001B6C2E THE WEST VAN NEWS D&eemher 31, lq28 Classified Ads. DRESShlAEING -- Homo or by doy. hits. Robbins, 29th opd Ma&bets. Phone Woo& 4$7R$. FOUR-ROC)i modern bungalow, nito garden opoto opd garage, &o lease for o )wot. Phone 'West 485IL WANTED TO RENT--Foot or fir@- too&pod bungalow, fotpiobod or op- futpiobtd. Phone West 64SL RE&YARD--Lost op Christmas Doy. near 26th ond Matins, o gold bot Pin, oti with three pootio. Phono hnoo MoC&upg. Woo& 696LI. FOR RENT--Furnished booot, foot rooms opd bath. Good gotdop. Ap- ply 2078 Marine Drive. OUR MORTGAGE I'LAN ptoridoo for free discharge of the loan in the eton& of the bottowot'o death. Soo ps for loans, insurance or anything in the btoketogo Bno. IVo want listings of lots, acreage ond bopsoa BYRNELL a DIAY At the Ferry ending. Phone West IIS FOR S.hl.~toto on hist&st Drive, with modern living accommodation fot famuv in rear. Good terms. FOR RE'&T--Store on hist&no Drive ot A&pblesidt, 616 pot month op year's lease. SAVORY &9 DUVAL I'bono hvoo& I&4; Evenings, hVto& 143 R. P. CLARK a Co.. LTD. EXCEI.I.ENT view IoLo, within &ep toinette of Ferry Landing and fac- ing sooth. $550 on terms. LOVELY Homo Bungalow. Ettty possible convenience and comfort. Haniwood Roots, electric range, two nice lots in Iewn opd full toi- t&vs&ion. Sound investment at 64~ on terms of quarter cash, balance like tent. IL P. CLARK a Co LTD. 82$ Hastings St. W. Soy. 748$, 7484 Local Roptoooata&ito C. J. ARCHER. West 65IL Whimsical Review Mrs. Pack--"I'e cut my fing- er." Charlady--"You want some- thing ycu can thtist around it.I'l fetch hfr. Peck." o o o Diner--"Look here, waiter! There is n grey hair in this port!'aiter--"Yes, sir; very likely, sir. You see, that wine is over two hundred years old." ~ o o She--?Sfeet me at the library tonight at 7 o'lock." It--oAll right; &that time will you be there." Auto Tourist--"I clearly had the right of way when this man ran into me, and yet you say I was to blame." Local Cop -- "You certainly were." Autoist--"Why?" Local Cop--"Because his fath- er is Mayor, his brother is Chief of Police, and I go with his sis- ter." o i o Lady--"Billy Sunday is mar- velous. He has already convert- ed thousands since he started preaching." Gent--"He isn't in it with Henry Ford. He shakes the hell out of millions every day." THE West Van Nerves Pobiiobod Eroty Ftidoy H. HODGSON ood F. F. LOVEGROVB Psbiiobors Boo&atop ood Editorial Office: &361 Motipo Drive Phone Woo& &9L Hail Addtooo& P. O. Box Iei, HoBybeta, IL C. ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION 6).00 o yoat by mou or carrier. News. stands st pot copy. WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society Dundarave Hall, Marine Dr. Dondototo Sepdoy Sort&to o& 11.30 a.a Subject January 2nd: -C.OD" Sosdoy School at Is.es o. a. Testimony hfoo&ing sooty Wed- nesday at 8.)6 p.m. ELIM HALL 2$&b 8& opd .hist&no Dr&to Full Coopoi hive&&ego io be held on Sunday at 7.$0 psm ond hiopdoy, Wednesday apd Ftidoy ot 8 P.i&L Sunday School at 3 D.m. Pastor: T. B. I.F.NNON St. Stephen's Church United Church A joint Watch ifight service &till be held in the United Church on Friday evening, December 31st. nt 11.16. The Rev. A. M. O'Donnell will con- duct the service and the Rev. A. Harding Priest'ill give nn np- proprinte message. Mcmbe&m an&i friends of the local tongre- gntions are cordially invited to nt tend. Special services will be held in the United Church next Sun. day, both morning nnd evening. Appropriate sermons will be preached an&i seasonable music tendered. All friends an&i mem- bers are asked to be present nnd make a good beginning for the'ear. Second Sunday nft&r Christ- mas (January 2nd). 8 a.m., Holy Communion. 10 a.m., Sunday School. 11.16 a.m., Holy Communion. 2.30 p.m., Holy Baptism. 7.16 p.m., Evensong. The preacher at the evening service will be His Grace Arch- bishop de Pencier, nnd Iging David Lodge, A. F. g& A. M., will be in attendance, according to their annual custom. The annual vestry meeting for the purpose of receiving financial and other reports and the election of oiliccrs for 1927 will be held next Thursday eve- ning at 8 o'lock in the Parish Hall. The first meeting of the A. Y. P. A. for the year will take place next Tuesday evening in the Parish Hall. The executive met last Monday night and drafted an instructive and interesting programme for the half year to mid-summer. Owing to sickness the atteml- ance at the Christmas entertain- ments of the Sunday School was considerably below the enroll- ment of the school, but all who came spent a most happy time. Tuesday afternoon the primary department met in the Parish Hall, where a brightly-lit Christ- mas tree won all eyes. Games were played, carols sung, prizes presented and refreshments served. Wednesday evening the main school had supper in the new Ambleside Hall, followed by an attractive programme in which each class took part. The Trail Rangers held 0 hike up Hollyburn Ridge on Thurs- day. FOR WATERFRONTAGE and other property IIOUSES TO RENT, 6'ill 1" liNSURANCE, ETC. see JOHN LAWSON 17th Street Phone West 55 Best Wishes for a Happy New Year. Ail our Bread and Cakes are made on the premises. Bpy them btto ond got sotiofot- tiop STRATTON'S BAKERY AMBLESIDE PIIONE WEST 27 W. r.E. DURRANI, D.C., r.A.C. Palmer School Gtodunio CHIROPRACTOR 6&4-6&5 Dominion Bldg. 207 Hastings SL hvto& I'hope Seymour &966 The Sun&lay school entertain- ments in connection with the United Church were held last'uesday.The beginners and primary departments wns held in the church hall in the after- noon from 2 to 4. A bright little programme was rendered by the children and a number of games played nnd at the close refreshments, candies nnd oranges were served. A large number of pupils and parents turne:I out at the New Ambleside Hall, where the enter- tainment for the larger and older scholars was held. An in- teresting programme of songs, recitations and drills was given. Games were played, in which all joined. At the close each pupil was given a box of candy nnd an orange. NORMAND'S GROCERY 14th std NARINE .. Phase Wat gg A Complete Supplyof... GROCERlES and CONFECTIONERY WE DELIVER And oot De&eery map will tnu . Correspondence Established over 6 Years C. J. OVERINr)TON 14th and Marine BARBER Fot the convenience of the ladies of tbo District I have bad tbF toiopboso installed PHONE WEST 136 apd make an oppoio&mopL Editor, IVest Van. News. Open Letter to the Council Some time ago you decided that the time had arrived when bxtension of the present bus bervice to the northerly points of the municipality was impera- tive. First--I should imagine owing to the increasing popula- tion on the higher levels. Sec- ond--Because it will also be the means of bringing in more sei- tlers to these parts. Now, as sponsor to the peti- tion, which contained some fifty signatures. You decided in open council that you would try out two routes: first, along Esqui- malt up Eleventh to Inglewood and then west; second, up Four- teenth Street, along Gordon, up Thirteenth Street, east to Elev- enth and turn west. On the advice of the ferry manager, you had decided to go west from Thirteenth Street, but after dis- cussing the point at some length, you gave me to umlerstand that, whichever route'ou decided, you woul&l certainly give the people east of Thirteenth Street 8 fair deal. I do not think it wouM create any hardship to the western passengers to continue the two blocks along Inglewoo&l to Eleventh Street-. Imagine my surprise on res&ling,thu local paper to find. that you hnPI bbso't lutely gone against the wist)es of thd'aid proper'ty'wners an&i residents east of Thirteenth Street, aml this by the will of the chairman of transportation, whose word seems to be "nil highest." Do you think that this is the community spirit an&I that you are giving fair consideration to the taxpayers east oi'hir- teenth Street, who have for years shared in the upkeep of thc Marine Drive transporta- tion? Yours truly, PETER WAIT, Ex-Councillor. , Baptist Church I Rev. David Long, Pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m. Church Service, 11 a. m. IVeekly prayer serv&ce each Wednesday at 7.30 p.m. DUNDARAVE MEAT MARKET Phone Wtot 6 'RESHMEAT AND FISH ~ioh&)y&uut THE CITY BEAUTIFUL Wo Dot&tot 9&&eSOI~aSfrw I.OTS HOUSES ACREAGE C'. 0 A L SAND GRA VFI. NOTARY PUBI.IC By Dr. Frank 'Crane Arthur S. Bent, upon assuming the duties of president of the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, made an address which in some respects was remarkable. He did not talk about city plans for people to make more money, about fac- tories, water power, electricity, an&I so on. He said the city had already paid enough attention to such things and now it ought to give thought to the higher life. It should have more municipal parks, more music, sculpture and educational institutions. In short, it,gh&)ukl turn its attention away from crass materialism and give some,it attention to the higher and more spiritual values. This is rather a rare note in municipal history. As a rule, such talk is considered thoroughly impractical and academic. It is assumed that a city owes its growth nml development entirely to people's desire to succeed in business. It is doubtful whether this is the case. Perhaps in the long run it would pay a city quite as much to devote its attention to higher things as it does to think nil'hetime about waterfronts, railroads nnd warehouses.'t cannot be denied that life in most of the cities of North America is somewhat sordid. The cities are ugly. Those situated upon lakes or rivers give over their waterfronts to' commercial purposes and they remain unl&eautiful. If a city were to have definite plans for beautifying itseli and for cultivating the arts, doubtless it would attract as many as are attracted now by hope of gain. For a city to be known as an srt centre nnd 8 place of beauty will appeal to thousands of people. Many would like to raise their children in such surroundings. Many more would like to live out their own days in such an environment. On the whole, if any city can be induced to devote itself more to the spiritual values it will be found that the other values will follow. It is true of cities as of an individual that if they first seek "the kingdom of God all these other things shall be n&l&lml to them." That is, if we understand by the kingdom of God the kingdom of the invisible values. West Van. Investment Company 18th ond Merino Dtito I'bono West i&YE, Doy or Night ~~AC~~~ =seul gear 't'6reetinrts The Burrnrd Laun&lpy, Limited, have just corn. piete&I their first year on ,'&, thq North Shore nnd they, , joined "by their'tair. again thank their numer- ous customers who have so generously made this a year of success. May 1027 I&ring to nll health, prosperity and happiness. The Burrard Laundry I.i&o i&ed Poi Props itho Arr Paiuoofw 70&$ 9 579627 io4 57. DST&9$ North Vancouver Phone H. H. Dullard, North 1310 Mgr. ;„i A Happy and Prosperous i'EI New Year. ": SI4 li D'S GROCI4 leY I', GROCERIES, HARDYVARE. I'AINTS it& OII,S ii. i We close at I p. m. every Thursday. Marine Drive, Ambleside. Phone West 28 i. FR66 DELIVERY 'i 'i 'i i i o " o I ii dr BI& rriuf&P I I s«crt tbe pui siu psdiug tbe I gisiet He tfu fer tusfY'lans 'r gu",g( YM will Mike 1st befe+fuii usm'&be Tbjs spl 1637' buts I il'ydDu ,1 su ltu&e bate I trusts b Pmsbet 'umigst@ sud,u I Icl Dpeuiug 0 3rd. Marriage bliss Tbe msrr&I Currie,dsugb stewart Cu'dye 10 ihii'ancouver t~ fstber'6 born ning. Bev. A formed tb drawing r«u tifullY dMD" occasion will cbryssutbem greem Were sud Mrs, D. 1 tbe immedi present. The brig& sway by cbsrmiug iu georgette su of roses sud iug the cere wedding sup; tables being low sud wbii The happy & their future ud Bteadw: Kel At the Ii lVest Vsse& evening at riage took Kelso of ( Alice Ystei Vancouver. O'Deuuell & uesses wer Rbudes, Ii) Frank Bat After tbe &hits. Kelsp tour in tb, return tbe lane. More q Resideul will soon b «relief I uge that i them ence. 'lsy uigbi tbut 8 Lb lueeu'9 A &teel tye weutyegI serve fuud Auetbtl to tbe ere& requested piss, sud &'ater sl role tyes«d Wbi gested b »sea6 esi'two Bieveutbm Queen'9 fbigbet h„