001B6C34 THE WEST VAN NEWS Janunry 7th, 1927. Buy Bulk Goods and SAVE MONEY &VE CARRY OivLY THR HEST QUALITY. Bl7IVER-- Number One. per lb...... 50c; 3 lbq. for 61.48 COFFEE--~sh Roasted .......................................... Sisc TFA--Our Special .......................................... Sisc DELICIOUS APPLES............ 5 lbs. for 25c: 20 lb. Box !Joc EGGS--Fresh Firsts ................................................. 4gc Started New Mission Hall in West Van. Qe wny you like themea S Just the cuia yau want and cut in the right wny ', ill THAT'8 )VHAT YOU WAiNT IN iyIEATS I That'6 ivhat you get nt Jefferles Market. )Ve carry only the I higheat grade of Fresh &VIents and all orders nre illle&I with ac- . curacy aml c&nisi&leration that Is apprecinted l&y our customers. 6 I 1 SJJIith'S GJOLeJ y (A. TTARVRY S)IITB, I'cap.) GROCERIES, HARD)VARE, DRY GOODS a SUiNDRIES I'heae roar waa&a aad we will gice yeu quick de!ice&a ZITB Axil yi.hRIXR. Opp. Iiuadarace iiaii I'hase Wi'9T &69 Dundaraije HairdreSSing Parlar ))arise Drive. Opposite Duadacace iiail 51ARCEL )VA) ING -- HAIRCUTI'ING FACIALS and VIOLET RAY Phone West 179 for appointment I ASTOR T, B. I ENNON Elim Hnll High Dinner New Bus Service for Upper Roads &9io&v in Operation I.EAVING 25th AND SIATHERS at 7 a. m., 7.30 a. m., 8 a. m., 8.45 a. m.. 4 45 p. m., 5.30 p. m., G.JO p. m. LEAVING FERRY )VHARF at 7.15 a.m., 7 45 a.m., 8.15 a.m., 9 a.m., 5 p.m., 5.45 p.m., 6.45 p.m. Route: Up 14th Street to Gordon, thence east to 13th, north to Inglewood, west to 20th, and up to Mathers, con- tinuing to 25th Street, and returning over the same route. The members of the B. C. Mountaineering Club nre giving a turkey dinner on Sunday at I p.m. at their cabin 2300 feet up on Grouse Mountain. This is an annual affair among the members. There will be a Christmas tree after dinner, an&i the mem- bers will spend the remainder of the day in an "at home." Guests will, like the members, have to climb 2300 feet if they wish to enjoy the festivities. \rounds. While the body stores up the rays in summer &veather, the cloudy winter days may deplete the store beyond the safety mark. Then a condition comes to pass that cannot be rectified by dieting or tonics, because the body can only absorb the neces- sary minerals from food by the aid of sufficient natural sunlight or artificial sunlight other&vise ultra-violet rays. Tommy's first school report, which was promising, read "Try- ing." The second term's report raised his parents'opes by stating "Still trying.'* The next report, however. dashed ao hopes to the ground. It read, "Still very trying." The Ultra Violet Ray sfany people have been ask- ing just what is the ultra-violet ray and what exactly is the ef- fect that it produces. THE NE)VS recently asked Dr. J. E. Knipfel for some data on the matter, and he had this to say: The ultra-violet ray is one of the rays which the sun sends to us. Just as heat rays from the sun are heating, giving warmth to vegetable and animal life, to the end that they may develop and mature, so light rays, ultra- violet rays, and others come from the sun and have their specific function. Heat rays cannot be seen by the naked eye without artificial aid. Light rays, &which are shorter than heat rays, are on the other hand of such a wave length as to be visible. Next come the ultra-violet rays, which are shorter than light rays, but too short for the eye to see. As we are taught that white light is composed of the colors of the rainbow, viz., red, orange, yellow, green, blue, in- digo and violet, so any rays be- yond the violet can be called "ultra-violet" rays, from the Lat- in word "ultra" meaning "be- yond." Sometimes these are known as "quartz lights" or "mercury lamps." Electricity can produce many things artificially besides light. The ordinary electric light bulb gives off heat as well as light, also some ultra-violet rays, but the latter cannot pass through the ordinary glass of the bulb. They can, hovrever, pass through quartz-glass--the only material so far known having this peculi- ar quality -- hence the term quartz light. It is further cust- omary to use mercury instead of a platinum wire to complete the circuit in the bulb, as mercury readily vaporises under heat and by this means many times more of the ultra-violet rays are pro- duced. Ultra-violet rays are absolute- ly necessary for all plant and an- mal existence. They brown the skin in the summer time with beneficial results to the body, and help to build up strong bony growth in growing children, who cannot build calcium or lime into bone in any other way, regard- less of what they eat. Rickets and anaemia are two of the forms of mal-nutrition produced by lack of sunlight or of ultra- violet rays. The ultra-violet ray kills germs instantly, and is used in the treatment of infected Councillor Ray is reported to have purchased Ferrara Court, Hastings Street East, for a sum approximating $85,000. Customer: "How is it that I have not received a bill from you?" Tailor: "I never ask a gentle- man for money." "And what do you &lo if he doesn't pay?" "If he doesn't pay, I conclude he is not a gentleman, an&I then I ask him." Do You Eat or Just Chew a Toothpick? By Dr. Frank Crane Some jokes, like a kitten, apparently have nine lives. Dressed in new clothes, they appear perennially. Such a joke is the old gag about the small town sport who stood before an elite eating place at meal time chewing a toothpick to give the impression he had just dined within. Everyone laughs at the story, with perhaps softened mal- ice, for to some extent he recognizes a kinship with the hero. The genuine, sincere, unassum'ing man, who is content to appear what he is and nothing more, is the millionth man. What most people want is to be known as great rather than simply be great. Try this on yourself: If you were ofFered the chance to have all the power aml greatness, as well as all the responsibility, work and abuse, of a premier of Canada and have no one ever know you were prem- ier--never get credit for great acts if accomplished--would you accept? Isn't recognition and not just pure achievement the thing desired? Of course recognition is part of it, but when it becomes the most important consideration, it assumes an evil influence. Not everyone who says he desires power an&1 success really desires those things. They are synonymous with work, worry and responsibility. IVhat those who say they want them do desire is the by- products of power and success, the toothpicks and not the meal. They want the yachts, the trips to Palm Beach and the Packard limousines. To really eat you must pay; to chew a toothpick costs nothing. To really achieve, costs work and self-denial; to seem to achieve (for a time!) requires only a weak conscience. Every "show-off" desires the results of achievement, but is unwilling to pay the price. He woukl rather chew the tooth- pick of fraud than eat the substance of paid-in-advance actual- ity. To seem to be, to ao but the shrewdest eye, has all the attractions and none of the hardships of actual tieing. In Sunday School we used to sing: "This day the noise of battle; The next the Victor's song!" The noise of battle must precede the song of victory. The Royal Order of Toothpick Chewers try to reverse the sequence, and it can't be done. LUCKY DIPS 60c Every package has values from fioc up to si0.00 For inutance they contain )Patches, Chains, Rings Brooches Eio west van Jewellery Store (Vv. SAOAI&) 1464 MARINE URINE Oau Waa& Vaa Ceca&a Reu. Phone West 665V A M BL E S I D E 'Ii Can You Afford to Throw Away Your Old Shoes? for thu sake of getting &hem repaired y Unless yuu have aii the money yuu want, you can'I a&Turd ii. it will pay you well iu being them to :,' RED TITE, The Man who Knows THE ELECTRIC SHOE REPAIR 'SHOP Next to Kevill's Furniture Store, Ambleside IcM ~ ~M M ~-c~ Mw.~,~ c 4 'hotos That PleaseJ Special Prices This Month. Everybody knows THE KING STUDIO 311 Hastings Street )Vest, Vancouver ESTABLISHED 190Z V. V. VINSON, Prop. Phone Sey. )6&6 for appeia&meat TIRES REDUCED ~ 30x31-2 Guaranteed Cords $&).35 30x3 1-2 Tubes ........ $ 1.95 RUBBER BOOTS, Etc. REPAIRED WVSr V.iN. G.&R,) r.r. v I I &) N yd w Jdfdv tao NORTH SHORE MOTORS LIMITED CHEVROLET 175 First Street West, North Vancouver Phono North 1186 Phone North 1650 l'EFFERIES MEAT MARKET PIIONR WEST 6 i'VR i)RI IVR)i I I Ai.i. J&IRATS REPT IN RFFRJGRIIATOR I&Fresh an&i Cured i&yea&a, llutter, Rggu, Bueno an&i imcd. ¹aa~ me a-.-'«-cg&~a~a&kca ac-%ac cage ei a cyu a='¹1+ca West Vancouver Lumber Co. L IMITE E) 15th and lilarine Phone )Vest 116 i&F'qiDEMCE PJIONE: 'yVEST TSX Lumber, Lath, Shingles Inside Finish etc. Quality Guaranteed. SERVICE P) I' a TH AU last Tuu& sn UPPUI fpi gUll meeting isg the & their vi& isg duse ed thsti up that t)ie othe Tll& J J,DUI Ry. )II&0 &leu 99&i Trustee'iued tk& comfqyi consider is the I Perfectl, The esd satisfied C& Mr. J. I ssd cunfis able to be isg snd i! ment addi ifs it Mr 'he 1924 & there wer& tions, i.e., portstios, attention I .that the shape thar that in ad& made on i upper leva provement He states I tber const Gate Bridi cooperath the Capil which he i of Keith I und hard.i Drive, iilr, much luna that this Produce m hanced lar fimabeu bii if elected, ergetic act which &os the music strict attei tacked tu I hi& Mr,J J self, if ele musy vdti the cuur o, 4 as bein miy the wl wsy Pumiu fiuasceu w,ed that re v resent t)&e viewed b.ri tfiec ti UE Ad lung uetu" auld t)II knew)a 'eguse & T)ie usppq the by M murpf; DUt H 6 bfidse e alsu of 6 "'I 6 "ew bvsuo riv re9yr er I w 'siuutster 9uyutm cq„i~ S t)iu u)iuw