001B6C2E ~ s ~ I&I A Weekly Newspaper J' I ~ Vol. I . ~L. Circulating i n $1.00 per year. SIX PAGES the District of West Vancouver-Ambleside, Hollyburn, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Cypress Park, Etc. HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., FRIDAY, DEC Weston, Dundarave Newsstands Gc per Copy 31st, 1926 ~ No. 45 (6tcetlngs p'rum Khe Btuniclpal KuunLIl Councillor G. Davies I would like to offer my best wishes for the new year to all citizens of West Vancouver and to express the hope that continued prosperity may be ours, both individually and as a community, throughout the year 1927. We have done well as a municipality in the past and there is no limit to our future if we will combine a sane optimism with hard work. West Van Elections On account of the strong pressure brought to bear on him, which included widely distri- buted petitions, delegations and personal invitations from old friends, Mr. V. V. Vinson, who served four years as reeve and one year on the council, has de- cided that it would be very diffi- cult for bo. ~- allow bis name to stand for nomination as reeve at the forthcoming elec- ions on 15th January. Ex- eeve Vinson has stated that, sl- . ough for private and business persons it was against his own interests to allow his name to go on the nomination papers, he has decided, in a spirit of public duty, to stand for reeve in view of the fact that he still appar- ently enjoys the confidence of the voters, as evidenced by the many requests made to him, privately and by the delegation, which included representatives from all sections of the district from Capilano to Whytecliff. PROBABLE CANDIDATES The name of Mr. S. Gisby is being mentioned as a possible opponent to Mr. Vinson for the office of reeve. Mr. Edington, the chairman of the Board of School Trustees, is expected to stand for oflice, but it is doubtful if Mr. Yates will again be a candidate. Get Your Motor Licence Motorists of Greater Van- couver and officers of the pro- vincial police are in for a merry time in January, judging by the small number of 1927 motor 'ienses so far issued. Decem- r 31 is the last day that 192G li ense plates may be displayed &fn cars and out of the 40,000 licenses required in the metro- politan area only 4,000 have been issued, or one-tenth of the total. With only two more days to go the provincial police find the case a serious one. Warnings have been issued aml a check-up ordered after midnight of December 31. Licenses are being issued to- day. Councillor J. B. I.eyland In extending the season' greetings to the residents of West Vancouver one views with satisfaction the continued progress of our municipality and hopes that the citizens generally will enjoy a full measure of this prosperity. At no time in the history of the municipality has there been such a large in- crease in the construction of new homes as in 1926 and there is every reason to believe that we are steadily becoming one of the finest residential areas adjacent to the city of Van- couver. The year just closing has been an exceptionally busy one, many demands being made upon the municipal exchequer. However, if sound economic principles guide our future policies, and all suggestion of a boom is avoided, there is every reason to look to the future with confidence, be- lieving that difficult prob- lems now confronting the municipality will be grad- ually solved and that our progress will be steady and lasting. Bus Schedule- for Higher Levels The new bus service will be started on the higher levels next Monday morning, 3rd January. The bus will leave Twenty-fifth and Inglewood at 7 a.m., 7.30 a.m., 8 a.m., and 8.45 a.m., re- turning to Inglewood and Twenty-fifth from the dock on the arrival of the ferries. In the afternoon the bus will leave Twenty-fifth and Ingle- wood at 4.45 p.m., 5.30 p.m. and 6.30 p.m., and will leave the ferry dock at 5 p.m., 5.45 p.m. and 6.45 p.m. The above schedule is a ten- tative one and will be changed later if it is found that it does not suit the majority of the travelling public on the higher levels. An advertisement rela- tive to the new schedule appears in this issue. Reeve and Councillors to Address Meeting A public meeting will be held at the Ambleside Hall on Thurs- day, January 6th, at 8 p.m., at which time the reeve and chair- men of municipal committees will report on the activities of their departments for the year now closed. The next rehearsal of the West Vancouver Musical Society will be held on Monday, 3ixl Janus'. THE RETIRING REEVE Reeve David Morgan I extend to all residents of West Vancouver the compliments of the season" . and wish them continued prosperity through the coming year. The present year has been one of the most pros- perous in the history of the district and we can reason- ably anticipate a steady growth in the years to come. Great attention is now focussed upon West Van- couver and when the Lions'ate bridge becomes an as- sured fact, no one can fore- tell the possibilities of the municipality. Much good work has been done by the present and previous coun- cils which will have a ma- terial effect in the develop- ment and growth of the dis- trict. Councillor Davies announces definitely that she will be a can- didate for re-election at the forthcoming municipal elections. Councillor Davies was elected in 1925 for a two-year period. NEW LICENSE TAX RESCINDED The business people of West Vancouver have been informed by the wholesalers in a circular letter that, owing to the new license imposed by the North Vancouver City council ($20 each six months), they will be unable to continue free delivei~ of goods in West Vancouver after December 31st and that it would be necessary for them to take delivery of the goods at the Vancouver warehouses and to use their own equipment in do- ing so. This matter caused consider- able agitation and forced the North Vancouver City council to rescind the tax. Hence goods will be delivered to the local tradespeople on the same basis as hitherto. Councillor J. T. Watt I wish the people of West Vancouver a happy and a prosperous New Year. Our municipality is on the eve of great develop- ment. The past two years have seen more real pro- gress made than any previ- ous years and we can look with confidence to the con- tinued growth. The ultimate greatness of our district and of a Greater Vancouver needs the assistance of every one of us, for it is only by co- operation that progress is made. The Lions'ate bridge, local roads, sewers and water are all questions needing specific attention during the coming year and much discussion will be given these things. I feel that the year 1927 will be one of the outstand- ing years in the history of West Vancouver and I be- lieve the district will make . just as rapid progress as the most optimistic can wish. Councillor K. A. Ray My heartiest greetings to the residents of West Van- couver, and wishing all a very happy and prosperous New Year. I trust that with your cordial co-operation the municipality will continue to prosper and that further progress will be made to the satisfaction of all. Christmas Mail Heaviest in History The postmasters report a par- ticularly heaiy Christmas mail This was the heaviest in the ex- perience of IVest Vancouver, be- ing very greatly in excess of last year. The postmasters and their staff have had to put in long hours to cope with the rush. That they have done so well with the facilities at their disposal only goes to show how desir,.us they were that everyone should receive their Christmas mail on time. TEMPUS FUGIT Another year approaches its end and, to those of us who have reached middle age, how short a period it seems since ive ushered it in as a new-born youngster. As year succeeds year in rapid succession we are prone to remark, as our fathers did before us and our children will do after us, hoiv much more swiftly time seems to pass as ive grow older. )Ve hark back to our early childhood when a week seemed an eternity to wait for Christmas or any other notable event; to our yean of adolescence when the few remaining years of our school- days stretched out before our niinds like so many centuries; to our courting days when the year or two that must intervene before we shoukl be in a position to marry appeared like un- ending periods; and then we see ourselves married and settleil down. with rent days succeeding each other so swiftly we feared they might soon overtake each other and possibly even overlap. (Sometimes they did!) (Continued on page 6.) Remarkable Increase In Building Figures for 1926 Almost Three Times Those of 1925 The record of the building permits for West Vancouver for the year 1926 shows the phenomenal growth of the dis- trict. The total amount is almost three times as much as for 1925. The figure up to date is $430,048, as against $ 183,930 for last year. One remarkable fact as shown by the figures is that a much better class of house is being erected. During tne year 1925 the average cost of new buildings was $880, whereas this year the cost is $1,700. For purposes of comparison ive give herewith the figures for each year from and including 1920 to 1926. No. Value 1920 ............................. 158 $116,665 1921 ............................. 286 20G,680 1922 .........,.................. 171 118,G03 1923 ............................. 128 133 560 1924 .............................. 173 150,235 1925 ........................... 210 183,930 1926 .............................. 258 430,048 From a perusal of these figures it ivill be noticed that ivith the exception of 1921, when a large increase occurred, a gradual increase has taken place up to this year, when the figures jumped to almost three times those for 1925. This growth is going to continue. )Vest Vancouver is in for a period of expansion and development, but this condition is only going to make more ivork for our council)ois, anil, when we criticize them, we should also remember that it is almost impossible for public improvements to keep pace ivith such rapid growth.