001B6C20 4 IP The I Fashionscope v v 'i ~ v v 'A % v c v Rows and rows of narro&v cream lace on a net foundation form the underskirt of 8 taffeta frock for a young girl. The shirred skirt has a band of cream insertion and a two-inch hem of taifeta down each side front (when the skirt opens to show the lace), and all around the bottom. A slight fullness at each side of the bodice gives freedom to an otherwise tight waist. A surplice collar has hem and insertion to match the skirt. There are no sleeves. ~ ~ ~ Unusually attractive is a t&vo- piece sport frock, with imported Scotch plaid blouse, of light- weight wool. Over)apped and buttoned up the front to a Imv standing collar, belted vvith kid, it is cleverly fringed at the bot- tom and worn over a pleated skirt of heavy crepe. ~ ~ v Both gold and silver are used on a peach georgette dress. Sil- ver sequins outlined with gold form a scalloped design all around the bottom of a rather full skirt. The &rais()jne is de- fined by a heavy gold cord tied in small bow in front, the long tasselled ends hanging. Gold sequins are used around the neck line and to edge design on fnint of dress. THK )VEST VAN NEWS December l7, 1926. Concert Given by Local Bred Rabbit Public School Pupils Wins Championship The Hollyburn Lumber Co., LI)HTED I.UMBER SHING(,FS &(ASH DOOILa--FINIS)I Great credit is due the staff and pupils nf the )Vest Vancou- ver Public Schools for the excel- lent concert given by them on Wednesday evening in the Holly- burn Thentre. The numbers on the programme had evidently necessitated a lot of work on the part of the children, and that they performed them so well speaks highly for the children and also for their teachers, &vho must have spent considerable time and eifort in training their charges for the 'various num- bers. In opening the programme, their popular headmaster, ifilr. G. E. Brea)ay, Ivho was chairman for the evening, drew attention to the fact that it Ivas not the Iirst time the scholars had given such a concert. Some years ago a similar concert had been given by them in Ambleside Hall, where conditions were very dif- ferent to the fine theatre that they were now able to use through the kindness of the theatre management. He stated that this concert was given to purchase equipment, such as swings, etc., for the children, it being usual nowadays to provide such things for their use in play hours. Of the programme itself it would be diflicult to make any distinctions. The large audience, however, appeared by their ap- p)ause to particularly appreciate the folk dances by the junior pupi)mof grades 3 and 4 of the Pauline Johnson School; the "fifanners" drill by the inter- mediate pupils of grades 5 and 6, of the Pauline Johnson and Hollyburn schools, and the very excellent violin solo by Master Piex Rhodes. All the small artists entered into the spirit of the evening with considerable zest and ap- parently enjoyed doing their several parts as well as the audi- ence enjoyed listening to them. The play and sketches presented were quite 8 test of memory for the actors,but theywent through them with little hesitation and the clearness of diction on the part of most of those taking part mas very noticeable. The programme was given first in the afternoon to the pupils of the various schools, who packed the theatre to capa- city. The evening performance was for the adults. Mr. H. D. Southam, chairman of the pub)ic school pupils'hristmasconcert, wishes to thank the following people for their generous assistance and co-operation in making the en- tertainment a splendid success: Members of the concert com- mittee for their willing eiforts and suggestions. )ilembers of the High School who contributed typing. Parents aml teachers who provided and helped make the costumes. All the teachers who assisted in the training of the pupils and at the performances. Those who helped provide the necessary extra music. The management of the thea- tre for generous courtesy. I""guiiiie hibit of a Ave-months-okl Chin- chilln buck won the Arst prize and the championship of the tvjnter Show over 400 contest- ants. for which a silver cup ivns a&carded. Tho judges stated it vvas the ideal type of a Chin- chilla rabbit for brceders. Mr. Barton is to be cnngrntulntcd on the success he has attninad. ( o 11111ollt ( o'll «nd Pclnbill:1 Peerless Coal I'oot of Eighteenth aml )Vnlerfront Oifice I'hone: )VEST 6,1 Residence: WF'4T 92R2 Ferry Service Xmas Day The fern v cervice on Christ mas Day will be the same as on Sundays. i.e., boats wi)l leave Ambleside at 8 a.m. aml every hour until 11 p.m., an&i leave Vancouver 8.30 n.m. and every hour until 11.30 p.m. ,„,„.„„„„„,,„, M.WILLIAMS „„„,„„,„, CUSTOiWI Th1 LOR SPCClhllhing In MCO'h Sclih Sna &iVCrrahic IC Mecca&a. Lapse Assoc&ment af i'nii«ac ta chance Irrm. ORDER YOUR NEXT SUIT I"ROhl US. Dry Cleaning Dyeing, ltepalrs and and Pressing PRICKS Alterations WE CALL AND DELIVER PHONE WEST 30 Framar MontesSOTI School Dr. Montessori, the grant Italian educator, some years ago established two schools at Holly- wood an&i Santa Barbara, ivhere her system of introducing chil- dren to school work through the study of objects nnd the use of sensory training is fo)lowed. Beads, squares, bels, and sand- paper letters are among the ob- jects used in this connection. Mrs. W. D. Fraser, who was for some years on the teaching stafF of these schools, both in Holly- wood and Santa Barbara, is starting a Montessori school at the beginning of the New Year in her home at 18th and Es- quimalt, where she has a fully equipped schoolroom. In addi- tion she will teach rhythmic and folk dancing. An advertisement relative to this appears in this issue. SAVORY & DUVAL REAL FSTATK AND INSURANCE )429 Marine Drive I'hone West 114 North 4(I8 West Vancouver Stages Office ang WaiUng Room: 5 Lanednia Avcsuc WEEK DAY SCHEDULE Leave North Vancouver for SHERSIAN aai CYPRESS PARK on the hour from and Including 7 a.m. ta 0.40 p.m.; also 20 minutes pest tha hour Crom and including 0.20 s.m. &a D.20 e.m. and 1.20 p,m. &a 11.20 p.m. RETURNING from SHERhIAN 80 minutes after above &Imps. SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS Lcavcs North Vancauvar on the hour Crom 8 a.m. Ia 8 p.m.; alsoat 1.40, 2.40, 7.40, 8.60, 9.20 and 10.20 p.m., vciurolag from Cypress Park 30 minutes sf&sr above times. ~ c ~ h belted coat of ribbed face cloth in mauvette (a popular color), &vas recently showm with roll collar and cuifs of mole. It made an attractive and useful coat for general wear. v v Black satin hats &vjth crowns or trimmings of bright metallic laces and ribbons are being worn. For very dressy wear, black lace or meline is. in excel-. lent taste. NOTICE Change in Schedule on and after November ber 15th: The stage will leave North Vancouver at 6.40 p.m. instead of 7 p.m. F Newman8 D Robbins BUILDERS House Painters, Pcpcrhasgcvs and Kalsominiog W. B. A. Phone West 84 For Sand, Gravel Truck Work Etc. H P. Tearoe )640 Heywood Ave. Br. 3I. E. Knipfel 'easonableTerms Under the auspice's of the above association (Peview iNo. 24) a whist drive will be held on tvednesday evening, Decem- ber 22nd, at 8.30 p.m., in the New Amb)eside Hall, Four- teenth and hlarine Drive, lvest Vancouver. The first prize will be a turkey and other handsome prizes will be D)ayed for. An active com- mittee is busily working under the convenership of Mrs. Sara Romans to make this event one of the most enjoyable in this festive season. Note date: December 22nd; time, 8.30; place, New Ambleside Hall. The regular meeting of the Women's Benefit Association will take place same evening, at 7.30 prompt, at usual meeting place, New Ambleside Hall, and a good attendance is anticipated. A public installation of officers will be held in the Hotel Van- couver on hlonday evening, January 31st, 1927, and the West Vancouver Review, No. 2), is participating in this important event. Physician and Surgeon ELECTRICAL and ULTRA-VIOLET RAY TREATMENTS Ambleside Block, Cor. 14th and Marine OFfice Phone West 166 Peep O'ay Slathers a 29&h House Phone Wpsi 437RB FRABSAR MonteSsori SChOol 18th and Esuuimca Sensory training; preparation for reading and writing; da- vciopmcnt oC language; begin- ning of number work; car train- ing and harmony; rhythmic and folk dancing included. Mrs. W. D. Fraser Phone Ivcsi 93 L Terms Reasonable West Vancouver FORTUNE CUP INN TAXI Phvv ~ i WEST lie Reva WEST ISOL AFTERNOON TEA REFRESH51ENTS 25th St. Snd Waterfront Route via Second Narrows Bridge--Third Street-- IVESTBOUND-- (NORTH SHOIIE) a.m. 10:30 s.m. 12:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 4:30 p. 10&fi6 12&56 2:66 4:N 11:06 I:06 3:05 6:05 I I:07 I:07 3&07 6:07 11:13 I:13 3:13 5:13 11:16 1&15 8:15 6:15 11:17 I:17 3:17 5:17 I I:15 I:19 8:19 6:19 11:20 I:20 3:20 5:20 I:36 ...... 5:as EASTBOUND--NORTH SHORE) a.m. 9&05 a.m. I:06 p.m. D:30 11:30 a.m. I:30 8:30 9:31 11:31 I:81 8:31 9:33 11:33 I:88 8:33 9:N 11:BS I:86 8:N D 87 11:87 1&37 8 37 9:43 11&43 I: 18 8:43 9&45 11:46 I:45 8:45 D:65 11:66 I:SS 8:56 10:20 12:20 p.m. 2:20 4:20 Mnrine Drive Lv. Vancouver ........ 8:30 North Vancouver 8:66 Ambicsidc .... 9:05 Hciiybarn .... D:07 Dundcrcve ... D:13 West Bay .. 9:16 Sherman....... 9:17 Cypress Park .. 9&15 Caulfciids ....„. 9:20 Ar. Whyicciilfc ........ 9:36 m. 0:30 p.m 0:66 7:06 7:O'I 7:13 7:16 7:17 7:19 7:20 8:BO p.m 8:56 9:06 9:07 9:13 9:16 D&'17 9:19 D&20 11:30 p.m. )i:56 12:06 s.m. 12:07 12:13 12:15 12:17 12:ID 12:20 12:85 Vernon Feed Store A. C. SEARLE Pb&mc West 9 FEED, FUEL, CEMENT Etc. Lv Whytcclilyc 7 16 Caulfcilds ... 7:30 Cypress Park 7&31 Sherman ..„= 7:33 West Bay ........ 7:Bli Dan&b&vave .. 7:37 Hoaybupn.... 7:43 Amblcsidc .. 7:46 North Vancouver 7:55 Av. Vancouver .. 8&20 5:05 p.m 6:.30 6:31 5:33 6':36 6&37 5243 SMS 6:55 0:20 7:30 p,m 7:31 7&33 7;36 7:37 7:43 7: IS 7:65 3:20 10:00 p.m. 10:01 10:08 la:05 IO:07 10:13 lo:15 10:25 io:ro (vest 105 West 105 For Heater, Range or Furnace EAST WELLINGTON I.UMP GAI.T EGG Car Heater cv Pc&scca Cov &hc Range SIOST HEAT FOR YOUR )IONEY Tbc Ehst ivciiiagioa pl&4 Gci'I Coci is vccogaiscg as &bc best coal on the markcL THE WEST VAN SUPPLY (E. ll. Minions) 14th snd Marine--Phone )Vest 105 Sey H. C,'. MC7T'OR 4000 JlGLNSPOR1ATgg'000 SEY)IOUR AT DUNS5IUIR Pacific Stages Winter Schedule 1926-1927 f Ili I w~e~v Higb yh0( Hints f0 Trouble If 3 cloth basin of (resj shm wij) fpn Tsr stains rubbing gent Before us brush, soaR sod it will h I(sfruiti into s really the fruit wjjj pf the tiu. Before cjai 88 them w They wiQ b more quickly A little sp blue water ciathas wjl stain remaji ments, Potatacs w iyi(theysm water about I c(pra being Tp pfeveut csipais gp 0 a week wjih hpt water ip pchtllla has l Ba upt lct to simmer Ii, liquid j»z uud the hut lithe soup)„ Quickly, bread Apply a p ( cavu sud IOIBnt nr aj(M twelve haum pap)tice When usjta air ul ttla pu „'at sir,bm ca spaces(mt& Yau Pi&tufa them u Ith" with t 3 tha wi qwu wash" dawi rub with c&»th th, b) Am haa mittd miug j faith&", (pf Tbe P Bci'4 jsccst &i th ss (a)(opted) iII I)sod ggppg: iog 'This 16, ba SPPCwith l" «p( Thao tab slid wf bm oj«~ wil) I proP (svo& scut b( the ym for p occ su&) bott „Bl bepubhc, l uii ,hjs 0«. cauvcc' juve gipwiug pur pmsiu ,„c„fawdc&) bcfafc s&)III ta the pub)i The has~ bss been vaff the able chai B&jjugipu aai sark cicutly deva)a lg ju cbafg pisces In Can can boast of II cstipaal (acili more eillciea those iu the i Irict, au&i sup spcct is much much empl,as on the value a children, sud that the hpu made cpuvau dipus.