001B6C2E tbe(atb VRDtbc etlonlor Jaaoan ADOPI'eRccvt irpttdcal ta December 31, 1926 PERSONA LS 'Ip~e( I)a~no, )2 e 4C44 I ' 44 tl I) meet 44) 2 4t ~ ea, '41 '4 ef t (4 I )~ tbp ladoo tb, 4» "')p balm ne nct 4 tb; ~t Dave padre ~s it)on ~s4 lea nnc nd 2)m ) )42)™ bios Pear Poo flea. I.\66,DDL 'lbt pep.il ~ a)alt. ld la)ac) (IIDA))l ~clat ta4't vb inn bonneilii4d mi e lead et . ra4ebk 6 Ceancb of Ilfnt led ease Reve c( It e( Oie bi tnr'. tost 'ornml~, Ac ean,e (betriu. 'rat)os, p 4» «brio D.ooo.eo) ln plsen) ~tt Vee credit o( te ebore Pid Corp. lbeueaod nat be b ls ac. lo sums bpn Oin br Ibe llattnb dd Cprp. Itbe lel ~r fntn. tpL per Pcbroarr ad every told de. prliicl tn, eb arl A. cacb ie Reeve neat ef od sacb rittcn or be et. toiiiV ol pries)pa r brancb snop, al Oti. viol aa. vlor on .e, rilbn t ol Ibc tnd Too tiers fot [und for ~od Oe Auodrnl pf )ster. , due os p )ben rate ef Mt lead mtc n osc. Ibe ~ to be poratloa ien de. ler ril snoot force pcbriinp oli Tuesday, p.ln., in Dundarave Hall. f Ir II Mr. Henry Bradley, Twenty- 'fourth and Jefferson, who has 'been confined to his home with an attack of "ffu,n is getting bet- Retro (~~ iris rs*Irb bon)M West do dpr ef 4 &A)oil, iod f,lOSC.". Rl&& O i e'r. A. C. Nash will shortly en an oflice in the building hat is now being constructed for is purpose on Marine Drive, mmediately east of Ferguson's Motor Transfer office. "'Mr. Truughton, of Troughton 6&I Barrow, is recovering slowly from the attack of sciatica from wI)ich he has been suffering.n n e i'IMr. and Mrs. Lang, Twenty- fourth and Mathers, have left fol. a short trip to the Ol&l Coun- try. IR )etc( 6 p. i.4(4 tp eyes) 'Addltloe Fsolo III con)neer Vso. *pt Rdte dcr)eu rir benebnos into nbe Rrcl nnl tbr )tcbR'nro 'bbdscwb Mr. Blakely, Twenty-sixth and Nelson, left on Christmas Eve to join Mrs. Blakey in San Fran- c)St'O. I) Mr. C. J. Legge has purchased lot on Twenty-seventh and . Palmerston. 'r. J. R. L. McDaniels, Fif- teenth and Duchess, is seriously ill at his home with an attack of bronchial pneumonia. 'I I fl ).Ii( I'r Mr. Cornish hag arrived from SVinnipeg to slfeI)d the Christ- holidays with his family here. He reports that in Mani- toba there is still quite a lot of wheat left unthreshed in the fields. Mr. George Lloyd and his fam- ily 'were confined to the house bver the Christmas holidays with se'vere colds. Mr. C. J. Legge, Twenty- 4'eventh and Keith Road, has left for Victoria and will return in the spring. Mr. Peter B. Christie, Jeffer- son and Twenty-third, has been confine to the house all week il fl,'ith an attack of nilu." I if(If Mr. Jack Coles, Fourteenth and Duchess, who is a forest I I ti Ranger at Alberni, is home for .. Christmas. r The West Vancouver Elks on christmas r Eve distributed ffwenty-eight baskets of "good'heer" to needy families. 'here will be an extra ferry - I(caving the Vancouver &lock to- night, New. Year's Eve, at 12.30, and an extra boat on New f-',Year's night leaving Vancouver dt the same time. t. i Ticket No. 221 in the Cana- d'an Legion r'afffe was'shown as aving been won by Mr. F. ooper. The latter was the seller the ticket, the name of the urchasdr'nadvertently had not en filled in. Will the owner this ticket please communi- te with the secretary of the egion at West 412L, when, on oduction of the ticket, ar- ngemehts will be made to hand e holder of the ticket the prize a Christmas cake. Mrs. A. W. Brian with her mily spent Christmas with her ster in Seattle. Mr. King and his son, with eir.families, have moved from ancouver to Fourteenth and aterfront, pending the build- ! ing of their house, which is now in. course of construction at Es- quimalt and Eleventh. IL'Mr. G. W. Kissick, the West Vancouver representative of the ndon and British 'orth America Company, Ltd., is seri- ously ill at his home with pneu- mpnia. ! illivh L. 0. L., N. cope, iii hold their next regular meeting 4th Januar at 8 THE WEST VAN NEWS Iitgllitlg all allr 3i'rieIIIIB uiIII (EIIBtamers n 4IIuypg Keul peur. The regular monthly meeting of the Ratepayers'ssociation will be held in Ambleside Hall on Tuesday next, 4th Janus)T, at 8 p.m., when reports will be received from the committees on improved postal facilities an&i ferry landings. The chairman of the school board will also give an address on the High School bylaw. An invitation is extend- ed to all candidates for reeve- ship, council, school trustees and police commission to address the meeting. An advertisement re- lative to this meeting appears in this issue. Engineers will one day be called upon to prepare a report on the drainage problem on the North Shore and will then need particulars of the rainfall in various parts of that portion of British Columbia. Mr. J. Porter, having this in view, wrote the council Tuesday, suggesting that three other gauge stations be established in addition to the one he at present runs himself for his own personal satisfac- tion. He offered to supervise the installation, working and publi- cation of the reports from the three additional gauges, all with- out pay, providing the council would provide the gauges. The council thanked Mr. Porter for his offer and passed a resolution authorizing the purchase of three gauges, the total cost of same not to exceed $20. &Aupm 5 etu geIIE CANADIAN WIIIDOW BAHERIES (R. L. Taylor, Agent) Marine at Fourteenth (Next Drug Store) May you see only the bright side of each of the 365 daysI hope 1927 will be the Happiest Year you have ever had.Completion of P. G.'E. Asked This is the sincere wish of cffET s8lElos QBEENWppBSThe council received from the City of North Vancouver copy of a resolution passed by the council requesting that the Pro- vincial Goevrnment bring down this session a loaning bill to provide funds to complete the P. G. E. between North Van- couver and Prince George, and also that the Provincial Govern- ment proceed as soon as possible to complete with the Vancouver Harbour Commissioners an agreement acquiring for the P. G. E. running rights over the lines of the Harbour Board's Terminal Railway into and out of the depot of the Canadian Na- tional Railway in Vancouver. Copies of this resolution the council were advised, had been sent to the Premier of British Columbia, the Minister of Rail- ways for British Columbia, the council of the District of North Vancouver, and Messrs. J. M. Bryan and Munn, M. L. A.'s for British Columbia. West Vancouver council pass- ed a resolution approving ithe resolution and issued instruc- tions that a copy of the resolu- tion be sent to the latter and to those given in the letter from the city clerk of North Van- couver. urmtnnnmmaonnnonnnnmnnnrritntnggggg)gg)gfg 9 HINTS FOR THE HOME ;" Confectionery, Periodiceie, GROCERY Tobecco, Etc. The Ten Commandme Ds(gggg)ggggggnmrtnttiMtmirrnMDCCDtmiiMtirtntiri) Trouble-Saving Ideas Dirty paint, enamel or porce- lain can be cleaned with paraffin mixed with soap powder. Rub warts night and morning with castor oil. In time they will shrink and disappear. A severe headache may fre- quently be relieved by bathing the forehead with very hot water. Borax is even better than car- bonate of soda for'oiling with green vegetables. Mildew may be removed from linen by soaping the marks when wet and covering them with powdered chalk, which should be NEILL'S GROCERY Hollyburn Theatre Marine Drive, (between 21 end 22) TOBACCO, CONFECT)ONERY PHONE WEST 590 New Year's Eve and New Year's Day Afterooon nnd Evening A Ceo)i B. Debliiie production ONGUINIE RAB 15TH AND QUEENS Phone West 133R West Van. RESTAURANT 1421 Marine Drive at 14th Window Blinds and Curtain Rods MADE TO ORDER. Estimates Free. PEARCE'S DRYGOODS RABBIT MANURE Two Grades for Gardens or Pots rubbed well in. To prevent a ladder in a stock- ing take a piece of damp soap and rub it on the place where the silk thread has broken. A strip of catpet glued to a piece of wood will remove mud HALL TO RENT The New AMBLESIDE HALL Corner 14tb nnd Marine with a floor epnce of 2,000 square feet, is ovniiebie for Receptions, Dances, Private or Public Parties, Etc. This is the most modern nnd np-to-dote Hall in the District nnd is fully furnished for such occeeione, having Piano, Crock- ery, etc. For terms apply-- MRS. C. HAY Telephone West 21 14tb St. Dnd Marine Drive Phone West 144 from shoes without scratching The Season's Greetings to all our clients and friends. the leather. Putty for odd jobs is made by crushing a handful of whitening in a small boivl and mixing it into the desired consistency with linseed oil. Powdered finely and rubbed gently over the walls with 0 clean soft duster or an old mus- lin curtain, starch will remove all stains. Equal parts of ammonia and turpentine will take paint out of clothing. Saturate the spot two or three times and afterwards wash out in soapsuds. Empty matchboxes should al- ways be saved for lighting the fire quickly. Ii'ill them ivith such odds and ends as spent matches, scraps of bacon rind, stumps of candles and so on. Before washing ebony brushes West Vancouver High School Troughtou 5 Barrow Ambleside Tea Rooms Ferry Wbnrf WEST VANCOUVER Comp nnd P)cmc Snppbeev Tobnccoe, etc. Bny n LOT iop e Home; e Home means n LOT. Real Estate 8& Insurance HEKE S)NCN 14)O Dnndepnve Phone West 33 School will reopen after the Christmas holiday, Monday, JanuabT 3rd, at 9 o'lock. February 9th, 1926, has been fixed as the date for the Inter- High School debate with North Vancouver. The debate will be held in the Hollyburn Theatre and musical numbers will be a prominent part of the pro- gramme. Ray Bros. Tailoring Co. BIGGEST BARGAIN YET OFFERED Genuine English Navy Serge Suit, made j to your own measure by our own skilled workmen. Regular value $50. "What, another row with your wife7 What's the trouble this time?" "The same old thing -- she' right and I don't agree with her.'he --DMen have no hearts." He--DYes, they have, when they meet you they lose them." DI'm glad to meet you.n 'Tm mighty glad to let you meet me." rub the wood with vaseline. This will prevent the ammonia or soda used in the washing water from spoiling the ebony. When bamboo furniture be- comes dirty, snub it with luke- 80 Hastings Street West Automobile Club Members You have an Olgo)n) Gerege and Towing Service in this Distpiot. West Vau Auto Service DUNDARAVB Phono West ill Free Towing to bfembere. warm lather to which has been added a handful of salt. Rinse J. M. Morgan WEST VANCOUVER Teacher of Voice Pro- duction and Singing in cold water. Do not make wet- ter than necessary. w classes n& w formed WEST VANCOUVER AssociationRatepayers'hones West 173Seymour 30580 Regular monthly meeting will be hckl at Ambleside Hall Tuesday next, January 4th, 1927, at 8 p.m. Business: Report of Committees on Improved Postal Facilities and Ferry Landings. Address of the Chairman of School Board on the High School Bylaw. An invitation is herewith extemle&l to all camli&latcs for Reeveship, Council, School Trustees nml Police Commission to address this meeting. HARRON BROS. a& WILLIAMSON jf'uneral fmirectarII North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 FUEL DryBark, Coal 8 Wood of ail kinds, Marine Woodyard (G. E. Currie, Prop) 26th and Marine Phone IVest 112 Satisfaction Guaranteed Ratepayers Assn. Rain Gauges Hold Meeting To Be Purchased