West Van. News (West Vancouver), 7 Jan 1927, p. 2

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001B6C34 THE WEST VAN NEWS January 7th, 1927. ca'h)C)SA'A4+meiVmeit me~ I HOLIDAYS ARE OVER Classified Ads WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society Dundarave Han, Marine Dr Duadasave Saaday Service at 11.30 s.w. Subject January 9th "SACRAMENT" Saaday School ai 10.00 a a. Testimony Mee&ias every Wad naeday as IL)6 p.m. ELIM HALLDRESSSIAKIRG -- Home or by day. htra. Robbins, 29&h and Ma&hara. Phone 1Voet 437RS. PRKTTT THRRK-i&OOh)KI) Dry&G- LOW for sale: io be mo)vd on'he propcriy. Phone West 148, CLEARANCE Sat.E BA))CAtKS FA)VCKTT "Sapcsb" Range, nkc new white enamel door and c)ock, heavily plated, 760 cash, or $65 on terms. Other Ranges from $ 15 up. QUARTER Ct'T OAK Ea. Diaiae Tabie. bcautifu) condiiioa $ )5.00 AXhi)ESTER CAR)'KT, 9 fca6 f&. 9 inchce . $ 15.00 SIR& Kii SK)\ ixd 31 trii)KK 6)n.en V h)i'iii TIG11T 1)EATERS, 33.25, Sxrm, 3&,hn. CO)'1'KR LOG BASKET ...... $2.00 SKVF)RAI. «')OD KITCHK'&TABLES fsom 6'00 up. ALI. Kixi)S of Good Booke ai 25c KKVII.L Ft'RK)TI)1&K STORE Asabicaidc 1'hone )real 36 26)h Si. aad hie)ice i)rica Full Goo poi hicctias&e io be held oa Sunday ai 7.30 p.m. aod iiionday, Wednesday aod Friday ai 8 p.m. Sunday School ai 3 p.m. Pae)or: T. B. I.KR)&ON Si. S&ephea's Church $ 6&)&i)hiss)elhi))&is&ice of West Vancouver iV&n h1cei Newt Thursdny (Jnn. Luh) ai S P.ht. ia the New Ambleside Hnll Corner 14&h aad hiariae 1)rica Epiphnny I-- (January 9th). 8 a. m--I inly Communion. 10 a.m.~qua&lay SchooL 11.15 a. m.-- Morning Prayer. 7.15 p. ni.--Evensong. The annual vestry meeting. postponed from Janunry 6th, will be held Tuesday evening. January 11th, in the I'arish Hall nt 8 p. m. The chuiwh commit- tee will meet from 7.30 to S p.m. the same evening. There was n very large con- gregation at the service last Sun- day night attended by the mast- er aml brethren of King David Lodge aml an inspiring an&i help- ful message for the New Year was given by his Grace Arch- bishop de Pencier. Speaking from the call ot St. Paul and his ivords to Christ, "Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do" hc de- clared ive were called to display self-sacrifice, love and cheerful- ness in our lives. Tuesday night's programme of the A.Y.P.A. was in charge of Mr. IV. Hawkes and consisted of stump speeches. Practice has begun on two plays which the young people hope to produce a- bout the end of February. The junior football team is drawn against West Vancouver United for a game Saturday aft- ernoon at Hollyburn School at 2 p. m. The first meeting of the W. A. for the new year will be hei&i next Tuesday afternoon in the Parish EialL v- A~-s='-s.='s=sy -'%s -V. ~="e -'~ aa r.='~w FOR WATERFRONTAGEOCR hiORTGACE PLAN 9~v&dec for free discharge of the loan in the event of the borrower'e death. Scc ue for loans, insurance or anything in the brokerage line. We want listings of lots, acreage and houses. BVRREI.L &h MAY At the Ferry aadiax. 1'hone Wcai 113 and other property llOUSES TO RENT, FIRE INSURANCE, ETC.Speaker: PERCY KING 000 JOHN LAWSONon n subject to be . selected 17th StreetFOR SALE--Stare on Marino Drive,wish modern living oooo)a)coda&ion for family in rear. Goad terms. FOR RKKT--Store an hie)ice Drive at Amb)aside. $ 15 pcr month on year's lease. SAVORY 4) DUVAL Phoae ircai 114; Evenings, West 143 I'hone Wear 55 United Church BREAD That Satifics and Pleases W. f.E. DIIRRANT, D.C., f.A.C. 1'a)sacr School Cradoaie CHIROPRACTOR 614-616 Dominion Bids. 207 Hastings SL West 1'hone Seymour 1966 The regular Services will be held in the United Church next Sunday at 11.15 an&i 7.15. The minister will preach. The monthly meeting of the )Voman'9 Association was held in thc Church Hall last Tuesday afternoon at 2.15. There was a large attendance of members and several new members were admitted. Mrs. D. C. Ritchie gave an interesting address. The Junior B. Team of the United Church will play St. Stephens next Saturday after- noon at Hollyburn School. The Boys C. S. E. T. Classes will resume on Tuesday evening next at 7.30. R. P. CLARK R CO„LTD. Ail our Bread and Cakes are made on the premises. Boy hers aad get eaiiafac- &ion STRATTON'S BAKERY AMBLESIDE PHONE WEST 27 Aad our Delivery maa will cail. KXCELLKVT view ioia, «iihin &en minutes of Ferry Landing aad fac- ing south. $550 on terms. LOVELY Home Baasaiow. Every possible convenience aad comfort. Hardwood floors, electric range, two nice lots in lawn and full cui- iivatioa. Sound investment ai $4~ on terms of quarter cash, balance like rent. NORMAND'S GROCERY ldn eed RARINE .. Phoae West BB A Complete Supplyof... G ROC E II I ES and COsVFECTIONERY WE DKL)vk:it R. P. CLARK R CO LTD. 823 Hastings SS. W. Sey. 7483, 7484 Local Representative G J. ARCHER. Wast 651L Established over 6 YearsWest Van. RESTAURANT 1421 hfarinn Drive at 14th A NEW YEAR HYMN C J OVERINCsTON 14th and Marine BARBER For the convenience of tha ladies of the District I have had the telephone ineiaiiad PHONE WEST 135 aad mate an appoiaimont. LOTS HOUSES ACREAGE COAL SAND GRAVEL NOTARY PUBLIC Farewell thou old, now dawns a new, To us most joyous New Year' morn; A pure and spotless page we . view And hopes aml vows this day are born. Now fades the old, but let it fade Aml cast all cares anil sighs behiml; On God's great love thy life is stayed And in Him thou'll all succor find. Then forward go in His great might Ne'r doubt His love nor pow- er to aid; He watches thee by &lay aml night, So wherefore then so sore a- fraid? Ah! it is fear that these thy vows This day thou makest but in vain. Think not of future faults nor Woes, But strive to holiness to at- tain. Each goo&i resolve now ma&le to- &lay Brings thee still nearer unto God, And each well kept will cheer thy way 'Though oft beneath the chast- ening rod. An&I should'st thou stray be not dismayed, But with the light of God' own word Search out thy fault, then with Iiis aid Begin next page in Life's rcc- 0) d. Ring joy bells, ring both clear and true On this most glorious New Year's morn, IVhcn brightest hopes our strcn&fth renew- Iiopes quite transcendent new- ly-born. --Anna ilorrison Dundaravc, Dec. 1926. Baptist Church CLONGUINIE RABBITRY 15TH AND QUEENS Phone West 183R RABBIT hiANURE Two Grades for Gardens or Pots Rev. David Long, Pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m. Church Service, 11 a. m. IVeekly prayer service each Ivednesday at 7.30 p.m.West Van. InvestmentCompany 18th aad Mac)as De)To Phone West )02, Day or Nish& DUNDARAVE MEAT MARKET Phoae West 6 FRESH MEAT AND FISH Wa Deliver DEATH OF MISS E. ABRAEHENSEN HALL TO RENT The New AhiBLESIDE HALL Corner 14&h aad hiariac with a iioor space of 2,000 square feet, is available for Receptions, Dances, Private or Public I'or&ice, Eic. This ie the most modern and up-io-date Hall in thc District aod ie fuiiv furnished for such occasions, having Piano, Crock- ery, cic. For terms appiy-- hii&S. C. HAY Teicphoac )Vcai 21 People Say Things Miss E. Abraehensen, the be-loved aunt of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Chisholm, passed peacefully a- way on 6th January at the resi- dence of the latter at 16th and Fulton. She was in her 84th year. Interment will be made in Capilano View Cemetery on Sun- day, January 9th, at 2.30 p.m., Rev. A. M. O'Donnell, officiating. Yes and when people say nice things about you it's just fine. Nothing pleases us so much as to have ladies come in and tell us they'e been recommended by a friend. This is worth far more than a lot of clever talk we might put up. We'l try and keep our good name. Ambleside Tea Rooms Ferry Wharf WEST VANCOUVER Camp aad Picnic Supplies, Tobe«coe, atc. A petition is being drawn up by interested property owners asking the council to continue the lane, which now runs in front of the West Van. Garage, Kevill'0 Furniture Store aml Tite's Shoe Store right through 14th Street. MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS For Councillor Capilano to Horseshoe Bay. Wm. McQUAKER Solicits Your Vote and Interest. Practical Development and the Practical Point of View. The Burrard Laundry Limited for Pcop&c Who Am Par&&ca&or 79199 STSEET sai )1. SST)hs North Vancouver Phone H. EI. Ballard, North 1310 Mgr. New Year's Dance A very successful party wns given on New Year's night at Dundarave Hall by hirro Florence Bowman, 29th aml Marine, an&I Mrs. Thomas Barnott, 23rd and Jefferson. The evening was spent in games and dancing. The musie supplied by Chil&i's Or- chestra, consisting of Messrs. Geo. Childs, H. Hayden an&i Ray Jones, and by Mr, Fred Tite, was excellent and encores were called for again and again by the dancers. There were between 80 and 100 guests present. West Van News 1'abiiahcd Every Friday To the Electors of West Vancouver: In announcing myself an a candidate for Councillor at the Municipal Election on Saturday, January 15th, I &lo so feeling that I can conscientiously be of service to the District. I have been a resident of West Vancouver for ten years, and am fully acquainted with the needs of the &listrlct. If elected I assure you of conscientious service. H. HODGSON aad F. F. LOVEGROVE Publishers Baaiaeaa aad Editorial Office: 1361 Mariaa Dsira Phoae West 19L Maii Address: P. O. Boa 101, HoBybara. IL C. Porter: "Now then, bliss, get in quick. The train's just going 'to start. Pretty Passenger; "But I want to give my sister a kiss." "Gct in; I'l see to that." J. J. DUTTON Residence I hone Went 81R22nd and Bellevue $ 1.00 a year by mail or carrier. Ncwa- stands 5c pcr copy. Is The big feast is but a memory, but appetites ). are just as hearty and tastes just as critical. s ~ stIt is easy to make every meal a triuniph when p you buy from our quality stock. )(s hve sell only goods you can rely upon and the prices appeal to the thrifty buyer. ~s SI-ED'S t-leOCJ;le Y,") CIROCERIES IIARDWARE I'Al)VTS dh OII.S )7 We close at 1 p. m. every Thursday. Mamne Dnve Ambleside Phone West 28 &)s FRKK DELIVERY '&) ' 7th, P eadinl pselisc Je p,vision 16- Orsdc . h)tete) 3Cole'erm 2)id SS )hist g "Gfhdeg-, )MC( Term , ~ OWSS')id gall gnsnibel 9 Lcsdcr All J hnenil 1 iesrd gush Ors&le g,lwsrdei SCDtti 1'hc sext the above 1 ifridsy .0 tbe "Ciscb'y u„gwillgi i The Besuti oTbrnugb tb& llustrstcd bi Tbc lcctsf friend& secicty ssd )9 expected 4 by Mr Toss ing ssd inst) tnricsl vicwh screen are « The Third per will bc Jsnssry 29t1 dsy, Jsnusr) iy sssosscc& hotel. As i is limited sli the priviicg& (stion bcsid& members d& please get tl tsry sot late st the reguk All eligible bere please membership )Vest 9883. 136L; Secret Tenth At On the ev& Dsy, hlr. 35 of 20th ssd with s few: nlveresry ol A very pl spent. Am& were hlr. sr. mings of 8 Mrs. O. F. g wood IVest; Murphy of Mrs. Walter Frank Brin& Iismpsos I I I