001B6C27 If You Want li 4)u)ck)y PHONE WEST 469 ~ad we'l aaad ii fight away ) Bnx Jap Oranges and ! I Box Delicious Apples fnr $ 1.75 Swftb's Grocery (A. HARVEY SDIITH, Prop) SiSIteS ttatt A Rettu (ihriStmaS GROCERIES, HARDWARF DRY GOODS dk SU&VDRIES Phone yaar wan&a aad «c will a&re yaa Oaick dciicccy ZDTH AND hIARINE, Opp. Ilandararc HaD I'banc WEST 469 XMAS TOYS AND PRESENTS We have a good selection at Bargain Prices to clear CHRISTMAS DAY Christmas is with us once again with its decorations and gifts, its laughter and general goodwill of all the world to his neighbor. It is the time when, if possible. the members of a famiLV strive to gather tngether under the old roof tree tn feast and sing the old carols that delighted us in our chi)dhond and which still carry the same strong appeal as they did to our forefathers in past centuries. Christmas is the season when nur minds go back into the past. We like to remember for a few hours life as it was before modern machinery was invented. Our eyes feast on pictures of the old hostelries and the gaily-painted coaches and fours spanking along up to their hospitable doors. There is ahvays snow on the ground, the coachman and passengers are always wrapped up to the ears in greatcoats and mufl)ers, and in spite of the cold, as shown by their red noses, they are afi fified with happiness. Possibly the minds of some of us wander back to that first Christmas morn. when from out of the deep blue black of the eastern sky the angels appeared singing their songs to the shepherds on guard over their sheep on the barren rocky hillsides of old Judea. We think of those mysterious wise men who came from we know not where, and their mission of worship of the Christ child in the manger accomplished, van- ished, we know not whither. We recall our lost childhood and feel small and old until, vi hen we see our own children happily playing around vfith their new toys, ive have their happiness and gladness reflected in ourselves. That, after all, is the secret of the gladness that charac- terizes Christmas, the gladness that comes of giving and of genera) goodwill. The veriest curmudgeon finds it difficult to hold a grudge on such a day, and even on that first Christmas Day in the trenches, before the fight waged bitter, a truce was kept. Today, in the bitter struggle for existence, the civilized world, too, keeps that truce. Christmas is the one day in the year when we cease to war on our neighbours, and if we have more poor in our midst than ever before, a real eifort is being made by many to alleviate, for one day at any rate, the hardships of their existence. How fortunate it would be, and how much happier the whole world would be if we would continue the Christmas spirit of kindness to our brother man throughout the year. Our civilization would then be in deed, as it is in name, Chris- tian, and the troubles that most aifiict us today would vanish aJa a)'. ELECTION RUMOR hfuch interest in the coming municipal election appears to be developing. The names of many are being freely men- tioned as possible candidates for the council. The desire to have Mr. Vinson as the next reeve is very general an&i dele- gations are, we understand, to visit him with this object in view. It would seem that not for many years has there been such a united demand for one particular man in oflice. The council, however, does not carry the same unanimity. In addition to the three candidates mentioned in our last issue, i.e., Councillors Watt and Davies and hfr. W. hfc4duaker, the names of three other possible candidates are mentioned with great persistency--hir. J. J. Dutton, past president of the local Liberal Association and who has had municipal experience; hir. Peter Waite, who was defeated at the elections last January, and hfr. Jackman, who vfas formerly a member of the council as well as of the school board. There is a possi- bility of still other candidates coming forward, and altogether it seems as if we are to have a most interesting election, even if the reeveship should be filled by acclamation. Delegation Calls on Mr. Vinson An indication of the interest of the voters in the coming election was evinced on Tuesday evening, when a representa- tive body of influential citizens, representing au points of the fnunicipality from the Capilano to Horseshoe Bay, waited upon ex-Reeve V. V. Vinson for the purpose of extending to him an invitation to accept the nomination of Reeve for the coming year. Each delegate individuafiy voiced the opinion that con- sidering his past experience and meritorious service to the municipality, his election would be assured if he would afiow himself to be nominated. The visit of the delegation was a complete surprise to hlr. Vinson, especially as it contained representatives from all sections of the municipality, including Whytecfitf. After the delegates had spoken. ex-Reeve Vinson gave an interesting historical review of the earlier days of West Vancouver, cov- ering the period from )902 to the present time, and, while expressing his appreciation of the honor accorded him, re- quested that he be given a few days in which to seriously consider the matter and give his decision. THE WEST VAN. NEWS December 34, )938. Carols Will Be Broadcasted A surprise program and a series of Christmas caio)s to be sung by a chnrus from the Chil- dren's Aid home, Vancouver, will be the feature of a Christ- mas eve broadcast to be given over C. N, R. V. Following this program, in ivhich the kiddies will furnish numerous novelties, the B. C. Musical Festival choir nnd nr- chestra from Wesley Church will give a special program of Christ- mas numbers. The chil&lren'6 program will be held from 7.$0 tn 8 p.m. and the chnir and or- chestra will brnadcast com- mencing nt 9 o'lock. The usual nightly dance program from the Hotel Belmont will be broadcast from 10 to 11 o'lock. The Christmas tree in Sugar's West Van. Jewel)cry Store is well worth seeing. It carries lots of valuable presents for cus- tomers. AH purchasers of sfii and over can make their nwn choice. f&Apfvp&aaApAaAI~~.-a ApAfca Af~ap&WO~~ApApAp JLJ Don't Take Any Chnnces on Ji .„':'Your Xmas Diaaer U Better be safe than sorryq'e will have our usual supply nf 4)uafity TURKEYS. GFESE, JI CHICKENS, etc. SPECIAL XMAS BEEF J Swifts'remium and Burns'hamrock HAMS t«",'„«, JEFFERIES Next to Holiyburia Theatre I'HONE WEST 3 WE DELIVER ! i',. RP rninll nor frinii&II ub Itrr)t 3&upplI Xlllnn I t -- C J'I' a a 4cf& a 1 i a i 1 '& a& "r~'& c 1 & d a %dp West Vancouver Lumber Co. LIMITED 16th and Marine Phone West 116 I&EsIDENcE I'HDNE: wFAT fag Lumber, Lath, Shingles Inside Finish etc. Quality Guaranteed. SERVICE Mr. Hugh hfay, with his sister, Mrs. J. Clarke, will speml Christ- mas with their brother at Evcrett, IVash. Dundaraue Hairdressing Parlor lliariac 1)rive, Oppaaiic Ifandaravc Haii MARCEI, WAVING -- HAIRCUTTING FACIALS nnd VIOI,ET RAY Phone West 170 for appointment Ferry Service Xmas Duy Qoi 0 &)Qo)& 0 &))~0~)QO GREE TINGS 0 Qo TO OUR hIANY I'ATRONS AND FRIENDS: The spirit of the season permits us Io wish you increased Happi- ncss nnd )'fnspcfily in the coming year. hiay your liusiness dealings with others be ns pleasant as ours have been with you. NORTH SHORE MOTORS LIMITED 0 135 First Street West, North Vancouver Phone North 1185 Phone North 1350 Qoli 0 &))~0~)~~QO) ~ 0 i)QO The ferry service on Christ- mas Day will be the same as on Sundays, i.e., boats will leave Amblesi&le at 8 a.m. and every Wish)ng My Customers and I'riends Vancouver 830 a.m. and every hour until I~)~30 pm. Ii P )Qggttg @ftftggttttgg Customer--"I want to return a@~ J.this book I bought, 'Stories for I AH occasions.' ','RED TITE, The Shoe RePair Man!'HE EIEC1RIC SHOE REPAIR SHOP in it for a man to tell his wife li Next to Kevio's Furniture Store, Ambleside when he gets home late. ~%eau~~~~~~~~~~ag~ag~~~~ & Sine )ru)cllcrl) for Christmas I Nothing is more acceptable or more lasting. You can bay in West Vancouver at city prices--aad even less. A FEiv SUGGESTIONS: For FATHER IIIOTHER SISTER BROTHER BABY Emblem Ring hiaaici Clock Wrist Iva&ch ivaich Ring Cuff Links Small Fancy Clock Ring Ring Brooch Watch Chain Cake Basket hiaaicurc Sci Belt Buck)a Bracelet Stick Pia Sugar aad Cream Sci Purse Cigarette Case Locket Cigar Case Salad Servers Bracelet I"iaahiighi Chain Pocket IVaiici Console Sci Pearls Pencil Spoon Pocket Flask Cat Glass Brooch Knife Fork Sct Signet Ring Community Ware Locke&a cic Cigarette Holder Fgg Cup A good selection of IVriai and Pocket Watches at lowest prices. Rcmcmbcr wc are watch apcciaiiaia and Va when ycu boy from ua your,guarantee ia assured an&i protected. With every purchase af gii.ou or over you $P are entitled io choose a free gift from the Christmas tree. Come and acc. JI THE WEST VAN JEWELLER, 1464 Marine Drive, Amb)ca)dc Df (W. SAGAR) Rca. Phone West 666Y Opposite Wcai Vaa Garage~Kg~~~ac~~ag~~acRC~ Rc aa %CKC~~ r ~ d~ 6 6 Cif I would liki year to 9" the DOP'foapority b,tk iudifidu mmgoity& tl y&.af )DET )Ve have muo)c)POB y au&i there is I future ii,"., aaoe opt)m'" work. West VN Ou account pfeaaufe bleu g) which included buted Petitions, personal iafih ffieuda, )llf, V. served four Ye one year on thi cidcd that it w& DDb Cg)t inf )if&a m name too)aud i reeve at the I aj)oua og )5tl )t cafe Vinson h , ough for pfii fcaaous it was interests to afl& on the uomiui haa decided, in duly, to ataod of the fact th, eutly enjoys 1 the voters, as many request privately aud I which include from afl Iectio from Capflauo PRI)1)ABLE The name o being meutioi oPPoueut to I) ofl)co of foeyo Mr, Ediugt& &if the Boar&) o ia exPected t& but it ia dogb wfll again )Ja i Get Your I hlotoriata couvef aud of viucial police Itime iu Jauuai small number ..Qduaea ao fa&f 3) is the) )L:ouse P)a)ea&'a cars aud &licenses foquii Polltau area totaL Wit)Jto go th 0 the proe case a ao 'i Warnings )aud 6 c)Jack.& m)dnlg)J) of ceuaoa areay.