001B6C20 THE EVEST VAN NEWS December 17. 192G. Grouse Mountain Bonds All Sold lf You Want lt Iluickly PHONE WEST 469 and we'l send it right away Buy your RUBRERS here -- city prices -- and keep your feet dr) n Don'I Take Any t'hances on Your Xmas Iliosor )Y Better be safe than sorrv The entire bond issue of the Grouse Mountain Highway and Scenic Resort, Limited, aniount- ing to 3250,000, has been dis- posed of, all of it having been bought up by British Columbia investors. The interest that the public has shoivn in this issue is accepted by the promoters as an augury of success of the ven- ture. XMAS TOYS AND PRESENTS We have a good selection at Bargain I'rices to clear Suifth'J Gjof,"I,'iy IVO will hnve our usual supply of IIuality TURKEYS, GEESE CHICKENS. etc. miso SPECIAL XAIAS REEF Swifts'remium nnd Burns'hamrock II AMS R"I'i bl JEFFERIES ~ser~viIIe Next to Hollyburn Theatre PHONE WEST 3 WE DEI IVER &XLI. MEATS IEKI'r IN IIKFRIGKRATOR I Ot;, OS Ilu Krr O ~ tb O (A. HARVEY S)IITR. I'rnp.) GROCERIES, HARDWARE, DRY GOODS a SLINDRIES SIINSliNCo BOYS WFNT Ul'OLLY IIURN T&vo South Vancouver boys, for whom search parties harl scoured the slopes of Dog hloun- tnin. Seymour Valley. since day- break on Wednesday. turned up safe and sound here later that da)'. The boys are Cameron Storer, 14, of 14:38 Thirty-sixth Avenue East, aml Clarence Robertson, 15, of 1473 Thir ty-seventh Avenue East, who left their homes carly Sumlay declaring that they intended to climb Dog &%fountain. Instead, they went up Hooyburn Ridge, spemling the night in a cnbin there. XVhen they did not appear Sunday night or Monday, search parties were organized by the district police. Two B. C. Moun- taineering Club parties, one on the western slope and the other on the eastern slope, camped overnight in order to get an ear- ly start, while a third group, le&I by Don Monday and Rev. A. II. Sovereign of the Alpine Club of Canada, combed the Seymour Creek side of the mountain. Phnnc ynor wsu&s snd wc will give you quirk dc!&orrv XITH AND a&Alt&RE, Opp. I&uodsrsvc Hsrr I'bouc W)3ST 460 DO IT RIGHT NOW The West Vancouver BOARD OF TRADE Bring your Shoes, good or bad, to FRED TITE. Have them made like ne&v. Ladies'ight Soles put on by Cantilever Press. No nails to scratch the floor. Skates riveted on nnd ground. A General Meeting of Ihc nbove lloar&l will be hclil ln tho New Amhlcside ilail onTHE ELECTRIC SHOE REPAIR SHOP Next to KeviH's Furniture Store. Ambleside Monday Evenin&y, leak:camber 20th 192G, at 8 o'lock, when Election of Officers will take place an&I general business be transacted. It is desired that every mcml&er be present. if possible. SCHOOI.S CI.OSE TODAY There's joy in the hearts of the youngsters t&xlay, for the schools are closed for Christmas holidays and will not reopen un- til January 3rd. Two weeks of entire 'reedom ahead. This freedom has long been antici- pated and it looks as if Santa Claus &viu have to "get a move on" in attending to their wants and acknoivledging their many requests. Scottish Society Hold Gathering ll. hlAY, Secretary.A very interesting nieeting of the West Vancouver Scottish Society was held in the "Clachan" last night, about fifty members being present. The evening was devoted to "Burns and His Songs." The musical programme was arranged by hfiss Frame, and AIrs. D. C. Ritchie gave the history sur- rounding each song before it was sung. The artists taking part were hlr. J. Lowden, Mr. J. Mc- Gowan, hfr. and hIrs. N. Wil- liamson, Mrs. B. Edwards and Mrs. J. T. Watt. In addition to solos by the above artists a num- ber was given by a quartette composed of ihIr. J. Lowden, Mr. J. McGowan, ihIrs. B. Edwards and AIrs. J. T. Watt. A committee was formed in connection with the Burns sup- per, uhich is given every year by the society. West Vancouver Lumber Co. LI MITE D 15th and 91arine I'hone West 115 ItESIDENCE PHONE: WEST ?3X Lumber, Lath, Shingles Inside Finish etc. Quality Guaranteed. SERVICE "Deacon IVhite," said Parson Jackson, softly, "vrill you lead us in prayer?" There was no answer. "Deacon XVhite"--this time in a louder voice--"will you lead?" Still no response. Evidently the deacon was slumbering. Par- son Jackson made a third appeal and raised his voice to a high pitch that succeeded in arousing the drowsy man. "Deacon XVhite, will you lead?" "The deacon, in bewil&lerment, rubbed his heavy eyes and blurt- ed out: "Lead yourself--I just dealt!" Don't forget the Baml Concert Sunday night, 9.15, at Hollyburn Theatre. Silver collection for Elks'hristmas Cheer Fund. A new street light has been in- stalled at Fifteenth and Duchess. TOLERANCE By Dr. Frank Crane scxoiimmcu ~&mous&pc Sir Esme Howard, the British ambassador to the United States, spoke recently to the New England Society of Brooklyn, taking as his topic the subject of international tolerance. He said that "the necessity of a spirit of live aml let live and of not attempting to force our neighbor to think just as wc do" is now receiving greater recognition. Especially, he continued, history should not be used as a method of inculcating patriotism or propaganda. As near as possible history should confine itself to a statement of fact. It may be very diflicult to restrain historical writers from coloring their facts with their point of view and their inclina- tion, and sometimes the historian in his anxiety to be liberal may lean too far backwards and be justly charged with un- patriotic statements. But the fact remains that history is not preachment and the historian should always keep before him the ideal of simply and justly relating the facts and not giving his views of the facts. To often history under the semblance of teaching patriot- ism is colored attractively and falsely. Children so taught by it grow up to be easy subjects for extremists. Every man knows from his individual experience that he must often make auowances for the point of view of others who differ from himself. And the same allouance shouhl be made among nations. All nations do not see eye to eye, aml the customs and habits of thought for one nation dii?er from those of another. We should endeavor to put ourselves in the other feuow's place even nationally. IVe should try to look at French facts as Frenchmen see them, and at German facts as Germans see them, and at English facts as Englishmen see them, and not at all those facts as a Canadian sees them. The wider and more hospitable our minds, the nearer we will come to basing our feelings on really scientific foundations and the nearer we will come to being just to all men. iNational vanity, egotism and chauvinism are potent causes of war and it is as necessary for one nation to think kindly of another as it is for a man to regard his fellow beings with tolerance. o li 0 ~ 0 0 II~0~I GREETINGS 0 To OUR ihlANY I'ATRONS AND FRIENDS: The spirit uf the season permits us to wish yuu increased Happi- ness and I'rosperity in the coming year. hlay your burdness dealings with utherm bc as pleasant ms ours have been with you. Po "rv NORTH SHORE MOTORS LIMITED') 0 135 First Street West, North Vancouver Phone North 1188 Phone North 1350 i/0ijh 000" ~~%CKC~~~~ac~~~~~~~~~%@~ Sine )euiellerLj fur Christma Nothing is more scccptsbrn or more lasting. You cou buy in West Vancouver st city prices--nud even less. A FEW SUGGESTIONS: For FATHER MOTHER SISTEI& BrtOTHER BABY Emblem Ring Mantel Clock Wrist Watch Wc&eh Ring CulT Links SmsB Fancy Clock 'ing Ring Brooch tvstch Chain Cake Bosket Msuicurc Sct Belt Buckle Bracelet Stick Piu Sugar ond Cecum Sct Purse Cigorcttc Case Locket Cigar Case Salad Scrvcrs Bracelet I'roshright Chain Pocket &VuHct Console Sct pcorrs Pencil Spoon Pocket Flask Cut Glass Brooch Knife York Sct Signet Ring Community tvsro Lockcts, ctc. Cigsrcttc Holder Egg Cup A good sc',cctiou of Wrist sud Pocket Watches st roucst prices. Rimcmbcr wc are wntch spccroHsts ond g when you buy from us your gusroutcc is ossurcd sud protected. With every purchase of 66,00 or over you 5 are cutitrcd to choose s Cree gift from the Christmas tree. Came oud scc. Pf THE WEST VAN JEWELLER, 1464 Marine Drive, Ambi&sids n (tv. SAGAR) Rcs. Phone Wont 666Y Opposite West Vsu Gsrsgc ~%C~~KC~AC~KC~KC~~~~~~AC~~ s ~ 6 6 Ci 53.( Vol. i 'cport os P. IO Be The rcp« dieters of E wbo invest r. Ibo read past Iew mor n: tob,ladbef Legislature ti * Mou. Tboy posed to auy :. siva buildiu gramma loci tbo linking'be system, to the fact I present cond the lauds 6 o~ to the line 6 g deveiopmeat„'ucb 3 liuki J would prod& Qi the next feu IIII would uot the heavy e ,vp h ture involved g however, cethat the p will have to „" heavy bill ii to put the u line in such that it can rr the tra%c. Rigc Club B Shool 'he Nortl Miniature Rr wig bokl 8 i shoot ou v&I Dc&ember 2 8 p.m. take the for apooa about" oral riilca es adapted forv purposes wii the dbrpm,l members alorruatiou C. odi obtained I n '4Wauro &» lluutcr, au&ouVer, ti