001B6C27 THE IVEST VAN NEWS December 24. 19'2b. United ChurchClassified Ads. »'rbr»»prsr»i~br »ref-'br»r»&&bitt»rr»pr»i» P»'r»it~ »snpr»t i, WBST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society Dundarare HalL Marine Dr. Duudarars Saaday Ssrr(cs a( 11.50 a.m. Subject December 2Gth: -nimsTEEN SnENCE» Sauday School at 10.00 a. m. Tss(imouy Hosting scary Wau- nssday at 6.16 p.m. DRESSMAKING -- Homo or by dsy. Mra Robbins, 29(b sud Ma(born. Phone West 4$7RS. A Christmas Day service will be held in the Unitml Church on Saturday mnrning, December 25th, at 11 o'lock. Christmas hymns and carols will be sung and members of the session anil other officials of the cnngrcga- tion will give brief messages. Special music hns been ar- ranged by tho Unite;i Church chnir for Christmas Sunday. December 2Gth. Anthems and carols wig be sung by the choir. The minister &vill prcnch on "The Christ lVithin" at the morning service aml "Tho Christ IVith- outn nt the evening. The Sunday school entertain- ment will be hei&i in the New Amblesi&le Hall next Wednesdny evening, December 29th., A fine programme has been ar- ranged by the diiyerent cinsscs. Parents and fricmls are invited. The proceedings will begin at 7.30. FOR SALE--A bargain. Fire-tube A(we(or Kent radi(» Perfect cna- dition. Apply aflcraonns. W. Hawkns, at Osborne Realty off;cc. Phone West 64$. FOR SAI.E qcrcrat 50-foni view lots on Marino Drive, $500 up. These lots arw much cheaper than the average snd are Bs(od with us for qukk sale at special prices. Savory 0 Dural, phone Wont 114; evenings, IVcst 14$. FOR SAI.E -- ('abiacl gramspbonc (conccrl), in splendid condition, wilh 96 records. $50. A bargain. Phone North 1451. FOR SALB--Piano, zond lnaa, cscci- lent condition. Cheap. Wast 416Y. COSl three-coom new bungalow (modaru) on large lo(. Good view. $500 cash, balance as (cut. Trough- &ou 4 Barrow, Marin Drive, Dun- darasw P. O. St. Stephen'8 Church Christmas Day: 8 a.m., Holy Communion. 10.16 a.m., shortened hiinrning Prayer and Hnly Cnmmunion. Solo, "The First Christmas," Ft. Stephen's Day (December 26th): 8 a.m., Holy Communion. 10 a.m., Chil&Iron's service. 11.16 am., hiorning Prayer. Anthem, "Christians, Awnke» (hlaunder). 7.16 p. m., Evensong nnd carols. Anthem, "There lVcre Shepherds" (Coul). On the evening of St. Stephen's Day. December 2Gth, there will be in addition to an anthem the singing of a number of the Christmas carols. On Tuesday afternoon, Decem- ber 2Sth, the Christmas enter- tainment for the primarT depart- ment of the Sunday School will be held in the Parish IIall, from 3 to 5 o'lock. On Wednesday, commencing at G p.m. with a supper in the New Ambleside Hall, the treat for the senior school will take place. There is keen rivalry among the classes in the programme that is being prepared. 'OR WATERFRONTAGEand other propertyIIOUSES TO RENT, I"IRE INSUIIANCI'., FiTO.WANTED FOR, CLIENT 6-roommodern bungalow by January Isl.I H. Bcamisb, lVcs( 17. sc'0JOHN LAWSONOUR MORTGAGE PLAN proridcsfor free discbargs of the loaa in theareal of the borrower's death. Scc us for loans, insurance or a((y(bing iu lbc brokcragc line, WV mant listings of lots, acreage aud bousca BYRNELL R MAY At the Ferry audiug. Phone (Jcs( 113 I I R. P CLARK Jk CO I TD We wish to take this op- P& i portunity of extending to;l i ag clients and friends.! our .!r' Sincere IVishes for a ilierry st& ; Xmas and a Bright lund !I Prosperous New Year. l IVe feel that lVest Van-i.'E 'ouver has a splendid fufure sr. 3& and that it will make splcn- 'rir (& did progress. and that It is;( g& destined to become one of !Il l Vancouver'6 most favprite !» , residential suburbs. R. P. CLARK Jk CO LTD. 82:I Hastings St lV., Phone Sey. 7484 '( l Local Representative C. J. Archer, Phone lVest 651L ii. Phone hVesf 55The Christmns entertainment for the primary department of the United Church Sunday school (vill be held in the church hall on Tuesday af ternoon, December 28th, from 2 to 4. Parents are invited to come with the children. 17th Street Christmas Cheer On this &lay of pcaco nnd gla&1- ness Open wide your gates of cheer; Bi&I them come with love's own welcome Those who bear some secret care. Games, new an&i ol&l, will be 6 prominent feature of the mnny pnrties that will take place &lur- ing the coming festive season. One of the simplest aml most entertaining is thought-rca&ling. One of the guests leaves the room, an&I behind closed doors the remainder decide upon some simple act, such as moving 6 vase from one si&le of a mantel- piece to thc other which they will (rim to &lo. The guest to bo operated upon is then usher- ed into the room, blindfokle&l, and two of those in the room take up a position one on either si&le, with onc hand on his wrist and the other hand on his brow on each side. The two operators and the other guests in the room meamvhile maintain an absolute silence, but all concentrate the J minds on willing him to do th~0 thing that has been decided up- on. I The person blind-fol&led should refrain from thought and keep this mimi as blank as pos- sible, in order that the thought wave(( from the other minds in the room may reach his subcon- scious mimi, nnd be carried from there'nto his conscious min&I. There are very few who dn not re-act to the thought waves. some doing so at once nnd others morc slowly, the degree of rapidity with which they do the bidding of the others in the room depemling apparently on the greater or less normal activi- ty of the min&i of the person blind folded. A(Iother game demanding no apparatus will cause consider- able interest and amusement. One guest stands in the centr& of the room with both upper arms close to his side, and with the forearms bent at the elbow so that they are parallel with the floor, both arms being held rigid- ly in this position. Two other guests then take up 6 position, one on either side, and grasp the wrist aml forearm of the guest in the centre. The three alter taking three deep breaths in uni- son, each hold their breath, con- tinuing to do so while the two on either side start to raise th~ third. The latter, it will fo found, can be lifted as high ns is &lesire&l with no effort whatever, whether he be heavy lir light. It is one of the many mysteries that have so far baflle&l science. the law nf grnvity apparently be- ing under these circumstances temporarily susponded. It should lie remembered, in order tn avoid ncchlents, however, that the breath must be kept hei&i by the three until the lect of the person raised are resting again on the floor. There was a large atten&lance of children and friends at the IVhite Gift service held in the United Church last Sunday af- tenloon at 3 o'lock. The gen- eral theme of "Giving" was well brought out by the different classes of the Sunday school. In order each member of the vari- ous classes presented their gifts at the altar. In addition to the gifts an offering was taken which amounted to upwards of 625, which was handed over to the Deaconess Society, to be &lis- tributed with the donations to the needy in the district. Both Sunday school teams won thdir game on Saturday. The Junior "A" defeated Bea- consfield United and the Junior »B" team First United. There will be no matches until Janu- ary 8. Both teams have 15 points and stand high up in their respective divisions. Lay aside each cloak and gaunt- let p Touch them with the Wand of Peace; Give them of your heartfelt bounty 'Till &lull sorrow fimls surcease. CHRISTiWIAS CAROLS Christmas, rolling 'round again to make faces at pocket- books and to bring happiness to the major portion of the popula- tion, brings with it a recurrence of the annual discussion of Christmas carols, their why and wherefore and their whence. hIany of our Christmas cus- toms, like the Christmas carol, go for their origin to &lays and years long gone. As a matter of fact most of them have their roots in centuries long gone. ihIodernity has not been able to do much in the way of adding to the Christmas celebrations, except in enlarging on old cus- toms or varying them. The carol is thought by most people to be of early English origin, but as a matter of fact there is much of the French about it. In any event, the Nor- man invasion left a marked in- fluence. And there are some carols that carry Latin couplets for what we would term a chorus. IVhfle many persons continue to insist upon the beauty of the carol, the truth is that some of them, as far as words are con- cerned, are far from beauty. Some, looked upon coldly, come near to being vulgar, or at best coarse. But many of them are exquis- ite in their conception and ex- pression, and presumably one may be permitted discrimination in carols as in anything else. This the &lay of God's own let- ting-- Healing hearts in sari repine; This the giving and the get- ting-- Let your Christmas candles shine! You la Murray. Here is a story from "The Road Round Ireland," by Padraic Colum, which seems to show that Scotland has not yet quite a monopoly of financial ability: A man had gone up to Dublin to see a prize fight. Having s~ cured his seat he went into the bar to get some refreshment be- fore the long engagement in the ring began. He came back to his seat; before him there was a man standing up and putIing on his coat. "Sit down," said I, "I paid to see this fight." "Fight," said the lad, "the fight is over." And it was over just like that. "Now, wasn't that the worst thI(t ever happened to a man?w said one of his auditors, "you having paid for your seat and all!" ".It was nearly the worst. But I had the presence of mind to go down the stairs and sell my ticket to a lad in the crowd." Trouble-Pavmg Ideas IVhen boiling a pudding in n cloth put an old plate at the bot- tom of the squcepan to prevent the pudding from sticking to thc pan. IVhen more pastry has been prepared than is required at one baking, wrap it in oilcj paper, and it will kIep fresh for quite a long time. If food has been burned in alu- minum sauce(lans, warm slight- ly, pour in bailing water, cover, and boil for a'few minutes. The burnt substance will then yiel&l quickly to scraping lvith a chip of wood. Two minutes after lighting burner in the gas stove, open the &loor for 6 second or two to al- low the moist air to escape, an&1 your oven will heat more quick- ly. Blacklead marks can be remov- ed from a carpet if a paste made .. of fuller's earth and water, to which a few drops of ammonia have been added, is left on the stains for some hours. When the fuller'6 earth is brushed away the marks should have disap- pca re&i. A good preservative for linole- um can be made by mixing one gill of methylated spirit and one ounce of shellac. Let the latter dissolve thoroughly, then apply to the linoleum with a snft flan- nel. HOLLYBURN HAS POST OFFICE BUILDING The Hollyburn Post Office has been moved into the old Royal Bank oflice next to Lynn's Store. The new office has regular post- oflice fittings and there are now 130 private boxes available to the public, 70 new boxes having been added to those already in use. W. F. E. DURRANT, D.C., F.A.C Palmer Scbool Gradus(c CHIROPRACTOR 614-615 Dominion Bldg. 207 Hastings SL West I'bouc Seymour 1966 THE BURRARD LAUNDRY LTD. THB West Van News Baptist Church thank all their numerous friends who have so gen- erously contributed to their success during the yast year and wish every- body increased frieml- ship goodwill and pros- peri(y during the Christ mas season. Pubnsbod Every Friday Rev. David Long, Pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m. Church Service, 11 a. m. Weekly prayer service each IVednesday at 7.30 p.m. IL HODGSON aad P. P. LOVEGROVB PubBsbors Business aag Editorial Office-'361 Marine Drive Phoae West 19L Mail Add(nasl P.O. Bos 101, Houybura, B. C ELIM HALL The Burrard Laundry25(b S(. aad Iisriuc Drirc Pull Gospd Meetings (o be held on Sunday at 7.20 p.rn. aud Monday, Wodnostiay aud Frida at S p.m. Sunday School at 3 p.m. Pastor l T. B. LFNI(ON Limi(cd Por Proplc (Vlln Arr Parrlrnlsr Tuius STuglT ssf gT. 94V199 North Vancouver Phone H. H. Ballard, North 1310 Mgr. "liow does it happen," said the teacher to thc new pupil, "that your nnme is Allen nml your mother'6 name is Brown?" »IVell,» explained the boy, "she married ngain, aml I didn'." ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION $ 1.00 a year by mail or carrier. News- y(au(hs uc pcr copy. l E wish you a Merry Christmas i with the hope that the gifts yns .',, receive will include Health Wealth and Happiness through 4', the years to come.:::: I~i I: SI~41 D'S GROCER& E4Y ',"'. ~I~ ~ ~III~ ~ ~ ~ III ~ II ~ ! ~ ~ I I ~ ~ o I I I~GROCERIES, HARIIWARE, PAINTS Jk Ollrg l IVe close at I p m. every Thursday 9, Ii hfarine Drive, Ambleside. Phone West 28il'VE DEI IVER 'l i. t 1 i 'i 'i it i t 'i 'i 1 i i 1 ~ ' i 'i i i t i ay EST Bit glGG Esgli Ges, „vs Iulse to your o'e kmes so j~i inners ig tJ'i The drs" 9 winS tke~ Vs(Re I tkc C branch st A" Small, m hspter Lswsen drswiug ere presespie we&+ rsflh suits. I, setting thanks " for her getev drawing . wii I the prim " nerg Turkey H, gersi(e Iie 'd Nth Stg. I 2 35 Bill-&' grsdbeer gurnsby. P!um Pud( winner Geu .'I Vancouver', 4, Bex Bis(1 winner hirs 8 Esqulmslt gex Che(a winner A, E, i Bellevue. 6, 24 lbs. Jr hirg J LswgOll 7. Xmas Crs'inner E k(9! wood. 8 I/4 tou C( Roy Faulkner, 9, Bex Chec( winner Mrs. D 10. Pipe in i y B. L. Taylor, 1', 11. 24 lbs. LbdChss. Appletor 12. Sack R( 247; winner I 2495 WalL 13. 4 lb. Chi winner W. R.'nuver. 14. Suck Si winner G. Yoi ver. 15. Bex B. S86; winner l Drive. 16. Roast 0 winner C, Diih 17. 1/4 ten winner Jehu Dock, Vsnceu 18 4lbs,P winner Geo, ( 19. Xmsg i winner F, Ce( 20. Parcel 7 et 413; winue 25th Ave., E. 21. Flashlii winner F, P,i 22. Dregge( winner Gee. S 23. Xmas i winner Bill Ti ver. 24 Special Ticket 602; w Bnx 70, Holly Consol 1. Two LblI -. Ticket 44 iv rona Holly 2 Phetoo 60'inner Isnd Marine. 3 TwoLb( Ticket 357., Dundsrave 4 I?ashliu winner G, Hi 22nd nd M( hir. s addition erw„b, 'a~'"'er C