West Van. News (West Vancouver), 7 Jan 1927, p. 4

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001B6C34 THE WEST VAN NEVVS PERSON&T~th.I 8 hlr. Peter Meddle is building a house at 14th aml Hayivood. ~ ~ ~ There ivas considerable gaiety going on in 1Vest Vancouver over the New Year. A number of res- idents gave house parties to cel- ebrate the coming in of 1927. ~ ~ e Mr. Smith is building a house at 13th and Gordon. ~ ~ ~ The Marine Garage. the new building now under constniction at Esquimalt and hfarine Drive. is rapidlv being completed. The contractors have now started on the stucco work. for ivhich a new kind of a base is being used. The building is very commodious and is being fltted up ivith up-to-date conveniences. It will probablv be completed ivithin the next tivo or three iveeks. hiessrs. Doivney and Kerr are the propri- etors: hir. J. H. Dawson the con- tractor. Mrs. Laura Edwards, Bellevue and 21st, entertained hir. and hire. L C. Mabon, hir. Bnd hlr&L Soames and family, and hir. R. Scott. on New Year's day. A most enjoyable time ivas spent. ~ ~ e hf iso B. Edivards, Bellevue and 21st, has been spending New Year week, with friends up the Coast. ~ ~ ~ A chimnev fire took place at the residence of hlr. J. R. L hfcDan- iel, loth and Duchesc, on Tues- day morning. The fire brigade turned out, but their presence was unnecessary, the fire having been extinguished almost at once. No damage was done. e ~ ~ The girls of the West Vancou- ver High School are entering a team in the Inter High School Basketball league. ~ ~ ~ The Clachan Hotel kept open house to their friends "Hogman- ay" night. The evening was very pleasantly spent in dancing. music and songs. About 150 guests were present. ~ ~ ~ hir. I H. Beamish, who has been away for several weeks ivith "flu," is back again at his office. ~ ~ e 1fr. Lauder of the Dundarave Meat Market, is a patient at the North Vancouver General Hospi- taL e ~ The Framar Montesorri School at 18th and Esquimalt, opened for pupils on 3rd January. hirs. Fraser will be glad to hear from any parents who wish to send their children to the school. o e There has been considerable sickness among the children re- cently. On Monday there were 93 absentees from the Hollyburn Central and Dundarave Schools. e e Mr. Johnston Le building a large residence at Sherman's, not far from the cannery. e e e Appleton Court, the new a- partment block at 17th and Ful- ton, is rapidly nearing comple- tion. The plumbing work is be- ing done by C. Murray Bros., of Dundarave. It is expected that the building will be ready for occupation early in February. o e The next regular meeting of the West Vancouver Liberal As- sociation will be held on Tuesday, 18th instant, in the new Amble- side Hall. e e e A new house is being construc- ted at hfarine and 19th for Mr. John Sinclair of 1vest Vancou- ver. Councillor and hire. Ray invite all chiklren Io be their guests at the Hnllyburn Theat re tomorrmv Salu&viay afternoon at 2 o'lock. ~ ~ ~ Tickets are out for the first annual Boa&xi of Trade &iinncr tn be held at neiv Amblpsi&le Hall on Monday. January 17th, at 8 p. Iii. o ~ ~ hlr. an&I Mrs. Waltci Kerr of Seattle, are guests of hlr. Rnd Mrs. S. Cameron, Caul(eil&l. ~ ~ e The Cans&lian Order of Chosen Friends, of which Mr. J. J. Ihit- ton is fiel&l supervisor for B. C., is contemplating organising 8 council in West Vancouver. This organisation is 8 purely Canadian benevolent and beneficial society covering the whole family pro- tection. Children from the age of 6 months upwards and adults up to 50 years of age are covered for sickness and accident as well as hospital and general insurance by this order. hfrs. A. Robinson of the Am- blesi&le Beauty Parlor, has given up her business on account of ill-health and has gone to Tn- coma to pay 8 visit to her cousin. hirs. Robinson expects to return to West Vancouver in a week or ten days. ~ ~ Mr. Donald McTavish has practically finished the house at 26th and Lawson, which he is building for liIr. Dick. ~ ~ e Jackie 1Vatson, the son of Captain IVatson, had a miracul- ous escape from serious injury last week. Ivalking from the fern, when almost upon the rail- road tracks on 14th Street, the sidewalk collapsed. causing him to fall into the culvert beneath. There was a heavy flow of water at the time, but fortunately he was saved from total immersion and apart from the shock, suf- fered no bad effects. The repair gang has since taken out the rotten timbers and made the path safe for pedestrians. o ~ e Captain Edwards, manager of the Transportation Systems, is back again at his office after a few days'bsence through sick- ness. I.O.D.E. The Duncan Lawson Chapter, I. O. D. E., nomination meeting will be held in St. Stephen's Par- ish Hall next hIon&lay thc 10th at 2.15 p. m. 1V. B. A. The regular meeting of the West Vancouver tvomen's Bene- fit Association will be hei&1 on IVednes&lay evening in the new Ambleside Hall at 8 p m. All members are urged to at- tend. Plans, etc., being under way for participating in the forthcoming Public Installation of Officers, to be held in Hotel Vancouver, February 2n&l. Please note date of regular meeting-- January 12th, 1927. e e The children's party to be given by the ladies of the L.O.B. A., has been postponed until Fri- day, 14th inst., at 7 p. m. ~ e ' Mr. and AIrs. J. H. Smith, 20th and Haywood, entertained the senior choir of St. Stephen's Church at their home on Ived- nesday evening. The time was spent very pleasantly in music and games. e e e Doctor A. C. Nash, who has recently started a practice in West Vancouver, is an accomp- lished musician and an author of repute. A book of poems writ- ten by him entitled "hlemories in hIelody," was published some years ago by the Ryerson Press. e e Mr. IV. R. Saker, 14th aml Lawson, is confined to his home ivith a heavy cold. e ~ The Ivest Van. Jewellery Store is offering some lucky buys this week for Fifty Cents. You choose your own package. None of the bags contain articles of less than fifty cents value, and some contain watches, rings, brooches, chains, etc., up to the value of Ten Dollars. BOYS'HOIR The regular practice of The Boys'hoir under Prof. James hIorgan will meet on Saturday (tomorrow) January 8th at 10 in the Hollyburn School. Boys please note a full attendance is requested. P. T. A. The regular monthly meeting of the Ivest Vancouver Parent- Teachers'Association will be held next Tuesday, January 11th, at 8 p. m. in the Pauline Johnston school. ~ e e Colonel V. E. Pringle (retired) and Mrs. Pringle, formerly resi- dents of the Okanagan, have tak- en hIrs. Blain's house at 21st and Bellevue. It is expected that Colonel and 1frs. Pringle will be- come permanent residents of Vvest Vancouver. e e e Mr. R. H. Watson, who drove from California, is visiting his mother at 15th and Fulton, and expects to return to the South next week. e e e Mr. and Mrs. Harry Twigg and son of Vancouver, are visiting with hfrs. Twigg's mother, Mrs. Grant, at her home on East Beach. e ~ o hir. B. J. McCullouzh of Port- age la Prairie. is vis ting hfr. and Mrs. P.. B. Cripps at their home, 2361 Marine Drive. ~ e ~ hfr. P.. B. Cripps is the con- tractor for the alterations in the building on hfarine Drive, near e ~ ~ 15th, recently purchased by Mr. Patterson. It is expected that the building will be ready for oc- cupation at the beginning of Feb- ruary. D. MORGAN, J P. NOTAR Y PUBLIC REAL ESTATE 2nd INSURANCE Twenty-ACth end biaciue Dr. Phone West 4 PHONE 408 L J H REID Fvi voN Sand, Gravel and General Teamwork 1VEST VANCOUVER Board of School Trustees When a report of the work done during 1926 will be given. THE ANNUAL PUBLIC MEETING Will i&e held at, the NFW AMBLESIDE IIALL On WEDNESDAY, January 12th, at 8 p.m. January 7th 1927 The Hollyburn Lumber Co., I.IMITED I Uhll'IKR SHIN('I,EYP q 1SH l)DORY Fi&VISII l)YAI.KIIS I&V C A I Pembina for StoveTuiamccu for Furnace Fool of Klghircnih nnd Waterfront Oifice I'hone: 1VKST 61 ltcsidencei WEST !12R2 „„„.„„„,„„,„, MeWILLIAMS „„„„„,„„, CUSTOAI IAILOR Specleiiaiog in hico'a Suiia ood Overcooia io Mcuauce. iu&rge Assortment of Pa&&orna io chooae from. ORDKII YOUR NKXT SUIT FRODI US Dry Cleaning CITY Dyeing, Repairs and PRIG F,S an&1 Pressing Alterations WE CAI.L ANII 1)FI.IVEI& I'IIONR iVFST 20 SAVORY 84 DUVAL REAL FSTATE AND Il(SURANCK )4'29 Marine Drive Phone 1yest, 114 Phone West 84 For Sand, Gravel Truck Work Etc. H P. Tearoe 16'IV Haywood Ave. West Vancouver Qr. Jl. E. Kntpfrl Physician and Surgeon ELECTRICAL and ULTRA-VIOLET RAY TREATMENTS Ambleside Block, Cor. 14th and Marine Oiflce Phone West 166 FORTUNE CUP INN AFTERNOON TEA REFRESHMENTS 25th St. and Waterfront FRAMAR Montessori School 18&k eud Eequimeu Senaory training; preparation for reading end wpiiingi de- veiopmeui of Iaug age begin ning of number work; eer tcaio- iug end harmony; cbyibmic eod folk deuciug included. Mrs. IV. D. Fraser I'hose ivea& 93 L Terms Rcaaouabie TAXI Phoo&a& WEST 118 Reeu WES'r 1801, F Newmall8 D Robbins BUILDERS Iiouae Painters, I'ape&house&a eud Kaieominiog Reeaouobio Terms Peep o'ay Isa&here 8& 29&k Ifouae I'hone 'iveei 437 I&3 Vernon Feed Store A. C. SEARLE Phone Wee& 9 FEED, FUEL, CEAIENT Etc. West 105 West 105 For Heater, Range or Furnace EAST WELI.INGTON I.UAIP GAI.T K('&('or Hea&ec or Furnace for &be liaoge DIOST HEAT FOR YOUR DION EY Tbe Km& Weniog&ou aod &'ali Coal I ~ Iecoguiaed ee the best coal on the markeL THE WEST VAN SUPPLY .(E. Ii. Minions) 11th and hlarine--I'hone 1Veut 10.& North IItp West Vancouver Stages Office eud Wuitiog Room: 6 Louadaie Avenue 1VEEK DAY SCHEDULE Leave North Vancouver for SIIERDIAN aud CYPRESS PARK on the hour from aud including 7 e.m. &o 0.40 p,md also 20 minutes past &ho hour from eud including B.yo e.m. &o 9.20 e.m. oud 1.20 p.m. &o 11.20 p.m. RETURNING from SHERDIAN 30 minutes afier above timce. SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS Leaves North Vancouver on the hour from 8 e.m. &o 8 p.md also at 1.40, 2.40, 7.40, 8.60, 9.20 eud 10.20 p.m., returning from Cypress Park 30 minutes after above times. NOTICE The stage will leave North Vancouver at 6.40 p.m. instead of 7 p.m. I F Ith& J~ssu pFj gF (the P"0 t iciii tyo h8 huows 00 Iyo siu Cmi Lii'& )rfpoph'u wgsT IRE pltl IRE pppl $llvflr \" Mr, sod 13th ssd I ysocouvor Chiixtmss 0( their T'onivcfim7 The foam ofstah the with everg 3 rich back of Christm'o exqu wss (orme& sud dfswm of which hi white bell aide were The supp isticslly sr of which I rose pink n hair fern. Toasts w C. Low, Ci Mr. E, Edwi responded Rhodes. After Dul Csiiig W38 I sud dsuciu Twenty sud hi&8. C Baker, Mr, sud Mrs. E T. Kelso, I Mrs. Low, Mrs. Saudi lystsou, M hir, sud h Eggius, 11 Keko, hlii iystsou, M R. Baker. Mr. sud rocipieuts "or gifts. Yoi your Fq Ai sod lola whkh y ilai your uu 16th My I have a (you r, g silver leave