West Van. News (West Vancouver), 14 Jan 1927, p. 2

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001B6C3A THE WEST VAN NEWS January 14. 1927 Classified Ads. WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society Dundarave Hall, Marine Dr Dundarave Saaday Service at 11.30 a.m. Subject January IGth "LIFE" Saaday School a( 10.00 a m. Toe&hsoay Hoe(iag ovary Wad aoeday a( 8.16 p.m. Fok S.(LE--S&ovc on hie&inc Drive. with modern living accommoda(ioa for family in rear. Good terms. FOR REVT--S&orc na Slav&ac Drive at Ambicaida. $ 16 rcr month on year's lease, SAVORY & DI.'VAL Phone West 1)e; Evcaiasa, )vcc& l(S DRESSSIARING--Dirc. Robb:ac. 29&6 and Ma&here. Phone 1Voe( 6$7RS. )VANTED TO I'1'krBASE for clice&a a four or the roomed buagaiow aad a eix roamed bungalow or semi-bacg- aiow. B)vnck & May, at the Ferry Landing. Phoae '(Vcet 11$. TVANTED TO RKVTS ov 6 coom furnished hopes. H. C. Osborne. West 828Y. 3300 OF I'RIVATE F('NDS &o lend on First Mov(gage. B)vacB & hia)'. at the Ferry Landing. Phone Wcct 11$. R. P. CLARK & CO., LTD. United Church The &wgular Quarterly Con)- munion )vill be held in the United Church on Sundny, Janunry 23, at 11.16. The Annunl Congregational hfeeting &vol be held on Wed- nesday evening, February 2nd. )chen reports of the year's work will be given and officers elected for the ensuing year. The monthly meeting of the Mission Circle will be held in the Church Hall next Tuesday after- noon at 2.15 in the Church Hao. Nrs. D. C. Ritchie wio give an address on "India." The Annual Community Serv- ice will be held in the United Church on Sunday evening, Jan- uary 23rd at 7.16. This service has been held in the United Church for the last four years and it is hoped that all local bodies will make an effort to at- tend. A Nen's Banquet will be held in the United Church Hall on Wednesday evening, January 25, at 6.30 to organize an A. O. T. S., which is a men's Service Club within the Church. Dr. Riggs, founder of the movement will be present and give a talk on the aims and objects of the move- ment and it is expected that at least 100 men will be present. G I.EV RAG I.ES Golf aad Coaa&ry (iah A ppiica(iona for membership are climbing cp aad coming in steadily. Prospective members wishing to a- void disappointment, are vccommcmi- cd (o submit applications now as it is vcaeoaabiy anticipated that the list which ie naturally limited will be c.'oa- R. P. CLARK & Co., LTD. 82$ Hastings S(. W. Scy. 7l8$, 7686 Local Repvcaaa(a(ive C. J. ARCHER. West 651L NIISS THONIAS ENTERTAINS A very enjoyable evening vvas spent last Saturday at the home of hnss Connie Thomas, 27th and Marine, &chen she entertained a number of friends at a party and dance. Those present including 61iss Margaret Johnston, Miss Janet Cathro. Xfiss Dorothy Payne, siiss 61arion Tarr, Miss Vivian Robertson and Miss Edna Thomas and sfessrs. M. Rose, A. Baoard, H. Gold, J. Haywari, J. Edwards, L. Speck and N. IVios. ST. STEPHEN'S WOMEN'AUXILIARY A well attended meeting of the Woman'8 Auxiliary of St. Step- hen's was held in the Parish Hall on Tuesday afternoon, January 11th. It was decided to hold a "Val- entine Tea and Social" on Mon- day afternoon, February 14th, in the Parish Hall. Entertainment and decora- tions are under the able leader- ship of Mrs. Pearce assisted by Mesdames Hampson and W. E. Davies. The entertainment com- mittee has promised to make the afternoon an interesting one with novel guessing contests and other surprises, prizes for which have been donated by Mrs. Ford, Berry and Shaw. Afternoon Tea and refreshment will be presid- ed over by Mrs. Berry, assisted by Mesdames Hastings, Blox- ham, and Phillips, whose culin- ary efforts we will be sure to appreciate. The advertising end of the af- fair will be supervised by our President, Mrs. Ford, whose abil- ity along those lines we have learned to appreciate in the past. A cordial invitation is extended to alL People Say Things Yes and when people say nice things about you it's just fine. Nothing pleases us so much as to have ladies come in and tell us they'e been recommended by a friend. This is worth far more than a lot of clever talk we might put up. 1Ve'H try aml keep our good name. The BRTar&t Lauh&hy Limited Fcc Poop&a )Vec Are Par&&vlcc 70120 Slslll cce Sl. DST&DS North Vancouver Phone H. H. Baoard, North 1310 Mgr. CHILDREN'S PARTY IN HOLLYBURN THEATRE Last Saturday afternoon Coun- cioor and Mrs. Ray entertained the children of West Vancouver at the Hollyburn Theatre. The seating capacity of the theatre was taxed to its utmost, over 500 children being present. Councillor Ray and his assist- ants were kept busy handing out packages of candy to satisfy the voracious appetites of the young- sters. The entertainment took the form of a regular matinee performance. Councillor Ray gave a short address on "Taking Stock of Yourself." The musical programme and the pictures were thoroughly enjoyed by the children, who finished the'after- noon by giving three hearty cheers for their host and host- ess. TBE West Van News Published Every Friday H HODGSON aad F. F. LOVEGROVB Publishers Boa)scca aad Editorial Oflice: ISCI hier(so Drive Phoae Wac( 191 Hail Addccaa& P.O. Box 101, HoBybara, E C. $ L00 a year by mail or carrier. News- stands Cc pcr copy. ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION Parents of children who are "Brownies" would be obliged if the children could be told in ad- vance when a gathering is not to take place on the regular Wed- nesday afternoon. "I understand your cook has left." "Yes," answered the house- wife, who was taking account of broken china, "but not much." 2S&h SL aad h(ac&ac Drive Full Gospel hivctingc (o be held on Sunday at 7,30 p.m. and hlonday, Vvcdneeday yd Fridayat 8 p.m. Sunday School at 3 p.m. Pastor: T. B. LENNON St. Stephen's Church Fpiphnny 2 I January IGth). 6.00 n. m.--lloly Communion. 10.00 n. m.--Sundny School. 11.16 n. m.--Nlorning I')ayer. 7.16 p. m.--Evensong. The Anglicnn Young People' Association &viH meet next Tues- day night in the I'ariah llao, A subscription of 610 to)vnnls church expenses from an nnony- mous donor is grntefully ac- knowledged. The junior footbnll ienm lost n hard fought game to the Unit- ed Church boys last Saturday. The team will take the I o'lock IVcst Vancouver fen~ Saturday to proceed to Simon Fraser school for a match with Chalm- ers United. Annual Vestry Meeting Reports presented at the an- nual vestry meeting in the Par- ish Ilail Tuesday night indicated a steady and substantial growth in all phases of church life at St. Stephen's. From January 1st of this year the church be- comes self-supporting, the ap- portionment has been met in full current debt on the new church amounting to 6550 has been wip- ed out aml interest fully paid on building loans. The vestry re- commended that the church com- mittee find ways aml means to proceed )vith the finishing of the new church as soon as possible. The vestry elected Nr. C. T. Ken- drick as People's Warden for 1927 and the rector chose Mr. A. Hampson as his warden. Messrs. Kendrick, W. J. Wenmoth and S. Bouts, sr., were elected as dele- gates to the diocesan synod which meets in February and Messrs. J. J. Rutledge, R. Daw- son and J. H. Smith as alternat delegates. The following were also elected to serve on the Church committee:--Mesdames Ford and Robinson, Miss Almas, and Messrs. L. Burley, A. W. Col- linson, W. L. Grout, W. Hawkes, Bernard Hayes, W. Sewell and J. S. Yates. Mr. Bouts was re- elected envelope clerk and Mr. W. B. Thomas auditor. Special mention was made of the work of the choir under the faithful leadership of Mr. A. L. Grout and it was decided to set aside the open collections on one Sun- day in the year to provide funds for new music. During the year a branch of the Anglican Young People's Association has been formed in the Parish and its varied activities have aroused much interest among those whom it is designed to serve. OUR SFRVICF. TO YOU The housewife who does her marketing with us knows that our products are unexcelled in quality. Our service is prompt nnd ever ready, We handle everything goo&I at prices that will make you come back. P.S.--Don't forget! lf you want nny kind of ilnrdwnre, Paints. or Oils we can supply you. SEED'S GleOCEl&Y GROCERIES, HARDWARE, PAINTS Ik OILS We close at I p. m. every Thursday. Marine Drive, Ambleside. Phone West 26 FREE DELIVERY FOR WATERFRONTAGE and oliver properly IIOUSES TO i(KNT, KIRK IVSUI(ANCK, KTC. sop JOHN LAWSON 17th Street Phone West 55 BREAD l hat Su(ifics und Pleases W. r.K. DURRANT, D.c., F.A.C. Palmer School Gradca&e CHIROI'RACTOR 61(-615 Born&a(ox Bldg. 207 Mac&&cga S(. )Vca( I'hose Seymour 1966 NORMAND'S GROCERY 14th eed NANINE .. I'keee West $6 A Complete Supplyof... GROCERIES and CON RECTION ERY WE DELIVER Ail our Bread Rnd Cakes are made oil the premises. Buy here and get cat&a(ac (ion STRATTON'S BAKERY AMBLESIDE I'HoiVE ')VEST 27 Aad ocr Delivery maa will call West Van. RESTAURANT 1421 Marine Drive at 14th CLONGUINIE RABBITRY 15TH AND QUEENS Phone West 183R RABBIT MANURE Two Grades for Gardens or Pots Estnblished over 6 Years C. J. OVERINCTON 14th and Marine BARBER For the convenience ot tha (adios of the Die(rict I have had the (aiaphoao installed PHONE WEST 136 and make an appoie(mont. HALL TO RENT The New AhIBLESIDE HALL Corner Ie(h and hiacine wi(h a Sooc space of 2,000 e&)care feet, is avaiiabio for Recap(ioaa, Dances, Priva(c or I'ubiic Par(ice, E(c. This is the most modern and up-(o-da(o Hali in the Div(ric( and is fully furnished for such occasions, having Piano, Crock- ery, c(c. For terms appiy-- hikS. C. HAY Telephone West 21 TrouIihtou 8 Barrow Suy a LDT Ior ~ Home; a Home meaac ~ LOT. Real Estate 8& Insurance Hans s&vcs &elo Daadarava Phone West 83 DUNDARAVE MEAT MARKET Phone Wast 6 FRESH MEAT AND FISH We Dakvoc Ambieside Tea Rooms Faery Wharf WEST VANCOUVER Camp and Picnic Sappiioa, Tobaccos, a(c. Hooyburn Barber Shop G. RADLAND, Propria(oc MARINE DRIVE aad 15tk Fire( Ciaca )voek LADIES, ('ENTLEMEN aad CHII,BREN Baptist Church Rev. Dav)d Long, Pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m. Church Service, 11 a. m. Weekly prayer service each Wednesday at 7.30 p.m. ST. ANTHONY' AI.TAR SOCIETY Ray Bros. Tailoring Co. BIGGEST BARGAIN YET OFFERED Genuine English Navy Serge Suit, made Jl to your own measure by our own skilled g workmen. Regular value 650. u O~ 80 Hastings Street West The regular monthly meeting of St. Anthony's Altar Society was held at the home of Mrs. K. A. Ray at which there was a large attemlance. A committee was appointed for the annual Valentine Bazaar which is to be held in the new Ambleside Hall on February 15, 16 and 17. The election of officers for 1927 also took place. Those appointed be- ing:-- President, Mrs. F. Paton; Vice-President, Mrs. Currie; Sec- retary, Mrs. Fred Johnston; Treasurer, Mrs. K. A. Ray. New classes now being formed J. M. Morgan WEST VANCOUVER Teacher of Voice Pro- duction and Singing Phones West 173 Seymour 3056o Automobile Club Members Yoo have an Os&cia& Garage ~ od Towing Service in &hi ~ Di ~ (rice. West Vau Auto Service DUNDARAVB Phoae Woe( 666 Feeo Towiag (o Members ELIM HALL QU ALITY GR OC ERIES s I gqh cv ',I I Aj Iir." Ikiiccue dpi&ps i I I It IVc& Sir&( hiiep I Ppu hpu)ei Tke I lips PP shout O vuc, m&'sy Tbc p fov pv'rivc 3 cp&uplct& Sap&4 st Iicul cleaved I sftcr th'pwu &u burst Ilr. 6 cp(iy I( to be 0& Iir, I Cpquith St(st«i &isy. I Pipe)C&l West V hir. 9 come fr moved house 8 It is is bcipi operate IVh)tcc Lap&iipi sliscs, I tips to cppvcr&l bcsutic. The I by the Society Poe(PPP of the 6 with cpl Mre, hcr epp very 8 mopis. Xcw( lect Ssi death c pioneer morgan A hiI Clprkci ly conn ppd Ch& H&s I two yp& spd by 'lyippip& E. Rly pin Ele his br, Clarke rpy Cls) spd A„ dcpts pi nle & dsy hpd the feei 5 ferry ppabi, ately N work h, epnle re quick w 6"since& eieispc t 9he pae Wse Scc tiue W ,6'chcti due put bi Ilats„d ccksg( pf D Nde pii cohle