, in order to determine the run- off of water, a weir be construct- ed in the creek just below the lake outlet and a staif guage be installed there. The council re- commended to the new council that this be done. January 21, 1927. The Hollyburn Lumber Co., I,DIITED I 11511IKII '4HIiN(oI.FS RASII--DOOIL~FINISII 1)KAIiKRS IN OAL . T~a~lameea for Faoaacc Foot of Eighteenth and Waterfront Ofiice I'hone: WEST Cii ltesidence: IVKST 92R2 ,„,„„„„„„,N„M. WILLIAMS CUSTOM TAILOR Spociniialng in hion'a Suits ond Ovvvcoalo io Moaaovo. Largo Aaaortmcot o& Patio&oh io choose from. ORDER YOUII NEXT SUIT I"RObi US Dry Clcnning CITY Dyeing, Repairs fliid PRICES and Pressing Alterations iVE CALL AND 1)ELIVEII I'HONE WPm&T 20 SAVORY c%. DUVAL REAL EiSTATK AiVD INSURANCE 14)0 ihisrine Drive Phone IVest 114 Phone West 84 For Sand, Gravel Truck Work Etc. H P. Tearoe 1640 Heywood Ave. West Vao&ooycr Br. 3l. K. Kntpfel Physician and Surgeon ELECTRICAL and ULTRA-VIOLET RAY TR EAT51 ENTS Amblesids Block, Cor. 14th and Marine Office Phone West 166 FORTUNE CUP INN AFTERNOON TEA REFRESHbIENTS 25th St. and Waterfront TAXI Phon ~ i WEST 110 Roam WEST ienL FRAMAR Montessori School 18th aod Eoiioimait Sensory training; preparation for reading and writing; dc- vcionmool of language; begin- ning of number work; cac train- iog ond harmony; rhythmic and folk dancing included. Mre. IV. D. Fraeer Phone )vest 93 L Terms Rcaaooobio F. Newman 8 D. Robbins BUILDERS iiooao Pain&Pcs, Papcrbaogeva aod Kaiaomi&dog Reasonable Terms Send for our sample book of Wallpapere. Peep o'ay Houao I'bono hialbcro 41 29th West 437R3 Vernon Feed Store A. C. SEAIILE Phone Wcot 9 FEED, FUEL, CEMENT Etc. West 105 West 105 For Heater, Range or Furnace EAST WELLINGTON LUMI'A.LT EGG for Heater or 9'oroacc for the Range IHOST HEAT FOR YOUR ))ION EY Tbo East Woiiiogtoo aod Gall Coat ia rccogoiacd oo the boat coal on tho mar'koL THE WEST VAN SUPPLY ( E. Ef. M inions) 14th and Marine--I'hone West 105 North A, West Vancouver Stages Office ood Whiting Room: 6 Looadaio Avcouo IVEEK DAY SCHEDULE Leave North Vancouver for SIIERihIAN osd CYPRESS PARK on tho hour from and including 7 a.m. to 0.40 p.m.; also 20 minutes past tho hour from and including 0.20 o,m. to 9.20 o.m. ood 1.20 p.m. to 11.20 p.m. RETURNING from SHERhIAN 30 minutes after ebovo times. SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS Leaves North Vancouver on the hour from 8 a.m. &o 8 p.m.; ciao at 1.40, 2..in, 7.40, 8.60, 9.20 ond 10.20 p.m., returning from Cyprcaa Park 30 minutes after above times. NOTICE The:tage will leave North Vancouver at 6.40 p.m. instead of 7 p.m. II, I' 7hcvc ing t'vsp hfuthan bc Ssppk hotter 'm vicll not SO [I IS chccriul I his little Thc "'y acting 0 fiappi'nd 'sSP bs we thai ) It m c'ow much 'hin24shou Sobcrt his life «ss h" 'up }lc ws a number I o hl I 0ne tb Ior happm'crinii IV acutelY 7 ness ov fro N'e mi who have mvili, but happy wiii The p over from a man live from them coiiaii Thc Court ~ consists of tb cii, will be hc February, at Council Cham Soft brooms pcd occasiona and salt. I TO ttIG IQ 0/I iod i ~ iVish'cs to I the elation the Schon) I WEST V, I since) "'u»orh yo &hc and at i