001B6C1A THE WEST VAN NFWS Swimming aud Athletic Caps Presented At a meeting last night in St. S!ephen's Parish Hall the Prov- ince Cup and individual av&ards vcon by the bov s and girls of St. Stephen'0 Sunday School in the recent swimming gala &vere pre- sented by M!. W. A. Rundle. rep- resenting the Sunday School Athletic Association of Van- couver, and h)r. Gordon Mould, representing the donors of the cup. The Allan Cup, emblema- tic of the track and fleld cham- pionship of the Vancouver Sun- day schools under 200. won last September at Brockton Point, was also formally presented by hir. Rundle and received by two of the most youthful competi- tors on the track team, Dick Timbre)i and Arthur Edwards. Prior to the presentations a brief programme wss rendered, in ivhich Albert Kendrick, Bill Nesbitt, Tom Timbre)I and Kath- leen Hampson took part. To re- ceive the Province Cup, Edith Ivhjte, divisional champion in the tad class, and Marjorie Crawford came forward and were warmly applauded by the )arge number of parents ai)d others present. The team made an excellent shoiving at the gala, securing second place with 65)yu points over all schools in Creat- er Vancouver and winning three divisional championships through E. Ivhite, hIetford Chapman (juvenile boys) and Phyllis Johnson (junior girls), each of whom received dark blue honor awards. Red honor awards (firsts) were presented as follows: Tad girls, Edith Ivh)te; juvenile boys, hL Chapman; junior girls, P. Johnson; junior girls, diving, Kathleen Hampson; junior girls, novelty, P. Johnson; inter- mediate girls, diving, Molly Ed- wards. Light blue (seconds) -- Tads, boys, Gerald Conway; juvenile boys, M. Chapman; intermediate girls, 50 yards, Molly Edwards; junior girls, relay, P. Johnson, D. Rivers, K. Hampson, D. Cul- len; intermediate girls, breast stroke, M. Smelt; intermediate girls, relay, M. Edwards, M. Smelt, E. Beard, E. Cullen. )Vhjte honors (thirds)--Tads, boys, Hughie Nontgome&~; juvenile girls, D. Cullen; junior boys, relay, M. Chapman, J. Con- way, H. Stephens, A. Kendrick; junior girls, novelty, K. Hamp- son; intermediate girls, diving, E. Beard; intermediate girls, breast stroke, E. Beard; inter- mediate boys, relay, C. Howarth, F. Cullen, T. Turne'r,E. Grout; senior girls, 60 yards, May Gar- land. At the close of the evening r'e- freshments were served and a most happy occasion made pos- sible through the united en- deavors of the boys and girls was brought to a close with the singing of the National Anthem. IC I The Fashions cope I I By bliss Wiles Mrs. H, G. Selwoo(l Will Give a Talk hfrs. II. G. Su)wood will give an address on "Romantic Poetry of the Scottish Border" at the meeting of the Literary Society next Monday night ln the )ower hall of the United Church. The address will be illustrated with renderings of Scot tish Border balladik An invitation is extend- ed to anyone wishing to a!tern). Individual touches to personal gifts add much to the p)casu)0 of Christmas giving and receiv- I iig. ~ ~ ~ A monogramed holder for a pocket comb is oblong in shape, with fiap overlapping at one end. Two pieces of cardboard, one five and a half inches by one and three-quarters, the other an inch shorter, are laid between two ribbons about two inches wide, with space enough between the cardboard ends to fold over easi- ly. Three-eighths of a yard of ribbon of two shades, is needed, the letters being embroidered on the darker one. After folding to hold the comb, whip the edges closely &v)th gold thread. ~ ~ ~ Old-fashioned )avender seeds in new sachets make gifts that give pleasure all through the ear. W. B. A. The regular meeting of the )Vomen's Benefit Association. Review No. 24, was held on Ivednesday evening last in the New Ambleside Ilail and the election of the following oFficers for the ensuing term took place: Commamier, h)rs. Laura Ed- wards; Lieut.-Commander, Nrs. Florence M. Con&ion; Past Com- mander, Mrs. Ada Johnson; Col- lector, Nrs. Minnie Stronge; Chaplain, Mrs. Sophia Garland; Record Keeper, Mrs. Annie h)abon; Finance Keeper, Nrs. McMillan; Lady-at-Arms, Nrs. Margaret Thompson; Sergeant, Mrs. E. Roberts; Sentinel, Mrs. J. Pearson; Picket, Mrs. Ander- son; Press Correspomlent, Nrs. Annie Mabon. Mrs. E. J. Kidd, District De- puty, was a welcome visitor at this meeting and duly installed the newly elected oflicers. Many reports and communications were dealt with and quite a num- ber of new members attended. Arrangements are well under way for the card party which is to be held on Wednesday eve- ning, December 22nd, in the New Ambleside Hali. Substan- tial and seasonable prizes will be given and refreshments served. Mrs. Sara Romans, as- sisted by Mrs. Minnie Stronge, will be convener for this event and an enjoyable evening is an- ticipated. Note date: Wednes- day, December 22nd, in the New Ambleside Hall, at 8 p.m. ~ ~ ~ Nasene Organdie is folded and joined to form a pillow about seven inches by. four or five. Feather stitch through the double about tivo inches from the ends. Which are cut in scal- lops and left with raw edges. One yard of mauve satin ribbon, inch width, tied around, adds a pretty finish. c ~ ~ An outside cover of oilcloth, with pointed design, is made to fit an ordinary match box. The ends are left open and a new box can be slipped in any time. It is for use in a den, or living room. ~ ~ c An eight-sided box of assort- ed hair pins covered ivith rose tajfeta and gold lace, with a tiny bunch of hand-made ribbon flow- ers on the cover, is a very accept- able accessory for one's dressing table. It is inexpensive to make, but high-priced in the shops Where time has money value. c e c A set of coat and dress hang- ers painted to match a girl' room, with stencil designs, has the handles wound and tied with two shades of baby ribbon to harmonise with painted colors. I. 0. D. E. The regular monthly meetmg of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I. O. D. E» will be held on Mon- day afternoon, December 13th, at 2.16 p.m» at St. Stephen's Parish Hall. Christmas Tea. In aid of Christmas Cheer a tea will be hei&1 at the home of Mrs. W. L. Vaughan, Marine Drive and Eighteenth Street, on Wednesday afternoon, Decem- ber 16th, from 3 to 5 o'lock, by the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I. O. D. E. Nrs. Walter Gour- lay has arranged an attractive programme. A table of home oooking 2nd shortbread is in charge of Mrs. Peter Wait and MI's. We))s Crawford. Mrs. Charles Donohoe is convening the candy, and the conveners for the afternoon tea are Mrs. A. H. Prentice and Mrs. Robert Mcvean. The Chapter does con- siderable work at the Christmas season and earnestly appeal to 'the public for assistance. Any- one wishing to place an order for shortbread may do so by telephoning Mrs. Peter Wait, West Vancouver 640L. Local Liberals Held Successful Party The West Vancouver Associa- tion held another successful soci- al evening last Tuesday night, the New Ambleside Hall being filled to capacity. Court qvh)st was played from 8 to 9 p. m» when the orchestra brought ev- eryone to their feet for dancing. During the evening a buifet sup- per was served. These get to- gether evenings are proving a decided success, and the general desire of those privileged to en- joy them is to have simikar eve- nings at regular intervals. Angry Wife (after a qunrre)&: "Seems to me we'e been mar- ried about a hundred years. I can't even remember when 'or where we first met." Husband: "I can. It was at a dinner party, 2nd there were thirteen at table." SNO1VSTORN ON GROUSE 51OUNi TAIN A fierce snowstorm raged over Grouse Mountain last Wednes- day night, its slopes being cov- ered in a mantle of white half- way from the top. Care coming down the mountain highway yesterday presented a wintery appearance and attracted consid- erable attention. BOOTH A LEYLAND f. Newman 8 D. Robbins BUILDERS FIRE --- AUTOMOBILE --- LIFE Iicuaa I'a!a&era, Paperheugcre aml Kaiaem!aiag 805 Yorkshire Bldg. Phone Seymour 3778 Beaapuabie Teems Vernon Feed Store Peep p'ay Ma&hera R 29&h Houac 'A»ac Wee& 437 R3 A. C. SEARLE I'hope West 9 FF.ED, FUEl» CEMENT Etc. Ive handle Insurance only, and specialize in all branches. As Agents for large British and Canadian Companies, we avc able Cc give the best cf service aud prcmpc ac&ucmcnta November 10th, )926 Conservative Meeting The Annus) h)eating of thc )vest Vancouver Conser tive Association &vill be hekl In the New Ambleslde ilail corn&r Fourteenth and Marine, on Monday December 13th at 8 p.m. Ofilcers for the coming year will be electr&I at this meeting. All members an&I those who wish to become members of the Association are requested to attend. The Hollyburn Lumber Co., 1.15) ITED I UMBER SHING),ES SASH--DOORS--FINISH Coalmont Coal an(l Penxbina Peerless Coal Fool of Eightcenih and Iva!erfront Oflice I'hone: )VEST 6) Residence: WEST 92R2 WE CALL AND DELIVER PHONE WEST 20 SAVORYc%. DUVAL REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE )429 Marine Drive Phone West 1)4 North 4 West Vancouver Stages Office aud Ivaiiiug Boom: 6 Lcuadaie Avenue WEEK DAY SCHEDULE Leave North Vauccuvcr for SIIERi&IAN aud CYPRESS PARK on the hour from aud including 7 a.m. &c 6.40 p.md also 20 minutes psst the hour fram aud including 6.20 a.m. Cc 0.20 a.m. aud 1.20 p.m, &c 11.20 p,m. RETURNING from SIIERbIAN 30 minutes atter above times. SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS Leaves North Vancouver on the hour from 8 a.m. ic 8 p.m.; alsoat 1.40, 2.40, 7.40, 8.60, 0.20 aud 10.20 p.m» returning fram Cyprcee Park 30 minutes after above times. NOTICE Change in Schedule on and after November ber 16th: The stage will leave North Vancouver at 6.40 p.m. instead of 7 p.m. Phone West 84 For Sand, Gravel Truck Work Etc. H P. Tearoe )6'IU Heywood Avc. West Yea&ewer Br. 3f. E. Kniyfrl Physician and Surgeon ELECTRICAL and ULTRA-VIOLET RAY TREATMENTS Ambleslde Block, Cor. 14th and Marine Oi)lce Phone West 166 fORTUNE CUP INN AFTERNOON TEA REFRESHBIENTS 26th St. and Waterfront TAXI ., ~ Il ~ li ~ I WEST &is Rcc.i WEST ISOL~ '";::„., COAL PhoneWest 105 For Heater, Range or Furnace EAST 1VELLliVGTON LUMP GALT EGG fcc llealer c& Fu&aacc for the naage SIOST HEAT FOI& YOUR ii!ONEY The F~& Wellington aad Gaic Cpa! I~ eeccgaleed as &ha b&ui coal on ihe market. THE WEST VAN SUPPLY (E. Fi. M&n&ons) 14th and Marine--I'hone IVest 105 ,„,„.„,.„..„,, M. WILLIAMS,„„„... CUSTOhl TAILOR Spceiaiielug Iu idea'e Suite aud Overcoats tu inca&are. Large Assortment of I'at&crap &u chccee from. ORDE)t. YOUR NEXT SUIT I"ROM US. Dry Cleaning Dyeing, Repairs and snd Pressing PIIICF,S Altei scions SO)" Clfi I ii&cck UH F!&w 3 lp&s & pn n 3&)&jr dance keen pen)cd tjpne SP I j lhe )H "r&pv ihc 6'jj~!I i epccinl I j&)c& te&n b, every'ues fiing I'i&fc ~ cull& Ai " Sci b)f. turc ';njjpn t' iy "I,kcly I Ihnn ~n 9& ficl h cn 9 dicn g„) sypi wpn 'njpfc) Dr. h nPPN'uch 4 ln!I lhcb&etp 'p" , csnnpt p ihnt keep 0 hns I )cee pile Nwinnf&x ncqujnnj) Ipln which ehuu I)& )V. )ieuiennnt 0 C & IP&vc nn&) thrilling 3 ~ncuccs in 'cpmjwx) ip ext 7uc&x)ny. The Icnjpr nhpwjng nt th~st t) It would P&'erhnpx for tl )hem, hut it i, y pung&I nqun&) can, Taxes May $40,000 pne&pec)3 nf )he& inx reduci j year as the fe!compulsory c& 'uring the I months, when'ucpp%3 wux through gpvcr rants. Taxpayers 0 ductipn in the present rate of Pec cent.; iu adjustments i& nnd removal of cheques, The total c! &nun)3 for the j b)arch 3), )01 fijturce, @60co During the j nipn jntcchn Iu~ )pile tll pi the tpinl c&t ly 600,000,000 Pp&cci is Ieic ii money cxpcndI under wanunt ""'R0,00 '. 0 up in Parliament .nc cnPiiul i nqulvc&) duvin2 the ccnn Year wcns dunng ihc thenunjek c i en&ha tu 6)00 000,00( 30&pi&a ) crjnjn &3 jcntjvc h Pit nipney c'wei This nndllgji nu in vu ~ ~ chjc swell ih'PIW thai 0„'nun& " ln )jj I