001B6C34 27. ~l Ig f) r~ l ]() $8$ +fdlL [2eii$8 1 82($& "i ei 819 i% l )S)S R k January 7th, 1927. leading Public School Pupils Pauline Johnson School- Dundsrsve Division 18--These pupils were omitted on the list of leading pupils printed in the last e(iition. Grade 1--1st Term--Edward Cole; Victor Black; Leslie Rerrie. 2nd Term--Brenda 1Vicking; Joan Msthews; Gordon Mills. Grade 2--1st Term -- Evelyn McGowsn; John Dsvey. 2nd Term -- Wendell Hayes; Bonnibei Barbour; Tommie Rob- son. Leaders Division 2--Harold Johnson; Allan Dickinson, Ed- ward Rush. Grade 7A--Jack Watt; Bessie Edwards; Margaret Giliett. Scottish Society The next regular meeting of the above society will be held on 1 ridsy, January 21st, at 8.15 in the "CisChsn.n Mr. J. Hayden Young will give A lecture entitled "The Beauties of Perthshiren or "Through the Heart of Scotlsn(lw illustrated by lime light. The lecture is open to the friends of the members of the society snd R large attendance is expected Bs the subject taken by Mr. Young is highly interest- ing and instructive and the his- toricsl views to be shown on the screen are very beautiful. The Third Annual Burns'up- per will be held on Saturday, January 29th (instesd of Tues- dsy, January 25th, Bs previous- ly announced) in the «Cischsnn hotel. As the Accommodation is limited Ail members will have , the privilege of one other invi- tstion besides their own And Rli members desiring tickets will please get them from the secre- tsry not later than January 21st At the regular meeting. Ail eligible And intending mem- bers please communicate with membership'ommittee. Phone West 98R3. President, West 138L; Secretary, West 101. Tenth Anniversary of Wedding On the evening of New Year' Day, Mr. And Mrs. J. H. Smith of 20th Rnd Hsywood, celebrated with A few friends the 10th sn- niverssry of their wedding. A very pleasant evening wss spent. Among those present were MF. And Mrs. H. H. Hem- mings of Point Grey; Mr. And Mrs. O. F. Hemmings of Coiiing- wood West; Mr. Rnd Mrs. A. G. Mu&~hy of Kerrisdsie; Mr. Rnd Mrs. Walter Cliff; Mr. Bnd Mrs. Frank Brine Rnd the Misses Hsmpson. THE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVEA PUBLIC NOTICE ls hereby gives to ths Elect rs o( ths Munl- clpastv of tbc District of West Vancouv r. that I reaulre tbe pr &ence of the said Elec- tors st the blunlclpal Hall. corner 11th Street and Esauimalt, West Vancouver, in the said Municipality. on MONDAY, THE Io&b DAY OF JANUARY, i027, at 12 o'lock Nosh for tbe Durpose of eleetlna thru persons to represent them In ihe Municipal Council as Reeve and Couaclkors for the veer 1&27. snd electing two persons to represent &hem as 6chool Trust es and sns p rson to r pre- ~ ent them as a Commissioner uf Polic« Ths mode of nomina&lan o( candidates ~ball be as follows: The csndldstee chan be nominated in writing. the «ming shall be subscribed by two e&ectom of tbe Muni- cipality as proposer and second r, snd shos be delivered to the Returning Ogleer at anv time between the date o( thl~ no&is& and iwo o'lock p. m.. of the dav o( numlnanon. Tbe said writing may be In the form num- bered 2 In the schedulv of the "idun&sip&I&- ties Elections Act" and eh&A state ihe names. residence and occupation or o scrip- tion of each person propos d ia such manner ~s to suS)ciently idcntfy such candidate: and in the evenc of a so&1 heing neces&ary. bauch poll shall be opened an SATURDAY. THE 16th DAY OF JANUARY, 1027, between the hours o( Eight o'lock a. m., and 8 o'lock p. m. of the enid dsy at the Ambi&side Hall. 14th Street. Ia the said Municipality. of which ovary person ls hereby reuulrvd to take notice and govern himself or herself accord- ingly. \'ivan under my hand st West Vancouver, this 50th day cf D camber, U)25. JAS. OLLASON, Returning Os)car. Dec mber. 1926. WEST VANCOUVEA ROAD RE-CON- STRUCTION MONEY BY-LCW No. aal, i020. A By-Law autborixlog ths re-conslrucrioa and or clearing, grading, ~ trslghtenlng and wldenlag ol certain roads within tho Corpor- ation o( tbe District of West Vancouver, and to enable tbe Corp&ratios ol the District ol West Vancouver to raise, by way ot loan, tbe sum ol $85,000.00 to pay lor such work. WHEAEAS It ls deemed expedient and necerssary &hat thc said Corporation should rewonstruc& and or clear, grade. siraiahten and widen os may bs deemed advisable by the Councs of the Corporation of the Dis- trict of West Vancouver, ihe ronde set forth In Schedule "A" to this By-L«w. AND WHEREAS the estimated costs of ~uch undertaking is tbe sum of $ 66.000.00. AND WHEREAS It ls necessary (or the said Corporstloa to raise by wsy of loan (or the aforesaid purpose the said sum of 486.000.00. AND WHEREAS tbe aum o( $ 66,000.00 Is tbe amount o( the debt Intcaded to be created by thi~ By-Law. AND WHEREAS it is necessary tbaC the money to be raised hereunder be raised upon the credit of the said Corporation. AND WHEREAS thc Councs of tbe said Corporation bas authorised the submission of this By-Law to ihe electors. AND WHEREAS it would be necessary to raise annually by special rate the sum of One Thousand Five Hundred Sixty-Six Dol- lars and Fifty Cents ($ 1,666.60) principal and tbs aum o( Three Thousand Tuo Hund- red and Fifty Dollars ($ $ .260.00) interest. making toaether the total amount annually of Four Thousand Elaht Hundred and Six- teen DoRars and Fifty Cents ($ 4.816.60) Ior tbe term o( Twenty-Five (26) years for thc payment o( the said loan and interest there- on as hereinafter mentioned. AND WHEBEAS the value o( the whole rateable land of the said Corporation. ac- cordina to the last revised Assessment Roll, amounts to Two MIBlon Six Hundred and Fiftv-Eight Thousand. Nine Hundred snd Sixty-One Dollars ($ 2.668.961.00) and tbe improvements amount to One MIBion Seven Hundred and Fifty Eight Thousand. Three Hundred and Five Dollars ($ 1,768.$ 06.00) making together a total of Four klklion Pour Hundred and Seventeen Thousand Two Hun- dred snd Sixtv-Six Dollars. ($ 4.417.200.00&. AND WHEREAS, to Provide for tbe Day- ment o( interest and the creation of a sink- ing fund for the payment o( the said prin- cipal sum o( Sixty-Five Thousand ($ 66,000) it would be necessary to levy a special rotc suSclent to nil&a the sum of Four Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixteen Dollars and Fifty Cents ($ 4,816.60& the amount to bc calculat- ed annually on the whole of the rate&bio land or Improvements, either or both, or the rateable real property of the Corporation. NOW THEREFORE the Reeve and Council of the Corporation o( the iD&trlct of West Vancouver In open meeting assembled enact as follows. (I& The Coun&A of tbe Corporation of the Dlslrict of West Vancouver ls hereby authorised and empowered to re-construct and or clear, grade, straighten and widen, as may be dcemcd advisable those roads within tbc Corporation set forth and describ- ed in Schedule "A" to tbi~ Bv-Law. AND the said Corproatlon ls hereby emDowcrcd and authorised to do aR things necessary to thL cnd Includlaa inter alia but so as not to restrict the generality of the Ioregoinr, payracnt of costs of and Incidental to this AT the beginning of the New Yoey, we takepride And pleasure in renewing our pledge to ouy customers And patrons. Through another year, we assure you thst yaur electrical service, your street railway And inter- urban service sod gss service shall continue steadfast Rnd sufftcignt AS fRP As human agency can provide them So. fflc wfeh VOtt sll tbs Season'S proSpCTffy BKTISB (OI SHSBI 8120TMCI(5(HATfsVANCOUVER VICTORIA THE WEST VAN NEWS Bv-Law, legal. engineering snd supcrvl~ lon ss peti& ce. (2) )t shall be lawful for the Aeev& o( the sold Corporari n sad the Clerk o( the Co«nell, for the purposi ~ aforesaid. to bor- row or raise by wav o( loan froth 4hv pri'- son or persons, indy or bodies corporate. who mav be wSllng to adranee the same upon ths credit of tbe debenture& ihereln- after mentioned& of &he said Corpomtlon, a ~um of money not exeeedlng In the «bole tbe ~ um of 6lxty Flee Thousand Dollars 1&65.000.00& and to sauce the same to be placed la tbe Royal Bank ( Canada at West Vancouver. British Columbia. to the credit of the said Corpomtloa for ihe purposes ~hove recit 6, and the debentur&s o( ths ~aid Corporation to the amount of Sixty Five Thousand Dollars ($ 6d.000.00) In the whole msv be issued by the said Reeve and Clerk la accordance with thc "Municipal Act" In sums as may be renulred of not less than One Hundred Dollars (4100.00) each. Each debenture shall be ~ Igned by the Reeve and Clerk and the Clerk shall ~ &tach thereto the Corporate Seal of the said Corp- oration. Thc said debentures &hall be dated tbc 1st day of February ID27 snd shak bear Interest st the rate o( Ove per cent. IS) pcr annum. payable on ihe 1st day of Pebraary and tho 1st dsy of August in each and every year during the currency of the said de- bentures, or sny o( them. and thc principal of thc said debentures, or any o( &hem. &has be Day&bio on the 1&t dsr of February A.D. 1062. There shell be attached to each of the dehenlure& coupons aimed by the Reeve and Clerk for cash snd every payment of interest that mny become due. snd such ~ Ignatures may be either printed, writ&on or lithographed. (2) The said debentures shak be ex- pressed to be payable In lawful money of Canada. (4) Tbe said debentures as to principal anil Interest shall be naynble at any branch o( th Royal Bank of Canada In Canada. at the holder's option by the Corporation. (6) There &has be raised and levied annunsy by special rate saSclent therefor upon as ratcable land snd improvements. either or both. or the rate&hie real propertv of the Corporation the sum of One Thousand Five Hundred and 6ixtv-Six Dollars. Fifty Cents (11.666.50) for tbe purpose 0( form- ing a ~ inking fund for the payment o( the said debentures, and the&un o( Three Thous- nnd Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($$ .250) for tbe payment o( interest ot the rate a(oresald. to become due on such debeniures during tbe currency thereof (being the eiiual annual epieial rate o( 1.812 miss on the dol- lar of the present land valuation) or such further or other rate os shall be sufsclent for thc said purnose, the same to be in addition to aB rates to bc levied and created In the said Corporation during the whole currency of the said debeatures or sny of them. (6) Thk Bv-Law ms!i be cited for «A purDoses as "WEST VANCOUVER ROAD RE-CONSTRUCTION MONEY BY-LAW. No.dai. Iaad." (7& This Bv-Lew shall come into force snd take esect on the 1&C day of February A. D. 192V. PASSED BY THE COUNCIL on tbe 20thday of December A.D. 1926. RECEIVEDthe assent of the Electors at the Election for that purpose on the &147 0( 1927. RE-CONSIDERED and Snally ADOPT- ED bv the Councs, SIGNED by thc Reeveand Clerk nnd SEALED with the Corporate Seal o( the said Corporation all on the day of A.D. 1927. o( tbe Corporation of the District af WestVaneoover have presented to tbe Couocs of tbe sold Corporation the foBowlng e&U-mate for the extraordinary expenditures re- nulred by the said Board o( School Trusteesfsr Scbool parsec&&i-- (ll for the parysseof purchaslag the South East tluarter ofDistrict Lot 1041 as a scbool skat (2)steering sad grading the same& (2) ereetlngthereon and suulpDlag sa eight (iil roomed Scbool baildlng with gymoasiua&. AND WHEREAS tbe su&hasted cost lothe Corporation o( tbe District of We t ren- e&over of ouch undertaking ls tbe sun& o(Plftr Thousand DoiLrs ($60.000.00) AND WNEREAS It ls naca&&arv for the ~aid Corporation to rules by wav of loan tbo ~ um of Fifty Thou&sad Dollars idda.oo0.00) AND WHERE)is tbe corn of Fi(ty Thooc ~nd Dosars (640.000.00& L tbe amount of debt intended to be crea&cd by this By-Law. AND WHEREAS It ls necessary that tbe money to bc r«Led herelo be raised apon thecredit o( the Corporation o( the Distric o(West Vancouver. AND WHEREAS tbe Councs of the said Corporation of the District of West Vancou- ver hae autborlx«l tbe submlssloa o( this Bv-Law to tbe Electors. AND WHEREAS lt woold be necessary to raise anaussr bv special rate thc &U'is sf One Thousand Two Hundred and Flee Dokars ($ 1.206.00) principal and the &um of Two Thousand Pire Huadred Dollars l$2.600.00) Interest. «shing together the total amount annually of Three Thon&sad Se ea Handr«l ~nd Pire Doksrs ($ $ .706.00& for tbe term of twenty-Pi ~ (26) veer& (or thc payment of the raid loan and interest thereon u hereinafter mentioned. AND WHEREAS the value of tbe whale raisable land o( tbe said Corporation. sr- cording to the last revised Assessment Roll ~mounts to Two Million Six Hundred and Fifty-Eight Thousand Nine Huadred and Sixty-One Dollars ($ 2.6fi&,951.OO) and thc Improve«ann amoant to Oae Mkson Seven Hundred and Fifty-Eight Thousand Three Hundred and Pire ($ 1.766. 105.00) Dollars making together a toto) o( Poar MiRioa Poor Hnudred and Seventeeo Thos&and Two Hun- dred and Sixty-Six Dollars ($4.417.258.00&. AND WHEREAS to provide for thc pay- ment of interest and tbe creatloa of ~ &ink- ing fund for the payment of the said prinrl- pal sum o( Fi(ty Thousand Dollars ($ 60.0001 It would be «see&san& to levy a speeinl rate suScteat to mke the sum of Three Thou&- and Seven Huadred aad Plve Dollars (Ca.705.00& tbe amount to be calculated aa- nuaRv os tbe whole of tbe rat&able Lnd or ImprovemenU. either or lmtb. or the rateable real property o( the Corporatioa. NOW THEREFORE the Reeve aod Counes of tbe Corporation of the District of West Vancouver la opea meeting assembled a«art as fosows&-- (I) It shaB be la fol for tbe Reeve o( the said Conmration and tbe Clerk of the Council. for tbe purposes aforesaid. to bor- row or raise by wav o( loan from any person or persons. body or bodies corporate. wbo msy be willing to advance tbe came upon the credit of tbe debentures (hereia ~fter mentioaed) o( the said Corporatioa. a ~ &in& of &huh&7 sot exccedhig lh tbs whole the &usa of Fifty Tboaund ($ 60.000.00) Dollars and to sauce the same to be placed la tbe Royal Bask ol Caaada at West Van- couver. Britis Columbia. to the credit of the said Corporation. (or the purposes shore recited. and the debentures of the said Corp- oration to thc amount o( Pifty Thou&sad idd0.000.00& DoRars in the hole mav be issued by tbe said Rec e and Clerk ln ac- eonlance with the -Manieipal Act" in sumsu mair be required of aot lms than Oae Hundred DoRars ($ 10D.OO) each. Each debeature &has be signed by the Reeve and Clerk and the Clerk sbaB attach thereto the Corporate Seal of the said Corp- oration- The said debenture sbaB be dated ihe 1st day of February 1927 and shall bear inter- est at the rate of dve (6) per cent. p r annum. payable on tbe 1st day of February ~ad the 1st day of August in each and every veer during the curceaev o( the said de- benture or anv of them and thc principal of the said debentures. or aav o( them. &has be uyable on the 1st dav o( February A.D. 1962. There shall be attached to each o( the debeaturee coupons ~ igned bv tbe ILere and Clerk for each aad every payment of interest that mav become dae. and snab ~ igutares msv be either Driiitcd, written or Bthographed (2) Tbe said debentures sbaB be ex- pressed to be payable in lawful money of Canadi& (8) The &aid debentures as to pnncipsl and interest shall be parable at any branch of the Royal Bank o( Canada. In Canada, at the holder's option bv the Corporatloa. (4& There ehaB be raised and levied as- nuaBv by &assisi rate e«Seieat there(or ap- e« aB rateable lead aad I«D&o emesis. either or both. or the rateable real property of the Corporation the sum of Oae Thousand Two Au«dred and Five ($ 1406.00) Dollars for the purpose of fonalng ~ siahlug (und f r tbe payment of the said debeatures and the sum of Two Thousand Five Hundred ($2,600.00) Dollars for the payment of iater- est at tbe rate aforesaid. to become dae oa such debentures during the eurreney there- of (bein&& tbe easel annual special rate of 1.4 mills oa the dollar of the present land valuation) or such further or other rotc a ~ball be su&Scient for the said par«ac. the ~arne to be in addition to as rate~ to b levied and created in the sa'4 Corp&«&ion during the whole currency of tbe said de- bentures or aov of them. (5) This Dv.Law mav b cital for ail Dura«sea as "WEST VANCOUVER SCHOOL MONEY BY-LAW, No. 229. 19 6." (6) Thi~ Dy.law shall come into I rce and take a&feet on tbe 1st day o( February A.D. ID27. PASSED BY THE COUNCIL on tie 2&th dav of Deeembcr A.D. 19261 RECEIVED th assent of the Electors at the El«&i n f r that parpue on the day «f Jann IS27. RE-CONSIDERFD and 8&aRv ADOPT- RD bv the roun il. SIGNED bv the Ruvr and Clerk SEALED ith the Car«rate S vl of tbe said Corpocatlos. aA an the day o( A.D. 1927. Reeve. Reeve. Clerk. SCHEDULE "Aw OF THE BY-LAW Nelson. froth Marine Drive to Day Street. Bay Street, Cram Nelson to Royal Avenue. Roval Avenue. from Bay Street to Chat- bam Street. Chatbsm Street, from Royal Avenue to Nelson Street. PlccadiBy. from dlariae Drive to Dlock"A" D. L. 811. Pilot House Road from Highway to Pie- cadRly. Radclii(e Avenue from Marine Drive to Fark Lane. Travers Avenue from 15&rine Drive to alst Street. 80th Street, from Marine Drive to BeBe- vuc. Bellevue Aveaue, from 20th to 21st Streets Kings Avenue, from 24th to 25th Streets. 26th Street from Heywood to Nelson. 22nd Street (rom Ma&bere to Queens Ave- &in&. Argyle Avenue from 21st Street to 22nd Street. 17th Street from Heywood to Inxlewood Avenue. 16th Street frum ldarlnc Drive to A&au(- malt Avenue. Du&bc&& Avenue from 16th Street to 11th Sireet. 11th Street (rom Dusk&&a Avenue to Ingle- wood Avcaue. Keith Road from North Vancouver bound- ary to lath street. Reeve. Clerk. TAKE NOTICE that the above ls a truo copy of the proposed By-Law «pon which the vote o( tbo Munlcipakty wsl be takinat ibo Amblesldi Hall, 14th Street, West Vancouve, B. C., oa Saturday, the 15th day oi January, 1927, b&tween the hours ol 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. (Sgd.) JAS. OLLASON, Municipal Clerk and Returning Oilicer. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER NOTICE To ELECTORS PUBI.IC NOTICE ls hereby given that the vote o( the Electors o( the District of West Vancouv r will be taken on "West Vancou- v r School kinney Ily-Law No. 6 D. ID26"")vest Vancouver Addition to bfunicipsl Ila'I Money By-Imw No. $ $0. 10 8": and on"West Vancouver Boad Rc-Con&true&inn Moner Ry-l.ow No. 6$ 1. 1925." at thc Amblr. side Hall. 14th Street, West Vancouver, R.C., on Saturday, tbe 10th day of January, 1927, betwe n ibe hours of 8 a. m. and 8 l. m. and that James Olla&on has been appointed Returning Ogleer tn take the voice of &urh Eleeturs with the usual powers In that bs- hnlf. (Signed) D, blORGAN. Reeve. (Slgaed) JAS, OLLASON. Cl rk. TAKE NOTICE that the above ls a & ui copy ol the proposed By-Law «poa which the vot. of ths Municipality Al bc t k n at the Ambles'ds H A, 14th Street, West Vancouver, B. C on Saturday, the 15th &Ly of Janu ry, 1927, betweca tbe bours of 0 s.m. and 0 p.m. (Sgd.) JAS. OLLASON. Municipal Clerk a d Returaing O(8cec CORPORATION OF THE D(STRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER Clerk. TAKE NOTICE ibat tbe above ls a &n& copy o( the urop«& d By-La «p n bkh the vote o( th Mualclpality wls be t-h n at the Amblesido H A, 14th Street. Wut Vancou er, B. C on Saturday. tbo 15th &L o( Jaou y, 1927, betwe a &he bours o( 8 ~ . &n. ahd 8 p m (Sgd.) JA&L OLLASON, Mualclpal rt rh ~ d Returolas 0%err CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER NOTICE To ELECTORS PUBLIC NOTICE i& hereby given the& tbs vote of the Electors of the I&i&tris of West Vascourcr will be taken on the "West Vae- couvec School Money Bv-Law No. $29 18 4" ~nd on the "West Vaarouver A&titian dlunlelpal Hall Money Bv La N $20 1924" and "Weal Vancouver Road Rwoastructmn Moner By-1«w No. 221 1924" at the Amblealde Hall. 14th St«et. Weel Van- couver, B. C.. on Satunlay, tb 16th dav o( Jaauary, 1027, between the hours of ~. m. and ii p. m.. and that James Olla&onbu been appointed Returaing OSeer to lake tho votes at such Electors with &he usual puwers in that behalf. ISI«n«l& D. 8(OACAN. R vs, (Signed) J CS. OLI-CSON Clerk. NOTICE To ELECTORS PUBLIC NOTICE ie hereby given that the vote of the Iileetors of the Dlstrlet of West Vancouver will be taken nn the "West Van- couver 8 hu& Mon~y By.l w No. $20 i020- and on the ")Vest Vancuu er Additton to biunlcipal Hall Money By-Law Nu. 260 Ii&26" and "Wc&t Vancouver R nd Reconstrue- tl n Money Bv-lmw No. $ $ 1 1024" ~ \ the Ambhwlde Hall. 1 4th St«wt. West Van- couver. It. C., nn Saturday, the IS&h d v o( Janus y, 1927, be&we n the hours nf 8 a.m. anl 0 D.m.. and that James Okason hae bren apnolntcd Returning OScer to tnkc the votes of such Electors irith the usual nowers In that behalf. (Slrned'I D. bloRGAN. ISlaned) JAS. OLLASON, Reeve. Cl rk. WEST VANCOUVER ADDITION To MUNICIPAL'ALL MONEY BY-LAW No. 550, 1020. A By-Law uthorlslng the Corporation ol tbe District of West Vancouver to borrow by w y ol loan the sum ol Ten Thousand ($ '10,000.00) Dokars (or tbe purp ~ of m k- Ing an addition to tbe M«nlclpal Has. WHEREAS lt L d m d advisable to mako an addition to the Munlcllsl Hall a«i&line In ord r to «ccummedate tho business of the Corp&et&&is&i. AND WHEREAS ihe estimated cost o( making such «n addition I ~ the &um of Ten Thousand Dollars Ia)0,000.00& AND WHEAEAS It Is necoseary ( r the ~ all Corporation io ralso by way n( Inan tbe said sum of Ten Thousand Dullars ($ 10,000.90). AND CVHKREAS the sum of T n Theuaand Dollars did.eo0.001 I ~ tho amount ef the d bt Inta«led to be created by thk by.law. WEST VANCOUVER SCHOOL MONEY BY-LAW N&a 520, I02&L A By-Law suthorlslng the Corporation oi tbe District ol Wrst Vancouv&r lo borrow moa y by way ol loan tb sum of Fllty Thousand Doser& (650,000.00) lo School puoo h reins(ter el (orth. WNEREAS the Board o( School Trustees A.'ID WHEREAS it ls necessary that tbe mon 7 to be raised herein bc rale«l upon the credit of the Corporation of the District nf Wut Vancouver. AND WHEREAS ths CouncU (ur the said Corporation of the District o( West Van- couver hu authorixed the soLnisslon of this By-l«w ta the Electors. AND WHEREAS it would be neeeeurv to raise annually by special rate the sum of Eight Hundred and Thirty-Pleo D&Bam Id«ad.00) principal snd thc sum o( Pive Hundred Dosare ($ 600.00) I&tercet. making together ~ total am&tint shan«lip of Ose Thousand Thr«Hundred aad Thlctv-Five ial,~ $ 6.00& DoBars (or the tens of tcn (10) rears for the payment of the said loan and Interest thereon ae hereinafter mention- ed. AND WHEREAS the value of the whol~ rate&hie land o( tbe &aid Corporation. ac- cording to tbe last revised Asses&ment Roll. amonuts to Two MIBI&n Six Hundred and Fifty-Eight Thou&sod Nine Huadred and Sixty-One Dollars (62.6d&.941,00) and tbe Improv«nuts amount to One diislon Seven Hundred snd Fifty-Eight Thousand Three Hundred and Flee Dollars (21.740JM5.00& making los«her a total of pose Mlslon Pour Hundred and Scca«tees Thousand Two Hun- dred aod Slxtr-Six Della« &$ 4,417,256.00). AND WHEREAS to provide for the pay- ment o( interest arid the creation o( a &lad- ing fund (ur the payment of tbe veld prin- cipal sum of Ten Thos&and Dollars 1410.000.00) It would be necessary to levy a special rale su&8ci«at io reive ihe sum o( Onc Thousand Three Hundred and Tbl*v- Five Dollars 1$ 1.$26.00) the amount lo be caleolated annually os the whole of tbe rat&able )and or improvements. either or both, or tbe rateable real property o( the Corporation. NOW THEREPORE the Reeve and Co«sell o( ths Corpomtioa o( thc Distrkt o( Wut Vancouver In opea meeting assembled enact as follows» 11) The Counck of the Corporation of the District of West Vancouver L hereby authorlced and empowered to make an ad- dkloa to and or re-construct or cause to be re-constr«cled the Municipal Hall Busdiage at an expense not exceeding Tcn Thou&sad Dollars ($ 10,000.00), and the said Corpora- tion Is authorixed and empowered to do ~R things necessary to this cad. authorisiag the said work to be done by cuatract or otherwlee. as to it &nay deem advisable. (2) It sb«B be law(ul (or tbe Reeve of the said Corporation aad the Clerk of tbe Council, for tbe purposes aforesaid. to bor- rom or raise by way of loan from any person or pc«on&, body or bodies corporate. who may be wiB)ng to advance the same upoa the credit of tbe debentures (hereinafter mentioned) of the said Corporation. ~ sum of money not exceeding in the whole the eum o( Ten Thousand Dollars ($ 10.000.00& and to cause the same to be placed in ths Royal Bank of Canada at West Vaacouver. British Columbia. to tbe credit of the said Corpora- tion for the purposes above recited, and the debentures of the said Corporation to tbe amount o( Ten Thousand Dollars (110.000.00) In the whole mav be Issued by the Said Reeve aad Clerk la acconlance with tbe "Mualclpal Act" ln sums as may be re. nuired of not less thea Oae Hundred DoRare ($ 100.00) each. Each debenture shall be signed by tbe Reeve and Clerk aad tbe Clerk shall attach thereto the Corporate seal of the said Cor- Doratlon. The said debentures &has be dated tbe 1st day of Pebrusry. 102'&. and &has bur interest at the rale of Ove (6) per cent. per annum. Davable on the 1st day of Februarv and the 1st dsy of August In each and every year during tbe currency of tbe said de- bentures, or any of them. and the principal o( thc said debentures. or anv o( them, &has be Davable on tbe 1st dsy of February 19$ V. There ehaR be attached to sash o( tbe de- bentures couDons signed by the Reeve and Clerk for each and every payment o( later- est that may become due. aad &uch eh&na- tures may be either printed. wrlttea or Btho- graphed. (2) The said debentures &has be ex- pressed to be payable in lawful money of Canada. (4) The said debentures as to prlnrlpal and interest shall be payable at any breach of the Royal Bank of Canada. in Canada. «1 the holder's option by tbe Corporation. (6) There shaB be raised and levied as- nuasy by special rate suScient therefor upon ak rate&hie land and iinprovemente. either or both. or the rateable real Dropeny o( the Corporation the sum of Eight Hun- dred and Thirty-Five Dollars ($ 986.00& for the purpose of forming a sinking lund for the psymeat of the said debentures aud the curn of Five Hundred Dollars ($ 600.00) (or the payment of Interest at the rate a(ore- &aid. to become due on such debentures dur- ing the currency thereof (being thc eau&i annual special rate of .604 mills on the Dollar o( tbe present land valuation) or such further or other rate as shak be suglcient for tbe said purpose. the same to be ln ad- dition to as rates to be levied and created in tho said Corporation during the whole riirrencv o( the said debentures or any of them. i&) This Bv-Law may be cited for as nurposcs ne -WEST VANCOUVER ADDI- TION To MUNICIPAL HALL MONEY BY- I.AW No. 2$ 0 1926. (6& This By-Law shall some Into force and take et(eet on the 1st day o( Februsrv A. D. 192V. PASSED BY THE COUNCIL on the 28th day of December. 1926. 1928: RECFJVED tbe assent of the Electors at the Election for that nurpose oa tbe dav of January ID2V. RE.CONSIDERED and llnally A- DOPTED by the CouneB. SIGNED by the Reeve and Clerk «nd SECLED with the Corporate Seal of the said Co&ours&iso. aR on the day of A. D. 1927. Reeve. Clerk.