001B6C2E IvIALKIN'S PRODUCTS Always Dependable. Our stock is always fresh. HERE ARE A FEW LEADERS /+MA&KINK /geESgr Rsd Plum ism. 4 lb&in 55c Manna&ada, 4 ib tin ........ 65c Poaches or Pears, 2 ib Nns 25c Pass iihs best) psr Nn .. 23c Com. Fancy. psr Nn . 23c Tomatoes. psr Nn . 15c Tsa. psr pose&Id 75K Co&isa. psr pound„..... 70c Syjiith's Gjocef'y (A. HARVEY ShIITH, Prop.) GROCERIES, HARDWARE, DRY GOODS dh SUNDRIES I'hone your wan&a and ws will give you quick dsiivorv 21TH AND a&ARISE, Opp. Dundarave Hall Phono %EST 469 Gifts That Last A Gif& of Jr«ellery for New Year «iii iasi aR through the year lrs have ~ splendid selection nf aR kinds of ic«silery--)Vs&chas, Cincks Broaches, Rings, cic. ».,Th',..„Jewellery Store lw. SAGAR) 1464 MARINE DRINE. erv. West Vss Cusvs Rcs. Phone Wcsf 655VAMBLESIDE (Continued from page 1.) And so in memory we trace the years. )Vhy. it seems lrxe yesterday that little Biuy was born. and now behold him a full-grown man, with a slveetheart of his o&vn and dreams of a bungalo&v and married bliss, which realization may later bring true--or dissipate. How time has fiown! Aml if &ve happen to be in a serious mood and try to measure the twenty or forty years that may remain for us, what a paltry afFair this thing we call life appears to be; how little even the ablest of us can accomplish in its short span, and when it's over-- what? But although it seems but yesterday we ushered in young 1926 the twelve months just past have seen vast strides macle in the development and growth of )Vest Vancouver. Mea- sured in terms of progress the year has been a full twelve months of marked municipal achievement worthy of a much longer period. Few communities in any part of the world can boast of equal accomplishment. Much of the dense forest of last year has been transformed into beautiful lawns and gardens, surrounding attractive bungalows, where new resi- &ients who have been attracted to this most captivating of townsites enjoy advantages )vhich others of us have been privileged to possess for longer periods; miles of streets, formerly rough and, at times impassible, have been nlade into modern, paved highways; and the district generally has taken on quite a metropolitan appearance. Undoubtedly the passing year's most notable event affect- ing the interests of )Vest Vancouver has been the proposal to bridge the Lions'ate. The year's close finds this question in a rather unsettled but not altogether unpromising state. We believe there is good reason to expect a favorable report from the enquiry committee and that there is every justifica- tion for anticipating a start on construction of the bridge in the early months of 1927. Should these hopes be realized, then the visions of the most optimistic of us are likely to fall far short of the actuali- ties of the progress of the coming year. But, whatever hap- pens, )Vest Vancouver can meet the future with high hopes. Our super-excellence as a residential centre is recognized and the progress of 1926, phenomenal though it has been, is bound to be eclipsed by each succeeding year for many years to come. AU of which leads to thoughts of our future requirements. We have emerged from village to city proportions so quickly that we do not seem to have grasped our need of city equip- ment, For one thing, our municipal council should have at least six instead of four members. Then the municipal staff needs augmenting. A building inspector, for instance, is an absolute necessity. We have building by-laws which are very good in their way, but except as to plumbing and wiring, no attempt is made to enforce them, nor is it possible for the present staff to do so. The large number of buildings now tion for anticipating a start on constructionu of th bridge in tional help. AUTHORIZED Ford Service THE ONLY ONE IN WEST VANCOUVER WKHT 4 Ax G A viAG K PIIONE )VICHV 130 New Bus Service for Upper Roads Schedule starting Monday, January 3rd LEAVING 25th AND INGLE)VOOD at 7 a.m., 7.30 a.m., 8 a.m., 8.45 a.m., 4.45 p.m., 5.30 p.m., 6.30 p.m. LEAVING FERRY O'HARF at 7.15 a.m., 7.45 a.m., 8.15 a.m., 9 a.m., 5 p.m., 5.45 p.m., 6.45 p.m. Route: Up 14th Street to Gordon, thence east to 13th, north to Inglewood, west to 20th, and up to Mathers, con- tinuing to 25th Street, and returning over the same route. THE WEST VAN. NEWS St. Stephen'8 Sunday School Attendance Prize Winners Primary Dcpnrtment ifivo classes--Alvin Field, Patricia Albin, Ronald Hawkcs, Brenda )Vtcking, Joan Thompson. Main School Class 1--Jim Cornish. 2--Ada Albin. 3--Albert Kendrick. 4--Kat hicon I inmpnnn. 6--Bert Albin. 6--Phyllis Johnson. 7--Rex Rh&xles. 8--Alma Binning. 9--)Viuie Albin, 10--Isabel Neirlc-Smith. 11--Jack Kendrick. 12--Eileen Body. 13--Betty Gourlay. 14--Hugh Fnrmcr. 16--John hioe. I. O. D. E. A military whist drive will be given by the Duncan Id&%son Chapter, I. O. D. E., on Wednes- day evening, 5th January, in the New Ambleside HalL A large attendance is requested. as this is expected to be a particularly enjoyable evening. Auto License Ofiice Asked for North Shore Establishment of a depot in North Vancouver, for distribut tion of automobile licenses, has been requested of provincial police by the three North Shore councils. Money Bylaws Before Electors Bylaws totalling $ 125,000 will be voted upon by the ratepaycrs in January. There are three measures- for 065,000, 360,000 and Slo,- 000. The first Is for hard sur- facing of roads throughout the municipality. The measure for 650,00 is for the construction of a new high school at Seventeenth and Inglewood streets, and the third is for an addition to the Municipal Hall. The new high school will ac- commodate pupils now attending the high school classes in the Pauline Johnson School, and an addition to the Muniucipal Hau is considered an urgent neces- sity owing to the great amount of work being carried out in the municipality at present. Certain streets in almost every section of the municipal- ity will be hard surfaced if the bylaw for 365,000 receives the necessary majority. Qoi 0'll ~ December 31, t926 365 Days of Real Happiness That is our wish for you for I927. '3EFFRIES MEAT MARKET I Neat &o Haliyhurn Thea&ra I'RON R % FST 9 %E DELI'YER AI.I. hIFATS REPT IN REFRIGERATOR Fresh and Cured htoais, Iiuiirr, figgs, Bacon nnii Iserd. I i 1 if t 'i f v t I f 'iN\ t f i v i t+f«f +++ West Vancouver Lumber Co. LIMIT E D 15th and Mnrine Phone West 115 RFSIDFNCE I'HONE& WEST TSX Lumber, Lath, Shingles Inside Finish etc. Quality Guaranteed. SERVICE Dundarafje Hairdressing Parlor ilfarins Drive, Oppoaiio Dundorave Hali MARCEI WAVING -- HAIRCUTTING FACIALS nnd VIOLET RAY Phone )Vest 179 for appointment '='-wse-s '~~~~ a ~» s afocewt &Fhheta os !I A HAPPY NE)V YEAR to ol&l an&1 new customers. Start, the New Year right by bringing your shoes here for repair. It will be a good start and, like so many others, you'l say-- THAT'S BETTER. You cannot afford to discard ol&l I shoem It will mean loss to both you and us. I ,' RED TITE, The Shoe Repair Man THE ELECTRIC SHOE REPAIR SHOP Next to KeviU'6 Furniture Store, Ambleside 'fi il. Stslltttg gIItt A Buyytj Ketu peur Photos That Please Everybody knows THE KING STUDIO 311 Hastings Street West, Vancouver ESTABLISHED 1902 V. V. VINSON, Prop phone Soy 1016 for appointmsnt 0 0 GREETINGS Qo 0 NORTH SHORE MOTORS LIMITED 135 First Street West, North Vancouver Phone North 1186 Phone North 1350 QO 0 I TO OUR MANY PATRONS AND FRIENDS: The spirit of the season permits us to wish you increased Happi- ness and Prosperity in the coming year. May your business dealings with oihern be ns pleasant as ours have been with you. p I l i- Vol I )he Ct Cousisteu I m damP'itizeas last cl I sateWafd council Pac Theatre to Reeve hi'ora Davlea, laud, au&i p~tor we& proctor wa bdug folio Councillors and Leylar whom wef some quesi some critic& of the vaf on the whol ful party u who was th othe fifewo The abil engineer h hiorgau ve criticism h that mauv the buildi speech wai "objectora'eetlug tl or fifty peo Pier&&Ills municipal went on fe to the by.l tioa to thi the School The fevi showed th been madi that the I shape. Police C reported I his deparl matter for During references Gate bridi hir. Morga effective orgauismi eo&iipllsli i bridge, Cou a&ill acity aa cl Light, aui reported I coil&moult been go&a pl&old aud fever. A ha&I been ments ma Tweutysa had been ing area, had gone the Rate& uufortuut« the yea sary befo eouhl in l port prov of Eagle g'ml buti the music ent allow ef?ect. TIRr. Cie„, Vaucouv had auggi c ai queen', )"1th oae mains, that thea mmt eud Ithe fact t