001B6C27 December 24, 1926. THE WEST VAN NEWS as j)ll b, 26 iI& I5 ben mony dnr. on. mosi ,ding, ithe doom some ng 3 intel- they ol io sber- &Idwj, I'onnl iiber wrist brow atom 'oldcd tnnd IPon- ongbt idn10 bcon- from mind. iodo &Oven, and legree CIdo inthe lyon &Cti'ld erson ng no iojdcl. ,moot, mntr& nppcr Iwith elbow ib the rigid- oibcr I(tinny OP tbc gocoj Offer ,noni. iCOll ciwo , is ino 0 iicrcr light dcrieo :icnce, tjy bo i ton&co iboo" io ibni 'cld bf ,Iibe ngojn Ray Bros. Tailoring Co. Col. Savory Elected Board of.Trade Head Other Officers Elected at En- thusiastic Meeting The first meeting of the newly constituted West Vancouver Board of Trade, since receipt of the charter from Ottawa, was held in the New Ambleside Hall on Monday evening last, Decem- ber 20th; there being about twenty-five members present: Mr. Harry Hodgson in the chair. After reading of minutes, cor- respondence and other prelimin- aries the meeting proceeded with the election of officers. Mr. John Lawson received the highest honor in the gift of the board, being elected Honorary Presi- dent. Colonel W. K. Savory was made the board's first President, Mr. W. McQuaker, Vice-Presi- dent; Mr. H. May, Secretary and Mr. A. Chilton, Treasurer. The executive council consists of Messrs. Ridley (Caulfeild), Daw- son (Cypress Park), Ken Robin- son, H. Moore and A. A. Rerrie (Dundarave), Harrison and Jef- feries (Hollyburn), Hodgson, Knipfel and Tite (Ambleside). The next meeting--January 17th--being the annual meeting it was decided to make it in the form of a banquet and a special committee consisting of Messrs. McQuaker, Rerrie and Roberts was appointed to make arrange- ments necessary for this. Price of tickets for the banquet is not to exceed $LOO. Mail Service The inadequacy of the present postal arrangements was discus- sed at some length and it was decided that the President, with the assistance of a committee comprised of Messrs. Hodgson and Harrison, draft a resolution to be forwarded to the Postmast- er General at Ottawa, the Inspec- tor at Vancouver, General Mc- Rae, the sitting member for the constituency, and to Mr. G. G. McGeer, urging the necessity of improved mail service. Name Plates at Street Corners A resolution was also passed recommending the Public Im- provements Committee to take up with the Municipal Council the question of placing names on street corners and also the num- bering of houses. Chairmen of Standing Committees: Following the general meeting the Executive Council met, and appointed the Chairmen of the various committees, the follow- ing being the nominees:-- Commerce, Industry and Ed- ucation--Dr. Knipfel. Agriculture and Mining -- J. Jeff erie. Transportation -- Ken Robin- son. Tourists and Settlers--S. Har- rison. Public Improvements -- A. A. J. Ridley. Publicity and Information- H. Hodgson. Membership and Grievances- J. H. Dawson. Reception and Entertainment --F. Tite. Finance -- H. Moore. Legislation and Administra- tion--A. A. Rerrie. 80 Hastings Street West Elks'and ConcertWinners in Canadian Legion Raffle Last Sunday evening the Elks'and supported by Mrs. Howard Leggatt, soloist, delighted those who were fortunate enough to be present at the Hollyburn The- atre. The building would have seated more people, but those who were present enjoyed every minute of the programme. The ability of the artists and the cause for which the concert was held deserved a packed house. However, the Elks'hristmas Cheer Fund will receive a sub- stantial amount as a result of the endeavours of the local mem- bers, who organised the enter- tainment. The proprietor of the theatre very generously donat- ed its use. The drawing for the annual I'affle of the West Vancouver branch of the Canadian Legion took place at Ambleside Hall on Monday night. Mrs. W. B. Small, regent of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I. O. D. E., did the drawing. A number of peo- ple were present to hear the re- sults. The raffle was very suc- cessful, netting the Legion over $ 100. A unanimous vote of thanks was passed to Mrs. Small for her kindness in doing the drawing. Below is given a list of the prizes with the prize-win- ners. 1. Turkey--Ticket 23; winner H. Bernice Howell, between 13th and 14th Sts., Marine Drive. 2. $5 Bill--Ticket 408; winner W. Bradbeer, 2555 Dow Rd., Burnaby. 3. Plum Pudding--Ticket 303 winner Geo. T. R. Payne, West Vancouver. 4. Box Biscuits--Ticket 197; winner Mrs. S. Paton, 15th and Esquimalt. 5. Box Chocolates--Ticket 165 winner A. E. James, 21st and Bellevue. 6. 24 lbs. Jam--Ticket 285; Mrs. J. Lawson, Marine Drive. 7. Xmas Crackers--Ticket 805 winner E. Irish, 15th and Hay- wood. 8. I/O ton Coal--Ticket 450; Roy Faulkner, Hollyburn. 9. Box Chocolates--Ticket 384 winner Mrs. D. McTavish, Argyle 10. Pipe in Case--Ticket 231; B. I . Taylor, 1224 Duchess. 11. 24 lbs. Jam--Ticket 134; has. Appleton, Hollyburn. 12. Sack Rolled Oats--Ticket 247; winner E. B. Harrington, 2495 Wall. 13. 4 lb. Chicken--Ticket 526; winner W. R. Taylor, West Van- couver. 14. Sack Sugar--Ticket 111; winner G. Young, West Vancou- ver. 15. Box B. C. Apples--Ticket 386; winner W. Carley, Marine Drive. 16. Roast of Beef--Ticket 380 winner C. Milne, Hollyburn. 17. I/O ton Coal--Ticket 95; winner John M. Kerr, cjo C. N. Dock, Vancouver. 18. 4 lbs. Honey--Ticket 479; winner Geo. Gourlay, Hollyburn. 19. Xmas Cake--Ticket 221; winner F. Cooper, 22nd Street. 20. Parcel Tea 4& Coffee--Tick- et 413; winner R. H. Davis, 2829 25th Ave., E., Vancouver. 21. Flashlight -- Ticket 348; winner F. P. Skeet, Hollyburn. 22. Dressed Doll--Ticket 120; winner Geo. S. Payne, Hollyburn. 23. Xmas Cheer--Ticket 110; winner Bill Taylor, West Vancou- ver. 24. Special Lucky Prize-- Ticket 602; winner Mrs. R. Black Box 70, Hollyburn, Consolation Prizes 1. Two Lbs. Great West Tea- 'icket 446; winner T. Arm- , trong, Hollyburn. 2. Photo Order for $6--Ticket 60; winner F. Richardson, 23rd and Marine. 3. Two Lbs. Great West Tea- Ticket 357; winner J. J. Davis, Dundarave. 4. Flashlight -- Ticket 205; winner G. Hayden, Hollyburn. Mrs. Hodgson Praised The Victoria Times comment- ing on the singing of Mrs. F. X. Hodgson, of West Vancouver, at a recent concert of the Victoria Orchestral Society, had this to say: "The assisting artist was Mrs. F. X. Hodgson, contralto. Mark- ed down in our columns two sea- sons ago Mrs. Hodgson is secure- ly assuring for herself a high pinnacle of vocal achievement. She is a woman of fine gifts, has a gorgeous voice, is thoroughly schooled, and is untiring in per- sonal effort. She sings with rare intelligence, and her selections are always good. Her diction, too, is a treat, her consonants particularly so, and she carries conviction and a sincerity that fail not in reaching the hearts of her hearers. She chose in all six numbers, among which were "Voce di Donna" (Angelic Voice) the great contralto aria from Ponchielli's "La Gioconda," "Im Herbst" (In Autumn) by Franz, one of the most popular of this composer's two hundred or more songs: Coleridge-Taylor's "A Blood-red Ring Hung Round the Moon," and "Invocation to Life," a fine song, both of these suiting her voice superbly. At the con- clusion of each of her three groups, Mrs. Hodgson received continuous and unmistakable manifestations of approval and for additional numbers. She in the order given sang Sanderson's "My Dear Soul," "Top of the Morning," and, by request, "My Heart at Thy Sweet Voice." The singer received adequate and sympathetic support from her accompanist, Mrs. Clifford Warn. Mrs. Hodgson has been engag- ed to take part in the next con- cert organised by the Victoria Orchestral Society. A CHRISTMAS bVISH God bless you, sweet friend this Xmas morn, How blest was I when you were born, For you have taught me how to endure, And bear the Cross, the Crown to ensure. Fair weather friends are all very ivell But when trouble comes, ah! then we can tell That a friend who's a friend in time of need Is surely a very true friend in- deed. Blessings many then, I wish you Now and often, from you know who. "MERRY XMAS" --M. BULICLEY, Dundarave. ST. JOHN'S AhIBULANCE ASSN. FOR WEST VAN. Doctor F. Stainsby and Mr. T. E. Snelgrove on Tuesday made arrangements with Mr. Bates, the North Shore Secretary to hold a St.John's Ambulance class in West Vancouver early in the new year. The actual date has not yet been set, but Mr. Snel- grove, the local organiser, re- ports that he already has a good class arranged for. The place where the meetings are to be held has not yet been decided up- on, but it is hoped to obtain the council chamber for the purpose. Dr. Stainsby will give the lec- tures in connection with the course. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Christieson 22nd and Gordon, received an addition to their family on 16th December. A new baby daught- er was born to them at the North Vancouver General Hospital. BIGGEST BARGAIN YET OFFERED Genuine English Navy Serge Suit, made to your own measure by our own skilled I workmen. Regular value $50. I i h& ~ At the Last Minute You'l want a number of things -- Chocolates, Seals, Tags, Christmas Crackers, Cards,Christmas Stockings, Perfume, Compacts, Etc. We have them. WEST 37 sud WEST 600 YaE WEST VAN PnAR)IACY TIIE DUNDARAVE PHARIIACY Our Phones are NORMAND'S GROCERY ld(b ood NARINE .. Phone Woof 66 A Complete Supplyof... GROCERIES and COiN FECTION ERY WE DELIVER Hollyburn Barber Shop nIARINE DRIVE ssd lnuh OOO mi Weat Vas. Lowhxc Cc First Class Work in Ladies', Gentlemen and Children's Haircutting No appointment is accessory. Just corno when it's most con- venient for yoursoif. G. RADLAND, Proprmtoc AUTHORIZED Ford Service THE ONLY ONE IN WEST VANCOUVER WEST VA.N. GARAG E PHONE WEST 130 FOR CHRISTMAS or Any Other Time YOUR FRIENDS ARE ALWAYS GLAD TO HAVE YOUR PHOTO XMAS CAKES PUDDINGS nIADE IN OUR OWN BAKESHOP Buy them here sud get satisfac- tion WISHING YOU ALL A HAPPY XnIAS STRATTON'S BAKERY AMBLESIDE PHONE WEST 27 And our Delivery mau will call Established over 6 Years C. J. OVERINGTON 14th and Marine BARBER For the convenience of Chs ladies of the District I hsvs hsd the telephone installed PHONE WEST 135 sud make sn sppoiatmout. Saturday next week is Christ- mes Dsy. Send the children early m the week. DUNDARAVE MEAT MARKET Phoae West 6 FRESH nIEAT AND FISH Ws Dchvcr Automobile Club Members You have an Oincisi Garage sud Towing Sore&co iu this District. West Van Auto Service DUNDARAVE Phone West 444 Frcs Towing io Mcmbcrs. FUEL DrpBark, Coal 8 Wood of all kinds, Marine Woodyard (G. E. Currie, Prop) 25th and Marine Phone West 112 Satisfaction Guaranteed New classes now being formed J. M. Morgan WEST VANCOUVER Teacher of Voice Pro- duction and Singing Phones IVest 173 Seymour 3058o LOTS HOUSES ACREAGE C', 0 A L SAND GRAVF.L NOTARY PUBLIC West Van. Investment Company 13th sud nnsriss Dr&vs Phooo ivoct 102, Day or Night HARRON BROS. i% bVILLIAMSON funeral Birertl)rs North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 66 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 Everybody knows THE KING STUDIO 311 Hastings Street West, Vancouver ESTABLISHED 1902 V. V. VINSON, Prop. Phone Scy. 1046 for appointment