001B6C20 Classified Ads. DRESSMAKING -- Hams or hp dap. hire. Robbins, 89th and Mathcra Phone West 4$7RS. FOR SALE--A bargain. Five-tube Atwatcr Kent radio. Perfect csn. ditisu. Apply aftcrussua, tv. Hawkes, at Osborne Realty nffice. Phone &Vast 643. FOR SAI.E--Srrerai 50-fost rirw lots on hiarius Drive. $500 up. Tbsse lots are much chsapsr than the average aud are listed with us for spick sale at special prices. Savory a Duval, pbpue West 114; evenings, Vi'est 14$. FOR SALE -- Cabinet gramspbsae (concerti, iu splendid condition, with SS ress&i(a $5&k A bargain. Phone North 1431. FOR SAL~aao, good &sae, excel- lent condition. Cheap. &vest 415Y. COSY three.rsom new bungalow &modern) on large 1st. Good view. 8600 cash, balance as rent. Trough- ton a Barrow, Marine Drive, Duu- darsrs P. O. FOR SAL~ac Fawcett cast iron open nrcpiacs heater....... $450 One east iron bsx store, . $7.00 One folding bcd~uch ... $ 12.50 Ail good as new. HARROP Twentp-fpurth and Ottawa. WANTED FOR CLIEVT s-rosm modern bungalow bp January 1st. L H. Beam&ah, West 17. OUR MORTGAGE PLAN provides for free discharge of the luau in the event of the borrower's death. Sss as for loans, iusurauce or auptbiug in the brokerage line. Wc want listings uf lots, acreage snd houses. BYRNELL hh h(AY At the Ferry audiug. Phoae West 11$ R P. CLARK R CO., LTD. SNAPS IN BUILDING LOTS FOR LOCAL 1NVESTORS HOhiE WANTED--We have a client looking for moderate priced home rrith three bedrooms. Please sub- mit particulars bp letter fsr csu- sidcratiou. FIRE 1NSURAiVCE Is your home fuiip protected 7 Is pour furniture, piano, personal silscts, etc., cuccred against a pos- sible total iussl AR pou need dp is to phone this officu Du it now. IL P. CLARK R CO„LTD. 82$ Hastiags St. W. Scp. 7483, 7484 Local Representative C. J. ARCHER, Wast 651L Gasoline Station on Highway Prohibited The Department of Public (Vnrks has decided to prohibit the installation of gasoline pumps for retailing gasoline on public highways in unorganized districts. The Vancouver fire marshal wished for the council's opinion as regards this regula- tion being extended to apply tJ municipalities. The council did not deem it advisable to apply the regulation to such stations as were in existence before the municipal bylaw prohibiting gasoline pumps on roads was adopted. Social Aspirant: "I saw Nrs. Blueblond in Picadilly." Friend: "How was she look- ing." "Right past me." THE West Van News Pabiishsd Ersrp Friday IL HODGSON aad F. F. LOVEGROVE Publishers Business aad Editorial Oflice: 1361 Marias Drirs Phone West 19L Mail Address& P.O. Bsx 101, Hsiipbsra. B. C. ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION $1.00 a year bp mail or carrier. News. stands 6c pcr copp. THE (VEST VAN NEVVS WEsST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society Dundarave Hall. hlarine Dr. Dumiacsre Saadap Ssrrics at 11.$0 a.m. Subject December 19th& "is &hc ('uircrsc, Including hiss, Em&red by Atsmic Forcel" Saadap School at 10.00 a. m. Testimony Meeting evert Wed- nesday at 8.16 p.m. St. Stephen's Church Advent 4 (December 19th). 8 a.m.. Hnly Communion. 10 n.ni., Sunday School. 11.16 a.m., Morning Prnycr. 7.16 p.m., Fvensong. On Sunday evening the Loyal Orange Lodge of (Vest Van- couver will attend divine service. At a meeting of the church committee held Tuesday night the date of the annual vestry meeting ivas fixed for Thursday, January 6th. Fred Boivman, of the senior camp of Trnil Rangers, has been aivarded the School Badge and the Collectors'adge. The IVolf Cub Pack, umler the leadership of Messrs. Silva White and Vernon Lestcr, are hol&ling a Christmas party in the Parish Hall on Saturday after- noon. The A. Y. P. A. next Tuesday night will prepare decorations for the church for Christmas and benevolent gifts. Although scoring first, the Junior football team was unable to maintain its lead and lost last Saturday's game to Knox Kerris- dale by a score of 3-1. On Satur- day the boys will take the 1 o'lock (Vest Vancouver fetvy tn proceed to Lord Roberts School for a game against Kerrisdale Baptists. Annual liieeting of St. Stephen's Women's Auxiliary Reports presented by the vari- ous ofiicers at the annual meet- ing of the IVnmen's Auxiliary, held in the Parish Hall (Vednes- day afternoon, showed much useful work done in the course of the year and many new members enrolled for service. Reference wss made by the president in her report to the loss sustaine:I by the W. A. in the death of a faithful member, Nrs. Chas. Hny. The following officers were elected for 1927: President, Nrs. R. Ford; vice, president, Mrs. R. Bloxhsm; sec- retary-treasurer, Mrs. A. E. Shaw; junior superintendent, Nrs. %V. L. Berry; Little Helpers secretary', Mrs. Millan; thank- offering secretary, &6frs. Sewoll; Living Message secretary, Mrs. P. Hastings; Prayer Partner secretary, Nrs. Millan; diocesan board representatives, Nrs. Shaw and Mrs. Hampsnn; sub- stitute representatives, Mrs. Cullin and 61rs. Hastings. Bntish Israel Association of VVcstt Vancouver tv&(i hicct Next Thurndny (Dec. 23rd) ~1 8 1'.St. In the New Amblcslde Hnll &'sraer 14ih aad hisrhac ilrirc Speaker& Professor Odium Subject: "The Development of the Plnn of the Ages" United Church Next Sun&lay is uIVhite Gift" Sumlay in the United Church. A special service will be hei&i at 3 o'lock, when the chil&lren of the Sunday School will present an in- teresting programme, illustrnt- ing the word "Civing." At this service the chil&lren are asked to give some smail gift tn those who are needy. An offering will be taken for the deaconess funds of the church and community. Parents and friends are invited. The choir concert held last Friday evening in the Unitecl Church was a great success, both from an artistic point of view as well as from a financial. All the numbers of the artists and choir were thoroughly enjoyed. The Junior "A" team of the Sunday School defeated Colling- wood United by 3-0 at Amble- side Park. Next Saturday the Junior "B" team will play First Church at Simon Fraser School, at 2 p.m. The boys will take the 1 o'lock ferry. Dr. Knipfel commenced a series of first aid lectures to the boys of the United Church last Tuesday evening. This series will prove of great benefit tn the boys in their future life. The United Church Sunday school Christmas entertainment will be held in the New Amble- side Hall on Tuesday, December 28th. A petition bearing 48 signa- tures of residents in the west end of the municipality was pre- sented to the council by Captain C. J. Archer on Wednesday night. The petitioners ssk for lights on Marine Drive and at other points necessary. The matter is being considered by the council. W. F.E. DURRANT, D.C., F.A.C. Palmer School Graduate CHIROPRACTOR 614-615 Dominion Bldg. 207 Hastings St. West Phone Seymour 1966 Baptist Church Rev. David Long, Pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m. Church Service, 11 a. m. (Veekly prayer service each Wednesday at 7.30 p.m. ELIM HALL Full Gospel Meetings ts be beld on Sunday at 7.30 p.m. aud Monday, tvcdncsdap aud Friday at 8 P.m. Sunday School at 8 p.m. Pastor: T. B. LENNON IT'S QUITE TRUE Like s fog that obscures the land- scape, the steam from your wash tub hides the beauty pf life. Instead of pleasant hours of leisure the wash tub brings backaches, weariness- robs you sf the zest of living. But it' sp easy ts do away with such drudgery as washing aud ironing. Imt us take these tasks sway from psu this week. One of sur "Family Services" wiii meet both your needs sud your pocket-book. Phone aud tell us when ts scud fsr your parcel. The Burrard Laundry Limited Por People nchs Are Psrrrrsrsr f8&SO Slscll ss4 Sl. SAT&OS North Vancouver Phone H. H. Ballard, North 1310 Mgr. December 17, 1926. FOR WATERFRONTAGE on&1 other property IIOUSES TO RENT, lclRE INSUI(ANClc, ETC. 17th Street see JOHN LAWSON Phone West 55 Correspondence School Tnxes Whytecliif, B. C., Dec. 9th, 1926. E&litor, West Van. News. Dear Sir: From figures before me I gather that more than 60 per cent. of (Vest Vancouver's col- lected taxes this year are re- quired for our schools. thus leaving less than one-half to meet expenses for interest and sinking fund, ferries, roads, bridges, etc. No progressive man or woman wishes to limit educational facil- ities, but neither does any pro- gressive man or woman wish to limit land development -- which is what is occurring right nnw- and as a result we have the con- comitant unemployment. The question arises as to whether we can give the educa- tion required and at the same time relieve the laml of its un- just and enormous burden. On page 298 of the Educa- tional Survey we have the fol- lowing recommendation: "That a tax of not less than one per cent. be levipd on thc income nnt nnw tnxeci, of c-rcrc male nnd female in Britis'1 Col- umbia, and that in the esse nf wage-earners or workers on sal- ary this tax be collected by the employer, as is nnw done in the case of the Workmen's Com- pensation Tax." It is pointed nut that this tax would be collected from young people who have already bene- fited by our schools, viz., stenog- raphers, bank clerks, teachers, nurses, etc., and who are, at present, in a majority of cases, paying no tsx whatever. On page 291 we read: "Place the burden of school support where it belongs--on the shoulders of all whn directly or indirectly profit from educa- tion. "An income tax yielding two million dollars woul&l, with wants recommen&le&l, almost or quite pay teachers'alaries in full, an&I leave local boards to tax real property only for mainten- ance of buildings and incidentnl expenses." After 8 careful perusal of the above report, one comes to the conclusion that it would be good business tn place the following questionnaire before each can&li- date for office in the coming municipal elections: "Are you pruepared to do pro- pagan&la work to imlucc the pro- vincial government to adopt an&I put in force the financial report of the Educational Survey?" As pointc:I nut above, this coul&i be made tn almost cut the municipal taxes bv 60 per cent.' fcw days ago I'rcmicr Oliver turned down 0 dclegatinn from the U. B. C. N. on the above with the remark that they must get propagnmla work &lnno before his government wnul&l consider it. Thanking you, I am, Yours respectfully, L. LANIlERT. I.eyland play Be Candidnte December 14th, 1926. E&litnr, (Vest Van. News. Dear Sir: You ha;c stntpd that many conflicting rumors were curretl(4 with regard tn prospective can- didates for the 1927 council. It would seem that the time has now arrived when the nir shouI&l be clearp:I on this subject and that the ratcpayers are entitled to have definite information as to the names of thnc&c whn will seek municipal honors. If pros- pective candidates definitely ad- vise the public in advance as to their intentions, reasonable time is then given for sspirnnts to bp cnnsiderecl on their merits anti for an intelligent vote to be cast. Eleventh - h o u r nnminations sometimes lead to results which the citizens are loath to accept. The writer has been nake&I by many responsible men to put his name fomvsrd as a candidate for the reeveship, the present reeve having announce&I that he does not seek re-election. After giv- ing the matter serious thought. and in considering the best in- terests of the municipality as a whole, it is not my intention to be a candidate for the repveship providing any of the three cx- roevcs will consent tn be nnmln. ated for the office. Thc names in mind are Messrs. George Hay, S. Gisby aml V. V. Vinson, nll of whom are responsible citizens, having the qualities of integrity ~ experience and proven ability. and for whom the citizens havy the highest rcgar&l. Should it unfortunately hap- pen that none of those mentioned will consent tn seek election fnr the rccveship by the en&i of the month, when a sitting councillor must resign, I woulcl be willinif to place my name forward for nomination, leaving the flnnl de- cision to thc wishes nf the elec- %urn. I trust, however, that &le- vplopmcnts will prove that such actinn will nnt be necessnry. Yours truly J. B. I.EYLAND. "The Best Procurable" That's what you get when vou deal here. Our first concern is our reputation an&I pour satisfnct«n Ours was the first store in IVest Vnncnuver aml we insist upon kwping the FIRST QUALITY. I SL(I4 O'S GICOC3~4l&Y GROCERIES, HARD(YARE, I'AINTS fir OILS We close at 1 p. m. every Thursday. Marine Drive, Ambleslde. Phone West 28 '&VE DE((VE(t hi bcl If Rhy IIIG(rg Genpin wprkhnsm 80 Wesl V'" RateP I 'pprsc J Thp Shllp ning Ir (',,h dent, r. the cb siCh After c ". g lp inhlin rcip'plptic ice. 8 'isi urn tsl spppin whit on, 8 viewwith ibility 'he ppm,„, fsil &Iciivclf or, fis sist on t ms the p«'"' h mpniciPslitl ws'csplptios wn with Lions Gstc br ssmc WSS filydonJscb Lions'ate ln Vssccn i IVbcrcssi Iycst Vsncou growing in O'P'cntisgjc 3 lcs ffie rcsihtcnts 0 erslly csgsgcd city pf Vsncppi f trs«pormti average Pc"0 minut&s tp ™ business rn tbc "And where biidgs scloss wpva Wp« I expebdcd I» twenty minute& sfind whew pf West Vssco i tentislly one of 4(ist districts Coast, cmblsci natural psrk with any on tb "Therefore, that this sssoci on record as cp mediate const Lions'ate bli& snd necessary.'everal imp suggcstehl for snd comfort of h blunicipsl Fere lowing rcsplst vdth 8 copy pi to the msoici trsnsportstipn; I, That tl slim in the foe& West Vsncpslc remove&( Tbst sn the ventilation cabin of tbc No gb clr@t Tbpt 4 P«vidcd st Amthe bps 4 to ~(P P«tcct ps,the srrirsl mweather. "4; Tbst b,p«vldcd in tbflosts st k, „'ncpnrer & " "gy Tbx i"cnted fr rsnccs bgsngwsy city t,,pf tb~clmiosi ln the fe~ rn g ngers [ I IIUt, clerk exPlsincd spnllcsnt ccorrl Sll before I, pr "G hssps 4 b„„~ bmr, ,. P oSp I;„'e gpt "s 'sxi