001B6C1A SMITH'S HONEY Is Ahsolutel! I'ure This is the Honey that won a GOLD hlEDAL at Vancouver Exhibition. Sold in glass jars or in bulk. Try the Honey with a Reputation Smith's Honey Cream--e most delicious spread. Smith's Honey Nut--Ideal for Children. Siuitb's Glocef y (A. BAR'I ET S!II)TH, I'cop,) GROCERIES. HARDWARF DRY GOODS 8; SUVI)RIES Phone & nun «asia aad wc will Siva you &to&eh delivery ZITB AND!IIAIIINE, Opp. Duudavava Bail I'houa WEST 469 F. TITE for SHOE REPAIRS Get your Christmas Shoe Repairs order in early and avoid the rush THE ELECTRIC SHOE REPAIR SHOP Next Io Kevill's Furniture Store Famous Engineer Gives Practical Informa- tion on Bridge Building Evidence favoring the proposed Lions'ate bridge, sub- mitted by Dr. J. A. L. Waddell, engineer for Divight P. Robin- son Company and one of the leading civil engineers on the continent, featured the sitting of the bridge commission last week. The commission's next session will be held December 16th. Cost of Larger Bridge. Costs of lengthening and raising the proposed bridge, to comply with the requests of shipping interests which have been represented before the commission, were explained by Di. Waddell. Lengthening the proposed 1,200-foot span to 1,600 feet would cost "approximatelv $3,000 a river foot." To heighten the span "&Iould cost $3,500 a foot." Thus the extension of the span to 1,600 feet would put an additional $ 1,200.000 on the original amount. Replying to a question by the chairman, Dr. Waddeu stated that navigation would not be interfered with during construction of the bridge. The first cables to be laid across tvie channel would be under water, he said, and only a few moments would be necessary to raise them, by machinery, to the bridge level. hlany Greater Spans. Asked if he knew of any bridges in similar positions as the one proposed here. Dr. IVaddell named several. A bridge at Xiarseifies, 174 feet above water, spanned the only outlet from the harbor. Another over the Kiel Canal in Germany is 175 feet in height. Across the harbor entrance at Brest the bridge is 144 feet high. The Firth of Forth bridge is 150 feet above water. Questioned as to lengths of spans, he stated that the Quebec bridge, across the St. Lawrence River, was the world' longest span, being 1,800 feet. This bridge, however, would appear small in the future, as he is now working on plans for a 6,000-foot span near New York. Several other bridges, ranging from 3,000 to 6,000 feet, have been proposed for &lif- ferent points on the continent recently, he added. Growth After Bridge. Booms of Iom formed one of the greatest dangers to navigation, he said, and within the next few years traffic &could become so great that it would be impossible to tow booms through the harbor entrance. This statement followed a question by hfr. Lucas, representing the Shipping Federa- tion, whether sawmills within the harbor would be handi- capped because a bridge was desired across the Lions'ate. THE IVEST VAN NFWS Correspondence The following letter has been sent to THE NEIVS by Mr. Hardman. with a request for publication: 21st and hfarine Drive, West Vancouver. 8th December, Ipog. hir. Reeve and Members of the Council. As I have sincerely held the view that all inembers of our present council are in olllre for the honour of giving public serv- ice and not for the honoraiium or kudos attached thereto. I Ivish to acquaint you with a con- dition obtaining at our hlunici- pal Hall, which. after tiventy- eight yean'esidence &vest of the Rockies, I am sure does not exist in any other community in British Columbia. I refer to the callous indiffer- ence of your oificials in discon- necting domestic water service. We have a by-law which pro- vides othat the water rate shall be paid six months in advance of usage and in default the water supply shall be discontinued." I believe this by-law is not only unsound but vicious in ef- fect. Therefore I protest against and resent the action of one of your off&cials in cutting ofi'y Ivater supply between the hours of 10 p.m. on Momlay, the sixth of this month, an&i 10 a.m. on Tuesday of the present month. thereby depriving my wife, my children and myself of a vital necessity. I can only conceive this action as a callous and brutal attack on the well-being of law-abiding citizens and absolutely on a level with Egyptian officialdom. I think you will admit, Mr. Reeve and Members of the Council, that it is a very poor policy to force one who has had the proud privilege of serving his country into the humiliating position of having to beg water from his neighbours. But since the monies due for my water rate had been paid and signed for by your official at the Municipal Hall, I beg to suggest that the official responsible out- Herods Herod in blundering in- competence. In cutting off one's water sup- ply after the water service has been paid for, your official is worse than callously indifferent to the welfare of the public. Such an action is insolent stu- pidity. I have the honour to be, Yours faithfully, PURCELL HARDMAN. He was a very little boy, in the drawing-room for the first time. The visitor asked him: "Have you any cats and dogs at home?" oNo," he replied, sadly, "I'm an only child." Notxmher 10th, 1926 YOU CANT RESIST OUR MEATS IVhen you purchase your hlrats from us you know that you are getting the best possil&le qualities. That's why our business ia growing every day. We never sell nnything but the best. You'l find it so at sll times--for we know hleats. PI ION Frr. JEFFERIES Next te Hollyburii Theatre E WEST 3 IVE DELIVER ALL ihlEATS KEPT Lvl RErlrBI()l(ICATOII sh nml Cured hi& his, lintier, Eggs, i&aron and Laril )VEST VANCOUVER I UBI IC SCHOOI I Ul II S Present n Splemlid -- on-- WEDNESDAY, December 15th, at 7.30 in the HOLLYBURN THEATRE M» CONCZPT I.imited Number of Seats. 50c Proceeds in Ai&l of School Sports West Vancouver Lumber Co. LIMITED 15th and Marine Phone West 116 RESIDENCE PHONE& WEST yzx Lumber, Lath, Shingles Inside Finish etc. Quality Guaranteed. SERVICE D. D. ROBERTSON !4&h St. Book o& Hoiiyhuru Hall Cab&ac& Syakar aad Iy&rllala&arar Furs!taco &usda to or&inc. Phone Wast 4 D. MORGAN, J P. REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE BROKER Twauty-A(th aud Mariua Dr. FOR FATHER, hlOTHER, SISTER OR BROTHERC GIVE JEWELLERY FOR XMAS Nothing is morc, acceptable or more lasting. YOU CAN BUY IN )VEST VANCOUVER AT CITY I'RICES AND EVEN LESS We Have a Splendid Assortment to Choose From The West Van Jeweller (W. SAGAR) ldsd IIARINE DRlYE . ': AMBLESIDE SCHOOI HOI.IDAYS START DECEhIBER 17 For the past week school chil- dren have been writing their examinations and much excite- ment prevailed. Anticipation of a long holiday before Christmas was perhaps the dominant cause. Schools close for the Christ- mas vacation Friday, December 17th, this year, giving the youngsters a whole week of free- dom before Christmas day. Schools will not reassemble until January 3rd. VITAL STATISTICS Peport of the district regis- trar of vital statistics for the month of September is as fol- lows: In the three North Shore municipalities there were births, 11 deaths and five mar- riages. In the city an&1 district of North Vancouver 22 births, 7 deaths and 4 marriages; West Vancouver one birth, 4 deaths, marriages nil. In November, 1925, there Were 30 births, 7 deaths and 3 marriages recorded in the three municipalities of the North Shore. TOWN PLANNING (Contmued from Page 1.) A tribute was paid to the memory of the late Mr. Charles Nelson by the chairman, who re- minded the audience that Mr. Nelson had been the first reeve of the municipality. A standing vote of sympathy was taken. As the business of the meet- ing had not been concluded, a motion to adjourn for one week until the 14th of December, at 6 p.m., was carried, the business at this adjourned meeting to be: Improved mail service, ferry landing facilities, and the Lions'ate Bridge. WEE&T VANCOUVER L. O. L., No. 2990 There was a large attendance of members at the regular meet- ing of the IVest Vancouver L. O. L., No. 2990, which took place in the Dundarave Hall last Tuesday. One candidate was installed into the Orange De- gree. The Vancouver hiaster, P&rother F. IVilson, was present. A very pleasant evening came to a close with refreshments. .. REE .. REE 50 FIFTY 80 Gallons pf Gasoline to every Purchaser of USED CARS Here's a Few From Our Stock LOOK 1VHAT $ 100.00 DOIVN WILIr BUY STAR TOURING .....,..................................... Balance nt $32.00 per nu&nlh CHEVROI.ET TOURING .......................... Balance nt $ :l2.00 per month FORD TOURING ......,..„.............................. Balance at $ 1!I.50 per mo;iih FORD ROADSTER ...................................... Balance at $ 11.60 per mouth CHEVROLET TOURING ......................... Italance at $ UI.50 cpr month CHEVROLET ROADSTER .......................... Balance at $21.00 per month OVERI.AND TOURING .............................. Balance at $21.00 per month All payments include Interest, Finance and Insurance. Our Iron-('lsd Guarantee covers every car. Drop in and see the values. NORTH SHORE MOTORS LTD. SALES CHEVROLET SERVICE 135 First Street West, Phone North 1186 North Vancouver Phone North 1350 THE OFFICIAIr AUTO CLUB GARAGE ON THE NORTH SIIORE r8 4( ~ I Ci rf $ 1.00 '~Elk &Ig ~Iv hie nit ls gore „ t'eceive than 'believe ve! featly Theyg m I '9'rlop" best in order d tl inssCh d f,gi eer Fuu every . semi Irlct gcgys having yu)etldi nes he uks hsv st time the „gest& iu order Io w'N„ Cheer Fuud slug the cr wui f West Vsucou the Ilolifbum Baud consisting & 30 pieces, will gi There will be 9 I su&i the whole o! will go towards su mss hampers sul accessary to msl fortsble snd hsi those who othen s bare Christmas, It is an sdmir one which wdl hi Conservative ~Anil Considerable e f &marked the suui 'Ehe West Vases! tive Association place on Moudsl New Ambleside of the coldness there wss a larg& members. The delegates t convention, )leg lund aud W. R. I s resume of what A resolution was iug their report Patificatiou at I by Hou. Dr, Tolu servative leaders proviso that 4 cu liitioii he Icut tp President E I vIewed the 4&iivii cistiou for Ihs fit!shies wc&4 iu Ithe fact that lk hsd is&res)cd I„o e said, an iudj&s Peas that )ad halso stresyod kb which would hc I'emher tkut tk cessful in el&etio McRse to the No! Following I vu!the delegat&4 tusud the yeti&in tiou of o . Vliiiloii president bI ce-hasid& elected uuuauimo Peck au wss then u e oct&4, ss aaai Major Rd stsut uuaui&uous I el Central A ote & tlou was m&44&4 Icouijsi iyuiiisu f'" osck I