West Van. News (West Vancouver), 21 Jan 1927, p. 2

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001B6C41 j~~sUU THE WEST VAN NEWS Janunry gl. 1027 Classified Ads. lh'EST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society Dundarave Hall, Marine Dr. Duadarave Saaday Service at IISO a.m. Subject January "'Ird "TRUTEI" Saaday School at 10.00 am. Taeumony Mee(iag every Wod- aexday at 1)6 P.m. St. Stephen's Church FOR SALE--Sioce on 31ariae Drive, with modern living accommodation for family in rear. Good terms. FOR RENT--Store an Me&ice Drive at Ambieoide. $ 16 pec month on year's lease. SAVORY S DUVAL I'hose (Yea( 11(: Evenings. )yeoi 113 DRESS)IAKIN('tea. Robbi:ac, 20&h and his&bere. Phone Wmi 637M. I )YANT TO I'\'IK'HASE (vom oa nec a dwelling with iwo or three bed- )coma. Have $ 1000 cash aad can make (air monthly payments. Ad- dress "Home," c,o West Vaa. News. LAN DONA IIRiTISII NORTH A;vlER- ICA 01'FI( E have immediai& bay- evc fov borneo under SS.600. I'hone 'Iyeot 186R or Seymour 6)hCL )VANTED FROM 0)YNER--Modern 6 or 6 room house. Pa&cicala&a. Box 60, )yea( Yaa. News I OR S.hl.b 1(ouoehold farci&are, Garden tools, hme, eic. Phone Wec( rz). I.ISTINGS )VANTED--Houses, Imio, Acreage. R. P. Bloawr. Phone W. 626r. 8 a. m.--1loly Communion. 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11.15i a. m.--Nlorning I'rayer. 7.15 p. m.--Evensong. In an effort to give the boys a better understanding of the nature and opportunities of life service in various businesses, trades nnd professions, the seni- or group of Trail Rangers is ask- ing representative men to ad- dress them on successive Fri- day nights. Last Friday night Nlr. J. H. Smith gave 0 very in- teresting account of the claims of architecture an&1 draftsman- chip as a possible life work aml tonight i5fr. R. Bloxham is to speak on some of the building tides, plastering aml bricklay- iiig. The twenty-thir&l annual meet- ing of the Woman'8 Auxiliary to 51issions in this diocese is being held this week in St. Mark's Parish Hall, Eitsilano. In con- nection with the meeting for the Junior )V. A. all the girl mem- bers of this branch are asked to take the 1 p. m. )Vest Van. ferry Saturday afternoon. Next Nlonday night the local branch of the A.Y.P.A. is being entertained by St. Saviour's branch, Grandview. Members will please take the 7 o'lock boat for the city All games in the Sumlay School football league were call- ed off last Saturday. This week, weather permitting, the junior teams will meet the First United team on Henry Hudson school grounds at 2 p. m. A REAL SNAI' 3 Bio&bc fram Ferry Landing. 6 roomed modern house on 66 TL Io(. Full basemcn(. Newiy decoraied. $2800.00; terms. This will bear close iaxpec&ioa. R. P. Blower, Phoae Vyeo& 626X. WANTED--Five room modern heave, with garden. on lease. A('REA('E suitable (ar chickeaa Client hao cash. WANTED--Listings or modern hoaa- eo (or sale or rent, also vacant lots. L H. BEASIISH Amhieoide. )Yea& 17. R. P. CLARK R CO„LTD. GLEN EAGLES Goi( aad Country Club Applications for membership are cliiabing up aod coming in steadily. Prospective members wishing io a- void disappointment, are recommend- ed &o submit applications aow as it is reasonably ac&icipa(ed that the list which is naturally limited mill be clos- R. P. CLARK R Co., LTD. 62S Hao(iago S(. W. Sey. 7(83, 7(86 Local Rcpceoaatauve C. J. ARCHER, West 651L LOCAL BADNIINTOiV PLAYERS SUCCESSFUL In the North Vancouver Bad- minton Club's Tournament, which was concluded on Satur- day evening last in the Drill Hall of the 6th Field Company, C. E., we are pleased to record consiu- erable success by the )Vest Van- couver Badminton Club, foiir prizes being won by our local players. 31iss Helen Ritchie won the Ladies Handicap Singlec. 31iss Ethel Millard and 3(isa Hel- en Ritchie won the Ladies Han&li- cap doubles and 3(r. A. T. Finnie was runner up in the Men' Handicap Singles, 51r. H. Booth reaching the semi-finals in the same event. There was intense interest dis- played in the finals of the Open Events particularly when Reg- gie Forsyth beat Jack 51u!r, National Finalist, at Winnipeg last Spring. Miss George, B. C. Champion, won from Mrs. Faw- cus in three closely contested sets and Nlr. and 31rs. Muir scor- ed a splendid victory over Miss George and Gorges. Forsyth scored his second victory when paired with Gorges, former Do- minion Champion in doubles, a- gainst Whitelaw and )Voodman in three of the hardest sets of the night's play. Baoiacoo aad Ediioriai Oflice 1361 Maviae Drive Phone Wast ITL Mail Address& P.O. Box 101, Hoiiybaca, B. C. $ LOO a year by mail or carrier. News- stands Se per copy. GARDEN HINTS By W. T. Macoun Dominion Govt. Horticulturist HOUSE PLANTS IN WINTER It is rather difficult to keep house plants in good condition throughout the long winter, hence a few hints may prove use- ful. Some house plants make little growth during the winter and, while they are thus at rest, or nearly so, they should be giv- en just enough water to prevent the roots from drying up. This applies particularly to palms, hydrangea and fuchsia, the two latter being kept in a cool place. Plants which are growing should be kept well watered, but it is important to see that no water accumulates in the pot or the jardinere in which the plants are sitting,otherwise the roots will rot and the plant not thrive. This often happens to large ferns. Plants should be water- ed only when the soil is becom- ing dry, and then thoroughly, not every day, as is often done. Geraniums must be kept close to the window and in a window where they will get much sun- light to have them bloom well. Sfost blooming plants, such as geraniums, cyclamens, impatiens spirea and bulbs, dn better if kept in a moderately warm or cool room than in a warm one. Sponging plants, such as ferns, palms, rubl&er plants an&i aspid- istra, every three or four weeks is desirable. For aphis souse the plants in strong soap suds or some tobacco preparation sever- al times at intervals of a few days and, for scale insects, loos- en them with a soft tooth brush or finger nail, and wash off with soapy water or some tobacco pre- paration, and repeat from time to time. West Van News Pabiiahcd Every Friday H. HODGSON aad F. F. LOVEGROVB Pobiie ho&a HOLLYBURN HALL Cor. 14th and Duchess SUNDAY, at 7.30 Address by MR. W. AINSLIE of Liverpool. Eng. Subject A I'IE('E OF (iOOD Al)VICE Everybmly )Velcome British Israel Association of West Vancouver Will 61ee( Next Thursday (Jnn. 27(h) at 8 P.M. in the New Ambleside Hall Corner 11&h aad Siariao Drive Speaker: I'ROF. E. ODI.Uill, M.A.. B.Sc., F.R.G.S. Subject: "Aacweriag the Speech 3(ade by Judge 1&a&her(oid In A(her& Hali. lao& May in )yhich It )yac (.'(aimed &ha& Britain )Vaa theBeach" FOR WATERFRONTAGE and other property IIOUSKS TO l(KNT, I"IRK INSUI(AVi('K, KTC. JOHN LAWSON 17th Street I hone West 55 w. r. E. oURRANT, o.c., r.a.c. Palmer School Gvadoa&e CHIROPRACTOR 61(-615 Dominion Bldg. 207 Hao&iage S&. )yea& Phone Seymour 18&)6 BREAD 'I'hat Satifics and i'leases United Church The sacrament of the I.ord's Supper will be hei&I m the United Church next Sunday me(ning at 11.15. The Annual Community Ser vice will be held in the United Church next Sunday evening. An invitation has been sent out to the Reeve and members of the Council and other public bodies. All citizens are invited to atteml. The minister will preach on "Open IVindows." The choir will lead in the Community sing- ing. The congregational meeting of the United Church will be held on Wednesday evening, Febru- ary 2nd. The Junior B team of the Sun- day School will play Chalmers Sunday School team at Simon Fraser School on Saturday. Boys will take the One Ovolock Ferry. NORMAND'S GROCERY 14(k eed IIANINE .. fkem Wcat 66 A Complete Supplyof... G ROC ERI ES and CONFECTIONERY WE DELIVER West Van. RESTAURANT 1421 Marine Drive at 14th CLONGUINIE RABBITRY 15TH AND QUEENS I'hose West 183R RABBIT MANURE Two Grades for Cardeao or Pots Ali our Bread and Cakes are made on the premises. Buy hero and gei cailcfac- iioo STRATTON'S BAKERY AMBLESIDE PHONE WEST 27 Aad oav Deiivery mao will roll. Established over 6 Ycnrs C. J. OVERINGTON 14th and Marine BARBER For the convenience ot (ho )adios of the Dic(rict I have had the teiephoae installed PHONE WEST 136 aad make an appoio&mont. UNITED CHURCH TO FORM NEIV CLUB A men's banquet will be held in the United Church Hall next Wednesday evening at 6.30 o'lock. The object of the gath- ering is to form an A. O. T. S. Service Club in connection with the congregation. Dr. Riggs, founder of the movement, Mr. F. Kaye Collins and other will speak. Dr. Riggs will bring with him a Community Song leader who will lead in the singing. Al- together a real happy time is promised for those who will be present. Baptist Church Rev. David Long, Pastor. HALI. TO RENT The New AMBLESIDE HALL Corner 11(h aad )(arise with a iioor apace of 2,000 square feet, is available for Recep&ioae, Dances, Private or Public Parties, E&c. This is the most modern and up-to-da(e Hall in the Div(riot and io fully furnished for such occasions, having Piano, Crock- ery, etc. For terms apply-- MRS. C. HAY Telephone West 21 Troughton & Barrow Say ~ LOT(or a Home; a Homo means ~ LOT. Real Estate & Insurance nsss s&vcs icie Daadaravo I'hone 'Iyee& 83 It's Ridiculous Rev. Nelson A. Harkness, Sec- retary for B. C. of the British Foreign Society, will speak at the morning service. Sunday School, 10 a. m. Church Service, 11 a. m. Weekly prayer service each Wednesday at 7.30 p.m. Ao a maiicr o( Ca« it e qui(e mdicui ooc io &hick sending your wc&hing io a good Laundry ic extravagant. It' far more economical ia Iho ecd (o have your household Ii acne and pc&coca( germen&a picked up and reiurncil sweet, clean and heai&hlai aii Ior a very modest chargo. Riil yourself o( ihe worry and drudgery n( washday aod iei Ux ccod for your parcel &hlo week&--yoa'll be pleaxed. Rashers of bacon to be fried will keep their original size if they are dipped ina little Ilour beforehand. The Burrard LaundryCARI& OF THANKS Mr. aad hire. Chisholm aod (emily wish &o convey their cia- )ere thanks (o many kind (rieodx for &heir expressions of cym- pathy aad &(oral tributes on the occasion of &heir recent cail be- &caveman&. Limi&ed For Pctjdc lAo Avc Pcwlcvtw 76130 STIZZT m( ST. 037103 North Vancouver Phone II. II. Ballar&l, North 1310 Mgr. ST. I ArRICIA KINDFRGARTEN AND GIRl S bCHOOI A few vacaociex hiicx J. Dorbin Phone 20&h acii Heywood Wee& 07R Ambleside Tea Rooms Forcy Whar( WEST VANCOUVER Camp and Picnic Supplies, Tobaccos, e(c. Hollyburn Barber Shop G RADLANti Propria(oc MARINE DRIVE aad Isua First Class Work LADIES, ()ENTI.E!IIEN aad CHII.DREE Automobile Club Members Yoo have an Omclai Gavage aod To&&log Service Is ihl ~ Dlc&rici. West Van Auto Service DUNDARAVH Phoae West 666 Free Towiag (o Members. New classes now being formed J. M. M organ WEST VANCOUVER Teacher of Voice Pro- duction and Sinpina Phones West 173 Seymour 30560 HARDWARE for the operation, construction or snfety of your home, no matter what it is, we can supply you. Baking Utensils. I'ans, Dishec. Stoves, llenters or Ranges, Tools and Huihling Supp!4's. WE CARRY )VINDO)V GI,ASS IV STOCI( Get it from us. Don't take chances in getting it broken In transit. SLiED'S GRO('I 1&.Y GROCERIES, HAIIDWAltF„ I'AINTS & Oil 8 We close at I p. m. every Thursday. Marine Drive, Ambleside. Phone West 28 Fngg OELIVERY tbst to fsllf N 864 "" Ns«p ll'6 I i&(8& I lice&c To