001B6C27 The schools closed last Friday afternoon for the Christmas va- cation and re-open on hlonday, January 3rd, 1927. During the present month an epidemic of'Flu'as very evident among both staff and pupils, but we hope that au traces of same will have completely vanished before school ~pens. In the meantime the janitors of the different schooL~ are at work thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting the buildings and furniture. AH the rooms were prettily decorated by the pupiL~ of the various classes, for the ckming exercises of Friday afternoon, and the session was largelv spent in song and seasonable games, many presents being ex- changed among pupils and teach- ers. The returns of the Christmas examinations are not quite com- plete owing to sickness, but fol- lowing gives names of three leading pupils in most of the classes: Pauline Johnson School 22nd Street Grade I--First Term; Moira L Jones. Jack ihfssterman, Stan- ley Green. Second Term--Howard L. hh~ raw, hfarion L Sparrow, Doro- thy J. Eccleston. Grade 2--First Term -- Joan Sheifield, Joan Parker, Waiter Parker. Second Term--Eunice Turncy, Pat. hiackenzie, Jack hiacLeod. Grade 3--First Term -- John Bradley, Angus hfcTavish, hIar- jorie Rivers. Second Term--John Noe, Peg- gy Barker, hfarjorie Teece. Grade 4--First Term--James hfurray, Edward Sheffteld, Alton Grafton. Second Term--Joan Jeiferies, Fred hfasterman, IViuiam Hawk- em Grade 5--First Term -- John SheiBeld, Jack Edwards, Edwin Partridge. Second Term -- Douglas For- rester, Sam Turner, Isabelle Black. Grade 6--First Term--Chas. Baldwin, Josie Leyland, Gordon Edwards, Dick Bradley. Second Term--Lulu Ray, Tom Dames, Nuriel Dawson. Grade 7--Division 4--Barbara Hadwin, Priscina Schurnle, Don- ald Stewart. Division 3--Margaret Gillett, Jack IVood, Betty Ed&cards. Division 1--hIargaret Reid, Stanley Boshier, Eunice Davies. Pauline Johnson School Houyburn Grade 1--First Term--Jcssie Ritz, Teddy hlcLaughlin, Billy Dickinson. Second Term--Elaine Kissick, Sophia Zielsky, Phyllis Brown. Grade 2--First Term--Anna Pearson, Jack Ritz, Alan user. Second Term--Verne Taylor, Jean Hill, Ian Rush. Grade 3--First Term--Gordon Gibson, Nora Jarvis, Bernice Gibbons. Second Term--Virginia Gam- age, Mary Burns, Bernice Paton. Grade 4--First Term -- Jean Kinlock, Kent ihICCuuoch, John Harper. Second Term--Pearl Robert- son, Helen Ritz, Ida Boshier. Grade 5--First Term--Dor- othy Boshier, Lawrence Coles, Narj orie Crawford. Second Term--Barbara Gam- age. Doris Cuuin, Bert Harrison. Grade 6--First Term--Hazel Brealey, Katherine Gibbons, George IVatt. Second Term--Clayton Stew- art, Nancy Kearns, Thomas Kil- lin. I'auline Johnson School Dundarave Grade 4--First Term--Bobbie IVard, Dickie Lister, Bobbie Rob- son. Second Term--Donald Mills, Valerie Rerrie, Grace hlncmiuan. Grade 3--First Term--Mar- guerite Cole, Kathleen Rerrie, Daisy Stokes. Second Term--hfary Currie, Paul Nathews, Eustace Rerrie. Despite the fact that Novem- ber weather was unfavorable, re- ceipts for trafiic across Second Narrates bridge &vere in excess of those of a year ago by almost 6100 a day, according io reports submitted nt a meeting of dir- ectors last Thursday. Trafnc across the bridge has been steadily increasing during the past few months and al- though not as great as that of summer months. is considerably more than it &vas at this time last year. The annual meeting of the directors will be hekl in January. West Van Scottish Society The Society at its last regualr meeting paid a compliment to its oldest member by unanimously electing him to the oifice of Hon- orary President and by hlr. John Marte accepting the oiBce. The Society has in its mem- bership several &vorthy pioneers but not one so outstanding as IVest Vancouver's first Home Builder. He &vas one of the Society's very first members and takes a keen interest in all its activities. As no Community is complete without the type of man that Mr. Harte is and without the Home Life with &vhich he is surround- ed, so no Society would be en- couraged in their goo&i work without the presence of Mr. and Nrs. John Harte. At a later &late, it is proposed to honor this event in the So- ciety-s history with some form of entertainment, announcement of &vhich will be made in due course. The next regular meeting of the Society will be held on Fri- day evening, January 22nd, at the "Clachan" at 8.15 o'lock. The programme will be in charge of Mr. J. Hayden Young. Members may bring a friend. hlembership Committee, Tele- phone West 98R3. BIrs. Nellie Stevenson is the new librarian for 1926-27. The Society takes pleasure in accept- ing the kind offer of the Holly- burn Library Association of 8 volumes of Scottish History and wishes to thank them for the gift. The arrangement for the Third Annual Burns'upper will be completed early in the new year and a full announcement given later. Death of Constable Shepherd's Father The sympathy of the commun- ity will go out to Constable Shep- herd in the loss he has sustained in the death of his father, who passed away last Friday morning at Scott, near Saskatoon. The late Mr. Robert Shepherd who died on his 86th birthday, was born in Ottawa, but moved to the prairies in the early 70'9, settling at Norquay, a small place between Manitou an&1 Hol- land. He left Manitoba for Sas- katchewan about twenty years ago, where he lived until the time of his death. Only two months ago he and his wife visited West Vancouver, where they stayed with Constable Shepherd. The deceased is survived by his wife and six daughters, Nrs. J. Rennie of New IVestminster, Nrs. Bell of Princeton, Nrs. Ly- man of Lannigan, Sask., Nrs. Beise of Saskatoon, Nrs. hforlow of Taco, Sask., and hirs. Clifford nf Gleichen, Alta. hlr. IValter G. Shepherd of Winnipeg, is a son, as is also Constable Shep- herd. The owners of the Dundarave Hau have donated to the cause of charity the whole of their profits from the operation of the hall for the month of December. Public School Report sEcoND NARRows BRIDGERECEIPTS SHOW HIG G &&IN THE WEST VAN. NEYVS High School Xmas Examinations Leaders in the Christmas ex- aminations: Gra ie XI. 1. Kenneth Garland .......78 2. Jean Hood ................ 73 3. J. Earley........................70 Grade X. 1. Phyllis Leckie....,. 80 2. Bruce Ilnmilton .............78 Albert Ken&lrick..............7G Grade IX. 1. Ruth lliu ........................79 2, DorLs Rchburgcr ..........V7 3. Hilda IViLson ..............VG 2nd Year Commercial. 1. Narion hlchfillan ..........77 2. Irene Gracey ..............G6 3. Dorethy Corbett ............G6 1st Yenr Comme&rial. 1. Grace Cuthbert ............70 2. Connie Thomas ..............G9 3. Mary O'rady ..............G9 Friday evening the IVest Van- couver High School students and their friends enjoyed a very suc- cessful party at the Houyburn School. After a number of most amusing and exciting stunts an&I games, supper was served in the lunch room. At eleven o'lock sharp Santa appeared and from the weu-la&len Xmas tree ha took a present for each. Much a- musement was derived from these presents. Following the home waltz and "Auhl Lang Syne," "God Save the King" was sung and the party broke up in time to catch the 2 o'c'.ock bus. hfuch thanks for the success of the party is due the various committees; Pres. Jean McKen- zie, Blanche Neviue and Regin- al&l Hamilton are especially &le- serving of praise. CHORAL SOCIETY The above Society gave an ex- ceuent concert on Sunday after- noon last in the IVesley Church, Vancouver, under the able baton of Professor J. M. Morgan. The soloists were Miss Anne Ritchie, soprano; Nrs. F. E. Stainsby, contralto; Mr. J. L. Evans, tenor; and Mr. A. Clarke, bass; who at short notice filled the place of Mr. A. J. Addy, who was indisposed. Their work was as usual of the very best and earned much ap- plause. The choir was in excellent form, the general opinion being that the choruses were never better rendered. Many remarked that this was one of the best of this series of concerts so far given. The accompaniments were played by Miss M. McIntyre. For the Ladies Chorus Miss hIc- Intyre played the violin obligato, Miss Anne Ritchie sang the so- prano obligato with Mrs. J. N. Durbin at the piano. Monday night's rehearsal was rather poorly attended no doubt caused by the near approach of Christmas. The next rehearsal will be on ihfonday, January 3rd, usual time and place. A full attendance is hoped for as much remains to be done for the forthcoming Sunday concert at Houyburn Theatre, on or a- bout January 9th. The copies of St. Paul have arrived and several choruses were run through on Monday night. Here is an opportunity for most ambitious and interest- ing studies. Phone West 4 D. MORGAN, J.P. Rear ESTATE hand INSURANCE BROKER Twenty-Sfth snd Ms&inn Dc. PlANQ Mandolin, Banjo, Guitar, su ~tyies occursteiy taught IV. CUTHBERT i'hone West 499Y December 24. 1926. The Hollyburu Lumber CD., I.lhl ITED 1,1ihIBER qHINGI,ES &IASH--DOOIL&L-FINISH Foot nf Flghicenih nnd Waterfront Oiuce I'hone: bVEST G I Residence: WEST 92R2 IVinhin&f all my clients nnd friends Khe Camyltments af the Seasan an&I ih&tnking them (nr their pnironnge during the year. ,„,„„„, „„„„,, Me WILLIAMS,MH„ESH&R CUSTOM TAILOR WE CALL AND DEI IVER pHQNE wEsy 30 SAVORY & OUVAL BEAT ESTATE AND I&sISURANCE idgu hlarine Drive Phone West 114 North IIII West Vancouver Stages Office end Wsiting Room: 9 Lonsdsie Avenue SCHEDULE FOR Christmas jh New Years Day Leave North Vancouver--A. M. 8.00, 9.20, 10.40, 12.00 noon P. M. 1.20, 2.40, 4.00, 6.20, G.40, 8.00, 9.20, 10.40, 12.00 midnight, 1.20 A. N. Leave Cypress Park--A. M. 8.45, 10.05, 11.25, P. M. 12.45, 2.05, 3.25, 4.45, 6.05, 7.25, 8.45, 10.05, 11.26. Phone West 84 For Sand, Gravel Truck Work Etc. ' P. Tearoe 16'Iu Haywood Ave. West Vancouver Sr. 3I. E. KIIIpfel, 4J Physician and Surgeon ELECTRICAL and ULTRA-VIOLET RAY TREATMENTS Ambleside Block, Cor. 14th and Marine Ofiice Phone West 166 FORTUNE CUP INN AFTERNOON TEA REFRESHMENTS 25th St. and Waterfront TAXI PS ~ e~ eI WEST lls Ress WEST ISPL FRAMAR Montessorl School 19th end Espuimsit Sensory training; preparation for reading snd writing; de- velopment of language; begin- ning of number work: esr train- ing snd harmony; rhythmic end folk dancing included. Mrs. W. D. Fraser Phone West 93 L Terms Ressonebie F. Newman & D. Robbins BUILDERS Houso Pointers, I'epechsngevs snd Ksisomining Ressonsbie Terms I'eep o'ey aiethcre S 29th House Phone Wast I37H3 Vernon Feed Store A. C. SEARI.E I'hone West 9 FEED, FUEL, CEBIENT Etc. West 105 West 105 For Heater, Range or Furnace EAST IVELLINGTON LUMI'ALT E(IGv for Heater or Furnace foc the Itsnge 9IOST HEAT FOI& YOUR hIONEY The East Weiiington end Gsit Coal I~ recognised as the best coal on the msrkeL THE WEST VAN SUPPLY (E. H. Miniona) 14th and Marine--I'hone Went 105 Coalnlont Coal and PI:nlbina Peerless Coal I ge/$ l,ine ', g Put 34 A seve"„bbc+' vpw 9 pw tips 9 ha&i vef &9 "'ip tb'ap 9 dditipu 1st pa&tat tbs+ gould I aud it bufe &9 ip oi sefv be&auit," B eugii'9 b uce bu. bapgeal ultef iti/Is add«, umd ip I'fvice ka ibp zt fewae d Iaf tbl H lanithe Ie&H Stftat ta 'b upfti to 'ad tp IPib iiaulag i turning pvi Vbe 1am +'s eypa I ka Ip miuui 3 feaspuable acesaaff d passeug West Va',I Vbe fags west Vailc& gppp teak dafava Hall 'fbera was members an br af dsi present Npftb Vau& shipful Bf York L 0. the chair fa pgicers for abipful Brat Bobiusop an part in the I fallowing wi Warsbipii James Fart iar, Brother & Btv, Brothe 'ec, Sacreb Babiusp Brother Hu er V. Fefg& Brother ii Lecturer, I Marshall, First Camp Brittaa; se Brother lV mitteemau, Fourth Cpi Strong mau, Bfpi Inside Ilk nets. Speeches eral of the refreahmer cauclusiau Cutting TII Besidepi are arausa wvpugbt ii by the fei small iir i, pf kamsa I The eCbn, pn iu IRN weak&ad tressed '9th abai y thats gland [pr IIa Vapcpu Apgry pta make k'ight I'pu wpmd ery wMl4 Believe «paler, 'b mal iu tbe eveu 'av