West Van. News (West Vancouver), 21 Jan 1927, p. 3

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001B6C41 lg27 January 21, 1927. THE WEST VAN NEWS Veterans, Attention =p~= Q @ + g Q ~ ~ I~ Q i hp ahs lies I ih 28 55 a aged ie- eall. N a&ace f the ai. ND ae t 99R lR IOP iee d&&L b Irate Ibis rice + 'a. iing an Pro. Aine We Repeat that tonics are necessary to fully recover from the col&is and bronchial ailments that have prevailed. We have them. A special business meeting of the West Vancouver branch of the Canadian Legion will be held next Monday night, 24th Janu- ary, at 8 p. m., in the G. IV. V. A. rooms in the Feny building. All members are invited to attend. The regular monthly meeting, which would under ordinary cir- cumstances have been held to- night, has been postponed owing to the amount of sickness in the dis'tl'ict. Our Phones are WEST 29 and WEST 606 THE WEST VAN PHARNACY THE DUNDARAVE PHARNACY R. G. COOKE Practical Sign Painter 1202 Duchess Street All Kinds of Signs House Numbers, Name Plates Signs on Glass House Painting, Eic. Eaiimaiee Free Trade Licenses to be Revised The joint councils of the North Shore passed a resolution at their last meeting that application be made to the Provincial Govern- ment to amend the Municipal Act to give municipalities pow- er to enter into an agreement with regard to inter-municipal trades licenses, and that the municipal solicitors confer on drafting this amendment. The solicitors were also instructed to draft uniform Trades License By-laws, the same to be submit- ted to the three North Shore Councils and the Boards of Trade of North Vancouver City, District of North Vancouver, and West Vancouver. ROBERT FIDDES Wishes to express to the Electorate his sincere upped iation of the generous support accorded him on his election to the School Board. To the Electors:-- E. S. GAMAGE Wishes to thank his supporters for their Dotes and assistance ut the recent election for Sohool Trustees. Serosity 'JJou MA 0! Motcnman RAINED to operateT his car safely yet quicldy he is ever on the alert for Ius passengers needs. Barns@ Cocoanut 'rzcrmrcIbmwarCo. Hsao oFF&ce vniecouven, n. c 8-ai I wish very sincerely to thank the Electors for the confidence and trust shown in electing me as representative on the Council and to assure you that I will at all times do my utmost to merit that confidence. J. W. M. JACKMAN Nrs Harry Hodgson is mak ing splendid progress, so also is the new boy. He arrived last dvednesday afternoon at the North Vancouver Hospital. e Mrs. Isabel Nunkley of Amble- side, who has been spending the Christmas holidays in Victoria with her daughter, Mrs. Holden, has returned to West Vancou- ver. The members of the ferry staff, who have recently been ab- sent through sickness, are back again on duty. e Air. J. P. Wharton, owner nf the new Arqbleside building, who has been wintering in Mexico, is expected back in West Vancou- ver shortly. e e Nr. Oscar Lynn of 17th and Marine Drive, is confined to his home with an attack of pneu- monia. Mrs. Goddard, mother of Mrs. Salter, Marine Drive, and of Mrs. NcGowan, Ambleside Ivharf, is very sick at the home of Nrs. Salter. Mrs. Tinch, Altamont, has moved to Vancouver. a ~ e The West Vancouver Horticul- tural Association are making ar- rangements for a lecture to be held the latter part of the month. Details of the lecture will be given in a later issue. News has been received of the death of 51r. John Gemmill, step- father of Mr. George Gemmill, the well known West Vancouver druggist, at his home in Pilot Mound, Manitoba. The deceas- ed was 81 years old and is sur- vived by his wife, eight sons and four daughters. ~ e e Councillor Watt is making rapid progress towards complete recovery and expects to be a- round again in a few days. Mrs. Watt wishes to particularly thank those who have been con- stantly inquiring. e Mr. Edwin S. Gamage, who has been kept to his home very close- ly for some weeks with a ve&~ bad eye, is rapidly recovering. A ve&~ successful party was given by the "Take It Easy" Club last Friday in the new Am- bleside Hall. There was a nice sociable crowd of young people and all seemed to enjoy them- selves. The music was furnish- ed by Chapman's three-piece or- chestra. The party was so suc- cessful that the T. I. E. Club will be giving another such affair at an early date. e Mr. E. A. Rathe of the West Van. Taxi Service, who has been under the weather for several days with "flu," is out and a- round again. Mr. Stephens of Vancouver, has purchased a lot on 28th near Bellevue, where he 'ntends to build a house immediately. Messrs. Troughton and Barrow were the agents. The Clonguinie Rabbitry is exhibiting at Spencer's Show the five months'ld chinchilla buck which won the championship of the Winter Show and a silver cup. Dr..I. E. Knipfel and family have moved into a house at the corner of 13th an&i Gordon. e Messrs. H. G. Mason and ikf. P. Hardman are taking part in the opera Iolanthe, which is be- ing put on by the North Shore Operatic Society at the Lonsdale Theatre on 7, 8 and 9 February. e Mr. H. P. Pegler of Vancouver, late manager of the Municipal Transportation System, was in West Vancouver on Saturday. BOYS'HOIR The regular practice of the Boys'hoir under Professor Jas. Morgan will be held on Saturday next at 10 a. m., in the Holly- burn School. A full attendance is expected. The boys have now begun on chorus ivork and are very interested. All inquirers phone Professor James Morgan, West 173. S&IcLoughlin--O'ourke Mr. Hugh May of Byrnell and May, spent the week end in Vic- tol la. The man iage took place quiet- ly at St. Anthony's Church, on December 28, of Miss Margaret Catherine O'ourke, daughter of Sfr. and Nrs. S. C. O'ourke, Marine Drive, and Nr. Peter Clarence NcLoughlin, son of sir. and Nrs. Peter NcLoughlin, of Headquarters, Vancouver Island. Rev. Father NcDonald officiated. Acting as bridesmaid was the bride's sister, Miss Frances O'ourke. Nr. Thomas Nc- Loughlin, brother of the groom, was best man. Niss Edna Biy- ant was soloist and also played the wedding music. After a wedding breakfast, when immediate friends and the family were present, Nr. anti Nrs. McLoughlin left on a motor trip to the south. On their re- turn they will reside at Bevan, Vancouver Island. NEIV SKI CAMP OPENED ON THE RIDGE Last Sunday was the opening day of the Hollyburn Pacific Ski Camp on Hollyburn Ridge. The building is 75 feet long by 25 feet wide and will accomodate a- bout 40 people. About four months ago a start was made on moving the old camp building from the Naismith Mill level to its present position one and a half miles higher up on the pla- teau. Every plank and the lum- ber of the old mill had to be carried up to the plateau for the construction of the present camp building, this also applying to the bricks for the chimney. The ski trails have not yet been finished, but the ridge has plenty of small slides and trails for those who wish to use them. It is the intention to provide a number of small jumps, the larg- est of which is to be 50 feet long, and in about two weeks the surface of one of the lakes will be cleared of snow and ready for skaters. Next Sunday morning pictur- es are to be taken of the activi- ties of the pleasure seekers at the camp. Mr. Richardson entertained his friends last Thursday at a drive whist party at the Fortune Cup Inn. Mr. O'Dell won the gentle- men's prize, and Nrs. Hart was the winner among the ladies. Little Dorothy Greemvood. daughter of the well-known Am- bleside grocer, was taken to the General Hospital on Sunday night with car trouble. e e e Mr. and Mrs. Francis Harri- son and Miss Catherine Harri- son, who have been at the Elysi- um Ilotel in Vancouver, have moved to their home in Caul- feild. e The grading examinations nt the )Vest Vancouver Public Schools are in full swing. The neiv tenn's work will begin on 1st February. NOTICE TO AUTOISTS The Chief of Police ivishes to notify all auto owners that prose- cutions will be immediately in- stituted against those using autos without the near 1927 license. D. MORGAN, J P. aioTAR Y PUBLlc REAL ESTATE aad INSURANCE Taeen&F-fitth and Marine Dr. Phone West 4 J. H. RKID rubvoNPHONE400 1 General TeanisvorkSand, Gravel and Mr. J. H. Dawson, the contrac- tor for the new Garage at 22nd Street, has just received word that his father who lives at Mountain Grove, Ontario, recent- ly enjoyed a particularly agree- able meal of oysters, at the home of one of his friends. One large pearl and two smaller ones be- ing part of his oyster feed. e a Miss J. Durbin is opening a Kfndergai&en and Girls'chool to be known as St. Patricia, at 20th and Iiay woo&i. An advt. relative to this appears in this issue. e Another Real Estate Agent has started business in IVest Vancouver. Nr. R. P. Blower, 12th and Duchess, who has been connected with the Willys- Knight Overland Auto Company announces his advent into the field. e I The L. 0. L. No. 2990 hekl their regular meeting last Tues- day night in Dundarave Hall, when the Grand Master, Brother A. E. Harron gave an address. Mr. and Mrs. Hooper, who are recent arrivals here from Cam- rose, Alberta, are occupying one of the cottages of Nr. R. E. Ir- vine, at 19th and Waterfront. a Mr. J. Sentance has just re- ceived word from England of the death of his mother who was in her 85th year. Mr. Sentance made a trip to the old country last year to visit his parent. Professor Odium will speak at the new Ambleside Hall next Thursday. Coasting was indulged in Tues- ~ day night on the hill on Ingle- wood, just above its junction with 22nd Street. Single sleighs and sleighs roped together were used, and both young and grown ups were there and enjoyed equally the thrills of coasting. Dundarave Hall on Friday eve- ning last was the scene of a de- lightful children's party of mem- bers of the L.O.L. and L. O. B. A. The tables were gaily decorated with flowers, fruits, Xmas Crack- ers, etc. The children, about 50 in number, sat down to a supper of many dainties. After which all joined in games and dancing. Later the parents indulged in cards and dancing. The success of the evening was due to Mrs. Sentance, convenor, assisted by Nrs. Rivers, Mrs. Carley and Mr. Davidson. The musicians for the evening were Mrs. Turner, Mr. Childs and Mr. Hayden. I a Ladies of the L. O. B. A. paid a surprise visit to Nrs. Donald McTavish at her home last Wed- nesday afternoon, when Baby Marjorie Leona was presented with a silver cup. A pleasant afternoon was spent. Mrs. Tur- ner giving several musical num- bers. 0560