001B6C2E December 31, 1926 THE WEST VAN NEWS New Scholars Asked West Vancouver To Register in Jan. Scottish Society Everything for that The Hollyburn Lumber Co., Mal y 55 I S i(ac. I. 9 Ft f, P 't 18 dl i&i ellspL p'rincipal Brealey wishes to ascertain for the purpose of grading the pupils who will re- gister for the first time in Feb- ruary. He trusts that parents or guardians of children who will be six years of age on or before the 1st of February will send full name with date of birth and place of residence to him during the first week of school--January 3rd to 7th, 1927. This applies to all schools~t Hollyburn, Twenty-secoml Le~Street and Dundarave." In consequence of the preva- lence of influenza, colds, etc., the trustees have instructed that all rooms be thoroughly disinfected and fumigated before the re- opening of schools on January 3 I'd. Marriage of Miss Hazel Currie The marriage of Miss Hazel Currie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Currie, 2712 Marine Drive, to Mr. James Gannon of Vancouver took place at her father's home on Monday eve- ning. Rev. A. M. O'Donnell per- formed the ceremony in the drawing room, which was beau- tifully decorated for the happy occasion with yellow 2nd white chrysanthemums. The bride and groom were supported by Mr. and Mrs. D. Macdonald, and only the immediate family were present. The bride, who was given away by her father, looked charming in a dress of maize georgette and carried a bouquet of roses and narcissus. Follow- ing the ceremony a sumptuous wedding supper was served, the tables being decorated with ye(- low and white chrysanthemums. The happy couple left later for their future home at Vine Street nd Broadway, Vancouver. Kelso-Yates At the United Church Manse, West Vancouver, on Wednesday evening at 5 o'lock, the mar- riage took place of Thomas Kelso of Capilano and Sarah Alice Yates of Ambleside, West Vancouver. The Rev. A. M. O'Donnell officiated and the wit- nesses were Mrs. Elizabeth H. Rhodes, sister of the bride, and Frank Barlow of Lynn Valley. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Kelso left for a honeymoon tour in the interior. On their return they will reside at Capi- lano. More Water for Higher Levels Residents of the higher levels will soon be given some measure of relief from the water short- age that is at present causing them considerable inconveni- ence. The council on )Vednes- day night passed a resolution &that a G-inch main be laid on ueen's Avenue from Eleventh 'treet West to or as near to wenty-eighth Street as the re- serve fund permits. Another resolution was passed to the effect that the engineer be requested to prepare a report. plan, and estimate on the supply of water all along the lower lands from West Bay to Horseshoe and White Bay, on the lines sug- gested by Mr. Clevelaml, an&1 also an estimate for from one to two miles of G-inch main from Eleventh Street West along Queen's Avenue to supply the higher lands, The next regular meeting of the above society will be held on Friday, January 21st, at 8.15 o'lock, in the "Clachan." Mr. J. H. Young will be in charge of the programme and members may bring a friend. Intending members please communicate with membership committee, phone West 98R3. The third annual Burns sup- per will be held in the "Clachanu Hotel on Tuesday, Januat~ 25th, at 7.30 o'lock. A full an- nouncement will be made later. President, phone IVest 13GL; secretary, West 101. W. B. A. A most enjoyable card partv was held on 1Vednesday evening, December 22nd, in the New Ambleside Hall, under the aus- pices of the West'ancouver Women's Benefit Association. Mrs. Sara Romans made a most capable convener and Mr. Elgar acted as M. C. Prizes were won by the following: First, turkey, Mrs. Jorgensen; second, chicken, Mrs. Peach; second, chicken, Mrs. Ogilvie; travelling prize, box of mince pica, Mrs. Greene, hidden prize, plum pudding, Mrs. Clifford; consolation, ham and pork saus- ages, Mrs. Mary Grisedale and Mr. Faulkner. Refreshments were served at the- close of a delightful eve- ning's entertainment. The (postponed) regular meet- ing of this Review (No. 24) will be held on Wednesday evening at 8 p.m., in the home of the commander, Mrs. Laura Ed- wards, Bellevue and Twenty- first. Please note date: Decem- ber 29th. The public installation of of- ficers, to be held in Hotel Van- couver, will be on February 2nd, instead of the date formerly mentioned. West Vancouver Review will be participants in this auspicious and interesting event. BOYS'HOIR There will be no practice of the Boys'hoir on Saturday next, Januat~ 1st, New Year' Day. "I suppose you knoiv all about the dangerous places in this channel?" said a passenger to the pilot. "Nope," replied the pilot. oYou don'!" exclaimed the passenger. "Then why are you in charge of this wheel?" "Because I know where the bad places ain'." COUGH and COLD Cough Syrup Grip Fix Black Cough Drops Horehound Drops L I,. Ik C. Thermogcne, etc. Ouc Phones sre WEST 37 sud WEST 606 THE WEST VAN PHARNACY THE DUNDARAVE PHARNACY Death of Mrs. H. Charman The death of Mrs. FI. Char- man, 1540 Forty-eighth Avenue East, Vancouver, who had been ailing for the past year, took place on Thursday evening, her husband having pre-deceased her some years ago. The deceased, a native of Eng- land, was in her 86th year and had lived in this province for the past forty years. She was well- known in West Vancouver, hav- ing at one time been a resident here for a considerable period. The funeral was hekl on Monday at 2 p. m. from Nunn and Thompson's chapel and inter- ment was made in the Ocean View Burial Park. She leaves to mourn her loss one son, Mr. Frank Charman of Chemain us, and seven daugh- ters, Mrs. P. H. Johnson, West Vancouver, Mrs. J. E. Kent, Mrs. J. L. Pridham, Mrs. J. Tupper, Mrs. F. Cock, all of Vancouver, and Mrs. N. Lang and Mrs. T. Toinbee of Chemainus. D. MORGAN, J.P. NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE asd INSURANCE Twenty-fifth aud Marine Dr. Phone West 4 Hollyburn Barber Shop MARINE DRIVE aud 15th. Opp. the Wept Van. Lumicv Co First Class Work in Ladies', Gentlemen and Children's Haircutting No appointment is necessary. Just come when it's most con- venient for yourself. G. RADLAND, Proprietor PHONE 4SSL J H REID FIILTo N Sand, Gravel and General Teamwork A Public Meeting will be held at the AMBI.ESIDF. H AI.I. on THURSDAY, JANUARY 6th at 8 p.ni. at which the Reeve and Chairnien of ifiluniripal Committees will report on the activities of their departments for the year nuw closed NOTI C; E Annual Public Meeting LIMITED LUMBE~HINGLESc(ASH--DOORS--FINISH CoalmOIIt Coal and Pembina Peerless Coal Foot of Eighteenth and Waterfront Oflice Phone: WEST 64 Residence'EST 92R2 Wishing all my clients and friends Khe IEompltments of the Season and thanking them for their patronage during the year. ,„„, „„„„.,„, M.WILLIAMS „„„„„,„, GUSTO%I TAILOR WE CALL AND DELIVER PHONE WEST 20 SAVORYc%. DUVAL REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 1429 Marine Drive Phone West 114 Phone West 84 For Sand, Gravel Truck Work Etc. H P. Tearoe l 640 Heywood Ave. West Vancouver Br. J&. F. Kuipfel Physician and Surgeon ELECTRICAL 2nd ULTRA-VIOLET RAY TREATMENTS Ambleside Block, Cor. 14th and Marine Office Phone West 166 FORTUNE CUP INN AFTERNOON TEA REFRESHMENTS 25th St. and Waterfront FRANIAR Montessori School 18th aud Esquimait Sensory training; preparation for reading aud writing; de- veiopmeot of language; begin- ning of number work; ear train- iug and haruiouy; rhythmic and folk dancing included. 51rs. W. D. Fraser Phone West 93 L Terms Reasouobie TAXI Phon ~ t WEST Iia Res.: WEST ISOL F. Newman 5 D. Robbins BUILDERS House Painters, Paperhaagets aud Eaisomiuiug Reasouabie Terms Peep o'ay slathers th 29th House Phone West 43TR3 Uernon Feed Store A. C. SE.'IRLE Phone West 9 FEED, FUEL, CE5IENT Etc. Ivest 105 Ivest 105 For Heater, Range or Furnace EAST WEI.I.INGTON I.UliIP GALT FGG for Heater or Furuace for the I&sage 3IOST HE.'&T FOIt YOUR iIONEY The East Wellington aud Gait Coal is recogaised es the best coat on the market. THE WEST VAN SUPPLY (E. H. Nlinions) 14th and filarine--I'hone West IO,i North 4, West Vancouver Stages Office aud Waitiug Room: 5 Lousdaie Avenue SCHEDULE FOR New Years Day Leave North Vancouver--A. M. 8.00, 9.20, 10.40, 12.00 noon P. M. 1.20, 2.40, 4.00, 5.20, 6.40, 8.00, 9.20, 10.40, 12.00 midnight, 1.20 A. M. Leave Cypress Park--A. M. 8.45, 10.05, 11.25, P. M. 12.4o, 2.05, 3.25, 4.45, 6.05, 7.25, 8.45, 10.05, 11.25.